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Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss: A Forbidden Romance (Blackmail Fantasies Book 2)

Page 16

by S. E. Law

“I guessed that,” I whisper back. We’ve pulled into the part of the driveway that’s by his front door. It’s the kind of driveway that wraps around. It also branches off, but I can’t see where to since it’s so dark. Maybe we’ll get to explore the grounds later.

  Brick turns to me, his icy blue eyes burning into my skin.

  “Are you ready to go inside?”



  I step into Brick’s house, if house is even the proper word for a structure like this one. It sounds like such a common word for the sheer size of this dwelling. I can’t even begin to imagine the square footage of this place.

  And the inside manages to stun me even more.

  There’s a chandelier that illuminates the foyer, the soft sparkle of it shining down onto the strong wood. I take a sharp breath, deeply inhaling the woody scent of his home.

  It smells just like him.

  “Do you want me to have your bag taken up to my room?”

  “Um, taken up?”

  “Yeah, my home staff is still here. Most of them will be leaving soon, and they’ll all be out of the main house by the time we’re ready to really get settled, so we’ll have privacy. I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed tonight, so I asked the majority of them to be here just in case.”

  Home staff? Like maids and butlers and stuff? That’s crazy.

  “Sure. I don’t really need anything from it right now anyway.”

  “Great. I’ll make sure it gets up there.” He leaves my bag on a lavish table by the front door. The table looks like it might be an antique, and my ratty overnight bag is now just hanging out on top of it. “I don’t know if we have enough time to go through the entire house, but I can give you a mini tour, if you’d like.”

  “Yeah,” I nod. “I want to see your home.”


  Brick loops his arm through mine and leads me farther into the house. We stay downstairs. I get to see the kitchen, an entertainment room, a dining room, another dining room – this one more for big parties, a living room type of space, and a smaller, similar room.

  “Hopefully, you’ll get to see the whole house eventually.”

  “So you live here? It’s kind of far from your office.”

  “Oh no,” Brick shakes his head. “I have an apartment in town. This place I use more for entertaining, or if I’m going to have someone stay with me. I realize it’s rather lavish for one person. I could have gotten something smaller, but when I was younger, my mother used to clean these types of places, and she’d take me with her sometimes. If the owners weren’t home, we used to play a game where we would pretend it was our own place.”

  I nod, taking in what he’s just said. He’s a lot more sentimental than comes across initially. It makes sense why he’d hide his softer side. Being in producing, he can’t afford to come across as easy to walk over.

  But I get to see the mushy stuff, and that’s more than enough.

  “Sorry I just unloaded all of that.”

  “No, no. I like hearing about all of that stuff. Tell me whatever it is you want to tell me. It’s okay.”

  “Okay, I will,” he takes my hand and kisses the back of it. “But right now, I want to get started on our date. I think we’ve dilly-dallied enough.”

  “Sure, what are we doing?”

  “Follow me.”

  Brick leads me outside. His backyard is massive. I have no idea how much land an acre is, but this has to be multiple acres. There isn’t much time to look around, unfortunately. Plus, it is rather dark.

  Brick takes me around one of the corners of the house, where there’s a large hammock parked in the grass.

  “What do you have planned for tonight?” I can’t even begin to figure out what’s going on.

  “Well, if you’re hungry, I can have some food brought out here, but if you’re not, we can get started on the main event of the evening, which is a screening.”

  “A screening?” As I ask my question, Brick turns me around to reveal a large white projection screen.

  “We’re going to watch a couple of movies. Some of my favorites, in fact. I thought you might like to see what inspired me and what continues to inspire me.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing.” Once again, this is such a thoughtful date idea. I can’t believe Brick went to all of this trouble, and for me.

  “Are you hungry? We could just have some snacks if you want something small.”

  “Um, yeah. A small snack would be nice.”

  “Do you like popcorn?”


  “Extra butter?”


  “Amazing. Let me have someone bring that out. You can get comfortable in the hammock if you’d like.”

  As Brick walks to the house, I turn and look at the hammock and then down at my dress. Once again, I’m not ideally dressed for the night. The dress is comfortable, but leggings and a sweatshirt would have been more appropriate for this evening’s activity.

  I see that there is a blanket on the hammock, and it does look rather large. Plus, it’s not a cold night, just a little breezy. I could lounge in my underwear. I’m sure Brick wouldn’t mind.

  I turn around, not seeing him anywhere. That might be more fun as a surprise, if he walks back to the hammock to find me in my lingerie.

  See? I can come up with fun date ideas, too.

  I pull my dress over my head, folding it up and setting it down under the hammock. I proceed to climb onto the hammock and under the big cozy blanket. Up to my neck is covered by the blanket, ensuring there will be a big reveal.

  Brick is back in no time with a bucket of popcorn.

  “I got us our snack for the evening and sent the staff to their homes for the night, so we have all of the privacy we’ll need.”

  “It smells good,” I comment. I lift my head a little, but the blanket continues to do its full coverage duty.

  Brick furrows his brow, looking down my body.

  “Are you hiding something?” he asks while placing the bucket on a small table by the hammock.

  “Why do you think that?” I shrug. His eyes narrow, and he looks around the hammock. His eyes skim around me and pause under the hammock for a bit. “What is it?”

  Instead of answering my question, Brick moves closer and closer to me until he’s standing right by my face. He pulls at the blanket, and I let it fall a little, revealing my bra.

  “So, you’ve decided to be a little naughty,” Brick murmurs. “Can I get under there with you?”

  “If you want,” I shrug. I’m trying my best to keep my cool, but inside my chest, my heart is beating like crazy. Brick steps closer to me and makes quick work of getting under the blanket with me. He snuggles up to me, my head resting on his chest.

  “Let me get this movie started.” He reaches over to the table and picks up a remote. After pressing a few buttons, the projector lights up, and suddenly, there’s a film playing.

  “What are we watching?”

  “A couple of my favorite films. I thought we would start with the oldest one, Nosferatu. It’s a silent film; the only sound in it is music,” he whispers into my ear. I keep watching the screen as he tells me information about the film, little tidbits and fun facts.

  “So it’s a vampire story?”

  “Mm-hmm.” He moves some of the hair out of my face. His hand lingers before going down my cheek and stopping at my chin. His fingers push into my mouth, and I swirl my tongue around his digits.

  “There’s always been something erotic about vampires, how they place their victims under a spell in order to penetrate people’s necks with their teeth.” Brick takes his fingers from my mouth, dragging them down my body like he’s splitting me in two. As he does that, his mouth comes to my neck, biting down softly and pinching the skin.

  “Ah,” I gasp, grabbing onto his hair, my nails digging into his scalp.

  “How are you liking the movie?” he mumbles against my neck. Brick’s
words make me notice my eyes are closed. Inhaling as I open them, my gaze goes back to the movie. Though I’m distracted by Brick’s lowering hand, I manage to watch the screen.

  “It’s good. It’s really good,” I breathe.

  “Yeah?” Brick asks. He removes his mouth from my neck and replaces it with his other hand, gently wrapping it around my neck. I whimper in response as I feel his hand slide into my soaked panties. Brick’s mere presence makes my pussy wet, but everything he is doing now has me dripping like a waterfall.

  His fingers hook into my folds, swirling around the juices that have accumulated.

  “Oh!” My back arches, pressing my front into Brick’s clothed chest.

  “You’re so beautiful. How did you ever find me?” Two of his digits start moving in and out of my greedy hole, scraping along my walls.

  “I think you found me,” I gasp. I may have driven myself to his studio, but Brick is really the one who set this whole affair in motion.

  He chuckles, bringing his head down to my shoulder.

  “I guess you’re right,” he concedes, his nose brushing my skin. “Either way,” his lips press into the shell of my ear, “I have you here, my fingers swirling around in your pussy. Do you like that?”

  “Yes,” I nod.

  “I’ll keep going then.” His fingers start moving faster and faster. My hands grip onto the tops of his shoulders, finding stability in his sturdy, tall frame. The familiar warmth in my belly starts to grow, and my legs want to clamp close. Brick keeps me from cutting him off; his leg keeps mine open.

  My cries echo around me as Brick’s naughty words egg me on further.

  “Are you going to come for me, Tammy? I want you to give me everything you’ve got.” I move my hips to the rhythm Brick has set, his knuckles rubbing along my clit. My insides clench, and a rush of sensations go through my body, setting me on fire.

  “Oh, Brick!” I scream, my orgasm filtering down my entire being. His fingers keep moving until he’s milked it all out of me. When my body finally comes back down to earth, I bring my face up to his and kiss him. It’s deep and filled with all of the passion of the evening.

  “Do you want to see my room?”

  “What about the movie?” Brick put so much work into planning this evening. I mean, he had an entire film setup erected just for us. I definitely want to check out his bed, but I don't want him to feel like all of his hard work was for nothing.

  “We can stay and watch it, or we could watch it later.”

  “I just feel bad that you did all of this, and I've sidetracked us.”

  “Oh, no. Don't feel bad at all. I'd rather watch you come than any boring old movie.”

  “Brick.” My cheeks heat up at his words. Even with all of the sexual things he's done to me, he can still make me feel sheepish.

  His eyes are looking at me with a burning intensity. It's not just his gaze that's letting me know how revved up he is. His erection presses into my thigh. That's when I get an idea.

  “Let's stay here. You can keep telling me all of your facts and fun tidbits from the movie.” I look at the screen; it seems the setting has changed to a creepy castle.

  I look back at Brick, and he looks a little bit disappointed, but he swallows it.

  “If that's what you want.”

  “It is,” I nod. Brick settles so that he's lying next to me. We start to watch the movie again. I wait until Brick becomes engrossed in the film, only breaking his concentration to relay a quick fact to me.

  Once I know he’s good and focused, I brush my hand down his body.

  “Tammy.” He says my name as kind of a warning, but not an ominous one. He's more letting me know the can of worms I am about to open.

  I don't stop my hand's trajectory, only slowing down when I reach his pants. I slide my hand inside, stroking Brick's semi-hard dick. It grows into a full erection under my coaxing.

  “This story seems a lot like Dracula.” I keep making regular conversation in an effort to tease Brick even more.

  “Yeah, it's an unofficial adaption.” He swallows loudly, taking a deep breath to relax his muscles.

  “Unofficial?” I ask while I peel his pants off a little bit. Just enough to get his penis fully out.

  “Yeah,” he grunts. “They didn't ask the author or the author's estate if they could use the source material.”

  Brick is really struggling to maintain his composure. His breathing picks up as I run my thumb around the head of his penis. Up until now, he has been able to watch the movie. I want him to lose complete control, so I move the blanket off of us and creep down to the bottom of the hammock. My face is right by his cock, and I inhale its heady scent.

  I don't waste any time wrapping my lips around his shaft. I look up to see his eyes have closed and his head has tilted back. My mouth forms a smile around his dick in my mouth.

  I bob my head back and forth. The ridges and veins along Brick's shaft bump against my lips. Spit mixes with precum as I take him as far down my throat as possible. Brick starts to move his hips on his own, ramming his dick into my mouth.

  I never thought I would like rough sex, but whatever Brick does to me always curls my toes.

  The hammock rocks violently, but whatever is holding it up is sturdy enough to keep it the two of us from crashing onto the ground.

  Brick keeps going until he orgasms into my mouth, his hot cum leaking out the sides of my smile.

  “Fuck,” he growls. A few lazy pumps later, Brick falls back into the hammock. I crawl back up so that I’m resting my chin on Brick's chest.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Amazed with you. You're just-” He stops himself midsentence to kiss me. His hands grab either side of my head and bring our lips together. When we break apart, we rest our foreheads together.

  “So, do you want to keep watching the movie, or are you ready to turn in for the night?”

  I look directly into his eyes.

  “Let's watch it. But you might need to restart it. I haven't really paid attention since the beginning.”

  “Okay,” he chuckles. We situate ourselves, adjusting our clothing, as Brick rewinds the movie to the beginning. “Now, let's be good this time.”

  “Okay,” I nod. “As long as you are.”

  “I guess we will see.” Brick presses play, and the music starts. I snuggle up even closer to him and prepare for our second (or maybe third?) attempt with this movie.

  The next morning, I wake up in the most comfortable bed I've ever been in. Stretching my limbs, I sit up and take a look around. It's a nice room. Huge, too.

  I don't remember coming up here, though. Brick must have carried me. We managed to finish Nosferatu, but when the next movie started, Brick and I were all over one another. I don't really remember what else played, just random snippets.

  But I don't see Brick anywhere. The clock says it's ten, so he probably woke up long before me.

  I get out of bed and notice folded clothes with a note on top.

  Downstairs in the kitchen. Get dressed – or not ;) – and come join me. Brick

  I pick up the clothes he left me – an oversized tee and some boxers. I put them on and leave the bedroom. Hopefully, getting to the kitchen won't be too difficult. Brick's home is absurdly huge. Anyone would get lost in it.

  I walk down the hall and go down the first set of stairs I find. They take me to a part of the house I was in last night. From here, I remember how to get to the kitchen and make my way there. Just like the note said, Brick is waiting. He looks freshly showered, the sun shining off the water droplets in his hair.

  “Tammy! You're awake.”

  “Yeah, I didn't know I was going to knock out for so long.”

  “We got to bed pretty late. Plus, we were up to some tiring activities last night.”

  “We were,” I blush.

  Brick smiles down at me before motioning toward the rest of the kitchen.

  “Do you want something to eat? The kitchen i
s fully stocked, so if you want it, we probably have it.” My tummy rumbles as if on cue. I don’t think I’ve eaten since being at Mamie’s. The popcorn Brick brought out ended up being very much forgotten.

  “Yeah, sounds like I could eat,” I joke. “I don’t need much. Some toast and tea would be good.”

  “Do you want anything on your toast?”

  “Some butter or jelly.”

  “Yeah, okay. That’s easy enough. Do you remember the smaller room I showed you, the one with that round table?” I nod. “You can go wait for me in there. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you in a minute.” This feels a little awkward, but I’m sure that vibe is mainly coming from me. It’s the first time we’ve woken up together like this, so there are bound to be a few kinks.

  I leave the kitchen and go to the little nook Brick was talking about. It’s such a cozy little spot, perfect for breakfast. The sun streams in through the windows, lighting everything up with a warm glow. I know he said he doesn’t live here most of the time, but it’s such a gorgeous place. I guess it is too big for one person, though.

  I wonder if he’s ever thought about having more than one person live here. It’s too early for that other person to be me, but with a house this big, the thought must have crossed his mind.

  “I wonder,” I say to myself. I shouldn’t wonder too much, though. It’s bound to lead to nothing good.



  I woke up this morning considerably early given how late Tammy and I stayed up playing with one another. I knew we were going to get up to a few things last night, but I was not expecting all of the tricks she pulled out. That girl is not as innocent as she looks.

  I don’t really want to be up this early, but my body has an internal clock that I cannot seem to turn off. Unless I am up the entire night, I wake up at 4:30 in the morning every morning, if not earlier sometimes. I would have stayed in bed to wake up with Tammy, but I knew she would wake up a lot later than me. I didn’t want to bother her with all of my moving around, so it seemed like a better idea to just get out of bed and go through my morning routine.


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