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Erotic Stories

Page 39

by Amanda Wals

  I chuckled. "You did. You know Kaitlyn well." I shook my head in frustration and disbelief. This was the first time Kaitlyn had brought a guy to the lake house. In the past, she had gone on the walk with Mom and Dad. I hadn't considered the privacy issues of both couples wanting to make love at the same time.

  I decided to do what I could to salvage the evening. I put my arm around Joanna and we kissed gently for a while. I said quietly, "You were very naughty this morning in the minivan." Joanna's eyes lit up and she chuckled. "Were you teasing Kaitlyn?"

  "Yes. Thanks for going along. I got me soooo excited."

  I felt bad again. "I'm sorry, Jo—"

  "Hey! Hey! It's okay. If you're not in the mood, you're not in the mood. I don't want you to force anything. There'll be nights when I'm not in the mood, and I know you'll respect that."

  "Thanks, Joanna."

  "I really like that you don't pressure me, that's it always my choice to have sex and not my duty. I wish my other boyfriends had been that way."

  I smiled. "So, you like having me as your boyfriend?"

  There was a pause, and then Joanna said, "I like dating you." I was disappointed that Joanna hadn't embraced having me as her boyfriend. But before I could get upset, Joanna distracted me by raising her hand to my head. She said, "I really like your hair," as she ran her fingers through my dark brown hair. "It's a good length and I like how you get it cut." She moved her hand down and started running a finger over my eyebrows. "And I like your eyebrows. They're a good size and shape."

  "I want to grow a unibrow but my eyebrow follicles keep not cooperating."

  Joanna snorted, and then started making circles around each of my eyes with her finger. "You have beautiful eyes." My eyes were blue like Kaitlyn's, but not quite as brilliant.


  Joanna started rubbing my nose with her finger. "I like your nose. It's not too big or too small."

  "The best nose is the one you don't notice." That earned a little grin.

  Joanna started circling around my lips with her finger. "I really like your smile. It's a handsome smile, and I like that you smile a lot. And I like that you say a lot of fun things. Sometimes silly, sometimes funny." Joanna dropped her finger so it made circles around my heart. "And I like that you make me feel like I'm a lot of fun to be with."

  "You are a lot of fun to be with. If I had known how much fun you'd be to date, I would have started dating you long ago."

  Joanna leaned in for a kiss. When we were done kissing, she said, "Tomorrow, get us some privacy so we can have some fun."

  * * *

  I didn't sleep well that night because I was angry at Kaitlyn and her antics. It was none of her damn business what Joanna and I did. And I was angry at Joanna for hiding the fact that we were lovers from Kaitlyn, which had prompted her antics. Finally, I was angry at myself. If I had been able to ignore the sounds of Paul and Kaitlyn having sex, then the hiding would be over and Kaitlyn would have been happy instead of pissed. I was the person mostly at fault for how things had turned out. I decided on a plan to make things right — during the next afternoon session, Joanna and I would stay in the lake house while everyone else went out on the lake.

  I groaned when I heard the knock on our door. It was 6:30, time for Joanna to get up and help make breakfast. She threw on her nightshirt and slipped out. I dozed off, to be awakened a little later by the announcement that breakfast was ready.

  When breakfast was over, I was concerned Paul would balk at helping to clean up, but it was quite the opposite — he cleared the table all by himself and loaded everything close to the dishwasher into it. Of the four young adults, he was the only one in a good mood.

  While we were changing into our swimwear, a front started coming in. No rain had been in the forecast when we had checked yesterday morning, but it sure looked like rain was coming now. The wind blew hard, black clouds rolled in, lightning flashed, thunder boomed, and rain began to fall in buckets.

  The lake house wasn't a lot of fun when it rained. We had satellite, a game system and a number of DVD's, but sitting around got old after a few hours. Normally when it rained, we'd go shopping at the wide spot in the road that was the nearest town, but, as we had arrived yesterday, there wasn't anything to shop for.

  Another downside of the rain was that any idea of Joanna and I getting some private time went out the window. I felt rotten about having to break a promise, and Joanna didn't seem too happy with me when I told her I wouldn't be making up it up to her today.

  After lunch, Mom and Dad took their traditional nap. On non-rain days, Mom and Dad kicked us out of the lake house so they could "nap better". When we were kids, we'd go to a nearby lake house and play with other kids. When I was fourteen, I realized nap time was when Mom and Dad made love. When it rained like today, Mom and Dad still took a nap but made no noises and told us to be quiet.

  When Mom and Dad went to their bedroom, Paul went to his bedroom and closed the door. Kaitlyn turned to Joanna and said, "Let's go to your bedroom and talk."

  I asked "About what?"

  Joanna said, "Girl talk," as she was already moving towards our bedroom.

  I sighed. "Let me get something to read first." I grabbed an old novel I kept in my bedroom and read it on the couch for the next hour.

  * * *

  When Mom and Dad got up, I played video games with Paul and Kaitlyn while Joanna read a novel. When we finished one game, I asked, "Anyone interested in going for a walk in the rain?"

  Joanna said, "If you don't mind, I'd prefer to keep reading."

  Kaitlyn said, "I'll go."

  No one else was interested, so Kaitlyn and I went. It was a warm rain, so Kaitlyn and I wore swimwear, and each of us carried an umbrella. We wandered along the lake shore and talked about different memories of prior trips to the lake. Then Kaitlyn asked me, "How are things between you and Joanna?"


  Kaitlyn gave me a 'don't-give-me-that-shit' look. "Care to expand on that?"

  "Not really."

  We walked for a bit more. Then Kaitlyn said, "Please."

  "Please what?"

  "Please tell me more about what's going on between you and Joanna. She's my best friend, I think your dating her is really good for her, and I want to know more about how it's working out."

  I sighed. I wanted to tell Kaitlyn that it was none of her business, but Joanna was her business. "I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you more about Joanna and me if you tell me what your girl talk with Joanna was about."

  "A deal?" asked Kaitlyn disgustedly. "You want to make a deal?"

  I gave her a little smirk. "I do."

  "Oh, okay," she said resignedly. Then added, "It was about our plans for tonight."

  "Which are?"

  Kaitlyn didn't reply for a while, and then said, "Offer me another deal."

  I chuckled before wondering what the plans could be. "How about this; I'll tell you more about Joanna and me if you tell me why you and Joanna are such great friends."

  "Okay, but only if you go first!"

  I laughed. I never knew how seriously to take Kaitlyn's what I considered overreactions. I suspected she was quite fine with the second deal, but didn't want to show it.

  I said, "When you're not around, I've been trying to convince Joanna to relax, to be the way she wants to be and do what she wants to do. I think she's been afraid that if she does something wrong, I'll get upset and break up with her. I feel like I'm finally starting to see the real Joanna and she's a lot of fun. Very unpredictable, in a good way. Very impish, but not in a bad way. I'm very happy you talked me into going out with her. I'm not sure what will happen long term. Your turn."

  "Okay. Joanna and I are such great friends because we always support each other and never judge each other." Kaitlyn sighed. "So many people dump on her because of her failed relationships. I'm the opposite — every time she's started dating someone, I've been supportive of her choice, and I've tried to give her advice on how t
o make it work. Every time she's broken up with a guy, I've said you did your best, learn from it and move on."


  "Why?" Kaitlyn countered in surprise.

  "How can you keep being supportive of her when she keeps making the same mistakes?"

  "Well, it's..." A big sigh. "I'm the same way. I'm drawn to guys I can easily manipulate, even though I lose all respect for them once I manipulate them. I keep saying I'll date better, but I don't. I'm an awful person."

  I laughed, and then I realized that Kaitlyn was being serious. "You're not an awful person. You're a very caring person."

  Another long sigh. "Thanks for saying that. I do care. I want the people around me to be happy. I'd do anything to help Joanna be happy. It's just that...I try too hard at times. Like last night — I shouldn't have blown up at you. I'm sorry I did. Joanna is so much happier and self-confident now because of how you treat her. You two are going in the right direction, but I can't resist the urge to push you two along."

  "So after lunch, you asked Joanna to have a talk, and then you and Joanna came up with a plan for getting me to making love to her tonight?"

  Kaitlyn sighed. "Yeah. Stupid, right? I should just leave well enough alone. But I can't. It's too important to me." She added pleadingly, "Please go along. It'll be a lot of fun, and I think it'll be a wonderful experience for my best friend."

  I was going to go along. After last night's fiasco, I was ready for Joanna to take charge, even if Kaitlyn was prompting her on what to do. But I couldn't admit that to my sister. Instead, I gave a half-shrug. "We'll see what happens."

  "You're such a shit at times," Kaitlyn said, in an almost respectful tone.

  I decided to change the subject. "Let's head back."


  We were quiet for a little bit. I said, "I hope your plan for tonight doesn't involving me feeling up Joanna in front of you. Didn't that bother you?"

  Kaitlyn shook her head. "If it had been anyone else, I would have told them they were behaving inappropriately. But because it was Joanna, I went along with it and embraced that she was having fun at my expense."

  I smiled at the memory. "It was fun."

  "I don't judge her, and she doesn't judge me. It's great having a friend who doesn't judge me. I've told her things that would freak out anyone else..." Was she thinking about all the hours she had spent discussing me? "...but she accepts that that's the way I am. She teases me about those things, and I like that she teases me because it tells me she really does accept me as I am."

  That fit everything I had seen of the two of them. Then something struck me from what she had said. "Do you manipulate Paul?"

  "If I tell you, will you promise to go along with the plan for tonight?"

  I laughed again. "I promise to do whatever Joanna and I enthusiastically agree to do."

  "Again, you're such a shit." The way she said it made it almost sound like a compliment. "He's not easy for me to manipulate. The things I'd typically manipulate a guy for — fancy dinners, clothes, lingerie — Paul gives to me openhandedly just for being his girlfriend. He's happy being a big nerd who loves his toys and his game; and he's not open to changing. I respect him for standing his ground with me. He's very much a stereotypical guy in that as long as we have sex regularly, he's thrilled to have me as his girlfriend. But I don't consider having sex with him manipulating him as we both enjoy it a lot. He's not the most socially aware guy, and he'll occasionally say something really stupid, but, like me, he wants the people around him to be happy, and he'll do what he can to make them happy. What he thinks to do is spend money as he has so much."

  "So you're happy with Paul?"

  "I didn't say that," Kaitlyn said sharply. "I like that I can't manipulate Paul. It keeps me from doing destructive behavior. I don't like that I can't manipulate Paul because he's bullheaded."

  Kaitlyn was sounding down on herself again. "You don't manipulate me."

  "Only because you're so hard to manipulate. I tried to think of ways to manipulate you into going out with Joanna, but I struck out. I finally basically begged you to do it. You've been driving me crazy all summer because you keep ignoring my advice and have gone so slow with Joanna. I want her to experience what having a caring lover is like." Her concern for Joanna was touching. "Trying to push you into doing something is like trying to push a brick wall." I laughed. "I wished I could date a guy like you, who I can't manipulate because he's got great principles and sticks to them."

  That was a punch to the gut. A long silence followed. I didn't know what to say. After a while, Kaitlyn said, "Thanks for dating Joanna. And thanks for inviting me to go along with you two. It's been a lot of fun. You're a really good person, Brandon."

  The way Kaitlyn said that, I felt like she was crushing on me. Joanna had told me that Kaitlyn had the hots for me. I had never gotten that vibe from her before, but I was getting it now.

  I'm being stupid. Kaitlyn had a boyfriend, and she was doing her best to set me up with her best friend. I was her brother. I wasn't even on her radar.

  The ensuing silence and her comments pushed me to consider some uncomfortable thoughts. Did I think of Kaitlyn in non-brotherly ways? Did I have something of a crush for her?

  I respected Kaitlyn. She was smart, competent and effective. She enjoyed teasing and being teased. She never got too bent out of shape and forgave things as soon as I said I was sorry. She knew how to keep private what should be private. Unlike most brothers, I felt like I could let down my guard around her and just have fun. So many of the girls I had dated had seemed shallow compared to her. If I had met someone like Kaitlyn at college, I would have definitely asked her out.

  But she was my sister. And that was that.

  * * *

  The rain let up in time for us to grill dinner outside. While Dad and I were prepping the food, Paul came into the kitchen and said, "Sorry about yesterday. I'd be useless in the kitchen, but I know how to do laundry, so I'll do all the laundry. I'd just get in your way here." Then he left the kitchen and joined the girls.

  A little while later while Dad and I were out at the grill, Kaitlyn came out and joined us. She said, "I apologize for Paul. I didn't know he'd do this."

  Dad said, "I'm disappointed he's not willing to try to learn how to cook. Your mom and I think everyone should learn how to cook."

  Kaitlyn sighed. "It's not about learning how to cook. He'd be fine learning how to cook. It's about his game. He gets a certain amount of energy per hour and after several hours, his energy reaches capacity, and he stops getting more. When he gets in from skiing, he wants to play his game. He chose to do the laundry instead of helping with cooking because it fits his gaming schedule." Kaitlyn looked very unhappy. "Do you want me to help out with dinner from now on?"

  I said, "Don't worry about it. Dad and I have everything under control." Dad nodded his head in agreement. I preferred taking on Paul's responsibilities to shifting them to Kaitlyn, and Dad seemed to be of the same mind.

  * * *

  When Mom and Dad left for their walk, Kaitlyn and Joanna immediately stood up. We had been playing a video game before Mom and Dad left and were seated around the coffee table. Kaitlyn went to the dining table and turned one of the dining chairs so it faced the living room area. She said to Paul, "Come sit here."

  Paul looked at me, shrugged and went over to Kaitlyn.

  In the meantime, Joanna had one of the high-back chairs in the living area turned so it was facing Kaitlyn's chair. It was like the dining chairs except it had a padded seat. She said to me, "Come sit here."

  I snorted. "Yes, boss."

  Once I was seated, Kaitlyn said, "Stay there boys. We'll be back shortly." Then she and Joanna went into Kaitlyn's bedroom.

  Paul said, "They're planning something."

  No shit, Sherlock. "I have no idea what."

  Paul raised his beer and said, "Well, hopefully I can finish my beer first."

  As there hadn't been much to do today, we had
been drinking steadily all day, and all four of us were feeling no pain. Paul and I sipped our beers and waited. He and I were dressed as the men always dressed in the evening at the lake house — t-shirt, shorts and no footwear.

  I heard the bedroom door open, I turned towards it and my breath was taken away. Kaitlyn sauntered out wearing only a bright purple lacy bra and matching panties. They provided a great contrast to her pale skin and emphasized her wonderful curves. Her honey-brown hair was braided down the right side of her head and ended in wide braid that rested on her right shoulder. Paul whistled at her as she entered the space between Paul and me.

  Behind Kaitlyn was Joanna in a yellow lacy bra and light yellow panties. She didn't look nearly as amazing as Kaitlyn, since the bra didn't match her panties. Also, the bra was the better-endowed Kaitlyn's, and, as Joanna's tits didn't fill the cups, it emphasized she was less endowed. Still, the yellow bra looked great against her light olive skin. It was a hot little fashion show the two girls were giving us.

  When Joanna caught up to Kaitlyn, she turned and came over to me while Kaitlyn walked towards Paul. I couldn't help checking out Kaitlyn's nicely-rounded ass as she made the walk. When Joanna reached me, she sat down on my lap and gave me a kiss. I kissed her back. As we continued kissing, I could hear the sounds of Kaitlyn and Paul kissing in the background. Knowing they could hear Joanna and I kiss made kissing her even hotter than normal.

  Kaitlyn called over, "Joanna, do this!" Joanna and I turned to watch. Kaitlyn kissed Paul aggressively, ramming her tongue into his mouth. Kaitlyn moaned loudly as their tongues dueled.

  Joanna grabbed my chin, turned my face towards her, and lowered her mouth towards mine. I opened my mouth and happily accepted her tongue. My head spun as we Frenched to the sounds of Kaitlyn and Paul's slurping. Clearly, we were following the plan Joanna and Kaitlyn had come up with this afternoon. I found the mutual make-out session insanely hot — my cock was rock hard in my shorts. What more did they have planned?


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