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Erotic Stories

Page 49

by Amanda Wals

  We both knew what had happened. "Ummm..."

  "I dated a bunch of losers, that's what happened. My love life made me miserable. And after the last loser made me feel worse than dog shit, I finally gave up. I told Kaitlyn to work her magic. And, Boom!, I had you as my boyfriend."

  "Kaitlyn asked me to go out with you. She didn't manipulate me into it."

  Joanna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right," she said in ironic disgust. Then she went back to being serious. "And you were a great boyfriend, the best boyfriend I ever had. So good, that I couldn't handle it." Joanna pointed her finger accusingly at me. "The problem wasn't that Kaitlyn manipulated us to bring us together. The problem was we're all programmed to reject manipulation. We'll refuse to do something we feel that we've been manipulated to do, even if it makes sense to do it. Kaitlyn's a good person; she wants what's best for people. She totally wants what's best for me. My relationship with you failed not because of her manipulations, but because I didn't trust her enough."

  I had never seen Joanna this fierce. The look on her face reminded me of a momma bear protecting her cubs. My heart was pounding. We were breathing heavily. Joanna and I had never had a conversation this intense before. She had always been so fun-loving and easy-going. There were depths to her that I hadn't seen before.

  Joanna suddenly looked embarrassed by her prior intensity. She had been bent forward close to me, and now she stood up. "Where was I in telling you about my week? Oh, yeah. So I spent the morning deciding what made me happy. I decided that the one good thing about Paul and I getting together was that I felt much better about myself, that I could see myself as someone who'd appeal to a great guy like you. And I realized that what would make me happy was you - I had a great time with you; I had a great time doing things with you and Kaitlyn; and I wanted to go back to the way things were before this week."

  I shook my head in disbelief. To me - this made things even sadder. It was over between Joanna and me, and I had moved on to Kaitlyn.

  Joanna finished, "So would you be willing to take me back? I'm ready to accept that you really do care for me. I think I'm mentally ready to make our relationship work; to be very happy as your girlfriend."

  My jaw dropped. This was nuts. Just when I thought things had been settled, it turned the craziest of all. "What about Kaitlyn?"

  "What about her? She can't date you; she's your sister. She enjoyed going out with the two of us of during the week."

  What the hell? Was she imagining we'd all pretend this week had been a dream? "Are you expecting her to get back together with Paul?"

  "No. Not at all. They are done." Thank God she was now talking some sense. "Last night at one point, Paul took a break from his game to dump all over Kaitlyn. He bitched about how she hadn't appreciated all the things he had done for her and how she had complained all the time. That relationship is toast." That was disconcerting - Kaitlyn and I needed Paul's silence and it sounded like it wouldn't take much for him to decide to strike back at Kaitlyn. "Hey, don't worry - I'll keep Paul under control." It was like she had read my thoughts. "When Paul comes to visit, Kaitlyn is his girlfriend in public, but I'm his girlfriend in private. All four of us will do things during the evening as friends, but at night I'll fuck him and sleep with him. It's what I promised Kaitlyn I'd do for the rest of the summer, and it's what I'm going to do."

  This made me feel better, but it was a direct contradiction of what Joanna said before.

  Joanna grabbed my hand, squeezed it and let it go. "And I'm going to do it for you too. When we were on the boat today, I finally accepted how much I care for you. I want you to be happy, and I know that safely being in a relationship with Kaitlyn is what will make you the happiest."

  My emotions were churning again. "None of this makes any sense, Joanna."

  "I'm not being clear." She paused and collected her thoughts for a moment. "Let me tell exactly you what I want. When we get back, Kaitlyn, you and I sublet a two bedroom apartment for the rest of the summer." Kaitlyn had the same idea last night. "You and I move into one bedroom as boyfriend and girlfriend, and Kaitlyn moves into the other bedroom. During the week, you're my boyfriend, and things go back to the way they were before this week. When Paul shows up, I'm his girlfriend and Kaitlyn is yours, though we don't act that way in public. At night, we continue swapping back and forth as that's a lot of fun, but I'm the one he fucks and sleeps with."

  There it was - the craziest thing out of the craziest week of my life. Joanna wanted to be my girlfriend during the week and for Kaitlyn to be my girlfriend on the weekend while Joanna was Paul's girlfriend? What the fuck? Love isn't something you can just switch on and off. Kaitlyn would always be my girlfriend, seven days a week.

  I said the first thing that came to mind to shoot down the idea. "Why would Paul agree to this?"

  "Paul's not going to. As far as he'll know, when he's gone I'm his faithful girlfriend."

  "Okay." A mean thing to do. Then I remembered how he had hit on Joanna while I was nearby and suddenly cuckolding him really appealed to me. "Why would Kaitlyn agree to your idea?"

  "She doesn't have any better choice, does she? As open-minded as your parents are, they aren't going to let you and Kaitlyn sleep together. Nor are they going to approve of you two renting an apartment together for the summer when you have two bedrooms at their house. She'll get a half a loaf, but that's better than nothing."

  Half a loaf! Oh my god!

  Joanna sighed. "I know I'm not going to get you as much as I want, that Kaitlyn will want you at least one night during the week. And I know this sounds crazy, but I think it's the best solution for the three of us."

  Suddenly, I saw things Kaitlyn had said to me in a whole new light. "And I'd have to be open to doing whatever it takes to make it work." Quoting what Kaitlyn had told me at the end when we agreed to be a couple.

  "Exactly! So would you be willing take me back under those conditions?"

  I wanted to shout No! No! No! I loved Kaitlyn and I only wanted to be with her. Joanna had dumped me for Paul, and now she wanted me to take her back so she and Kaitlyn could be my tag-team girlfriends? It was too ridiculous to even contemplate.

  Then it struck me - I was here listening to this crazy proposal because of Kaitlyn, a master manipulator who knew Joanna inside out. Had Kaitlyn known this was what Joanna was going to propose when she sent me off to talk with Joanna? Kaitlyn was too smart to not have had an endgame in mind before she started down the path of bringing us together. She had known we couldn't live together as a couple. After she rejected the idea of us running off together, had she envisioned the solution that Joanna had proposed? Was this the half a loaf she had decided upon? Had she prepped me to accept this because, as Joanna had pointed out, there wasn't anything better? Was this even that bad from Kaitlyn's point of view? She'd spend lots of time with her best friend, and Joanna would be happy. The three of us would continue to have fun evenings together during the week.

  I needed more information before I made any decision. I asked Joanna, "You're not willing to be a third wheel on dates between Kaitlyn and me like Kaitlyn was for you?"

  "No," Joanna said firmly. "It'd hurt like hell to see you two so happy together while I was stuck with Paul."

  I felt like Joanna was blackmailing me - take me back or I might not be able to make it through the full summer with Paul. And an unhappy Paul would blab to everyone about Kaitlyn and me.

  Why was Paul even involved? Why hadn't Kaitlyn come to Joanna and me, and said she wanted to share me with Joanna?

  Because I would have said no. I would have laughed at her. The idea that I'd get involved with my sister while I was in a happy relationship with Joanna would have been ridiculous. And the need to share would have made it seem even more ridiculous.

  Did Kaitlyn really want to share me with Joanna? I played back our conversation in the mud room. She had said that when she saw me sucking on Joanna's tits, she had been insanely jealous and had at that moment realized she
wanted me as her boyfriend. So when would she have come up with the idea of sharing me with Joanna? Kaitlyn had to have suspected that Paul's gaming addiction would piss Joanna off, but Joanna had to become Paul's girlfriend for Kaitlyn to be able to be my girlfriend. The more Joanna was willing to make sacrifices for Kaitlyn, the worse Kaitlyn would feel about dumping Paul on her best friend. So when Kaitlyn pulled off the switch, she did it in such a way that the door would be open for Joanna to come back to me if that was what she wanted.

  But Kaitlyn hadn't given me any hints as to what she was thinking. Why? I came up with two related ideas. One was Kaitlyn was a fair person, and she wanted to give Paul a fair chance at making his relationship with Joanna work. She coached him and put him into the perfect situation. All he had had to do was to not reach for his tablet, and Joanna would have been perfectly happy as his girlfriend. The other was Kaitlyn hadn't known what would happen. Maybe Paul learns from Kaitlyn's complaining and doesn't reach for his tablet. Or maybe Joanna isn't bothered by Paul's game playing. Or maybe it bothers her only a little bit, and she was willing to overlook it given all the other benefits of dating Paul. So Kaitlyn steered Joanna and me towards her preferred solution without saying anything in case Paul and Joanna did hit it off.

  Part of me wanted to reject the whole idea. Kaitlyn was manipulating Joanna and me again, even though she wasn't here. The thought of being manipulated made me angry.

  But as Joanna said, did it really matter that Kaitlyn was manipulating us? Was it important? Wasn't what was important was the arrangement Joanna was proposing? Joanna had chosen to make this proposal. It was what she wanted. How she came to make this proposal really wasn't germane to my consideration of it. Similarly, I should decide on her proposal based on what I thought was best and not on how I thought Kaitlyn got me into this discussion.

  The more I thought through things, the more I saw the advantages of being shared by Joanna and Kaitlyn. Mom had talked to me every day while I was dating Joanna. I had told her about Kaitlyn going out with us, and she had accepted that as perfectly normal. My sister, my girlfriend's long-time best friend, made perfect sense as a third wheel. As long as I was publicly in love in Joanna, the occasional night out with only Kaitlyn would probably pass without notice. We could explain away Kaitlyn living with Joanna and me at college as minimizing living expenses for the financially-strapped Joanna. The best way for Kaitlyn and me to be together was for me to continue having Joanna as my girlfriend.

  I returned from my thoughts to see Joanna looking anxiously at me. I smiled at her. I needed to tell her I was taking her back in a way that said I really wanted her back, and that I wasn't taking her back because she was blackmailing me or because it's what I needed to do to cover up my relationship with Kaitlyn. I said, "Joanna, let's sit on the floor again." I sat down on the cement with my back to the washer, and I guided Joanna so her back was against mine again. Joanna felt tense. I said in a slightly joking tone, "One thing I've realized this week is that I'm an idiot."

  "You're not an idiot," said Joanna, quickly rising to my defense.

  "I'm more observant than Paul, but I'm not observant enough. This whole week, I've missed what was going on around me, and I've misjudged people I thought I knew well. Now, you're proposing I take you back and have both you and Kaitlyn as my girlfriends. The rational part of my brain screams to say no."

  "Are you saying no?" Joanna asked uncertainly.

  "I'm going to rely on the advice of someone older and wiser than me. My mom talked to me yesterday at lunch, and she told me she had gotten to know you well over the last six years and thought the world of you."

  Joanna turned and looked at me. "She said that?"

  I nodded. "Oh yes. She told me she saw you as the type of person who could decide every day to be totally committed to the one she loved, and that you are worth persevering for." Tears started running down Joanna's face. "She told me to give you a second chance, and a third chance, and a fourth chance before making a decision I'd probably regret later."

  Joanna's jaw dropped. "She really said that about me?"

  "Yes. And you are worth persevering for. I want you back, Joanna."

  "I'm not going to need a third chance!" Joanna laughed with joy and moved to kiss me, but stopped just short of my lips and pulled back. "No kissing until Kaitlyn and I agree on sharing you."

  "Nothing changes between you and me until Kaitlyn agrees to sharing, and you two agree as to how it will work."

  Joanna nodded her agreement and stood up. "I'll go talk to Kaitlyn now."

  I smiled at Joanna. "Best of luck with her."

  Joanna smiled. "Thanks." She started to leave, but stopped to look down at me. She pointed to her lips and said, "I'll keep this kiss right here for when she does agree."

  I laughed, and then she was gone.

  * * *


  I finally got the text I had been waiting for, Come home. I had spent Friday and Saturday night camping out at a local park so Paul could have the girls to himself. Last weekend, Joanna had told him she was breaking up with him, but had offered him a weekend of sex with her and Kaitlyn if he promised to keep our secrets forever. He had happily taken the deal. I didn't like the idea, but I had agreed we needed to buy Paul's long-term silence. When I showed up at college with Joanna as my very public girlfriend, the three of us felt that Paul would quickly figure out that Joanna had been my girlfriend during the summer while he was gone. All three of us felt it was best to get an explicit deal agreed to before the start of college.

  Still, the weekend had sucked. There was a small voice that had spent the whole time telling me that the girls had really wanted a last hurrah with Paul. I knew it wasn't true, and I wanted to beat the shit out of that small voice for slandering my girls, but it had me in a crappy mood.

  When I got home, my mood instantly brightened. Joanna said, "Paul's been gone for a while, but we needed some time to get dressed up."

  Kaitlyn and Joanna were identically dressed, wearing high heels, stockings, a garter belt and a smile. Kaitlyn's stockings and garter belt were a royal blue whereas Joanna's were a bright orange that looked better on her darker skin. Kaitlyn had her hair braided like the first time we had made love - a crown on the front and sides, and a waterfall in the back - but this time with royal blue and orange silk ribbons in her hair instead of white. Joanna's hair was braided in a simple crown, the first time she had had it braided since we had started dating, and she also had royal blue and orange silk ribbons in her hair.

  I looked over Kaitlyn and Joanna, savoring their beauty. "You two look so beautiful. I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

  Kaitlyn said, "You are," and both girls laughed.

  I had bought the stockings and garter belts a while ago, learning from Paul that presents were a good thing even though I still felt stupid spending what was rapidly becoming "our money" on things the girls could buy better on their own. It wasn't so much the gift, it was demonstrating I was paying attention to what they liked. The girls had promised to wear them "soon". I hadn't been expecting them to both be wearing them now.

  I asked, "How did the weekend go?"

  "It was successful," said Kaitlyn. She knew I didn't want to know the details.

  "Paul promised to never tell anyone about you and Kaitlyn," added Joanna, "and to tell everyone his relationship with her and me was just like it had been the first few weeks of the summer."


  Joanna moved up to me and gave me a kiss. "I missed you."

  "I missed you too." I gave Joanna a kiss then kissed Kaitlyn. "And I missed you too."

  Joanna said, "You're overdressed," and started pulling down my shorts. Kaitlyn started pulling up my shirt.

  I laughed. "I am."

  Once the girls got me naked, they pulled me over towards the couch. They were sitting on it, and I was standing between them.

  Joanna said, "We're going to try something new."

  Kaitlyn eased my
cock into her mouth, taking about half my length in.

  I said to Joanna, "Something naughty?"

  She smiled while Kaitlyn slowly pulled her head backwards, running her marvelous lips down my cock until it was freed from her mouth.

  Joanna said, "Something very naughty," before moving her head towards my cock. To my surprise, Kaitlyn guided my cock into Joanna's mouth. This was the first time they had alternated while giving head. Before we had moved into the apartment, the girls had worked out some rules; one of which was that one girl was designated "the girlfriend" for the night, and only she had sex with me. When Paul was in town, he could kiss and feel Kaitlyn, but he never could have sex with her, and I couldn't have sex with Joanna.

  Kaitlyn said, "Now that Paul is out of the picture, we're going to be changing some of the rules." She watched Joanna suck my cock, and when it came clear of Joanna's mouth, Joanna held it out for Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn paused for a moment.

  Joanna said to me, "There's a natural revulsion to taking someone's saliva into your mouth. We've been trying to steel ourselves to doing it tonight." She turned to Kaitlyn. "It wasn't that bad once I got him in my mouth."

  Kaitlyn looked at Joanna for encouragement, and then to my cock. She opened her mouth wide and took my cock in. Once my cock was fully in her mouth, I said, "You two are amazing."

  Joanna smirked. "And naughty."

  Having Paul in the equation had given our ménage à trois training wheels, forcing us into a particular rhythm and pushing us to adopt certain rules. Tomorrow, we'd move to our new apartment at college and would start our life as just the three of us, so we were free to do as what we wanted.

  I asked, "So what are the rule changes?"

  Kaitlyn pushed my cock into Joanna's mouth. She said, "We haven't completely decided. But we have decided to surprise you with them." Her eyes twinkled.

  One of the things I had learned to accept was that the girls were in charge. They had to deal with the natural jealousy that should tear any sharing relationship apart. It was pretty damn easy for me to be with whoever I was assigned to at the moment.


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