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Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss: A Forbidden Romance (Blackmail Fantasies Book 2)

Page 12

by S. E. Law

  I can see that she has brought two of the setups to the center of the room, facing one other.

  “Do either one of you have experience working with this kind of equipment?” She looks between us. Brick shakes his head, but I nod.

  “Um, yeah,” I say. “I took a couple of classes in college.”

  “Awesome! I can do a demonstration if you’d like, but if you’re comfortable just jumping right into it, we can skip that part.”

  Samantha and Brick look at me. I’ve never taught anyone how to work on a wheel, but I think it’s easy enough, and if we skip the demonstration, Brick and I will get to our alone time a lot faster. And that is what I am here for.

  “We don’t need a demonstration. I can show Brick how it works.”

  “Perfect! Our equipment does have a few quirks. To turn the wheel on and off, there’s a button on the side. It won’t actually start turning until you press on the pedal, and that will control the speed. If you make anything that you want us to put in the kiln, you can put it on the shelf over there.” Samantha points to a wall where there are rows of various ceramic pieces, all of them not yet hardened. “Just place it on one of the trays and write your name on it. We don’t fire up the kiln every day, but we’ll let you know once they’re done. If you are unable to pick them up, we do have a service where we can mail them to you. The paint and glaze are on that table next to your setups. There are two cups with brushes on the table. The paints should be restocked, but if you need more of one color, or if there’s a color that’s not there, you can check that cupboard,” she points to her left. “That’s where we keep the big bottles. I think that should be everything. Are there any questions?”

  Samantha looks between me and Brick. She’s given us so much information; I didn’t really absorb a lot of it. I was busy thinking about teaching Brick how to do pottery. I turn to my date, hoping he has gotten all of what our host has said.

  “Is there anything we’ll need to turn off before we go?” Brick asks. It sounds like he was paying attention, so I don’t worry about whether or not I’ve missed potentially important information.

  “Yes!” Samantha exclaims. “The wheels should be off. They can be left where they are, though. And the light switch is right by the door. Flip that, and everything will be good. If you want to hang out in the bigger room, there’s a light switch by this door and one by the front door. If you turn it on, just turn it off before leaving.”

  “Sounds easy enough.”

  “Yep, I tried to make everything as simple as possible. Once again, please don’t hesitate to call if you guys need anything. I don’t live too far away, so I can be over in a heartbeat. And I guess the last thing is I hope you have fun here at Potting Beauties.”

  Brick thanks her, and then she leaves. We hear the front door close, and soon it’s just the two of us. All alone.

  “So you rented out the whole space?” I ask.

  “I thought you would appreciate the privacy.”

  I smile because I do. I’m not ashamed to be out with him, but this is all so new and fresh, and I appreciate being in our own little bubble. Even if it’s only temporary.

  I take a look around the room for a little bit. It’s so nice. It reminds me of some of the spaces where I took pottery classes when I was still in school. This one is a little nicer, though, and the space has a more thought-out design.

  I still can’t believe this is the date Brick came up with. There’s no way he had any idea I took classes in college. He must have used his best deduction skills to land on the fact that I might like something like this. And he was very right.

  This will be my first time making pottery since college, and I cannot wait to get the wheel spinning.

  “What are you thinking?” Brick asks me. I jump because he’s suddenly behind me. He puts his hands on my shoulders, calming me down.

  “I’m just thinking about making ceramics.” I turn my head so I can look up at him. He smiles down at me.

  “I had no idea you’ve done this before. You’re a woman of many hidden talents.”

  “I’d say there’s a lot you don’t know about me, Mr. Barrister.”

  “Okay, Miss Mystery. Are you going to let me learn a few things?”

  “It depends on well this date goes, I guess.”

  “I see,” he nods. Brick’s hands move, sliding down my shoulders and taking my jacket with them. I wiggle my arms so that it’s easier for him to remove my trench coat. He drapes it over his arm, resting it in the crook of his elbow.

  His eyes finally get to drink in the outfit I put together. I haven’t worn this dress in a while, and it feels good having a man – in particular this man – looking at me like he’s ready to pounce.

  “You look delicious,” he whispers.

  “Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  I bite my bottom lip because while I like my outfit, it’s not really appropriate for making ceramics. Brick goes to hang up our coats before coming back over to me.

  “Are you ready?” He seems totally unaware of the limitations we are currently facing because of the clothes we are wearing.

  “Uh, Brick? I’m happy you brought me here, but I don’t think I have the right clothes on to be working on a wheel.” I look down at my outfit and finger a small section of the fabric before looking over at Brick and pointing at his clothes. “Neither do you,” I grin. At least I have the excuse of not knowing what tonight’s activity was. Brick planned this whole thing.

  “Well, what about these aprons? Samantha left them here for us. They should protect our clothes, right?”

  I look at this big beautiful man and shake my head. He does not know a single thing about pottery. “This small fabric might keep our torso somewhat clean, but wheels are messy. That clay is going to get everywhere. And I mean everywhere. It’s a bitch to wash out.” My very special dress is going to get completely dirty. Usually, I’m not high maintenance about my clothes, but I don’t own a lot of very nice outfits, and I’d rather not mess up one of the few ones I have.

  “I guess the only solution is for you to be completely nude,” he tells me with a straight face. I balk at the idea. What is he talking about? He wants me to get naked and then make a bowl? “I mean, you’d have the apron on, but that would be the only garment you would have on.”

  “Really? You want me to wear nothing but that apron?” I point to it. It would cover a decent amount, but my body would be on display, everything hanging out. I’d be putting on a show for this man.

  “Yeah, I want you naked. You don’t like my idea? It’ll keep your beautiful dress from getting messed up. Isn’t that what you’re worried about?”

  I roll my eyes. This man really knows how to spin words, and he comes up with the craziest ideas. First the video and now this.

  “And what about you? Won’t your clothes still get filthy?”

  “I can get naked, too,” he shrugs. “I don’t mind.” I have to cover my mouth before I make the ugliest sound. He’s just so casual about nudity. I guess he’s more used to this type of situation than I am. My guess is Brick finds himself in some odd places naked with women quite a bit.

  I take a second to consider his proposition. I mean, this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve stripped for him. When we made that second tape, I got undressed under some very harsh lights. This man has already seen every inch of my body. And if he watched any of the tapes before returning them to me, then he probably has a pretty decent knowledge of it.

  I can’t really say I feel shy around him. In fact, I feel emboldened more often than not when I’m with Brick. I’ve done some of the craziest things with this man.

  Getting naked in a ceramics shop is just another day, I guess.

  “Okay, I’ll do it. There’s no camera this time, right?”

  “There isn’t. I promise,” he chuckles. I take a deep breath and unzip the side of my dress. Brick’s eyes follow my fingers until they reach the end of the zipper. The side opens a
little, the cool air of the room touching my skin.

  Brick moves next, unbuttoning his dress shirt. His fingers deftly move down the line, twisting each button without a second’s hesitation. He pulls his shirt off to reveal his gorgeous, highly defined chest. This is only my second time seeing it, but God almighty, he takes my breath away. I want to reach out and touch him, but there are still more clothes to be taken off.

  I pull the sleeves of my dress off of my shoulder and let it fall to the ground. It pools at my feet, and I almost cover myself out of instinct but stop myself. I want Brick to see me since he likes to look at my body so much.

  And I like that he likes to look at me.

  I wore a matching lacy bra and panties set. I wasn’t sure if our night would lead to anyone getting disrobed, but I wasn’t going to take any chances. I like being sexy for him.

  The two of us continue undressing until we’re both totally in the nude. There are a few moments of outright staring. I almost think we’re going to totally skip making ceramics, but then Brick hands me my apron.

  I smile and put it on. It feels weird wearing one of these without any clothes on underneath, but it’s also titillating. The rough fabric of the apron rubs against my nipples. They are already hard and peaked, wanting to be touch and licked.

  But it’s not quite time for that yet.

  Once my apron is all tied up, I look over at Brick. I can’t help but let out a laugh at seeing him like this. He’s so big and muscular, the apron looks comical on his body. If I had my phone on me, I would most definitely snap a picture.

  But even with as funny as he looks, he’s still so gosh darn good looking. There’s a bulge just above the hem of the apron, and it’s making a lot of promises for later on tonight.

  I actually do want to take advantage of the equipment we have at our disposal, though, so I bring my hands together.

  “So, are you ready to learn how to work a pottery wheel?”



  I section off some clay for both of us. I give him a much smaller chunk since it’ll be easier to work with that amount. I don’t want to start him off with too much. Pottery is very easy to mess up, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing, and Brick has no idea how to do any of this. This is the very first time he has ever sat down at a pottery wheel, which is kind of exciting. I’m happy to be part of one of his firsts.

  Growing up, I was never much of a fine arts person myself. I liked to draw, but I mainly stuck to flowers. Most of my drawings were just rough sketches of arrangements I wanted to make anyway. But Mamie was always trying something new, and that’s how I got into ceramics. She randomly signed up for a class one day and then didn’t want to go alone, so I tagged along. The classes were included in our tuition, which was great for me. I loved it so much I kept going for the four years I was at school. When I graduated, though, I’d had to stop. Out-of-pocket classes were well outside my budget, so it’s been a couple of years since I’ve worked with clay.

  I’m extremely excited to be back at it again.

  “Okay, so the first thing you do is get the wheel turning and throw the clay on. Make sure your switch is turned on and then press lightly on the pedal. You don’t want this thing going too crazy.” I demonstrate what I mean, getting my piece of clay right in the center. “It doesn’t have to be in the exact middle, but get it as close as you can. That’ll make forming whatever it is you plan on creating a little easier.”

  “Like this?” Brick asks, throwing his clay onto the wheel. He didn’t get it dead center, but that really isn’t necessary. He actually threw the clay on the sweet spot. It’s forgiving enough, which is nice.

  “Yeah, that’s really good.”

  We’re both sitting at our respective wheels, facing one another. The whole nudity aspect isn’t really that distracting. I mean, I do catch a glimpse of his thigh or chest or really any exposed body part, and my heart races a little, but the wheel is also keeping me busy. It’s enough of a distraction that I don’t lose my damn mind.

  “The next step is wetting your fingers,” I dip my fingers in the bowl of water on the table by me. Brick has his own table with water. “You start forming a shape by pushing your fingers – with some force but not too much – into the clay. The clay will automatically come out somewhat circular because of how the wheel is spinning. What you want to watch for is keeping the sides even since you’re making a bowl. You also want to watch the speed of your wheel. If you’ve got the wheel going too fast, that’s a super easy way to mess up whatever it is you’re trying to make. Too slow isn’t good either, but there’s a pretty wide range of speeds that work, so don’t get too in your head about it. You can watch me if you need a visual.”

  I press my fingers in the center of my clay, pushing down and forming a depression. I like to make my own vases, so that’s what I’m going to do, but I plan on guiding Brick to make a bowl. That’ll be a lot easier for him. Since the bottom of the vase is kind of like a small bowl, I don’t think watching me will confuse him too much.

  “You’re very good at that.” I look up to see Brick watching me intensely. He’s focused on my hands, trying to get down the technique. He’s mimicking my movements in the air before applying them to the actual clay.

  “Thanks. I took classes for four years, so I picked up a few tricks.”

  “Four years! That’s a long time.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I stop what I’m doing to see if Brick has the hang of what he’s doing. He’s got the general gist, but his bowl isn’t exactly forming the way it should.

  “You know what?” I say, getting up from my seat. “Let me help you.” I walk around so that I can position myself behind Brick.

  “Are we about to have a Ghost moment?”

  “I don’t know,” I sigh.

  “It’ll become clear in a bit,” he says mysteriously. I wonder if I should question him, but it's not that big of a deal, so I pull a stool from another station and place it next to Brick.

  “Keep the wheel spinning. I’m just going to help you get a better shape. Make sure your fingers are wet enough.” Brick dips his fingers into the water again, and I dip mine. I let him get his hand back on the bowl before placing my hands on his, guiding him. “You’ve got to feel the shape. It’s a little bit technique, a little bit intuition.”

  “Mm-hmm,” Brick mumbles. We keep going until the bowl evens out, getting a nice circular shape. I take my hands off of his because I don’t want to finish the whole shape for him.

  “There you go,” I smile, wiping the sweat from my brow. I didn’t realize how erotic that was going to get, our hands moving together in wet clay. It was wet and slightly sticky. Whew! I think half of the sweat that accumulated on my brow was from pure sexual energy. “You should be able to make the rest of the bowl yourself,” I cough out.

  I stand up to go back to my seat and compose myself a little, but Brick grabs my wrist, stopping me.

  “Oh, you can’t leave me like this, Tammy girl.”

  “What do you mean?” He glances down at his crotch, and I can see his bulge has gotten considerably bigger. It looks like I’m not the only one who got hot and bothered by my instruction. “Oh, you mean that. I think I can help with that as well.” Brick’s body has turned to face me, his knees wide open. I kneel down, situating myself between his legs.

  Softly, I lift up his apron and come face-to-face with his massive cock. It’s so BIG. I saw it the first night we were together, but I didn’t have a chance to truly appreciate the appendage then. Everything was moving so fast, and it was all so unexpected; there wasn’t a moment to savor.

  Tonight, I want to take my time with him.

  I let my fingers skirt up the side, feeling every ridge that makes up his member. Brick flinches a little but otherwise stays in his spot. I make the same movement again, this time stopping to circle the tip with my middle finger. I’ve never thought of penises as beautiful, but every part of Brick is like a work of a

  He has a bulbous head, engorged with hints of purple. The tip curves ever so slightly. I lick my lips, thinking about all of the pleasure the two of us are about to experience. Then I wrap my lips around the head and my fingers around the base. Using both in conjunction, I suck while I pump Brick’s dick.

  His musky scent fills up my nostrils. I moan around his dick, running my tongue in circles around it. I continue moving my head up and down, grabbing his balls with my free hand. I feel Brick’s fingers tangle in my hair. He pulls on the strands so hard that my head shots up almost level with his. My mouth hangs open, a little bit of spit mixed with precum leaking out the side and going toward my chin.

  Brick’s mouth crashes into mine, his tongue pushing between my lips. Our mouths dance together as our tongues tangle. I stand to my feet, my hands going for the ties of his apron. Once I’ve got them undone, I throw it in an unknown direction. Brick does the same to me, and once we are both naked, our kiss breaks.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” he mumbles. I don’t waste any time situating myself on his lap and letting his dick slide into me. It takes a little bit of maneuvering, and Brick helps me guide him into my quivering pussy. I throw my head back as I descend onto his lap. I dig my fingernails into his shoulder, my muscles feeling every inch of the strain.

  “Oh my God,” I sigh. He feels so good inside of me. Nothing has ever felt this good before. I can see myself becoming addicted to the mere thought of Brick Barrister.

  He grabs my breasts, massaging them with his big manly hands. I wrap my arms around his shoulder, grabbing onto my elbows for support. I move my hips up and down, finding the perfect rhythm for the two of us.

  “Yes, baby. Just like that.” His hands go down my stomach and grab my hips. He thrusts wildly, impaling me over and over with the monster between his thighs.

  “Fuck! Brick,” I whine. I remove my hands from my elbows, opting to slide them into Brick’s thick black hair. It twists around my fingers, creating an outlet for all of the tension I am feeling inside of myself.


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