Book Read Free

The OP MC 3

Page 1

by Logan Jacobs

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  Chapter One

  “How does that feel, Great One?” Mahini asked after she’d ran her tongue up the shaft of my cock.

  My life as the God of Time just kept getting better and better.

  “Amazing,” I groaned, and I gave her an encouraging smile. “Keep going.”

  So far, my honeymoon had been going well, but I’d realized both of my women were inexperienced with the oral arts, so I’d decided to use some of our honeymoon time to teach them how to give a world-class blowjob.

  The beautiful desert goddess laid between my legs propped up on her elbows, and her piercing blue eyes analyzed my rock-hard dick like she was looking for weaknesses. Then she dipped her head, and she swirled her tongue around the tip.

  “Yesss,” I moaned as my hips instinctively bucked up toward the sensation of her lips brushing against me.

  “I want to try,” Elissa giggled, and then the tiny redhead squeezed in beside Mahini.

  “The more the merrier,” I quipped as I spread my legs even wider to accommodate both of my girls.

  Elissa mimicked Mahini’s movement, and I hissed with pleasure as she took the head of my dick in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the tip, and then she went lower until her nose was pressed into the skin of my stomach, and her eyes welled up with the strenuous effort. The tiny goddess’ freckled face was flushed, but she didn’t stop for air.

  “Oh, fuck, yes,” I murmured as she slowly slid her mouth up and down along my entire shaft.

  After several minutes, my wife pulled away with a wet plop, and a long string of saliva dangled from her lips to the tip of my throbbing cock.

  “How was that?” she asked in an earnest voice.

  “Magical,” I said with a grin. “You can keep going if you like.”

  “It’s my turn now,” Mahini insisted, and she worked even harder to fit my dick inside her mouth. Her cheeks bulged with the effort, but the image of my cock straining against the skin of her face was hot as fuck. She took my shaft into her throat as far as she could go, and she gagged as the tip rubbed against her tonsils.

  “I’m sorry, Great One,” she murmured after she pulled back, and her gaze flicked to my face to judge my reaction.

  “You’re doing great,” I assured her. “I like it when you try your best to take me so deep.”

  “Oh?” Elissa’s emerald eyes twinkled with delight at the hint on how to please me. “I can do that.”

  My beautiful red-haired wife sucked on my slippery member until her eyes bulged again, and she looked up at me with watery eyes and a hopeful expression on her face.

  “Yes, just… like… that…” I gasped in short, panting breaths. It was all I could do not to come right then and there, but I wanted them to learn as much as possible during this lesson.

  My two women couldn’t reset to try again, after all, since they weren’t gods like me.

  And it was pretty awesome to be a god.

  I’d been working at a call center, and I’d taken a nap at my desk when I suddenly woke up in a strange place with a bald asshole trying to stab me in the heart with a dagger. After I was killed by him and all his goons, I’d discovered my ability to save my progress and reset back to my start point whenever I wanted to. The power to stop time and the endless number of attempts allowed me to cruise through this world like a god, so that’s exactly what I did.

  We’d spent the last few days having as much sex as three humans possibly could, and the two ladies had learned a lot during that period. They were starting to come out of their shells, and I loved watching them become more and more experimental as we tried different things.

  I was a patient teacher, though, since I had all the time in the world to enjoy their progress.

  They continued their ministrations, took turns, and checked in to see how I responded to their motions. They were such great women, and I wanted to reward them for all their hard work, so after a little while longer, I decided to switch things up.

  “Alright, Mahini, I want you to see how long you can keep my entire cock in your mouth,” I instructed with a grin. “And, Elissa, I want you to come and sit on my face.”

  “Sit on your face?” The beautiful redhead tilted her head to the side in confusion. “How will you breathe?”

  “I’ll breathe in your sweet aroma,” I replied, and I beckoned her toward me with a curled finger. “Come on, you’ll like it, I promise.”

  Elissa followed my command, and she straddled my face with her pale, freckled thighs. I slowly brushed my lips against the inside of her leg to tease her, and I was rewarded with a shudder of pleasure from the tiny goddess.

  Then Mahini bobbed down on my dick so deep, I could feel my tip rub against the back of her throat, and I groaned as my hands shot to her jet-black hair. I tangled my fingers in her obsidian tendrils while Elissa lowered her dripping wet crevice onto my mouth.

  I was in total heaven. I had a sweet, delicious pussy hovered over my face, and Mahini’s luscious lips wrapped around my dick. What more could a god ask for?

  I lapped up Elissa’s pussy juices with the same energy that Mahini displayed on my cock. The desert goddess sucked like a champion, and I could hear the wet sounds as she bobbed up and down on my shaft. Then I rolled my tongue over the red-haired beauty’s pleasure node, and she gasped out in surprise.

  “Oh… My… God…” Elissa moaned as she arched her back.

  “I’m just getting started,” I murmured into her crevice, and I chuckled as another shudder of pleasure shot through her body and drove her wet folds even further onto my face.

  Then Mahini wrapped her hands around my slippery shaft and rubbed my throbbing member in her tight fist.

  “Fuck!” I shuddered as goosebumps erupted along my skin, but I just put all that energy into licking Elissa’s tight little pussy.

  “That feels so good!” The redhead began to thrash, and she was practically grinding herself against my face as she held onto the headboard with both hands.

  “I want to taste your seed, Great One,” Mahini begged in a voice full of need from her position between my legs. “Pour it into my mouth, please.”

  “Oh, fuck, Mahini,” I grunted as I held back the urge to cum in her mouth right then and there.

  She was getting good at giving head, and I couldn’t wait to see what she learned next.

  “I want to taste your seed, too!” Elissa panted as she swayed her hips back and forth to drive my movements into all the right spots. She was shaking with orgasmic bliss, and I knew she was right on the edge, so I wrapped my arms around the back of her legs to hold her down, and then I went wild on her pussy with my tongue.

  “Ooooh!” The beautiful redhead practically screamed with delight as she came in an eruption of sweet juices and twitching muscles.

  Suddenly, Mahini stopped her sucking motions on my shaft, but before I could even wonder what she would do next, her tight, hot tunnel wrapped around the head of my dick. The desert goddess lowered herself down my shaft, inch by tantalizing inch, until she’d taken my entire length. Her wet tunnel gripped me like a vise, and I could feel the muscles in her tight little tunnel contract.

  They were both so turned on, it was hard for me not to cum, but fortunately, I’d gotten lots of practice lately. So, I simply took a deep, steadying breath and enjoyed the sensations of both women on top of me.

  “Oh, Great One!” Mahini moaned as she lifted herself u
p my shaft and then slowly lowered back down again. “I can feel you stretching me open.”

  “I want to be deep inside you,” I said from around Elissa’s legs. “Take it all, Mahini, I know you can do it.”

  The desert goddess began to bob up and down on my cock, slowly at first, but then she began to pick up the pace. Elissa ground her wet pussy lips against my face in the same rhythm, and soon I was lost in our lovemaking. Then I could feel my need for release rise to heights I couldn’t ignore, and I remembered my women’s request with my last functioning brain cell.

  “You want to taste my seed?” I asked as I bucked my hips to match Mahini’s movements.

  “I do!” Elissa gasped.

  “Yess,” Mahini moaned.

  So, I gently maneuvered myself out from beneath them, and I motioned for them to kneel in front of me.

  “Open up,” I directed with a growl of desire. “Show me your tongues.”

  They both obeyed immediately, and their eagerness only furthered my desire to come, so I released my mental walls and let the pleasure course through me. Thick ropes of white cum shot out of my dick with lightning-quick speed, and I managed to get the majority of it into the waiting mouths of my two gorgeous women.

  “Mmm,” Mahini murmured as they licked up the white tendrils eagerly.

  “That tastes so good,” Elissa observed as she scooped up a dollop of my seed and licked it off her finger. “Thank you, Bash.”

  “Yes, thank you, Great One,” Mahini added as her face flushed a soft pink hue.

  “No, no, thank you,” I chuckled. “That was fucking amazing.”

  “I still think I like it better when your seed is buried deep inside my womb,” Elissa mused in a thoughtful voice. “It feels warm and comforting.”

  “That’s my favorite, too,” Mahini sighed, and her piercing blue eyes eyed my spent member hungrily.

  “You want more?” I asked with one raised eyebrow, and my cock twitched back to life.

  Both women nodded excitedly, which made my cock harden even more.

  “So be it,” I growled with desire, and I grabbed Mahini first. I put her in doggy style position, and then I gripped my slippery cock with one hand while I squeezed her luscious ass cheek with the other. Her wet pussy dripped juices onto the blanket, and I could see the muscles twitching as she arched her back.

  I could tell she was ready for a good pounding, so that’s exactly what I gave her. I slid my cock in between her moist, pink folds, and then I pulled back to thrust hard.

  “Oh!” Mahini squeaked as my cock buried deep inside her tight tunnel.

  “You like that?” I asked as I pulled out and prepared to slam into her again.

  “Yes, Great One,” the desert goddess moaned, and she arched her back to drive my cock even deeper inside her moist entrance. She met me thrust for thrust, and the sound of her ass slapping against me filled the room.

  Elissa watched with rapt fascination, and I could see the longing in her emerald eyes.

  “You’re next, little one,” I informed her while I fucked Mahini from behind.

  Elissa nodded and licked her lips, but she was too distracted by my motions to reply.

  I could feel my desire grow higher and higher until I couldn’t take any more waiting, and besides, Mahini was practically begging me to come inside her, so I released the hold on my self-control. I erupted as I grabbed her ass between clenched fists, and I knew I would leave a mark where my hand was. I didn’t think the desert goddess would mind, though, since she liked it a little rough, anyway.

  I sprayed pint after pint of my load into Mahini’s waiting tunnel, but I knew there was still plenty more where that came from. I ran my fingers down her spine as I came back to reality and slipped out of her soaked pussy, but then I felt a cool, wet sensation near my crotch.

  I looked down and saw Elissa lick the cum from my spent member with half-closed eyes. She was entranced, and the sensation of her tongue tickling against my skin sent shivers up my spine. My cock twitched back to life once more, and I hauled my wife up and laid her on her back.

  Then I grabbed her legs and propped them up on my shoulders before I slid my cum slick cock between her pink lips.

  “Oooh,” Elissa moaned as she took in my full length. “Fill me up, Bash.”

  I didn’t hesitate to do as she asked, and I gave her the same treatment I’d given Mahini until I burst with yet another load deep inside her tunnel. I saw stars as I emptied my balls into her eager entrance, and then I collapsed in an exhausted heap after I’d filled up Elissa’s womb with my seed.

  “You girls are going to wear me out one of these days,” I informed the two sexy ass ladies laying on the bed with me.

  “Not likely.” Mahini smirked. “You seem more than capable of keeping us both occupied.”

  “Sometimes, I think about what our little family will be like,” Elissa mused in a thoughtful tone. “I wonder if we made a baby just now. That would be nice, wouldn’t it, Bash?”

  “Sure would,” I replied with a grin, and my automatic response surprised me a little.

  I’d never thought about having kids before, but in this world, I was the God of Time, so why shouldn’t I have a gaggle of children running about with my DNA? I didn’t think I would ever return to my world, and even if I could, I wouldn’t want to. There was no one waiting for me back there, and here I had the two most gorgeous women I’d ever laid my eyes on begging for my cum.

  What more could a god ask for?

  I sighed with contented bliss and stared up at the canopy over our massive king-sized bed. We’d been staying in the duke’s castle for a couple of days, but I still wasn’t eager to leave the comfort of the bed. The servants brought us food and took away the dirty dishes, and the bathroom came equipped with running hot water. It was our honeymoon, and I’d spent most of it in bed making sweet, sweet love with my women, but that was the way it should be.

  Still, there were some other things I wanted to accomplish before we went back to Bastianville. I needed to repair the enchantment on my wand, I wanted to learn as many trades and skills as I could before we left, and I hoped I could convince some of the masters and craftsmen to migrate to my little town, as well.

  “I think we should go shopping today,” Elissa announced like she’d read my mind. “While making love is fun, I think I need a change of scenery.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” I grinned. “What did you have in mind?”

  “If it’s okay with you,” she began in a cautious tone, “I’d like to get some more furnishings for our house back in Bastianville. The men should be done with the repairs by now, right?”

  “Oh, for sure.” I nodded.

  It was hard to believe I’d only been in this world for less than a month since I’d accomplished more than any one man should conceivably be able to do in that amount of time. It felt like a million lifetimes had passed since I’d been summoned by the evil sorcerer Raijin Thornheart, but I’d managed to kill countless kobolds, goblins, bandits, and marauders as well as helped out several small towns with their troubles in the process. I’d also defeated the duke’s son, Lucian, who I’d dubbed “Loser Lord,” and his army.

  Now that the duke knew of his son’s death, and with Bastianville firmly under my protection and control, I was free to go back to what I considered my home.

  It was time to get back to building my empire.

  I was sure the people of Bastianville missed their god, and I was eager to get back to them as well. To the people of this world, I was an unbeatable deity, and that was exactly the way I liked it, but the greatest reward I could receive would be the happy expressions on my people’s faces when I returned.

  “I also need to find a grindstone to sharpen my blade,” Mahini said, and I was pulled out of my thoughts.

  “We can do that, too,” I said as I flashed her a charming smile. “I’m sure my weapons could use some attention, too.”

  So, we decided to take a break from our
lovemaking to visit the town outside the castle. It didn’t take us long to pull on some casual, comfortable clothes, and then the three of us headed out of the stone building and into the bustling streets of Bullard.

  On our first trip to the town, we’d made pottery in a local shop, so our first stop was to retrieve our fired glassware from the potter’s kiln. We stepped inside the hot store, and I scanned the packed shelves full of hand-thrown dishes. There were gas lamps along the yellow painted walls, and a low counter with a few barstools sat in the center of the room. Art tools and paints covered the surface, and the bright colors of the store were in strong contrast to the gray stone of the town outside.

  “Hello, there!” I said in a friendly tone as I hailed the store owner with a wave.

  “Oh, I’ve been expecting you three!” The store owner, Trace, grinned when she saw us, and she ushered us in. “Your cups came out really well!”

  She seemed to be in a remarkably good mood, and her previous gruffness had vanished. I was surprised she’d remembered us at all, but I supposed we did stick out from the crowd. It wasn’t every day one man was accompanied by two beauties like Elissa and Mahini.

  “Thank you so much for teaching us how to make them,” I replied with a friendly smile. “How much do we owe you for baking them?”

  “We call it firing the clay,” Trace informed me with a wry smile as she made her way to the back of the shop toward the kiln. “If you want to sound like a professional, that is.”

  “Of course, we do!” Elissa giggled.

  Mahini remained silent, but she shot a curious glance around the shop as we waited for our cups. I watched to see what would catch her eye, and I noticed her piercing blue gaze analyzing a goblet up on a shelf. It was painted a similar blue as her eyes, and the white outline of swords lined the outside.

  So, when Trace returned with our cups, I grabbed the goblet and added it to our stack. I counted out some copper coins and passed them over to the store owner, and then we waved goodbye and headed out to our next destination.

  The cups would go nicely in our recently renovated home back in Bastianville, but I was excited to see what else my women wanted to buy. We had the gold for it, so we might as well use it while we could. No one made me purchase anything in our humble little town, so I’d probably end up distributing whatever I had left to the citizens.


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