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Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set Three: Books 15-21, Never Submit, Never Surrender, Forever Defend, Might Makes Right, Ahead Full, Capture Death, Life Goes On (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets Book 3)

Page 158

by Michael Anderle

  Her chances of working through her issues with Michael was probably hexed as well.

  If she had a TOM in her system, she’d beg him to kill these damned chemicals racing through her body.

  The person on the other side of the door knocked a third time, and Tabitha went from edgy to thoroughly pissed off.

  She yanked her door open, snarling, “WHAT?”

  And her jaw dropped in shock.

  Michael was standing in front of her. His eyes pierced her soul, and she couldn’t think.

  “May I come in?” he asked.

  Tabitha didn’t move; didn’t even register his request. “You’re really alive,” she whispered. “I don’t think I believed it.”

  “Yes,” he agreed, his voice soft, “and I’m standing in this hallway wondering if I need to come back at another time.”

  Her eyes opened in alarm. “What?” she said, then jumped to the side and opened the door farther. “Yes, of course!”

  It was then that Tabitha noticed Bethany Anne behind Michael, pushing him through the doorway. “You have thirty minutes, then I will be back to grab him.”

  Tabitha nodded mutely to Bethany Anne, who reached in and pulled the door out of Tabitha’s hand, closing it gently.

  Michael looked around the rather spartan room. It had a small couch, a chair, and a desk with a tablet and screen on it, and she had placed an oval red rug on the floor. “I smell someone I remember,” he said, turning to her. “Who is it?”

  Tabitha put a hand to her mouth and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. She and Peter’d had sex on that rug just twelve hours earlier. Her ears turned red as she hung her head.

  She was over a hundred and seventy fucking years old, so she shouldn’t be embarrassed to have a sex life.

  But this was Michael.

  “Uh,” she waved to the couch, “would you like to sit?” When he turned to the couch she said, “Fuck it!” and slammed into him, clutching him around the chest. She started weeping, her shoulders heaving.

  Michael looked down in alarm before he understood enough and wiggled one arm free, then the other, to hold her as well. “Tabitha, you didn’t kill me.”

  “I wasn’t there!” she sobbed. “I should have found out something about their plans, hacked something, done something.” As she cried her head moved back and forth, soaking his jacket. She sniffed as Michael held her tightly. “I’ve talked to everyone and I know I couldn’t have logically accomplished anything,” she whispered, “but you’re Michael.”

  “Who?” Michael answered softly. “I was an ass to you.”

  Tabitha hiccupped and chuckled. “Yeah, but you respected me. Cared about who I was.”

  He tried again. “I abused your skills, Tabitha.”

  She shook her head, getting his jacket wetter still. “Michael, you saw me as a person to care about. A person. Tell me that isn’t true!”

  Michael tried to think back to when Bethany Anne had saddled him with the young hacker girl. How he had tried to get the sassy geek moved out for another support person, and how she had made it to where he wouldn’t read her mind.

  Because he would blush at what she thought about when he tried.

  He smiled into her hair. “You got my grudging respect for your abilities, then my admiration for your intelligence, and finally I cared enough to make sure this human girl had the chances she needed in life. So no, I can’t tell you that wasn’t true.”

  Tabitha held him tightly enough that it hurt. “You’ve obviously been upgraded,” he said, his voice strained.

  “Sorry.” She stepped a little back, running a hand through her hair and wiping the tears from her face. “I’ve been worried that you would tell me it was all in my head.”

  “No.” Michael reached over and removed a tear with his thumb. “It wasn’t. In some respects I treated you as a daughter.” He raised an eyebrow. “A pain-in-the-ass daughter, for sure,” he clarified as she nodded her understanding. “But still, for a human to push back at me like you did?” He slowly nodded his head. “A person I cared about.”

  At the end of the thirty minutes, there was a knock on the door and Tabitha called, “Come in!”

  Bethany Anne put her head in, scanning Tabitha’s face. Although her eyes weren’t red and puffy, it was clear there had been a lot of crying. She glanced at Michael, who seemed comfortable.

  This certainly wasn’t the Michael she had left behind. She gave Tabitha a smile. “Sorry.”

  Michael stood up and went to the door, and Tabitha rose and walked behind him. “Thank you, Michael,” she said. “I’m sorry I went to pieces on you like this when you just got back.”

  “You are welcome.” He gave her a one-armed hug. “Your reception was infinitely less complicated—and painful—than Bethany Anne’s.”

  “Did she kiss the booboos and make them better?” Tabitha asked, flashing a grin at the man.

  Bethany Anne grabbed Michael’s arm and pulled him out of the suite. “No kissing booboos and telling,” she chided, and looked at Tabitha, “or I’ll get Peter to fess up.”

  “Why not?” Tabitha smiled at her friend. “I bet he could spin a great tale.”

  Bethany Anne pressed her lips together, then cracked a small grin as she closed her eyes and shook her head. “Of course you wouldn’t mind your sexual exploits spoken about.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t want to have a video out there,” Tabitha told her, “but if I could make that big hunk of manliciousness brag?” She winked at Bethany Anne. “That would make me happy!”

  Both women noticed that Michael was looking down the passageway. “I think I hear someone who needs me,” he murmured.

  Bethany Anne waved at Tabitha. “I’ll let you go before I have Superman here trying to leave me because he’s embarrassed.”

  Tabitha told them both good-bye, and slowly closed the door after she watched them walk away holding hands. She caught sight of Scott a dozen feet down the passageway before the door shut.

  She inhaled deeply, and let her emotions out with the air as she slowly exhaled.

  Her father was back, and he still loved her.


  QBS ArchAngel II

  Bethany Anne enjoyed the slow progression down the passageway with Michael, whose eyes darted everywhere and catalogued everything he was seeing on the ship. “Tell me about your cat,” she requested.

  “Demon?” Michael turned to her, a smile playing on his face.

  She eyed him. “That’s its name, ‘Demon?’”

  Michael thought a moment. “Well, technically she isn’t sure she wants that name, and her intelligence isn’t too high yet.”

  “Yet?” Bethany Anne asked. “Did you Pod-doc her or something?”

  “Nanocyte research,” Michael answered as the two continued down the corridor. He was aware of the way Scott would discreetly let people know to give Bethany Anne some space as the two of them walked amongst everyone using the passageways. He randomly read a couple of minds, and realized it was helpful to the crew to see who the new man in Bethany Anne’s life was.

  And the two he read had been pleasantly surprised.

  He grunted.

  Bethany Anne’s voice caught his attention. “You aren’t listening,” she said, although her comment wasn’t an accusation. “What’s on your mind?”

  He looked straight ahead, speaking softly. “I realized that everyone wants to know about me, so we are walking the halls to let them see me.”

  Bethany Anne looked around. “Noooo,” she whispered. “That wasn’t my intent.”

  “Oh, perhaps not your intent, but it is a good thing anyway,” he replied quietly. “The funny part is, I think we are going to have a new fashion evolution.”

  “To what?” she asked, looking him up and down as they continued walking. “Your scruffy beard or your coat?” She pursed her lips. “Personally I vote for the scruffy beard.”

  “Neither.” He pointed to his head. “My hat.” He squeezed her hand. “When peo
ple see me they are satisfied that I’m a handsome man who seems capable enough for their Queen, and then they notice how good the hat looks on my head.”

  She followed his finger. “Why do you still have a cowboy hat?” Bethany Anne asked, looking at it, perplexed.

  Michael didn’t answer, and Bethany Anne just walked beside him, content in the moment. “Well, I told you when I came out of the Etheric I was follically challenged,” he finally admitted. “I like it, now.”

  “Sorry!” She put her hand on his arm looking up to view his short hair again. “I’ll leave that for now.”

  It went unsaid that she would bring it back up later, however. “Demon?” she asked, changing the topic.

  He nodded. “Happened in a battle not too long ago. Akio and I were tracking down some annoyances—”

  “’Annoyances’ being a slang term for…” she left the question hanging.

  “People doing bad stuff who needed to die,” he replied, then mentally slapped the shit out of himself. He had been working hard to be less of a “kill-them-all-and-let-God-sort-them-out” kind of guy, but lately his life had focused on killing as the only viable answer.

  Bethany Anne had been trying to reduce that aspect of him the last time he was with her.

  “Huh,” she replied. “And how does that tie in to Demon?”

  Michael glanced down at Bethany Anne, who was smiling at someone they were passing. She didn’t seem to be bothered by the kill-them-all aspect whatsoever.

  What had happened in the last hundred and fifty years?

  “Demon was being used in nanocyte experiments—rather crude ones. When the two of us got there, we engaged in a rather large firefight. I wasn’t terribly happy that the subjects didn’t have a choice. They had no protection, so I hit the override to their cages.”

  “How did that work out?” she asked him.

  “Poorly, since I didn’t realize they were using snakes as well.” He paused for a moment. “I really hate snakes,” he admitted. “Indiana Jones and I have that in common.”

  The two of them turned a corner and continued toward the bridge. “So will Demon go into the Pod-doc?”

  “This ship is damned large,” Michael muttered. “Where are we? Are we still in the same solar system?” He looked over his shoulder, then back to the front, then left and right as they passed a cross hallway.

  “Michael!” She squeezed his hand sharply twice. “Focus a bit for me, will you?”

  “I’m focused,” he responded. “I’d like Demon to go into the Pod-doc, if for nothing else than to make sure the other nanocytes aren’t messing with her. Plus, if she could communicate better, I’d like that.”


  Michael smiled. “So I don’t have to guess what the hell she wants sometimes. It’s damned exasperating.” He heard fighting down a cross hallway and before Bethany Anne knew what was going on, he had pulled her sharply toward the noise.

  “Scott!” she called.

  Scott spun and saw a flash of Bethany Anne’s smile and then her legs as they disappeared around a corner, and he immediately started jogging after them. When he rounded the corner, Michael was striding with purpose toward the Guardians’ workout areas.

  “Hurry!” Bethany Anne smiled at Scott. “Don’t be late!”

  QBS ArchAngel II, Bethany Anne’s Suite

  Michael stretched, he felt a bone pop back into place. The short workout with the normal Guardians had helped take a bit of the edge off. They were good people. Michael ran his fingers through his hair. It might finally getting long enough that he was going to seek a barber in a couple of weeks.

  Thank God!

  “Michael?” Bethany Anne called. He slipped on a black shirt she had found for him somewhere. When she had spirited him up to the ArchAngel II after their reunion, he hadn’t been thinking far enough ahead to bring clothes with him.

  “Yes?” he replied, pulling on his boots and grabbing his hat as he walked from her bedroom into the outer suite. He heard a voice he recognized, grinned, and shouted, “STEPHEN!”

  Rounding the doorway, Michael found his brother dressed in black pants, a form-fitting black shirt, and— “A lady?” Michael raised his eyebrow as he reached Stephen, Jennifer, and Bethany Anne. “How do you do?”

  “Michael, this is Jennifer, my mate. Jennifer,” Stephen waved to Michael, “this is my brother.” The dark-haired woman nodded politely after Stephen introduced her.

  Michael reached over to shake Jennifer’s offered hand. “My, my,” Michael mused aloud. He reached up to stroke his chin, and a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. “A Were captured the heart of the Entrepreneur. I’m very pleased to meet you.”

  Jennifer eyed Stephen, whose face remained characteristically bland—only a small smile admitting he was involved in the conversation at all. She turned back to Michael. “And I am pleased to meet Stephen’s brother. He has told me a few tales, but in general Stephen has remained silent about you.”

  Michael leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially, “That would be because he hated me for a thousand years.” He leaned back. “I’m not saying it wasn’t warranted, but I was a bit immature when Stephen first became upset with me.”

  Jennifer, aghast, turned to Stephen, who nodded. “It’s true,” Stephen agreed and pointed to Michael. “He was a monumental jackass.”

  Bethany Anne shrugged when Jennifer turned to her. “Stephen’s right.”

  “I agree,” Ashur called from behind the couch, “for what it’s worth.”

  Michael called over his shoulder, his face toward the couch, “Who asked you?”

  Ashur’s head popped above the back of the couch, his tongue hanging out. “No one, but I have to support Stephen on this.”

  “Apparently my previously horrible reputation has dwindled,” Michael mused as Ashur walked around the couch to join the four of them. He laid down, front paws crossed, and looked up at the humans.

  Ashur chuffed, “I doubt that, but Bethany Anne will save me.”

  “Oh no you don’t, fur face!” Bethany Anne nudged Ashur gently with her foot. “You say it, you suffer for it.”

  “Hmmph.” Ashur leaned forward to sniff Michael’s pants.

  “What are you doing?” Bethany Anne asked him.

  “I smell cat,” Ashur answered, “but not a regular cat.” He looked up at Michael. “This is a bigger cat?”

  “Yes,” Michael admitted, looking down. “Not as big as you, but much larger than a natural cat.”

  “Claws?” Ashur queried.

  “Of course,” Michael answered.

  “Wonder how a large cat will do around Weres,” Jennifer mumbled.

  Michael turned to her. “It took a while for Demon to become accustomed to Jacqueline, who is a Were. Demon doesn’t like Were smell much, because it reminds her of the lab where she was held. I’m getting through to her enough now that she is trying to disassociate the smell with her time in the lab, though.”

  “She’s bloodthirsty?” Stephen asked, and Michael grinned. Stephen shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Never mind… Of course she is.”

  Michael noted a second time that Bethany Anne hadn’t said anything about him being bloodthirsty. Just what had happened while he was gone?

  An hour later Bethany Anne pushed Stephen and Jennifer out of the suite. “Ok, big shot.” Bethany Anne poked Michael in the chest.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Are we doing ‘Bethany Anne and Michael Meet, Round Two?’”

  “What?” She shook her head. “No, but now that you know my evil plan, you might just hurt yourself on purpose to get me to kiss it better and we have to meet the guys for your work-out with them in ten minutes.”

  Michael grinned in response.

  Bethany Anne smirked, grabbed Michael’s hand, and pulled him toward the bedroom. Ashur chuffed behind them.

  “Would you please close the door?” he asked. When the door shut with a ker-chunk, Ashur laid his head back down on his paws.
/>   “Thank God that hatch is soundproof,” he grumbled.

  QBS ArchAngel II, Guardians’ Workout Area

  Darryl nodded to Scott as the two of them backed up. His eyes focused on Scott’s midsection in the hope that he would see the Kick of God coming in time.

  There it was!

  Darryl ducked, using his fists in a no-holds-barred effort to smash the ever-loving shit out of Scott’s femur.

  Cause that fucking kick had hurt.

  Nanocytes or no nanocytes, a crack in the lower leg bone was a sure way to—

  “Hucking FELL!” Scott yelled in surprise.

  Darryl had gone ass over appetite when Scott’s leg contacted his fists. He rolled to his back and sprang into a defensive position fifteen feet away, prepared for Scott’s next attack.

  However, Scott wasn’t in any mood to attack at the moment. He was still hopping around while keeping one eye on Darryl.

  “Sorry,” Darryl told Scott. Not that he was sorry at all! “But I had to figure out a way to make you worry about sending out that Kick of God.”

  John spoke from the sidelines. “I thought it was all about teaching Scott a lesson?”

  Eric jumped in. “Yup, pretty sure those were your exact words.” He smiled at Scott as he looked at him and Darryl.

  Darryl narrowed his eyes. “John, wasn’t it your idea to try this?”

  John’s smile dropped. “Now hold on,” he said as he waved a hand and glanced at Scott. “You asked for strategies—”

  “That’s right,” Darryl cut in. “And when Eric jumped in about making sure Scott was worried about using the Kick of God, you two came back with three different ideas in a matter of seconds.”

  “Well, sure.” John shrugged. “If someone is willing to test tactical ideas when the price of failure is a Kick of God to the face, wouldn’t you let them sacrifice their face for the betterment of the team?”

  Darryl’s own smile dropped. “You cretinous asshole!” he called to John as he walked over to Scott.

  Scott was gingerly testing his leg by slowly putting his weight on it. Darryl jerked a thumb toward Eric and John and said to Scott, “Can you believe these guys?”


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