Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss: A Forbidden Romance (Blackmail Fantasies Book 2)

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Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss: A Forbidden Romance (Blackmail Fantasies Book 2) Page 8

by S. E. Law

  Soon, she lets go of the satin, and it falls to the ground, the robe pooling around her feet. Her shoulders go up, pulling on the straps of her bra. She got a little dressed up for the occasion, her bra and panties set a matching one in black lace. I definitely appreciate the effort she’s put forth.

  “Do you want me to be completely naked?” she whispers.

  “That’s up to you,” I reply. I’d definitely prefer her fully in the nude, but I want Tammy to do what comes naturally to her. This video is going to be my end-all, be-all.

  Tammy continues taking her clothes off, undoing her bra and pulling off her underwear. My boner is starting to strain against my pants. I’m not wearing the stiff suit pants that comprise my daily outfit, but these joggers are still a little too tight for how turned on this girl has me.

  I watch as Tammy crawls onto the bed. She lies down, her body facing me and the camera. Her head rests comfortably on the pillow, her cheek pressing into the top of it. She lets her leg fall off the side of the bed, opening up her pussy for me to see.

  I can see the shaky breaths she takes, evident in the tremor of her breasts. Two of her fingers pass her lips, her tongue darting out to wet the tips. She slides her hand down her body, over the curves of her tits, and down the planes of her stomach until she reaches the apex of her center. She passes the light smattering of hair on her mound before reaching the very folds that I’ve been dying to dig my face in.

  Before this started, I had assumed that getting another tape would be enough for me, but after being here and seeing her, I’m starting to feel my resolve slip. I’m starting to see what I really want.

  I want to bury myself deep inside of her.

  Tammy’s eyes had fluttered closed when this all began, but suddenly, at the very moment of my realization, she opens them, zeroing in on me. Her eyes bore directly into mine as her fingers break past her folds, sinking into her pink pussy. Her lids go half-mast, but Tammy maintains eye contact.

  Her back arches as a soft moan escapes her lips. I adjust myself, feeling extreme discomfort. Jesus Christ. I didn’t think this was going to be so difficult. Does Tammy even know how fucking delectable she looks, sprawled out on that bed? Fucking herself with her fingers?

  Her eyes fully close as she gets more and more into it. I run my fingers through my hair, digging them into my scalp in an attempt to hold on to the last shreds of my restraint. Tammy didn’t sign on to get fucked by me. She agreed to make me one more dirty video and then I’d have to leave her alone.

  But dear God, that is not what I want.

  “Oh, fuck it,” I mumble to myself. I move from behind the camera and approach the bed, not making any attempt to hide the sound of my feet getting closer and closer. Tammy’s eyes snap open, and she sits up on the bed, pushing herself to the far corner. She grabs for some of the covers, doing her best to hide her exposed skin.

  “What are you doing?” Her eyes dart back and forth.

  “I don’t know… I thought,” I start but trail off. I’m usually a lot better with words, but I’m tripping all over my tongue right now. I realize that I’ve never before worried about a woman rejecting me, but Tammy easily could. I would never pressure her to sleep with me; everything she does will be 100% of her own volition, which leaves me in this weird state.

  She looks down before looking back up at me from under her eyelashes. Her grip loosens on the covers, and they fall from her, revealing her body to me again. She scoots over to me, stopping once her body is right in front of mine. I watch as her hands go to the hem of my pants, pulling at the tie before pushing them down my legs.

  Her fingers slip under my boxers next, slowly peeling them off. My dick pops free, the relief over having the space to breathe instant, but the strain from my very strong erection still apparent.

  One of Tammy’s fingers brushes against the side of my shaft, and I flinch. I’m too damn sensitive. I don’t want to blow my load after two seconds.

  “It’s very big,” Tammy comments, breathing on my engorged head. “I think I would like to…” She doesn’t finish this thought, instead wrapping her lips around my shaft and bringing it down her throat.

  “Oh fuck,” I breathe, my head falling back. Goddamn, she feels good. Her tongue circles around the head of my penis, lapping up the precum leaking out. I grab her hair, digging my fingers into the strands. She moans as I pull, the suction of her cheeks deepening.

  I pull her hand, bringing her heavenly blowjob to an abrupt stop. Tammy looks up at me, her lips glistening with spit and precum. She slowly runs her tongue along her bottom lip.

  Bring my other hand around her neck, I gently run my thumb along the underside of her chin and slide my hand up until my thumb reaches her mouth. I pull her bottom lip down, getting a peek into her wet mouth. Her tongue darts out and licks the tip of my finger.

  No longer able to hold it in anymore, I push Tammy down on the bed, her back softly hitting the mattress. I step out of my bottoms, pushing them off to the side before pulling my shirt off.

  I watch as Tammy’s gaze goes up and down my body. I climb onto the bed, holding myself up on my elbows to I look down at the woman below me. She’s so fucking beautiful, every inch of her body. I run my hand from her shoulder, down her quivering breasts, over her belly, until I reach her pubic hair. Her eyes light up as I get closer and closer to her center. My fingers slip into her already dripping pussy, easily sliding in and out, becoming coated in her juices.

  Her hand grabs my bicep, her nails digging into my skin. I swirl my fingers around as her pussy pulsates around my digits. My fingers move back and forth like a wave in the ocean, around and around in a slight circular motion.

  Her back arches, pushing her nipples into my chest. I bring my mouth down on one of them, softly pressing my teeth into her tender flesh. A high-pitched moan of arousal squeaks out of her throat, going straight down to my aching cock.

  “Don’t stop, Brick. Don’t stop!” She hitches up her knee, the tips of her toes stroking my ass. I swirl my tongue around her sensitive bud, bringing my nose between her breasts until I reach her face.

  “Are you close? Are you going to fucking come on my fingers like the dirty girl you are? Is your pussy going to drip all over my hand?” She whimpers, nodding her head. “Should I let you? Have you been a good girl? Do you deserve it?” I tease.

  “Yes,” she gasps. “Please, Brick, please.” The sound of her begging is like music to my ears. It lets me know she wants this just as much as I do.

  I press my finger into her clit, rubbing it back and forth. Her grip tightens on my bicep. I watch her face tense up before her frame trembles underneath me.

  “Oh Brick!” she screams while orgasming. It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen, Tammy writhing in pure pleasure, her face contorted with the sensations running through her body.

  I watch as her breathing evens out and her eyelids flutter open. I remove my fingers from her vagina, her hips jolting when they are fully withdrawn. I bring them up to my mouth, licking her sweet nectar off of my skin. The redness in her cheeks deepens as she watches my tongue lap up every last drop.

  Placing a finger under her chin, I pick her head up so that I have perfect access to her lips. Our noses touch before our mouths; Tammy’s warm breath skirts along my cheek.

  “Brick, I–” I don’t wait for her to finish, cutting her off with a kiss. She pushes into me. Our tongues intermingle. Tammy moans into my mouth, and my erection somehow throbs even more. If I don’t take that tight pussy of hers soon, I’m going to lose my damn mind.

  I move my hand between us, bringing it down our bodies until I’ve reached my erection. As we kiss, I position myself right at her entrance, circling it with the head of my penis. Her juices coat me, the soft pulses of her pussy drawing me in. No longer able to hold my desire at bay, my hips thrust forward, my shaft deeply embedding itself in Tammy’s folds.

  The force of our joining causes Tammy to break our kiss, her head tilting
backward as her breath catches in her throat.

  “Fuck,” she sighs. Her leg comes around my back, pushing my dick further down and deeper into her. My pace picks up. Nails scratch down my back as our bodies rock the bed back and forth. Tammy’s pussy squeezes the life out of me, her walls massaging the essence from my cock.

  I push in and out of her, my body and my brain possessed with her. The scent of our coupling fills up my nostrils, intoxicating me. My muscles tense, and I’m doing my best to keep from losing my stride too early. But my balls grow heavy as all of the blood rushes from my head downward.

  “Oh God! Brick! I’m going to–”

  Her sentence is cut off by her high-pitched squeal. Her walls quiver and shiver all around my shaft. I come with a growl, my cum spurting out of my top in one long burst. My muscles shake with the ferocity of my orgasm.

  I manage to keep myself from fully collapsing on top of Tammy by holding my body up on my elbows. The two of us catch our breath as my forehead rests on hers. Tammy’s hand slowly comes up, her fingers brushing along the side of my body before she cups my cheeks. The small tremors in her hand transfer to my skin. I’m not sure what she’s nervous about, but it’s clear there’s a lot going through her mind.

  I’m starting to feel some kind of emotion with all of this staring at each other. I need a change of scenery before I do something totally out of character for myself.

  “Um, let me,” I start. My dick is still inside of Tammy, but it’s probably time to break the connection. I roll off of her, dropping my head on the pillow close by. We turn our heads toward one another. She looks like she has a lot of questions, but I know I don’t have a single answer.

  “Um, maybe I should,” Tammy sits up, her arms instinctively coming around her body. She’s trying to hide herself from me, not that I blame her. This night has taken a very unexpected turn. I’m still working through how we got to this point. It’ll probably take me longer than a couple of minutes to come to any kind of a conclusion.

  I’m probably going to have some explaining to do as well.

  “Yeah, I’ll do that,” Tammy mumbles to herself. She gets out of the bed, picks the robe off the floor, and covers herself up. I pick myself up, resting on my elbows, and continue to watch her as she picks up her clothes and holds them close to her chest. She looks at the ground like she’s trying to make some kind of a decision. She seems to have made it when she turns back around, discarding the robe and putting her own clothes back on. She doesn’t rush but instead does everything slowly. Taking her time and making sure that everything is put on correctly.

  When she’s done, Tammy walks over to me, robe in hand.

  “I’m guessing you want this back?” she asks, offering up the satin garment to me. I actually hadn’t even thought about what I was going to do with it. It’s not something I can use, so I wave my hand.

  “You can keep it. I bought it for you to use anyway.” Her brow furrows as she looks down at the fabric, rubbing it between her fingers deliberately.

  “Thanks. Um, yeah, thanks.” She seems confused by the offer. I would just end up throwing it away since it has no place in my house, so it’s better to give it someone who can get some use out of it.

  Tammy starts to walk away but stops. She looks at me again. I’m waiting for the barrage of questions or anger or expectations or something, but she just looks at me. Her mouth presses into a tight line, her eyes narrowed in confusion. I pride myself on knowing what people want, but Tammy is hiding a lot from me.

  And it’s making my brain go around in circles.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” she says before finally leaving. She definitely seems a little jumpy. Once she’s gone, I fully sit up. Looking around the room, I start to wonder what I have just done. It felt good. So good, I wonder if it even happened, but having sex with Tammy definitely adds a complicating factor to our relationship.

  I wipe my palms down my face. There’s nothing I can do about it now. And at the end of the day, that was some of the best, if not the best, sex I have ever had. She was so fucking responsive and sexy, and she knew exactly how to draw me in. I wonder if Tammy knows exactly how fucking intoxicating she is. She seems unaware of how deep her effect is on me.

  Let’s just hope it was all worth it. So far, it has been, but it’s only been ten minutes.

  I climb out of the bed and get dressed. Performing tasks allows me to not think, so I reset the entire room, arranging it so that no one will know anything is amiss tomorrow morning. I turn off the cameras, shut down the lights, and get the tape out. I’m going to keep this very safe.

  The last thing I have to do is turn the security cameras back on. I made sure they were off so there would only be one tape from tonight. No need for my employees to know about my extracurricular activities. The tapes aren’t checked on a regular basis anyway. They’re more to give us something to review if need be.

  Oh, it’s been a long day. Work was drawn out, and ending the day with a pornographic film shoot was definitely something I was not planning on. But I do have to say that it was one of the best endings to a day I’ve ever had.

  “Time to head home,” I say to myself. There’s nothing I can do right now to figure out the next steps for this situation. What I need is sleep. I’m sure that once I’m rested and without sex on the brain, I’ll come up with a game plan.

  Let’s hope it stays nice and simple. I’ve never been a fan of a complicated love life. I haven’t had a girlfriend in such a long time, I’m not sure if that’s something I even want at this point.

  But I’m getting ahead of myself. I just need to get my ass back home and get into bed. All of this thinking can be saved for another day.



  Oh good God in heaven and mother Mary, what have I done? I took my ass home after everything that happened with Brick. This whole situation just went off the rails. Like the train is in the river, nowhere close to the tracks. Like I may have really fucked up big time.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” I mumble to myself. The whole point was a quick solo session. We were to film me masturbating, and then the two of us were going to part ways. It seemed simpler that way – Brick and I would end the relationship after the exchange – but everything’s changed now.

  The session started off pretty well. I managed to get myself in the mood. I mean, it wasn’t very hard for to get turned on with the likes of Brick Barrister standing there. When we first agreed on another tape, I was ready to faint. I mean, how in the world was I going to do all of…that with an audience?

  But then I got to thinking, and I actually started getting more and more excited about the idea. Brick is fucking gorgeous, and every time I see him, my heart races.

  It dawned on me that this whole endeavor could be a bit of extra fun for me. And to top it all off, I’d be saving my dad’s job.

  But holy cow! Before I knew it, Brick was standing right there in front of me. He’d looked so hungry as his eyes scanned my body that I had squirmed under his gaze. Thinking about it right now, I’m antsy. I can’t explain how it started or why it happened, but it did.

  He surprised me, but I wanted him. I wanted him badly. Every second he was on top of me, inside of me, I loved it. His hands, his lips, his fucking huge cock – everything was so perfect. He was so dominating, so in control.

  And if he wanted to do it again, I would. In a heartbeat. It may have been the best sex of my life. I came multiple times. His whole body felt like something celestial, something out of this world. My face gets hot just remembering.

  But where does that leave me now? I had this whole plan in my head that after I delivered the video to Brick and fulfilled my end of the deal, I would wash my hands of Brick. It would all just be a weird story. Maybe years down the road, I would be able to tell people about the time I got caught masturbating in my dad’s boss’s office.

  But having sex with Brick has brought us into a different territory now, right? It completely ch
anges the dynamic of our relationship. Are the two of us dating now? Are we together?

  I abruptly sit up in my bed at the thought. Oh good God. Me date Brick Barrister? Could anyone even imagine?

  I snort because of course we aren’t dating. It was just sex. We just had sex. People have casual sex all of the time. But what makes this so confusing is that it’s under unique circumstances, and that makes the whole dynamic that much more confusing for me.

  The question still is what are we? Are we bed buddies? Friends with benefits? That doesn’t make sense either because we’re not exactly ‘friends’. We’re hardly even acquaintances. Before that fateful night when I broke into his building, I don’t think I’d seen Brick in five years. I doubt we’d go from practically strangers to romantically coupled so fast.

  But still. What does that make us? What are we? I run my hand through my hair, gripping it tightly. I’m confused, and all of this confusion is causing me inordinate amounts of frustration. I just want answers, but I have no idea who to go to for them. I doubt Brick is going to want to have this conversation. I barely want to have it, and all I’m currently doing is talking to myself.

  At that moment, my cell phone rings, shattering all of my thoughts. I need a break anyway. Running around in circles isn’t going to get me anywhere.

  Even though this call is coming at an ungodly hour, I’m viewing it as a godsend.

  “Hello?” I answer without checking the caller ID. Whoever it is, it doesn’t matter. I’d talk to a telemarketer right now if that would distract me.

  “Tammy! You’re awake?”

  “Mamie?” I’m surprised she’s calling me so late. She’s my best friend, so I’m not mad or anything, just worried. “Are you okay? Is everything okay?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I messed up. I messed up!” With Mamie, that could mean a whole host of things. I love my friend dearly. She was my roommate for all four years of college, and we’ve been going through these career lows together, lamenting about how crazy student loans are and the load of crap that makes up our respective jobs. Mamie is a dog walker but studied fine arts in college, so she’s been trying to launch that side of her life while also remaining financially alive.


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