Sealed in Strength: Ravage MC Rebellion Series Book Three (Crow & Rylynn Trilogy)

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Sealed in Strength: Ravage MC Rebellion Series Book Three (Crow & Rylynn Trilogy) Page 20

by Ryan Michele

  What we’d do with it, I hadn’t decided, and it would be a club decision.

  “So you done with this jackal and ready to come back home.”

  This statement caught my attention, and Nox smiled wide at me catching me off in my mind. “We have a lot of years of ass kicking on the books,” I warned.

  Nox’s smile widened. “Try it, bro.”

  The word ‘bro’ hit me hard in the chest. It was the first time he’d said that to me. Having brothers, blood brothers, was a different feeling for me, and I fucking liked it.

  “Yeah. I will.”

  “Crow,” Rylynn warned low. “Just because he kissed me doesn’t mean you should fight.”

  My hand came down hard on the table. “The fuck you say?”

  Rylynn burst out laughing as did the rest of the table. Carsyn’s eyes were wide as she looked between her man and Rylynn. “I was three, Crow.”

  My gaze shot to Rylynn. “You are not fuckin’ funny.”

  “You know I am.”

  “Woman, you’re lucky you’re healin’ or I’d pull your ass over my knee.” Another bark of laughter erupted from the table.

  The doorbell rang, and Van jumped up. “I’ll get it!”

  “No!” This came from Cruz, Cooper, Nox, Rhys, Ryker, Pops and me in unison. The women continued to laugh as Van looked to me. “Remember. I get the door.”

  Her shoulders slumped a bit. “Right.” She moved back to the table.

  With the laughter coming from the table, I couldn’t help but have a smile wide on my face.

  The door swung wide open, and my smile died on my face as acid started bubbling in my veins. Alma, also known as my biological mother, stood there smiling, happy as a lark. Bitch.

  “Oh my boy!” She dropped the two bags in her hands to the ground and opened her arms as she stepped toward me.

  I held my hand palm up hitting her chest, stopping her. Her eyes darted down to my hand, then up to me. “What are you…”

  Taking a step back, I flung the door open wide so she could see the people at the table. She scanned, and I knew the second she saw him. Her back went straight, and the color drained from her face.

  “Yeah. Forget to tell my dad something? Fuck both of them?” I challenged as she stood there not moving. Her eyes rounded, and I caught sight of Princess barreling down, fury all over her.

  Being the smart man I was, I took a step back as Princess grabbed my mother around the neck and lifted her clean off the ground.

  “Fuck. There goes the family dinner,” Austyn said as I heard the chair legs scraping on the floor as everyone came to the door.

  “You stupid fuckin’ cunt!” Princess bellowed, pulling back her right fist and landing two punches in Alma’s face. Alma wasn’t a fighter and screamed out in pain, her body starting to shiver. “Keep our boy away from us!” Princess reared up to land another one as Cruz stepped in.

  He must’ve had a death wish considering the glare he got from his woman. It took Princess a few beats until she put her fist down, but she didn’t release Alma’s throat.

  I should have probably stepped in here, but I had nothing for Alma but hatred. Hatred that she lied to my father. Hatred that she wasn’t a mother to me. Hatred that she would never be anything to me but a nuisance.

  Cruz’s hand came out touching Princess’ arm. Alma thought for a brief moment she was going to get a reprieve, but as soon as Princess’ hand released Alma, it was Cruz pulling her into the house and blocking her against the door.

  I looked over seeing Ma rush Van and Mazie to the back of the house. Then saw Greer watching with fascination. He’d met the woman a couple of times, but it was always brief and he never got anything out of it.

  It was time for him to open his eyes to the world. I allowed Sophia to talk me into sheltering him, and that was a grave mistake. One I wouldn’t continue to make. Instead, I lifted my chin. He did the same as I turned back to my egg donor.

  “Can’t believe you left Sumner without tellin’ me I had a kid. What the fuck were you thinkin’?”

  She started to stammer, “I… I didn’t…”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Cruz growled low. “Thirty-three fuckin’ years I spent without my boy.”

  Tears fell from Alma’s face. Cruz was a scary motherfucker. Always had been. This was no different, and I knew Alma’s fate. It would be the same one I’d give her just for showing up on my doorstep.

  “I didn’t think you’d want him.”

  Cruz’s fist went out and slammed against the door causing the wood to crack. My next door would be steel, and I didn’t give one fuck what that looked like on the outside.

  “Not want my boy?! Are you fuckin’ insane!” His voice carried through the room, the anger and hurt swirling around ready to strike. It was something my boy wasn’t prepared to see yet.

  Death was too close for him right now.

  I went up to Cruz and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched momentarily, looked over then relaxed a touch. “Can’t do this here.”

  “Don’t.” This came from Rylynn who hobbled over. “There’s been too much of it right now.” Her gaze shot to Greer who only kept it briefly before looking away. Fuck, I hated it when she was right.

  “Rylynn,” Rhys warned low.

  Her intense eyes turned to her father. “You know this. I mean, look at her. She barely has two pennies to rub together. Let her be and let’s get back to dinner.” She moved to Cruz. “Please. As much as it kills to do, just let this lie.”

  “A pass,” Cruz said, shaking his head. “We don’t give passes.”

  “I know,” Rylynn said softly. “But because she did what she did, Crow grew up with a great father who loved him unconditionally. I’m not givin’ her a pass. I’m just sayin’, Crow is a good man and hate to say this to ya, Cruz, but it was because he grew up with his dad.”

  Cruz’s hand went over his face as Rylynn’s attention came to me. “Let her go under the warning that if she comes back or contacts anyone in this family, that will be the deal breaker.”

  It was my turn to rub my face. The life we lived was ugly, but it was beautiful at the same time. The love was unconditional, unlike with her. She never loved me or either of my fathers. Only wanted what she wanted and went for it.

  She was a waste of space.

  Cruz turned to me.

  “You won’t do it I will,” Princess said, reaching to the back of her jeans.

  “No,” Cruz said so deep it vibrated through everyone there. “You good with this?”

  I shook my head no. “No, but my woman’s right.”

  Cruz closed his eyes then opened them and nodded.

  “I ever see your face again.” He directed his anger at Alma. “You won’t see the light of day. Get out. You don’t come near any of us.”

  Alma’s eyes went back and forth between Cruz and myself. “How did you find out?”

  “Stay the fuck away,” I barked at her, opened the door, and pushed her through. Shutting the door, I locked it and turned to my family. “I need a fuckin’ drink.”

  Agreements were heard all around.

  The feeling of relief never came in this situation. Alma should pay for what she did, but in the end I got the best deal. Because she was shit at being a mom, I got two great dads. It was hard to hate someone when unintentionally they gave you the world.

  Rylynn came up and wrapped her arm around me, the other hand holding her crutches. Like I’d done so many times before, I swept her up in my arms and kissed her hard.

  She had my back, and I had hers. Forever.



  “What’re ya doin’?” Crow asked from behind me, and I let out a heavy sigh, not turning to him, keeping to my task.

  “Cleanin’ the sink. What does it look like? Quilting?” I sassed back.

  “Woman,” he growled, and that was when I turned to him, index finger out.

  “It’s been two weeks, Crow. The doc said I can do simple t
hings around the house, and I’m fucking tired of sittin’ all the time.”

  His arms crossed over his chest. “You need rest.”

  I looked up to the ceiling and counted to ten. It didn’t help. “I’ve rested. Hell, I’m not even takin’ the pain meds nearly as much as before. Only twice a day when it was every four hours! I can’t sit and be useless anymore.”

  “Why don’t you do some of your investigating stuff.”

  To this, I burst out laughing.

  “What’s funny?” he asked when I didn’t stop.

  “Investigating stuff?” The tone had humor lacing it. “You’re a funny man, Crow.” I shook my head trying to clear it. “And just so you know, I closed out all the cases except for Rodney and my missing girl.”

  “Oh fuck. With everything goin’ on, I forgot to tell you.” My eyes narrowed a beat. I hated it when he kept shit from me. “Got your woman’s money in the safe at the clubhouse. I’ll have one of the guys bring it over.”

  My breath caught. “You do?”


  I shook my head, a smile coming to my lips. “Don’t want to know. Thank you, Grizzly.” I tilted my head in invitation and he took it, kissing me hard and deep.

  Pulling away he asked, “Clear for me to fuck you?”

  I smiled wide because I missed my man. “Just be careful of my leg.”

  “Hell yeah.”

  Connecting our lips again, we froze when we heard a throat clearing. Turning around, Greer stood there. In the past two weeks, he still hadn’t talked directly to me, but he had made eye contact and lifted his chin a couple of times when I asked him simple questions. Such as if chicken was good for dinner.

  Crow wanted to push him harder to get where he needed to be, but I wanted Greer to go at his own pace. I won that battle, and Crow backed off a bit.


  “Hey, Aubrey’ll be comin’ over in a bit to help me with math. You cool with that?”

  Crow didn’t miss a beat, but I could hear the slight bit of humor there. Probably from the word cool. Crow was not a man to use it. “Of course. But at this table.”

  “Oh, she must be cute.” I put in on a smile directed solely at Greer.

  That was when a miracle happened. It was as if the light shone down on us from above, giving us the best gift in the world. Greer gave me a smirk. An actual non-forced, completely free, smirk.

  I could do nothing, afraid that one move would make him rethink it and not wanting that with everything inside of me.

  “She’ll be here in an hour.” Greer turned around and took off to his room. That was when I grabbed Crow’s hand so tight I swore I’d leave claw marks.

  He pulled me into his arms. He saw it. He felt it.

  It was that moment when I knew, everything would be alright.

  Crow and I didn’t get to have sex. One thing with kids in the house, finding a time when they were out or asleep was difficult. This was something else to learn. Two kids was harder than one. But this was our life.

  Instead, I finished cleaning up the kitchen. When the fatigue got to me, the couch became my best friend. Getting back in the swing of things wasn’t easy, but dammit, I’d get there.

  The doorbell rang, and Greer flew out of his room. It was the fastest I’d seen him go in a long time. At least not on the field. Crow took me to a home game a week ago, and Greer kicked ass on the field. Football seemed to help Greer with everything going on in his head.

  Turning, the door swung open, and the breath left me in a whoosh. What in the ever-loving fuck?

  This was no Aubrey. No, this was Elizabeth Jenkins.

  Moving, I swung my leg off the couch seeing Crow in the kitchen. He came out with a smile. “Hey, Aubrey.”

  “Hi, Crow,” she said to him as he walked to me, grabbed my arm and helped me up. “This is my woman, Rylynn.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Hello.”

  “Hi.” The shock was overwhelming, and I watched as Greer led her to the table.

  Pulling on Crow’s arm, he looked down at me, brow raised. “Your room. Now.”

  He instantly went on alert, but didn’t pick me up. Instead, he handed me the crutches as we moved.

  He closed the door, and I jumped. “That’s Elizabeth. The missing girl I’ve been looking for.” I grabbed my laptop, sat on the bed and pulled up her picture, turning it to him. “See.”

  “Holy fuck.”

  “Yeah, holy fuck is right.” I ran my hand through my hair. “I have to go talk to her.”

  “Get that, but go soft.”

  That pissed me off, and I hissed, “You don’t think I know that?”

  Crow sat next to me and pulled me into his arms. I had to close the computer now trapped between us. “Yeah. You just don’t know the reason she ran away.”

  The tension released from me, wrapped in Crow’s arms. He was my safety. Damn, I loved him.

  “Gotta do this,” I told him, giving him one more hard squeeze then pulling away. Making my way back into the kitchen area I breathed deep, in and out. Crow went over to the door. He was a smart man. This could go bad fast, and she could run.

  I was in no shape to catch her either.

  Taking a seat at the table, both Greer and Elizabeth’s heads came up and looked at me curiously.

  “Aubrey, need to talk to you for a minute.” It was difficult calling her that name, but I didn’t want to give it all away yet. The two looked at each other.

  “Alright. About what?” she said tentatively, but I could see it in her eyes—fear. Fuck.

  “You know you’re safe here, right?”

  She swallowed hard and looked at Greer, trying to get cues from him. He was looking back and forth between us. It was uncanny the change in his face. He went from relaxed to seriously protective in a flash. Reminding me of Crow. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Honey, can you tell me why you left home?”

  She shook her head adamantly. “I didn’t. My home is here.”

  “Elizabeth, your parents hired me to find you.” She shot up from her chair in full panic mode. Elizabeth didn’t even grab her bag as she made her way to the door where Crow stood.

  Greer scowled at me. Fuck.

  Getting up took me a second, but I made it to her. “You’re safe. They have no idea you’re here. Swear it. I used to live in Sumner. Met this guy,” I pointed to Crow, “and came here. Your parents hired me there. Having you come here today was a complete shock.”

  “You can’t tell them where I am,” she said in a rush, tears falling from her eyes. “You can’t!” Elizabeth tried to make a break for it, but it was no use. Thank Christ she didn’t know of the back way because if she did, she’d be gone.

  “I need you to tell me why you left.”

  “You can’t!”

  “Calm down, Elizabeth.”

  “Aubrey!” She shot back, her breathing getting rigid. Greer came over and wrapped his arms around her. She burrowed her head into his neck, like she could disappear.

  “Right. Aubrey. I don’t want to hurt you one bit. I just want to make sure you’re safe.” Greer studied me for long moments, each second like a ticking time bomb ready to go off.

  Then Greer shocked the shit out of me for the second time in one day when he said, “Aubrey, she’s good people. If you need help, she’ll help you.”

  My heart squeezed in my chest. Another gift.

  Elizabeth looked up to Greer. “It’s bad, Greer. I can’t go back there.”

  “They won’t make you go back somewhere unsafe, babe. Promise you that.” Something was lodged in my throat for a minute as I looked at Greer envisioning Crow in the same place and age. Greer was a kid finding his way in life. I knew the man he’d become one day, and I felt a sense of pride in that for him.

  Her head fell to his chest. “I won’t go back there.”

  Greer rubbed his hand up and down her back. I watched as Elizabeth pulled in strength from Greer. It was a beautiful sight to see.

p; “They know people there. No one will believe me.” She burrowed further in Greer’s chest. “I can’t go back.”

  Mr. And Mrs. Jenkins did have a lot of money and were well connected. I got all of that from my searches on them.

  “Believe what?” I asked.

  “He touched me.”

  My stomach roiled. I knew. Knew who she was talking about. Her father. With all the porn sites. Fuck, he was so concerned about his daughter. This was why. He didn’t want to get caught, that stupid fucker.

  “Your father?” I asked for clarity.

  Her head just nodded.

  “Then Elizabeth is dead. The only ones who know are in this room, and I swear to you, I’ll take it to the grave,” I told her.

  “Me too,” Crow added.

  Aubrey turned out of Greer’s body, cheeks covered in tear stains. “What? Why?”

  I took a step toward Crow to lean into him. He put his arm around my shoulder giving me his strength. “For you to go through so much trouble. Make your getaway so damn clean, the cops and a PI could find nothing. There had to be a good reason. Me, I didn’t know what that was. Just went through all the evidence I had. No way would I send you back to someone who hurt you.”

  “You believe me?” Even with the tears there was a sense of wonder in her eyes. It made my heart constrict.

  “Of course. Like I said. You got away clean. Not many people can do that.”

  Only then did I get a small smile. “You think so?”

  “Yeah. I do. How on earth did you make it clean?”

  This question made her smile grow a bit. “Cop shows. CSI, Law and Order, Blue Bloods. They give a lot of stuff away on those shows.”

  “You’re right, they do.”

  She shrugged a bit. “It was that and a lot of luck.” When she didn’t give me anymore, I let it go.

  “Are you safe now?” I asked her point blank.

  Her head shook quickly. “My best friend, Alyssa,” she took a second to pause, telling me with her eyes this was Penny. I smiled at her letting her know I got it. “Her family took me in.”

  There was the rest of it. Why they didn’t go to the cops wasn’t my business. But she said that people wouldn’t believe her. Therefore, she had to be scared her parents would get away with it and not stop. The fear had to be so great, she uprooted her life and her friend’s to get away.


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