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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

Page 69

by S M Mala

  ‘Let me just play with your breasts for a moment,’ he said, kissing them gently before sucking on her nipple, slowly squeezing and caressing, knowing it was going to turn her on as it was making him feel perkier between his legs.

  ‘Stop it,’ she said.

  He felt her hand in his hair as his dick got stiffer.

  ‘We’ll be quick,’ he said, pulling her down on the bed and opening her legs. ‘I’ll do the foreplay tonight.’

  There was a knock on the door.

  ‘Ya up?’ said Ethel, which caught him by surprise and from the look on Hatty’s face, she hadn’t expected to hear the old lady’s voice.

  ‘He’s up,’ Hatty quickly replied, pushing Jake away. He looked at his unfulfilled erection as Hatty slung on his large vest and threw a pillow between his legs. ‘What ya doin’ Auntie Ethel? Listenin’?’

  ‘Me deaf. Me not ‘ear ya grunt an’ groans,’ she said cheerfully, as Jake stood up and walked towards his boxers, putting them on quickly. He heard the door open and Ethel walked in. The old lady was grinning from ear to ear. ‘Ya sleep?’

  ‘I think the question is ‘Did you sleep well?’’ said Hatty cheerfully, quickly plaiting her hair before going into her bag to pull out clean clothes.

  ‘Me know what me said,’ Ethel replied and Jake watched the woman look around the room and focus her eyes on the bed. ‘Ya want me to wash ya clodes?’

  ‘I can do that.’

  ‘Ya want me to change ya sheets?’

  ‘Why?’ Hatty asked and Jake knew Ethel was up to mischief.

  ‘If you don’t mind,’ he said, walking towards Hatty and kissing her shoulders. ‘I think they’re a little used.’

  ‘No, no, no,’ Hatty said, rushing to the bed. ‘I’ll change the bed.’ Jake saw Ethel laughing with her back to Hatty. ‘Don’t put yourself out.’

  ‘Me tink Master Jake gonna put ‘e self out,’ she replied and smiled at him before walking out of the room.

  ‘You think she knows we did things?’ Hatty said anxiously, flinging on her clothes. ‘I mean we didn’t necessarily-.’

  ‘The room smells of sex,’ he smiled.

  ‘It smells of mosquito repellent.’

  ‘Same thing.’

  He couldn’t hide his shock at seeing his father’s pale pallor the next morning. Hatty had gone straight into the kitchen to annoy Ethel and Monica as Jake went into the study.

  ‘Seriously, if you tell me you’re fine then I know you’re lying.’

  ‘I didn’t sleep too well,’ his father said tiredly.

  ‘Did we keep you up?’

  ‘No,’ smiled Murray, narrowing his eyes. Jake knew he'd gone bright red. ‘I think you kept Hatty up though.’

  ‘She has a plan to rescue the island from sinking and the people,’ Jake said, trying to avoid any more conversations about what they got up to the previous night. ‘She thinks no one is going to help the poor people. Hatty wants to put them into safe homes and hotels around the island, well before the hurricane hits. She’s also talking about getting them off the island.’ Murray started to laugh. ‘I told her she needed to ask you first and I’m sure this is being taken care of.’

  ‘She hates the officials on the islands, the people I have to work with, always has done. That girl doesn’t trust them and I don’t blame her. Quite a few have flown out but I’ll check to see what’s being done. I know it’s being dealt with it. I take it that’s her excuse not to go.’

  ‘I think we have to go today or tomorrow latest before the weather changes and we can’t get off the island.’ Jake sat down opposite his father and examined his grey skin. ‘And you don’t need to deal with this stress as well as the crap coming your way about Hatty and me.’

  ‘I’m very happy for the pair of you.’

  ‘I have to go into town. Dad, are you okay? The doctor’s coming this morning.’

  ‘And Nurse Hatty will be on hand to tell him I’m old and in need of a rest,’ he smiled. ‘I’m good.’

  ‘You’re lying!’ said Jake, standing up and shaking his head. ‘I’m going to grab some breakfast before I head off. If I hear anything else about the conditions then I’ll call you. Why aren’t they asking people to leave?’

  ‘You know what it’s like here, they won’t do anything unless they’re told to do it,’ he shrugged.

  Jake took in a deep breath and walked out of the study, standing in the corridor, wondering what was wrong with his father. He walked towards the kitchen and heard Hatty laughing with Monica.

  ‘Stop ya nonsense!’ barked Ethel to the pair of them.

  ‘We need to make sure people have food so I should check what we can give,’ announced Hatty.

  ‘Ya go into me cupboards, me gonna break ya neck!’ barked Ethel as Monica’s tinkle laugh echoed in the background. ‘Dem people want food, dey go an’ buy it from da store, not get me supply.’

  ‘And you have to come to one of the hotels where it’s safe,’ added Hatty as Jake stood away from the kitchen entrance and saw the three of them. Monica was preparing vegetables and Ethel was standing with her hands on her hips, glaring at Hatty on the other side of the table. ‘You’ll be with me so you don’t have to worry.’

  ‘Worry? Me not scared of a bit a wind!’

  ‘I suppose that’s what frightened off your husbands when you passed it,’ sniggered Hatty as Monica laughed. Jake saw Hatty try to walk towards the store cupboard only to have Ethel stop her from getting in. ‘We have to help people!’

  ‘Let dem help demselves,’ said Ethel with a warning glint in her eye. ‘Man, Hatty dem people be fine.’

  ‘Well if they die I’ll blame you,’ she said. ‘You know rich people don’t look after the poor people on this island. People stick with their own kind and the poor ones are going to have their houses blown away. Even with your botty wind, you could demolish them in an instant.’

  Hatty started to laugh as Monica joined in.

  ‘Leave Ethel alone,’ said Jake, walking into the kitchen and going to the coffee pot. ‘Dad said the authorities are sorting it out and everyone will be fine.’

  ‘If they’ve got land and are wealthy,’ Hatty added as he saw Monica nod in agreement while Ethel shook her head from side to side.

  ‘It’s not your problem but you two need to make sure you’re safe,’ he said, looking at Monica then Ethel. ‘You should bring your families to the hotels where you’ll be protected.’

  ‘Me not goin’ anywhere!’ snapped Ethel. ‘If da good lord want me, ‘e can ‘ave me.’

  ‘Not with your farts,’ muttered Hatty, smiling at Monica then looking at Jake. ‘And what are we going to do?’

  ‘You know what I want to do but dad’s going to think about it and he’s not well.’

  ‘Me know who makin’ him stress,’ said Ethel, hobbling to the cooker.

  ‘Don’t you blame me, I’ve been good!’ said Hatty defensively, walking up to Jake.

  He looked down at her bright smile and wanted to kiss her but to his, surprise she went on her tip toes, pulled the back of his neck down, kissing him gently.

  ‘Me not want to see ya kissin’ up so early,’ said Ethel, letting out a massive sigh. ‘An’ me not talkin’ about you. Sumtin else upsettin’ ‘im.’

  Jake noticed Ethel look towards Delores, walking out of her home and straight towards the patio doors leading to Murray’s study.

  ‘She’s not happy,’ Jake said, seeing Hatty’s concerned expression. ‘About us.’

  ‘Me tink it lovely, Master Jake,’ said Monica sweetly. ‘Ya ‘appy, dat’s all. Maybe she not ‘appy an’ it make ‘er sad.’

  ‘I think she’s making my dad sad and that’s what’s worrying me.’

  After Jake left for work, Hatty slowly walked down the corridor towards Murray’s study. The doctor would be arriving in half an hour and she wanted to check on him. She’d not seen Murray since last night and needed to gauge if he’d heard them making love. Delores was raising her voice, not so
much as a shout, but she wasn’t happy.

  Hatty stood by the door and listened.

  ‘You have to stop them!’ she said seriously. ‘Or when he goes back make sure Hatty doesn’t follow.’

  ‘But you wanted Hatty to see the world, get off the island so what if she goes to New York? She’ll be fine.’

  ‘You know as well as I do, Caroline, her family and your family will not accept Hatty. It’s unfair you’re willing to put her through this.’

  ‘I’m not doing anything of the sort. Can’t you see they’re in love? Delores, they want to be together and I want them to be happy. I love them both and the fact they’ve fallen in love… well, maybe it was meant to be,’ he said wearily. Hatty bit her lip hearing the strain in his voice. ‘I’m not feeling too good so could we continue this later?’

  ‘No we will not!’ she hissed. ‘Hatty thinks the sun shines out of your arse and soon enough she’ll see you’re not all what you seem.’

  ‘Is that a threat?’ he said harshly. ‘I find it remarkable you go to New York and meet up with Caroline considering you can’t stand each other.’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ she replied and Hatty recognised her aunt’s indignant tone when she was being confronted. ‘She’s the one who’s hostile towards me. Her prejudices tend to taint her vision.’

  ‘Not the fact she can’t stand you, which isn’t based on your colour or class just your personality!’ he laughed and Hatty wanted to run into the room because she knew how Delores would retaliate, as criticism wasn’t something she took well.

  ‘Tell me Murray, how much do you love Hatty?’

  ‘What do you mean?’ he replied and there was a slight choking in his voice.

  ‘You love her like you love Eloise?’

  ‘You’ve got to get this out of your head! What’s wrong with you? Hatty’s like a daughter to me and I’m getting sick and tired of your insinuations!’

  ‘Last night I take it they spent the night in the room next to you. You didn’t hear them?’ she asked challengingly. ‘Making love all night?’

  ‘You know what?’ he said and Hatty heard his footsteps. ‘I truly believe you’re jealous of that young woman. She’s done nothing wrong other than to love you and be grateful, which you constantly shove down her throat, for your care. How long before she finds out how much you resented her mother?

  ‘I know Eloise begged to see you when she was in London and you turned your back on your friend. Her adopted parents had died and she was lost. But you, no, you were too upset because I told you how much I loved and wanted to be with her and yes, I said I wanted to marry her but she said no. She put me first and she didn’t know about our fling.’

  ‘Fling? It was more than a fling!’ Delores said and Hatty heard the hurt in her voice.

  ‘It was good sex, still is,’ he said bluntly. ‘Then she disappeared, wanting to run away and hide because she thought it would be best for me. She was heartbroken you didn’t want to know her.’

  ‘I was busy getting on with my career.’

  ‘You were being resentful,’ Murray said, letting out a deep breath. ‘And you didn’t want to know where she went as it might lead me to her. She knew about us. I told her the minute I touched down and found her married to a man, who would eventually hurt her. I wished I’d done so many things differently, I really do.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Not let her go so easily,’ he said sadly. ‘I should’ve fought for her, convinced her that my love was all she needed and forget about what others thought. It didn’t matter if we couldn’t have a family because of her heart. Then things would have been different but I buckled under the comments and Eloise, she knew it was hard and let me go. She let me go because she loved me.’

  ‘And I didn’t let you go because I loved you so much and still do,’ said Delores gently and Hatty could hear her voice was pained. ‘Murray we have to sort out what’s going on between us.’

  ‘I can’t marry you Delores,’ he said quietly. ‘I don’t want to get married again.’

  ‘I see,’ she said and her tone had hardened. ‘Then what do you want?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Do you want me?’

  There was a long pause.

  Hatty knew those pauses, those breaks when something bad was going to happen.

  ‘Hello there!’ Hatty said, marching into the room as if nothing had happened and ignored the heavy mood before she stopped in her tracks. ‘Oh my god, Murray you look awful!’

  ‘And good morning to you too!’ he said, with a faint grin. Hatty turned to look at her aunt and was met with such a filthy stare, she wondered if she should have kept out long enough for Delores to find out what Murray really thought. ‘I’m just tired.’

  ‘Maybe the noise kept you up,’ said Delores, flicking a glance at Hatty.

  ‘What noise?’ Hatty replied, walking towards Murray and kissing him gently on the cheek. ‘I slept like a log but I’m worried about how we’re going to protect the people on the island and what I can do.’

  ‘You can get on a plane tomorrow morning with the rest of us and go,’ Murray said.


  ‘Hatty we’re flying out tomorrow. I can’t risk us staying here and something happening. It’s my responsibility to get us all to safety.’

  ‘I can’t leave,’ Hatty said, feeling the reality hit her as he frowned. ‘I need to get things from the house and-.’ She then saw Murray grab his chest. ‘Murray!’ She bent down and looked up at Delores who was wide eyed. ‘Call the doctor now!’

  He collapsed onto the floor as Hatty flung herself down to look at him. Suddenly he stopped breathing and she immediately went into her first aid course, oblivious to the screaming happening behind her. Hatty placed her mouth over his and closed her eyes, trying to remember what she’d been taught. Within a few moments, he was breathing again. The next thing she knew, she’d been pushed away by Delores and ended up on her backside, making eye contact with a distraught Monica and a very angry Ethel.

  Delores and Hatty sat in the waiting room as Murray was being treated. Neither one had spoken to each other since the incident. Hatty was silently fuming at Delores for pushing her away, going in the ambulance but, mostly, for annoying Murray when it was obvious he was ill.

  She jumped up and glared at Delores.

  ‘What’s wrong child?’ said Delores dismissively.

  ‘Why are you so horrible to him?’ she said, unable to keep her mouth shut. ‘You’re always arguing and can’t you see he’s ill?’

  ‘It’s you who gives him the stress,’ she said diplomatically. ‘And since his son arrived on the island, it’s got worse.’

  ‘That’s a bloody nasty thing to say! I heard what you were implying about his feelings towards me and that’s worse!’ shouted Hatty as she heard running footsteps from the outside. Jake came into the room. She saw his blank expression and ran towards him, grabbing him around the waist. ‘He’s fine. He had a mild heart attack and they’re stabilising him.’

  ‘Oh my god!’ he said, sinking into the chair. ‘I knew he didn’t look well this morning but I had no idea.’

  ‘The doctor was on his way round and he called a private ambulance to bring him here,’ she said calmly, seeing the turmoil Jake was going through then she noticed a figure at the door. Caroline was standing glaring at her as Hatty couldn’t be bothered to summon up a smile. She stroked Jake’s head. ‘You can see him soon.’

  ‘Hello Harriet,’ Caroline said coolly.

  Hatty let out a sigh and nodded. She glanced as the two women looked at each other and knew she was going to be the sitting target then focussed on her lover.

  ‘What happened?’ he asked as Hatty didn’t want to say too much.

  ‘It doesn’t matter, all that matters is he’s in the best place,’ she said gently, sitting next to him as he fell into her arms. Just then she felt the full force of dislike from Delores and Caroline. ‘Away fr
om people who want to upset him, isn’t that right?’

  Jake walked into his father’s room accompanied by Hatty, who was holding tightly onto his hand. He didn’t want to cry as he knew she’d only get upset. He dug deep to disguise how scared he was. Murray was linked to a machine and had breathing apparatus but he was half smiling and looked worse than in the morning.

  ‘I leave you for a few hours and look what you get up to,’ he said, forcing a bright smile as Hatty stood behind him, resting her head against his back.

  ‘I’m fine. Why are you standing behind Jake?’ Murray asked tilting his head to one side. Jake turned to see Hatty had her hands over her face. ‘You know the ambulance men told me I got the kiss of life and it probably saved mine. I’m pleased to see not all the teacher training went to waste.’

  ‘Murray!’ she said and ran to her bed, flinging herself on him as Jake knew he was close to tears. ‘If you’d have died, I’d have killed you!’

  ‘That doesn’t make sense,’ he said patting her head. ‘But I know what you mean.’

  ‘Hatty’s a life saver too, is she?’ Jake said, walking to his father and kissing his forehead. ‘I’m surprised you didn’t keel over if she had chilli pepper for breakfast.’

  ‘You’re not nice,’ she said, quickly turning her head to look at him before sitting up and wiping her eyes. ‘I knew you were ill, why don’t you listen to me?’

  ‘I’ve had a mild heart scare and I need to get better, so you’ll have to leave tomorrow without me and-.’

  ‘I’m not going anywhere without you!’ she snapped. ‘I can’t leave you here!’

  ‘Jake will you tell her?’ Murray said wearily. ‘I remember we had this conversation before I collapsed.’

  ‘Is it my fault?’ she said, starting to get upset. ‘Did I try and kill you?’

  ‘No it’s not,’ his father laughed weakly, shaking his head. ‘Though, you do have a good try.’

  ‘I’d never do anything to hurt you, never,’ she said and buried her head in his chest. Jake saw her touch the needle in Murray’s hand before flinching. ‘Does it hurt?’


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