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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

Page 60

by S M Mala

  ‘I see.’ She realised he was holding something back. ‘It’s the perfect afternoon to make love, don’t you think?’

  ‘You think I know something, that’s why you’ve just suggested it after you know the score on the sex front.’

  ‘That’s not fair.’

  ‘I’m not going to screw you and you know why. Plus I’m assuming all this based on their body language.’

  ‘You’re a detective are you?’ she replied, crawling closer and kissing his chest gently. ‘And you’re supposed to call it ‘making love’.’ Hatty grinned and examined his face as she placed her head on his chest then looked up. ‘He doesn’t look at her with affection like he used to.’

  ‘Maybe he’s seen sense.’

  ‘She’s still my aunt,’ said Hatty sharply. ‘You can be mean, but within reason.’ She turned her head and looked out at the sea. ‘You’ve changed my life, do you know that?’

  ‘How comes?’

  She felt his hand on her head, stroking her hair gently.

  ‘Over a week ago, I wouldn’t be lying on this beach. I’d be staring at it from the house and now look at me!’

  ‘We’re so close to the wall, I’m surprised there’s still sand,’ Jake laughed out.

  ‘The water comes right up to here in the night, I’ve seen it, so actually being on sand that has the great possibility of getting covered in the sea is pretty special. Who knows, I might even go for a swim before you go home in one hundred days!’

  ‘About that,’ he said. ‘Look at me.’

  ‘Yep,’ she replied, knowing what was going to come next as she turned around and smiled.

  ‘Stop counting,’ Jake said and sat up, making her do the same thing as they made eye contact. ‘I asked you not to.’

  ‘It’s my thing,’ she replied, gulping hard. ‘Because tomorrow it will be ninety nine and the numbers will quickly reduce. It’s when it gets into single numbers, I might get a little agitated.’

  ‘I’m going back and when the time comes we’ll talk about it then. We’re a long way off.’

  ‘Ninety nine days tomorrow,’ she smiled and saw him grin. ‘How many times do you think we can make love?’

  ‘Be nice to me and I’ll think about it.’

  She was fast asleep next to him as Jake watched her. Hatty had managed to drink a bottle of wine, get the giggles then pass out before ten. He realised the day had been a bit of a challenge and stroked her hair. As she lay there, he examined her profile closely. The moonlight was highlighting her features. Jake realised he could see the silhouette of her breasts through the sheet. Slowly he pulled it down, revealing her smooth dark skin until she was naked.

  He sat up and looked at her, knowing he wanted to make love and wondering if she was able to wake up. Jake ran his hand up and down her body but she didn’t move, then he started to kiss her neck. There was a slight grunt as she let out a sigh. His tongue traced her skin towards her breasts as he sucked gently on her warm nipple and squeezed them. She let out a little groan as his hand glided down between her thighs and he cupped her gently, moving his hand backwards and forwards.

  ‘Oh!’ she said as Jake smiled and kissed her all the way down her body, gently prising her thighs open.

  He placed little kisses down the inside of her thighs before he opened her lips and licked her. At first he was hit by her familiar musky taste, then the sweetness of her came through and he moved his tongue as her back arched. He felt her hands touch his head while her thighs parted further and she started to groan.

  ‘God yes!’

  Jake buried his mouth deeply and felt her nub grow hard on his tongue as she moaned out. He knew she’d come as her felt something squirt into his eye.

  ‘Jesus!’ he said and wiping the liquid off his face, going on his knees, spreading her legs and pushing himself in quickly.

  She was hot as he moved slowly. Hatty bit her lip but her eyes were firmly closed. Jake wanted to get in deeper so he bent her legs back higher, realising she buckled and gasped. With quick thrusts, he watched her head go back and she sounded like she was whimpering before letting out a throaty groan.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ she said and he tightly squeezed one of her breasts as she opened her eye and stared at him. ‘I’m going to come, god I’m really going to come.’

  ‘Good,’ Jake replied, feeling the tightening in his groin as his balls slapped against her, the squelching sound of them fucking turning him on even more, until he shot himself inside her, moaning out loudly as Hatty’s body shook from her own orgasm and he didn’t want to stop.

  Grinding his hips into her and squeezing every last drop out, he eventually stopped, his body shaking. All his breath was leaving his lungs before he collapsed onto the bed. He turned to look at her as she smiled and stroked his face, closing her eyes and falling asleep again, closely followed by him.

  As he woke to bright sunshine, he realised it was Sunday morning and Hatty would have gone to market. Jake got a shock to find her sleeping next to him. He looked at his watch on the side of his bed, realising it was after nine.

  ‘Hey Hatty,’ he said gently, as she winced. ‘You’re gonna be late.’

  ‘I’m not going,’ she said and turned her back on him, pulling up the sheets over her shoulders. Jake moved closer and put his arm across her. ‘What?’

  ‘You have to go,’ he said, seeing her shift her body as if burying in the mattress.

  ‘I don’t have to do anything,’ she said, turning around to face him as he saw the defiant stare from the large dark eyes.


  ‘I’ll make twice as many things this week and go next week,’ she sighed, stroking his face. ‘I want to stay in bed today, with you, if you don’t mind.’

  ‘Why?’ Jake was immediately happy with her choice but noticed the tired expression as she yawned. ‘Or are you being lazy?’

  ‘My dream lover came last night and gave me a good seeing to so I think, it’s only right, you get the same,’ she smiled and Jake grabbed her hand then kissed it. ‘And I love you.’

  ‘I love you too,’ he said, moving closer but she immediately put her hand against his chest. ‘What now?’

  ‘Shower and breakfast before we start again.’

  ‘You’re not avoiding going out because people will gossip?’ he asked, seeing her frown. ‘They might buy your goods just to find out how Logan junior is in the sack.’

  ‘I’m sure half the town knows how you and your father are,’ she sneered and he laughed. ‘Sluts.’

  ‘That’s daddy you’re talking about,’ he smiled.

  ‘And I reckon daddy’s getting a beating right now from auntie.’

  Murray sat on the porch outside the kitchen, smoking a cigar, as his eyes travelled over the lush green gardens and towards the other side of the house. Delores hadn’t spoken to him since leaving the lunch table, the previous day, then promptly drove off. She hadn’t returned to the estate and it was approaching lunchtime.

  He could hear the clattering of utensils in the kitchen as Ethel prepared lunch for the guests. Then he noticed Frederick’s car coming down the drive. Murray got up and walked towards the other end of the house, waving.

  ‘Were you helpin’ in the kitchen?’ asked Elena with a laugh as the car parked up and the pair got out.

  He kissed the handsome woman and noticed Frederick’s concerned expression as he got out of the car.

  ‘I was just hanging out,’ replied Murray, chewing the end of his cigar.

  ‘How many of us today?’ asked Frederick, looking strained.

  ‘About eight. I asked-.’

  ‘We need to talk now,’ Frederick replied, walking into the house as Murray caught Elena’s frown and shook her head.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Murray replied, following him into the house as he stopped in the living room.

  ‘Is it true about Hatty and Jake?’ he said as Elena sat down.

  ‘It none of our business,’ his wife added apologetically. ‘J
ust leave it.’

  ‘What’ve you heard?’ asked Murray, putting out his cigar and shoving his hands into his pockets. ‘Has gossip been spreading like wild fire?’

  ‘They were spotted together last Monday evening in the marina and-.’

  ‘They were not,’ Elena sharply interrupted, smoothing down her skirt. ‘Louisa told us they went out.’

  ‘And I’ve heard the men talking on site about them,’ Frederick said, glaring at his wife’s annoyed face. ‘Surely they’re not seeing each other?’

  ‘You said yourself on New Year’s Day, my son looked in love with Hatty so it seems they are,’ Murray sighed, feeling unhappy about admitting it to his friends. ‘I spoke to the pair of them yesterday about it but they’re both stubborn and want the world to know.’

  ‘And you know this is going to cause problems,’ replied Frederick, walking closer to Murray.

  ‘How? Months ago they couldn’t take their eyes off each other even in front of Caroline. I knew then somethin’ was going on until Gina turned up.’ Elena let out a massive sigh. ‘Louisa says Jake’s very much in love with her.’

  ‘In Hatty’s usual subtle way, she told Delores last week, without even telling me,’ added Murray

  ‘What was her reaction?’ Frederick asked glumly. ‘Or shouldn’t I ask?’

  ‘She’s not happy.’ Murray walked towards the other end of the room and pushed the doors open, going onto the balcony to look at the sea. He heard footsteps behind him as he stared out. Murray wondered what he was supposed to do or say to people who would, inevitably, ask about the new couple. ‘When I got back yesterday I tried to get all four of us to sit down but Delores was very angry, really angry. Jake didn’t help things because he only tried to wind her up.’

  ‘I think it’s wonderful,’ said Elena, going towards the bar and opening the fridge. ‘They make a beautiful couple.’

  ‘Like Eloise and Murray?’ replied Frederick. Murray noticed his friend was sweating as he took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead. ‘Many people will draw parallels.’

  ‘Where Delores?’ the woman asked as she put ice into glasses and poured out two tumblers of scotch.

  Frederick walked over and took them off the counter.

  ‘After we tried to resolve things over lunch, she walked off and out. She didn’t come home last night so I take it she’s making a stand. I’ve never seen her look so angry. I tried to talk to her but she didn’t want to hear anything I had to say. What can I do?’ Frederick handed him a glass as he knocked it back. ‘I’m stuck in the middle.’

  ‘Or you don’t want to do anything?’ Frederick whispered. ‘You know Delores can cause a lot of trouble for you, for us.’

  ‘She’s not that stupid,’ Murray whispered back as Elena eyed the pair of them suspiciously. ‘It’s probably bringing back some bad memories.’

  ‘Delores is a strong woman,’ interject Elena, sitting on one of the chairs by the edge of the balcony. ‘She jealous.’

  ‘Why jealous?’ laughed Murray, glancing over at Elena who was looking at the sea, deep in thought.

  ‘Hatty’s her mother’s child in so many ways. Seein’ her with Jake must cause some sort of resentment. You might not see it Murray but Delores looks at that girl in a way I can’t describe. As if she angry with her.’

  ‘That’s not true!’

  ‘You can’t tell me you don’t see it? Delores has a sharp tongue and for all Hatty’s bravado, she’s not as strong as she wants to make out. Louisa tell me.’ Elena sunk into her chair as Murray’s gut twisted. ‘And slappin’ the child? You ask Delores about it?’

  ‘Now you are going over the top,’ Frederick said, walking towards his wife. ‘You know that’s not true. Louisa has been planting things in your head.’

  ‘From the moment I first saw Hatty, when she came back to the island, I knew somethin’ was up with Delores,’ continued Elena defiantly. ‘I told you Freddie but you wouldn’t listen, so caught up in her airs and graces you didn’t want to see.’

  ‘Now you’re exaggerating.’

  ‘Delores has been good to Hatty, good to me. She didn’t have to look after her. I put an enormous responsibility on her shoulders when she could have married and had a family of her own,’ sighed Murray, sitting next to Elena.

  ‘You know that not true,’ said Elena quietly. ‘She only wanted you. Any fool could see when she came over the first time she did it for you, not for her so called best friend.’

  ‘Elena!’ Frederick sharply interrupted.

  ‘I don’t want to know what happened in your past but she’ll affect Hatty’s future in one way or another because she jealous!’ Elena let out an almighty sigh. ‘She jealous Hatty’s going to get what she could never have and that’s the man she love with her, for the rest to her life.’

  On hearing those words, Murray gulped hard, unable to say anything as he knew Elena was right. He sat back and looked at his empty glass which was quickly topped up. He needed to confront Delores but was scared to do so.

  ‘I could never marry her,’ he very quietly said, into his glass. ‘It would’ve been wrong. I already married someone I didn’t love. I couldn’t make the same mistake twice.’

  Murray suddenly heard her recognisable footsteps in the house, coming towards him. He glanced quickly at Elena, whose face was distraught for a second, before smoothing it out into a wide smile as she looked over his shoulder.

  For a moment, Murray wished he could have been anywhere else than there.

  As much as it pained her, Delores forced her best smile and put on a front of happiness as she looked after the lunch guests. She noticed Elena was over compensating for Murray’s silences. The other guests were oblivious to the current home situation. Eventually, they all left, including the employees. Murray walked off to the beach and she stared at his back as he stood still, staring out at the sea.

  All night she played the scene in her head. What she was going to say, how she was going to say it but still her bitter anger and jealousy would surface, stopping her from continuing the conversation in her mind. Delores had spent the night in a hotel on the other side of the island, not one of Murray’s, trying her hardest to control her utter anger with Hatty and Jake which she knew was really stemmed at Murray.

  ‘Here goes nothing,’ she said, taking a large gulp of her wine as she took off her shoes and walked towards him.

  He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. Suddenly she was caught off guard as her heart flipped for her lover.

  ‘Where did you go last night?’ he asked, his hands firmly placed in the pockets of his shorts as the wind blew his hair over his face.

  ‘Did you notice?’ she replied, hearing the steeliness in her voice before softening her tone. ‘I needed to think.’

  ‘About the children?’ he said and she noticed his half smile.

  ‘How long have you known?’

  ‘I’ve known for months they were falling in love and I let it go, hoping it would blow over.’

  ‘And you never decided to tell me?’ Something hard stuck in her chest realising he could have stopped them. Delores let out a deep breath. ‘I’m surprised you didn’t intervene.’

  ‘What could I do? I told her she was my adopted daughter hoping they would realise the complication but it didn’t seem to stop them. They’re destined for each other, I guess.’ Murray looked down at the sand. ‘And I’m worried about them.’

  ‘He’s going to break her heart, you know that as well as I,’ Delores said, her anger building up. ‘Then you’ll expect me to tell her it’s alright but I won’t do it Murray, because it’s not alright, it’s wrong. The whole thing is wrong and you know it!’

  ‘Why?’ he asked, turning to her. He seemed so calm, as if waiting for an outburst. ‘Why is it wrong they’ve fallen in love? Did you see them yesterday? They were oblivious to everyone. I haven’t seen my son look so happy in a long time. Hatty’s blossoming into a beautiful woman and they’re good together.’
br />   ‘You have to stop it before it gets out of hand,’ she said firmly. ‘And it will get out of hand.’

  ‘How? What’s the worst that can happen? Jake goes away and they drift apart? Hatty goes to New York? They get married!’

  ‘Don’t say that!’ she snapped and all her calm dissipated in a second. ‘They will never get married!’

  ‘What have you got against my son?’ he said and Delores noticed the anger in his eyes as he looked at her. ‘I took you to New York to meet him when he was young and I knew you never liked him then. I couldn’t understand why as he was such a bright, loving kid but he never warmed to you.’

  ‘Maybe that was Caroline’s influence?’ she said, folding her arms angrily across her chest. ‘You know she hates me.’

  ‘She doesn’t hate you,’ Murray sighed and walked a little away from her, turning his back before staring straight into her eyes. ‘Why do you hate Jake?’

  For a moment Delores stared straight back at Murray and searched his face, hoping he wouldn’t be angry with her words but wanting to get a reaction to show he cared.

  ‘Do you think I mistreated Hatty? Your son implied that yesterday?’ she sharply replied. ‘I’d be interested to know your thoughts after I’ve spent twenty two years picking up after her.’

  ‘Jake’s got it in his head you’re pretty sharp with Hatty. I told him you’re strict and that’s how she’s been brought up but he’s not convinced. He thinks it’s deeper, resentment for looking after her.’

  ‘What if I said it was?’ she said quickly and saw his eyes widen. ‘What if I told you I didn’t like Jake because I was angry you were sleeping with his mother when you told me the marriage was over? You lied.’

  ‘I see.’ Murray looked once again at the ground before glancing up. ‘I told you the truth. I loved Jane in a different way. I didn’t realise she was going to get pregnant especially as she was on medication for depression. I’m not going to apologise for that.’

  ‘You never contacted me until you had no choice Murray Logan! I had no idea where you or Eloise were. I never thought you’d be together, never! You used me then and you’re still using me now.’ She could hear the anger in her voice. ‘From the minute I met you, you knew there was an attraction. I gave in too easily.’ Delores stepped closer. ‘But you wanted her because she wasn’t so obliging and how did you get to her? You got to me first.’ She was met with a scowl. ‘Always Eloise.’


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