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Trick of Shadows (The Duskhunter Saga Book 2)

Page 13

by Sara C. Roethle

  I couldn’t explain it to him, and I couldn’t explain it to myself. But what was done, was done. Justice would always be served, one way or another.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The Montrants confessed to everything. The other guards and nobles involved were arrested, and every inch of the canals were scoured for the bodies. Bastien and Vannier were never located, which stung, but I couldn’t search forever for a child who might not be found.

  Three days after the events in the Montrant’s cellar, Steifan, Tholdri, and I visited Ryllae to say our goodbyes.

  Within her small home she embraced me, pulling away with a knowing look. “You be careful, and remember all we discussed.”

  I stepped back to stand between Steifan and Tholdri, acknowledging her words with a nod. I hadn’t told either of the men my suspicions about the Potentate. Such thinking could be dangerous, and I didn’t want them involved.

  “If you ever find yourself in the North,” I said, “come pay us a visit.”

  Her mouth twisted. “I find that unlikely, but if you run across any of my people in your travels, I will come.”

  Unfortunately, that was just as unlikely as her coming to visit. “We better be off,” I said. “We have a long ride ahead.”

  Ryllae’s mouth twisted further. “A word alone, Lyssandra, if you would.”

  Before I could answer, Tholdri patted me on the shoulder. “We’ll wait for you outside.”

  Steifan followed him out, leaving me alone with Ryllae. I found myself nervous of what she might have to say. I already knew I had to worry about the Potentate. I wasn’t sure what else she could tell me.

  She stepped closer, craning her neck to look up at me. “I think you should ask your vampire about your sword. I believe together you could discover the reason it was created, and why it has found its way to you.”

  I furrowed my brow. “The Potentate gave it to me. It didn’t find its way to me.”

  Her smile bordered on condescending. “Dear child, such objects go where they please. The sword would never have made it to you if that was not its wish.”

  I glanced at my sword hilt over my shoulder, once again thinking it might be more of a burden than a boon. “Whenever I see Asher again, I will ask him.”

  “You speak so casually,” she laughed, “as if you will not be seeing him quite soon.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I haven’t seen him since the night we haunted the Montrants. How can I say when I will see him again?”

  She hugged me again, muttering against my shoulder, “You will be traveling through dangerous lands. I have little doubt that he’ll be watching over you.”

  “I thought you didn’t like him,” I said as she pulled away.

  She shrugged. “I don’t like any vampires. They are bloodthirsty monsters, but that does not mean that I cannot see the truth. He will be watching you, and protecting you. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is yet to be seen.”

  I smirked. “Your advice is confusing, as always.”

  “I fear I have no clear advice on this matter, but you are a clever woman. You will figure it out. All of it. Now off with you, the morning wears on.”

  I found myself sad to leave her. It was nice having another woman around. Maybe when I got back to Castle Helius, Isolde and I could have some girl talk. But then again, maybe not.

  Later, as we exited the city gates, we were approached by two familiar faces.

  Bastien grinned when he saw us, and parted from Vannier to run toward us.

  I slid down from my horse and met him halfway, scooping him up in a hug. I twirled him once, then set his feet on the ground. “Where in the Light have you been?” I gasped.

  Vannier approached as Steifan and Tholdri reached us with our horses. “My old friend found him hiding in the slums. Someone had tried to take him, so he thought it best to lay low.” Vannier patted Bastien’s sandy hair. “He’s a smart lad.”

  Bastien grinned. “When my grandfather found me we thought it best to hide until you solved Duchess Auclair’s murder. Then we heard about the duke.” His smile fell.

  I looked to Vannier. “Grandfather, eh?”

  His wizened cheeks reddened. “When we heard of the duke’s death, I thought I might as well tell him. We will both need to search for new employment.”

  “Well I’m glad to see you both alive,” I said. “Truly.”

  “Not that this isn’t touching,” Tholdri said to my back, “but we need to get moving.”

  “We will let you go,” Vannier replied. “We just wanted to offer you our thanks. We could have ended up just like the duke and duchess, or the countless victims lost in the canals. We heard the Archduke is still weeding traitors out of the guard.”

  I nodded. “The Montrants gave many names, it will take time to question them all and punish the guilty.”

  Vannier wrapped an arm around Bastien’s shoulders. “We can only hope they all get the block. Now we’ll let you be on your way. I’m sure you have other innocents to save.”

  I gave Bastien a pat on the head. “You stay out of trouble now.” My throat tight, I climbed back up on my horse, then urged it forward, not looking back. I’d never been good with goodbyes.

  Together, Tholdri, Steifan, and I rode through the gates.

  “If I didn’t know any better,” Tholdri said as our horses ambled down the bridge away from the guards, “I’d say Lyssandra has a weakness for children.” When I glared at him, he winked. “I’ve never seen you grin like that. And you almost cried when we left him.”

  “I was simply relieved he didn’t get killed because of us.”

  “If you say so,” Tholdri teased.

  The rest of the day’s ride was pleasant and without issue. It was good to be on the road again, though I had my fears about returning to Castle Helius. Beyond that, I had promised to help Asher figure out who had killed the other ancient. I wasn’t entirely sure I was up to the task, and I wasn’t even sure when he would find me again.

  Yet that night, Ryllae’s words held true. I sensed his presence in the darkness, watching over me. Part of me wanted to find him and chase him off. Yet another part, a small dark part I would never admit to, took comfort in knowing he was there.






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