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Undercover Love: A BWWM Romance

Page 6

by Tyla Walker

  I close my eyes, trying to imagine getting married to her for real.

  We get to have a home together, the three of us. I'll wake up every morning with her in my arms. She'll cook me food, and we'll have conversations at the table about work and our lives.

  I'll spend time with Jerome and teach him how to play football. I'll get to go home from work, and I'll be greeted by both of them. I get to end the day, making passionate love with Nya for all the rest of our days. And the cycle repeats itself, but I realize that the thought leaves me feeling content.

  I open my eyes, hit by the force of the truth. I'm in love with Nya. I love Jerome like a son. I love them both and want to form a family with them.

  And now, the only question is, 'What am I going to do next?'.



  The way David left this morning is keeping me on my toes. It's already lunchtime, and he still hasn't called. To say that I'm worried would be an understatement.

  His note said that he's off to catch the bad guys. I take it that he's finally going to launch a sting operation to catch Suarez and Jones.

  What if something went wrong? How long does a sting operation even last? Was he shot? Did they figure out that David is, in fact, the police?

  I bite my lower lip from all the anxiety that I'm feeling. I've been walking around in my office, feeling uneasy for the whole morning.

  Once my feet start hurting, I'd sit back on my chair and try to come up with some new designs. I've basically canceled all of my meetings for today since I'm not sure if my mind will be in it.

  I tap the tip of my pencil against my desk repetitively, sketchpad still completely blank. I sigh, taking another glance at the clock, noting that another hour has gone by.

  "Boss! Turn on the news! You'll never believe it," my secretary says as she bursts inside my office.

  I look at her questioningly while I do as she advises. The television turns on, and I don't know what channel to put it on.

  "Put it on the news," she says, which I follow. I flip through the channels until I get to ESPN.

  I turn up the volume, wondering what's got my secretary in such a state. Focusing on the news, my eyes widen at what I'm witnessing.

  There's live footage of Dave's sting operation. Suarez and Jones are being taken in by the authorities on the grounds of money laundering. Suarez is kicking up a storm, shouting that he's innocent, while Jones chooses to remain silent. It seems Jones is the smarter one out of the two.

  I keep my eyes on the television, hoping to catch a glimpse of Dave. I don't think I can calm down if I don't see that he's okay.

  Dave then flashes on the screen. I let go of the breath I didn't notice I was holding. Relief instantly washes over me, knowing that Dave is alright.

  My mind starts to clear, so maybe I'll be able to get a bit of some work done.

  "It's unbelievable, right? We've worked with Suarez and Jones on several occasions when we were decorating the interior for our shops," my secretary says.

  I turn off the television. Knowing that Dave is okay is enough. I don't need to know anymore.

  "Yes. It's a good thing we weren't caught up in whatever illegal activities they've got going on, though," I reply.

  She then looks slightly confused, "But, isn't that your fiancé that they flashed on screen? What was he doing there?"

  Realizing that the case is as good as closed, I see no harm in telling my secretary the truth.

  "He's my best friend, and he so happens to be law enforcementt. He came to me for help so that he can get an in on Suarez and Jones since we've had past dealings with them," I explain.

  Her brows furrow.

  "So, you guys aren't really together?" She asks, looking as though she doesn't quite believe me.

  "Yes. We're just friends," I tell her. Her mouth hangs open slightly at my response.

  "Wow. I'm sorry. It's just that, you guys looked so in love. I never would have thought that it wasn't real," he says in amazement.

  "On my part, though, I wasn't really pretending," I confess, a bitter smile on my face.

  She seems thoughtful, trying to process my words.

  "Well, how do you know that he wasn't pretending either? I swear, you two looked so convincing. If you weren't acting, I doubt that he was," she says.

  I sigh, not wanting to cultivate feelings of false hope.

  "If only that were true, but I'm not going to hold my breath," I reply, to which she nods.

  "I don't blame you for being careful, but all I'm saying is you don't know that for certain that he doesn't love you," she says before leaving me to myself.

  Now that the case is closed, Dave and I don't have to pretend anymore.

  The thought of not spending as much time with him anymore brings forth a feeling of disappointment.

  It's not like I didn't know this was coming. I've told myself time and again that we were just pretending. I guess I just never thought that it would end so soon.

  I'll miss all our time together. Especially all those times that we've spent together with Jerome. The three of us were like a family. It pains me knowing that it's over.

  Memories of the night we spent together start to play in my mind.

  I'll miss those lips that caressed all the different parts of my body, while simultaneously bringing me to the high heavens.

  I'll miss all of our intimate touches.

  I love you, Dave. The thought fleets through my mind.

  I cover my face with my hands. The reality that we're back to being just friends sinks in.

  Pain swells in my chest. I breathe out and convince myself that this is for the best. At least, I got to spend so much time with him. I'll get to cherish our moments together. And I'll always remember the most amazing night that we've had together.

  I take my phone out of my purse, and still no calls from Dave.

  He's probably still busy.

  I guess it's just as well. I might as well start getting used to not seeing David around as much anymore.

  This is for the best. I repeat like a mantra in my head.

  I'll have enough time to heal my broken heart.

  And the next time that we see each other, I'll be able to smile as if nothing is wrong.

  I'll be able to act normally around him again.



  "One tall Flat White to go, please," I tell the Starbucks barista as I take my wallet out of my pocket.

  I usually go for the basic Café Americano, but something about today makes me want to try different things. I hand five dollars to the barista.

  "Would you like to like to add a sandwich to your order, sir?" she looks directly into my eyes as she smiles.

  I recognize the kind of smile that the woman in front of me is giving. I know it all too well. In fact, not to be overly confident, but I've seen it a dozen times.

  She's obviously trying to flirt with me. The old me would have already gotten her number. But these days, all I could think about is Nya.

  "No, thank you," I subtly shoot her down and move to the side after she gives my change.

  I wait for my name to be called while I stand on the corner of the café. I quickly grab my drink and head out to my car. I take a sip of my coffee before turning on the engine.

  Ah, nothing like coffee first thing in the morning. It's been a while since I had the luxury of just sitting back and looking around.

  The past few days have been extra hectic because of the case. But now that we're already able to finish the job and shot down all the illegal activities of the culprits, I get to enjoy even just a few minutes of spare time before I clock in for another day at the headquarters. I'm just thrilled that it's all over now.

  I put my drink on the cup holder and start to drive away. I arrive at the headquarters in just a few minutes and park at my usual spot before heading inside.

  "Oh, just the guy that I'm looking for," Agent Fuller places his hand on my shoulder and s
tarts walking with me.

  "Well, isn't that sweet of you," I joke as we continue to walk.

  "Actually, I'm not the one looking for you. It's Director Cavanaugh. She said she wants to see you as soon as you arrive," Agent Fuller lightly squeezes my shoulder before heading to the other direction.

  I nod.

  "Go get some, Agent," he adds jokingly before disappearing in the corner of the hall.

  I shake my head as I continue to walk. I make a quick stop to my desk to put my things down before making my way to Director Cavanaugh's office. I lightly knock on the glass door to catch her attention before going in.

  "You wanted to see me?" I take a seat on the chair, not waiting for her to ask me to.

  "I did, actually," she leans forward on her desk and rests her chin on the back of her hands. "I have some exciting news for you."

  "Exciting news, eh? Let's have it," I cross my leg and lean back on the chair.

  "How do you feel about being promoted as a director and leading your own team?" Director Cavanaugh asks.

  "What do you mean?" my eyebrows furrow in confusion. Is the director leaving?

  "Well, the headquarters in Florida is looking for a new person to take over the directorial position. They're looking for someone who has what it takes to lead the entire division, and you, Agent David Mackall, fits the qualifications very well, I just look at her blankly, a bit overwhelmed.

  "So, what do you say?"

  "Do I have to give an answer now?" I ask.

  "Well, it would be better to know as soon as possible. But since I know this news is quite a shock, I'll give you by the end of the week to decide," the director tells me.

  This kind of opportunity doesn't come by too often, maybe I should take it? But if I do, it means I have to move to Florida and be away from my family.

  "I think I may have to decline. I know this kind of thing doesn't happen often, but I'm quite happy where I am," I state.

  "Are you sure? This offer is quite big to just pass on," she tells me. Director Cavanaugh is right, but I really don't want to move.

  "Yes, I'm sure," I give her a nod.

  "Besides, if I take the offer, then you wouldn't be able to see my handsome face every day," I joke, and both of us let out a chuckle.

  "Point taken. But still, even if you've already decided to stay. I'll give you a week just in case you change your mind," she says to me.

  "Thank you," I stand up and get ready to leave.

  I head to my desk and take a seat. The thing is, I don't want to move because Nya is here. I know the engagement isn't real, but I want it to be. I don't want this to end just because the job is over.

  I try to catch up with more paperwork, but my mind can't focus. All I can think about is Nya and how much I want to see her right now. I miss her. A lot.

  I get up and start to collect my things, "Ah, Agent Fuller, just the guy I'm looking for."

  "What?" He casually asks as he stops in front of me.

  "I'm taking the day off, and I need you to cover for me," I don't give him a chance to argue as I quickly walk towards the exit.

  "Thanks, Agent. I owe you," I add as I wave at him.

  I get back in my car and start to drive away. I need to make this engagement real and official, so I head to the nearest jewelry store to pick out a ring. I'm going to propose to Nya.

  I walk into the jewelry store and start to scan a few rings on the display glass case. One ring stands out and immediately catches my eye. That's the one, and it's perfect for Nya.

  I ask if they have it in her size, and lucky enough, the one in the display case is her exact size, and it's the only piece. I pay for the ring and leave.

  Her store is only a few blocks away, so I decide to go there now. I just can't wait any longer. I have to propose to her as soon as possible.

  I park in front of her store and take a deep breath as I shut off the engine.

  This is it. It's now or never.



  I sigh heavily as I rip and crumple another page from my sketch pad and throw it in the bin. I've been trying to sketch new designs for my next upcoming summer line-up for the past hour or so. The ones I've been drawing is either something that's already been done, or it's just plain dull and hideous.

  Ugh, what's wrong with me today? I'm usually able to sketch up a whole entire line at the same time frames. But today, I can't even draw a single decent piece. Come on, Nya, get yourself together, will you?

  I try to look through my previous collections in hopes of getting my creative juices flowing but to no avail. I pick my phone up from the desk to check the time and see that it's almost lunchtime.

  Well, I do feel a bit hungry, so maybe that's the reason why I can't focus. After all, you need fuel to get the creative engine going, right? Yeah, that's precisely it.

  I get up from my chair and decide to have lunch. Hopefully, when I get back, better ideas can start flowing in my brain and translate well when I start drawing.

  I usually have lunch with some of the people from the store, but today I just want to be alone and clear my thoughts. I go to the nearest diner and take a seat on an empty table. Conveniently, this is also one of the best restaurants in town, and it's one of my go-to places for some good comfort food.

  I look around, and thankfully, there are no familiar faces. Otherwise, it would defeat the purpose of me eating alone.

  "Hi, Nya! Welcome back to Square Diner!" Barbara, the usual waitress that takes my order, greets as she approaches me. She doesn't even bother to hand me a menu since I almost always order the same thing every single time.

  "Hi, Barbara. I'll have the usual," I smile as I tell her.

  "One Chicken Cheese Melt with a side of chips and one Root Beer Float coming right up," she walks back to the kitchen to place my order.

  As I wait for my order, I take my phone out of my purse, hoping to research more inspirations for my summer line-up. As an owner of a clothing store, I want to make sure that every collection I put out is unique yet wearable, and for the longest time, I can say that I'm able to that just that.

  Which is why I don't understand why I suddenly can't produce anything today. I mean, yeah, there are days that I get the typical designer's block, especially when I'm tired or whatever, but not like this. I really hope that after lunch, I can start creating designs already.

  Then, I think of David.

  I suddenly feel somewhat sad and disappointed as I scroll through articles of the case that David had just closed a few days ago. I mean, I'm glad that they're able to nab the bad guys, but that also means that our engagement ends too.

  They're the reason why we had to fake an engagement after all. I let out a deep sigh and put my phone back in my purse. Thankfully, when I look over to my right, I can see Barbara carrying my food as she slowly approaches.

  "Here's your usual order, Nya. Enjoy your lunch," she smiles as she places down the plate and glass in front of me.

  "Thank you, Barbara," I smile before she turns her back to attend to other customers.

  I take the knife and fork in my hands and slice through the sandwich before placing a small piece in my mouth. Yum, this is why I keep coming back here. Something about their food just gives me comfort as soon as I take my first bite.

  After finishing my food, I ask Barbara for the bill so that I can get back to work. I check the time, and I have a few more minutes to spare. I pay for my meal and head out to the nearest cafe to grab a cup of coffee. As if all that caffeine from the Root Beer Float isn't enough.

  I head back to the office just in time and immediately takes a seat to start working again. I grab a pencil and open up my sketch pad, but still, no idea comes in. Fine, I'll admit it. I can't concentrate because of David.

  I can't stop thinking about him. Especially now that I won't be able to spend as much time with him. The job that ties us together is now over. I really miss him, but there's not much I can do about it now.

I try to focus my attention back to the task at hand. I need to come up with something before this day ends. I can't let this hinder my own job, and I still have to get these made in time for the launch.

  A few minutes in, I finally finish at least two drawings, and I actually quite like them. I look back up, and I think I see David's car parking in front of the store.

  Am I starting to see things now? Or is he really here?

  I keep my focus outside, but no one's coming out of the car. I shake my head, but as soon as I'm about to look back down, the car opens, and there he is. I don't just see things. David is actually here.

  I'm honestly surprised to see him here at this hour. He's usually busy at work and doesn't leave until much later. Of all the places that he could be, I wonder why he's suddenly showing up here.

  I drop what I'm doing and get up from my chair to meet him halfway. Did I forget that he's going to drop by? Did he mention it?

  "Well, well, if it isn't Agent David Mackall. To what pleasure do I owe this unexpected visit?" I stop and cross my arms over my chest as we meet at the center of the room.

  I smile at him, the sight of him is always welcome even though it's painful now.

  David doesn't say anything, but instead, he gets down on one knee and gets a small box out from his pocket. I look around, and I see the surprised looks on the faces of the people inside the store. I hear a few gasps and murmur here and there, but I turn to focus back to David.

  He gently grabs my hand and opens the box. A beautiful ring appears right in front of me. Is this really happening?

  My hand trembles. This... God...

  "I don't think I have to say a speech or explain why I'm doing this. I want to go straight to the point and ask you what I came here to ask. Nya, will you marry me?" David asks with a look of sincerity and hope in his eyes.

  Even for such a short and straightforward proposal, he sure knows how to make an impact.

  My heart races. Is this it? The fulfillment of my wish? How can I say no to him? And I won't, of course. Only one word is needed.


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