The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 51

by S M Mala

  ‘That’s amazing,’ Jake sighed as he always did when getting a blow job. She made sure her teeth didn’t cover his head, as she pushed it into her cheek and moved at a snail’s pace to see how much he could take all the while gently squeezing his balls. Then she had an idea and pushed her thumb in is butt hole, making him jolt as he pulled away. The look on his face was priceless as she wiped her mouth. ‘What was that for?’

  ‘I thought you might like it,’ she cheekily smiled.

  ‘I think it’s my turn. I want to make you come,’ he said, pulling her up and placing her against the tree.

  Hatty opened her legs as his put his palm on her pelvic bone.

  ‘You do, all the time,’ she smiled and kissed him back with all her might, feeling him trying to arouse her as his other hand constantly squeezed and massaged her breasts.

  Hatty knew everything was working when her hips moved in unison with his stroking, thrusting fingers.

  ‘Is that good?’ he said into her ear and sucked gently on her ear lobe, making her laugh for a moment before she realised she was very close. ‘You’re so wet.’

  ‘Yeah,’ she said her head back against the tree while his tongue glided down her throat.

  His fingers were working differently today as he was pulling at her clitoris and then stopping before rubbing it hard making her come to the edge before starting again. He pushed two fingers inside her and slowly moved in and out while putting pressure on her nub with his thumb, all the time gently stroking it. Her face was getting hotter as he covered her mouth and delved his tongue deeply in. Grabbing the back of his head, she opened her mouth before losing her breath, her orgasm building up as she felt the squeeze inside her before the feeling of elation hit her

  ‘I’m going to come, I’m going to-.’

  She let out an almighty yelp, feeling shocks through her body, her fanny pulsating as she felt his lips on her throat.

  He sat back against the base of the tree and pulled her on top of him, holding onto his shaft as she slowly went down.

  ‘You’re so hot,’ he groaned as she felt him pulling at her and slowly moved up down, balancing on her thighs.

  She was overcome with her second orgasm as he grabbed her buttocks, spreading them apart and quickly moved his hips. Hatty held onto his shoulders before pushing her tongue into his mouth and feeling his groan vibrate her head. Jake started to go faster and she heard him catching his breath again and again before letting out an almighty grunt, as he came, all the while pumping her within an inch of her life.

  Twenty four

  ‘You see,’ said Hatty as Monica and Ethel looked at each other. ‘I can cook and it’s not even a Saturday!’

  ‘Me see,’ said Ethel, doing a double take. ‘An’ who say ya can come into me kitchen?’

  ‘Auntie Ethel, I can’t cook at home as Jake thinks I’m just going to start a fire. He sits with a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher which makes me pretty nervous.’ The women laughed as Hatty frowned. ‘It doesn’t help my creativity.’

  ‘Hatty ya just made fried rice!’ laughed Monica, looking at her plate of food. ‘Ya tried it?’

  ‘Of course I have and it’s delicious,’ she said proudly, as the two women didn’t seem convinced. ‘I have a paying guest who is now demanding I feed him!’

  ‘Monica!’ Murray shouted from the living room. ‘Can you come here a moment?’

  ‘Saved by Mister Murray,’ Monica laughed, walking out of the kitchen.

  ‘What else is ya man demandin’?’ asked Ethel, under her breath. Hatty heard her but decided to pretend not to. ‘Ya deaf?’

  ‘Did you say something?’ she innocently smiled.

  ‘Master Jake enjoyin’ ya company?’

  ‘What’s there not to enjoy,’ she quickly replied, getting a fork, putting some of her fried rice on it and placing it in front of Ethel’s mouth. ‘Try it!’

  ‘Me tummy delicate an-.’

  ‘Try my food or I’ll get upset and do some gardening round your house!’ she threatened and saw Ethel pull a face before opening her mouth, her dentures hitting the fork as she put the food in. Hatty noticed the scowl turn into a smile. ‘It’s good isn’t it? I realise I have to concentrate.’

  ‘Oh me lord! It lovely!’ Ethel said brightly and took another forkful. ‘Go an’ give Mister Murray some.’

  ‘Do you think? It’s only eleven and he might not-.’

  ‘Go on!’

  Hatty put a small amount in a bowl and rushed through the house into his study as he jumped seeing her walk in.

  ‘Don’t be alarmed,’ she said, holding out the dish. ‘I’ve made something and you need to taste it.’ He immediately scowled. ‘Don’t be like that. Ethel said it was lovely and told me to tell you to taste it.’

  ‘I’m really busy,’ he said, looking at papers on his desk.

  ‘If you’re so busy then why can’t you walk one hundred metres to your offices?’ she said, stepping forward. ‘Taste my food then I’ll go and walk Barney.’

  ‘Seriously I’ve not got the-.’

  ‘Taste it! I’m not going to poison you. Well not yet,’ she said, annoyed at his refusal. ‘I’m trying to cook and one day, I might have to look after you when you’re old so then you’ll be stuffed.’

  ‘Is that a threat?’ he said, trying not to smile.

  ‘Well someone has to look after you and it might as well be me because Ethel will be way too old and Aunt Delores will be way too busy plus I’ll have to look after her too!’

  ‘Fine,’ he said, putting out his hand. ‘Give it to me.’

  ‘Good,’ she said, handing the small bowl over and smiling brightly. ‘I’m giving this to Jake for dinner tonight.’

  ‘And you say you love him?’ he smirked as she scowled, getting increasingly annoyed by everyone’s attitude. ‘Where did you get the recipe for this?’

  ‘I found it,’ she said, not wanting to reveal her mother had a book of recipes. She watched him grab a fork, dig in and put it into his mouth then she noticed his eyes started to water. ‘I didn’t put too much chilli in. Ethel! I think Mister Murray doesn’t like my food.’ He chewed the food slowly and swallowed hard as a tear fell onto his cheek. ‘It’s not that bad.’

  Ethel scurried in and stopped, touching Hatty’s arm as Murray quickly wiped his eyes.

  ‘Ya tasted it?’ the elderly woman asked.

  ‘I did.’

  ‘Hatty, can we keep your fried rice? You can make Jake some fresh when he get ‘ome,’ she gently said. ‘Ya cook like ya moder, ya know.’

  ‘I-.’ Hatty didn’t want to say anymore as she could see Murray was visibly shaken as he had another mouthful, then closed his eyes.

  ‘Go in the kitchen, nah?’

  ‘Okay,’ Hatty said, walking backwards out of the room and stood to the side before hearing Murray burst into tears.

  ‘Mister Murray, not cry. It alright. She Eloise child.’

  ‘I miss her so much,’ she heard him croak and Hatty’s heart twisted for the continuing pain Murray was feeling of losing her mother.

  She hurried to the kitchen and put a lid on her pan as she sat down and took a deep breath. There was no doubt she would have to cook for Murray now and again to make him remember her mother in one way or another.

  Ethel eventually came back and let out a massive sigh on seeing Hatty, sitting opposite her. Monica walked back into the kitchen and saw the pair of them.

  ‘The food not good?’ Monica tentatively asked as Hatty bit her lip and looked at Ethel.

  ‘It very good.’ Ethel stared at Hatty. ‘Ya got ya moder’s cook book?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said, taking a deep breath. ‘I didn’t mean to upset Murray. Shall I go back and apologise?’

  ‘What far? Ya made ‘im ‘appy.’

  ‘Didn’t sound like it.’

  As soon as he walked out of the offices, he immediately knew he should have gone the other way. Gina was stood by her car, waiting for him. She looked drop dea
d gorgeous in a light coloured trouser suit and heels, with her sun glasses perched on her nose.

  ‘Jacob!’ she shouted and waved as he smiled brightly, walking up to her.

  ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘Ya got a new job in New York so let’s celebrate!’ she said happily, standing millimetres away from him as the lust in his loins for her was still there. ‘Me know ya came back nearly a month ago but ya hard to keep an eye on. Why didn’t ya return me calls?’

  ‘I’ve been busy with work,’ he said, discreetly looking around.

  ‘It nearly the end of January, ya must ‘ave been pretty busy,’ the beautiful woman said as Jake tried to curb his urge for her. ‘Have ya been avoidin’ me?’

  ‘That’s ridiculous!’ he lied.

  He was tempted every time he saw her.

  ‘An’ me hear ya captive in Ha Ha Hatty’s mad house.’

  ‘There’s nothing mad about the house,’ he said, realising Gina was more interested in upsetting Hatty than being with him, which momentarily pissed him off. ‘I hear you screwed Hatty’s boyfriend, is that true? Now that’s not nice is it?’

  ‘The Spanish man? How she managed to get him me never know!’ Gina laughed out loudly. ‘He was eager to please me. Are you still eager to please me? We good together.’

  ‘How comes you’re out of work early?’ he asked, stepping back and realising she was distracting him. ‘I’m sure dad might have something to say about that?’

  ‘He workin’ at home an’ Hatty was cookin’ for him, so me hear. He might be dead!’ she laughed as Jake shook his head at the beautiful bitch.

  ‘And how do you know all this?’

  ‘Monica was talkin’ to someone an’ me over hear,’ she smiled, her small white teeth glistening at him through her very pale pink lips. He remembered how those lips were extremely accommodating to a certain part of his body. ‘Wanna a ride?’

  ‘I’ve got my car, thanks.’

  ‘Ya know what I mean.’

  ‘Maybe another time,’ he smiled and then saw Louisa glaring at him as he broke out into a small sweat. ‘And my girlfriend might get a bit upset if she spots me with you.’

  ‘Her? Louisa Isaacs?’ gasped Gina, looking stunned, as Jake gestured to Louisa to come over. ‘Ya really are a strange boy an’ everyone know she like her men old an’ married.’

  ‘Is there a problem?’ he said and turned to Louisa, giving her a kiss on the cheek. ‘I was just telling Gina about you and me being an item.’

  ‘An item?’ said Louisa, her eyes wide open as she tried to hide her stunned expression. ‘I think ‘couple’ is a nicer way of putting it.’

  ‘Hatty’s best friend, what a turn up!’ laughed Gina as Jake noticed Louisa scowl. ‘Well Jake, maybe ya saved from bein’ with Hatty!’

  ‘Is it a problem?’ challenged Louisa, putting her arm around Jake’s waist. ‘We very happy, very happy indeed.’

  He noticed the snarl on Gina’s lip and couldn’t help but smile.

  ‘Not for long,’ she smiled brightly, stroking under Jake’s chin and kissing him on the lips.

  He stood there rooted to the spot as her soft lips crushed his and he knew he was having an involuntary spasm in his jeans.

  ‘Ya not touch me man, ya hear?’ said Louisa, standing immediately in front of him as he saw Gina raise her eyebrows.

  ‘He want me an’ ya know it!’ laughed Gina as she opened her car door and stepped in.

  Jake couldn’t take his eyes off her for a moment before receiving a sharp elbow in the ribs from Louisa.

  ‘Ya cheat on me, me kill ya!’ she said loudly and grabbed Jake, giving him a massive kiss.

  He noticed Gina glare at the pair of them before speeding off.

  ‘Not bad. Two kisses in a minute. I must be on a roll!’ he laughed as Louisa glowered at him for a moment. ‘What did I do wrong? I didn’t ask her to come here.’

  ‘I’m your girlfriend,’ she said seriously, hands on hip. ‘And you act like ya single!’

  ‘It’s only pretend Louisa,’ he said, knowing the lecture was on its way.

  ‘And if she knows you’re with Hatty, you think she’d give you just a kiss? She’d be on her knees and demonstrating the art of oral satisfaction in front of Hatty Harris. Would you like that?’

  ‘Well,’ he smirked, realising she was being deadly serious.

  ‘Gina will do anything to upset Hatty and well…’ Louisa suddenly walked off toward her car.

  ‘Well what?’ he shouted and followed her.

  ‘Maybe keeping it a secret is the only way Hatty won’t get hurt because from what I saw just now, it’s on the cards.’

  ‘Hey don’t say that.’ Jake felt cut up about the remark and shook his head. ‘I’m not going to hurt Hatty.’

  ‘Tell me something? Do you think when Gina sees Hatty next she’s not going to mention kissing you? Think about it? She probably thinks Hatty’s heartbroken because you chose me over her. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gina isn’t driving straight towards the house now.’ Louisa stood there and tapped her foot waiting for his reply. ‘Be careful of Gina. She really wants ya boy and I expect she’s waiting to get ya, one way or anoder.’

  ‘She won’t.’

  ‘Ya sure?’

  He drove home at high speed and reached the gates, checking to see if Gina was about but the coast was clear. Soon as he parked the jeep, he jumped out and ran into the house to be met with the delicious smell of food.

  And it wasn’t burnt.

  Then he did a double take in the dining room. It was all cleaned up with a table in the middle. Jake smiled knowing she’d been hard at work and he couldn’t hear Hatty, so he walked into the kitchen and noticed various pots and pans. Then he heard footsteps as she walked down the stairs wearing a black slip dress then stopped.

  ‘I made dinner and before you say anything, which you will, it’s very nice,’ she smiled, looking down at him and he knew Gina was nothing compared to her as his heart squeezed in anticipation of going to bed. ‘And we’re eating in the dining room.’

  ‘You look amazing,’ he smiled as she walked slowly down the stairs. He tried to touch her but she pulled away and shook a finger at him, going into the kitchen.

  ‘Have a quick wash and then come to the dining room,’ she shouted.

  ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘Wash your face and hands,’ Hatty said. ‘You look sweaty.’

  ‘Sure,’ he said, kicking off his trainers and running up to the bathroom, washing quickly before changing his clothes and putting on a t-shirt and shorts. He jumped down the stairs and headed in to the dining room which was now lit by a candle. ‘Are you being romantic?’

  ‘Something like that,’ she said and carried a large dish. ‘Fried rice with chicken and prawns. Not spicy as I know you’re not hard core but perfect, never the less. I’ve also got some grilled fish, without bones as you don’t like that either and a salad free of tomatoes. Help yourself as I get the rest of the food.’

  Jake watched her and instantly frowned at the domesticated Hatty. Slowly he put some rice onto a fork and held it by his mouth, gulping.

  ‘Here goes nothing.’ He noticed she was standing at the door holding two plates so he quickly put it in his mouth. Jake smiled and was shocked to find it wasn’t burnt or tasted of hard core chilli. ‘This is really very good.’

  ‘I know,’ she said, putting her nose in the air and placing the plates on the table, sitting opposite him. ‘We’ll take it in turn to cook from now on.’

  ‘Fine by me,’ he said, tucking in and smiling at her before reaching over to get the salad and fish. ‘You’re amazing.’

  ‘So I am,’ she smiled and he knew immediately something was up by the way she was picking at her food.

  ‘Are you alright?’

  ‘Shouldn’t I be?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ he said, his heart thumping furiously. ‘Have you spoken to Louisa?’

  ‘About what?’ she said, reaching f
or the salad.

  ‘Nothing,’ Jake mumbled, genuinely worried something had happened and realising she hadn’t touched him since he got home. Usually they were frantically kissing or making love at this point, hence the amount of food being burnt. ‘You look beautiful.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she smiled. ‘Today I made this dish and gave it to your father. He started to cry. I thought it was because of my cooking but it reminded him of my mother. That’s sad isn’t it?’

  ‘It is,’ he said, suddenly relieved her melancholy wasn’t about Gina then his heart sunk a little on hearing about his dad.

  ‘I mean, losing someone you love is very hard, don’t you think,’ she said, staring at him. ‘Makes you realise how short time really is.’

  ‘Yes,’ he said, nodding and taking a massive gulp of beer.

  ‘And if I find out Gina Glory Glory has touched any part of your body again, I will chop your dick off and feed it to Barney,’ Hatty said calmly as Jake dropped his fork and looked at her. ‘When were you going to tell me?’

  ‘I knew it,’ he said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. ‘Gina told you.’

  ‘She hasn’t got any of my contact details for obvious reasons,’ she said, glaring at him. ‘Louisa texted me.’

  ‘You said you hadn’t spoken to her.’

  ‘I haven’t,’ she said smugly, putting a piece of cucumber in her mouth. ‘Texting is not talking, is it?’

  ‘I didn’t tell Gina to come and meet me after work.’

  ‘Louisa mentioned Gina Glory Glory is obviously taken in by you and, as I suspect, puts her own feelings and needs above everyone else. I mean, you tell her you’re seeing Louisa and she plants a kiss on you! How trashy is that!’

  Jake watched Hatty start to eat her food at quite a speed, her head down before she took a massive sip of water.

  ‘I didn’t kiss her, she kissed me and no tongues were involved,’ he said, aware Gina was a very deep thorn in Hatty’s side and a big horn in his pants.

  ‘That’s why I asked you to wash her scent off. What if she wants you, really wants you? Then what am I going to do?’

  ‘You don’t have to do anything!’ he laughed, amused by the comment and eating the delicious meal.


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