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Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set Three: Books 15-21, Never Submit, Never Surrender, Forever Defend, Might Makes Right, Ahead Full, Capture Death, Life Goes On (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets Book 3)

Page 160

by Michael Anderle

  N:>>If I am incapacitated in any way and this ship is being used to gain access to the BYPS system, you have authorization and my command to self-destruct when we get halfway through the field. If we are traveling at a speed which will fail to give the fleet adequate time to prepare, self-destruct before that time.

  At least she had sort of made things right with Thomas. If she were about to die for the cause, she was glad the last thing she had told him wasn’t “Swan-dive into a supernova so your atoms burn out and the only remaining memory I will have will be when I spit on your headstone.”

  He had made her a bit mad. Jealous, even. It wasn’t until much later that she found out the woman he was consoling was an old friend from his college days, grieving for a family member whom Thomas had also known.

  Unfortunately, she had burned her bridges with him by then, and swallowing her pride wasn’t something she was very good at.

  She sighed. If she got out of this, perhaps she would take Thomas aside and explain why she had gone psycho on his ass.

  “At this point,” the voice came back on. “I am going to have to agree that I am ignorant in this situation. I will provide my assessment, and if you will correct my assumptions or validate them this might work better. If my calculations are correct, are you willing to take me to your Exalted One?”

  Nickie moved her hair behind her ear. “I don’t understand your exact statement regarding calculations, but if you are asking if I will confirm your story, then this is what I am willing to do. The least will be to contact my fleet.”

  “That…could be a problem,” the voice answered. “Let see what we can negotiate, MineLayer 202.”

  QBS ArchAngel II, Bethany Anne’s Suite

  “You own the planet?” Michael glanced at Barnabas and back at Bethany Anne. “How much does a planet cost?”

  “When you are Bethany Anne,” Barnabas replied laconically, “you just say, ‘Make it so,’ and it happens.”

  “Seems like a cheap way to acquire planets,” Michael mused.

  “That’s not true.” Bethany Anne shot a glance at Barnabas, who smiled at her. Barnabas was enjoying this conversation way too damned much. “I worked with a business person who was trying to take over a large group of companies. I made him an offer—”

  “He couldn’t refuse,” Barnabas interjected. “Or that’s how Stephen tells it,” he added, as Bethany Anne and Michael stared at him.

  “Not true. He had a choice, but the other option was a bit more future-proof.”

  “Death?” Michael asked.

  “Ok, yes!” Bethany Anne muttered. She felt like such a hypocrite. “I was in my Baba Yaga phase, and it was pertinent. I didn’t have much time to deal with the situation, and although I saved the Zhyn, I was rather pointed.”

  Michael smiled. “So his choices were…”

  “Work for me or die,” Bethany Anne answered.

  “What’s the problem with that solution?” Michael asked. “That was what I would have chosen.”

  Bethany Anne smiled, snuggling a little closer to Michael. “Maybe that’s why I love you.” Barnabas rolled his eyes and she told him flatly, “I can’t possibly bother you with bloodthirstiness.”

  “Well, I have a lot of history on killing too quickly,” Michael replied, nodding to Barnabas. “As does Barnabas. The trick is pulling yourself out of it—which I’m assuming you have, since you are here?” He looked at Barnabas.

  Barnabas nodded.

  “For now,” Bethany Anne admitted. Her eyes were heavy. “Here, be a good man and stay fucking still for a moment.”

  “How long is ‘a moment?’” Michael asked.

  “Until I wake up, of course,” she answered, and then she was asleep.

  Barnabas glanced at Michael, who had his arm around Bethany Anne’s shoulder. “Your arm is going to go numb, holding her like that.”

  Michael nodded. “Probably.” He sighed. “But I’ve waited for this moment for years. I think I can take a little pain.” He looked at Barnabas. “Are you going to do ok? No more blacking out and killing everyone if you go vigilante?”

  “My plans are that obvious?” Barnabas asked.

  “You were some sort of cop, and you don’t want to change occupations but you also don’t want paperwork. Seems like ‘vigilante’ is the next career choice…unless you are going to do something with Lance?”

  “Working with him will give me a large amount of intel, plus I can go on operations for him from time to time.”

  Michael looked around the room. “You need a ship?”

  Barnabas shook his head. “I’ve got a ship. As big as this one, actually.”

  “That’s true?” Michael asked, and Barnabas nodded. “Well, that is interesting. This ship is massive.”

  “It is named Ranger Prime.” Barnabas crossed his legs. “Do you remember the large motor homes back before we left Earth?” Michael nodded. “Imagine that Ranger Prime is one of those. What I don’t have is a little car that goes with the big RV. For the most part using Prime is simply over-kill. These ships aren’t cheap to run.”

  “I can’t imagine they are,” Michael agreed. “So you will get something smaller?”

  “That is my plan. I just need to ask Bethany Anne if we have something, or find something to buy, although I’d rather not purchase.”

  “Why not?”

  “Gating,” Barnabas explained. “Most traffic uses the big Gates to get from one system to another. There are some ships—like those of the Etheric Empire which Bethany Anne ran—which build Gate technology into the ship. If I can get one of hers—”

  “You are golden.” Michael nodded. “I understand.”

  “Shinigami.” Bethany Anne stirred and both men looked at her, but her eyes stayed shut. “Shinigami could use you, Barnabas. She needs a firm hand, and you’ve handled my issues for a hundred and sixty years. You two are a good match.”

  She snuggled in again and her soft breathing resumed.

  Michael noticed that Barnabas was shocked by the suggestion…and perhaps slightly afraid? No, not afraid…


  Neither man was sure Bethany Anne had been awake when she made the statement.

  Barnabas would have to ask her once more. However, the Shinigami, if Bethany Anne allowed it, would be a most excellent ship for a lone vigilante.

  A human vampire over a thousand years old, and a practically-invisible ship with an AI impressed by Baba Yaga when it acquired sentience?

  What could possibly go wrong?


  QBS ArchAngel II, Bethany Anne’s Suite



  I have a question for you. Bethany Anne paused for a moment to sit down on her couch and put her tablet aside. Michael was giving her a little space right now, and spending some time with Mark and Jacqueline. While it was wonderful to have him around, both were old enough to realize you needed to breathe a little in the beginning.

  Conversely she could try to choke the living daylights out of him, but unfortunately he had learned a trick or two since he had come back from his almost-death and rejuvenation. She had wanted to choke him when she found out he had been caught a second time and almost ripped apart permanently. That little effort had been made by a vampire he had punished and left to die hundreds of years back.

  Thus, the vampire was alive, or at least torpid, after WWDE. The Duke had killed a few grave robbers, and then proceeded with an effort to take over Europe. Funny how in trying to punish the fucker Michael had inadvertently saved his useless life, only to find the vampire had a hard-on for revenge.

  And the revenge had almost been successful. Akio and the others had helped save Michael, which might explain his new-found humility.

  Which for Michael was about a two-point-five on a scale of one to a hundred.

  Baby steps, she reminded herself. Baby steps.

  What is the question? TOM asked.

  What kind of body do you want? She continued her line
of thinking before he answered. I assume you don’t want anything like we saw on that planet where we fought the Kurtherians, so—

  Definitely not.

  So, what kind of body? she pressed. I have told you many times I would get you a body. I want to make sure we have a plan that will work, and give you the best.

  Bethany Anne was surprised when TOM withdrew into himself. She grabbed her tablet and continued checking reports, waiting for him to resurface.

  Bethany Anne?

  Hmmm? she replied, accepting the suggestions of two of her subordinates before returning her attention to her friend.

  Can we simply leave it at “a body” for now?

  Bethany Anne’s brow furrowed. Sure, but how come?

  I must admit I am feeling lost at the moment. The thought of not being with you is unsettling to me, so I am not looking at my options objectively. In short, I don’t want to think about it.

  Ok, but we don’t want to make a haphazard choice because we didn’t think about it. We could always make you a body, I suppose.

  What, and be the first Kurtherian Terminator? TOM asked.

  TOM felt her amusement. I think that might be a bit much, and we’ve had plenty of Kurtherians willing to kill. I don’t think you are that far gone yet.

  I was thinking more about a robotic body, but sure. I think I would be the equivalent of a killer in my own clan. They wouldn’t understand.

  They would need to walk a hundred and fifty years in your shoes, she told him.


  Ok, so we table it for now, but we do need to think about it.

  Understood, and Bethany Anne?


  Thank you.

  Always, my friend. Always.

  Bethany Anne was sitting on the same couch an hour later when there was a sharp rap on the door. Michael came in with a smile on his face. “Dear?”

  She looked at him with a sparkle in her eye. “Yes?”

  He reached up and reset his hat. “Care to go on a date?”

  She stood up and walked toward her bedroom. “Ok, what kind of date?”

  “How many kinds are there?” Michael asked.

  “With you?” she called over her shoulder. “There are normal dates, important dates, and dates where we kill people.”

  Michael’s eyes softened. “That is why I love you so much.”

  Bethany Anne stopped and looked at him. He had his hands in his pockets, and he was grinning. His eyes sparkled under his hat.

  She had to admit he looked scrumptious, but then she was totally an interested party. “Why?”

  “Because you know to ask me if this is a date where killing will be involved.”

  “It tells me how to dress,” she replied, and shrugged. “Do I go to closet ‘A’ or closet ‘B?’”

  “Which one is for the guns?” Michael asked as he walked toward her.


  “Then B it is.”

  “Ok, B. Come help me get into my armor.”

  Michael’s voice acquired a husky timbre. “I’ll help you get out of those clothes before you get into your armor. Because, priorities.”

  “Oh no, you don’t!” She laughed as she opened the arms locker’s door and stepped inside. “Your idea of a quickie can be too damned slow!”

  “It’s the vampire in me,” he replied, chuckling. “But fine. Killing first.”

  She winked at him as she grabbed her leather pants. “Because, priorities.”

  QBS ArchAngel II

  “I’m going.”

  “Me too.”

  “Me three.” William looked at his buddies. “No way I’m missing a chance to go on a beer run and get some more seeds.”

  “Kathy?” Bobcat asked with a smile.

  “Is busy for the next thirty-six hours. Otherwise,” William wiggled his eyebrows, “you two losers might be going alone.” He turned to Marcus. “Where’s Tina?”

  “She has a poker game tonight,” Marcus replied, scratching his chin. “She says she doesn’t have permission to go down to the planet for another twelve hours, so she is playing poker with some old friends. She told me to go with Bobcat.”

  Bobcat pointed at Marcus. “That is love in action.”

  Marcus stared at his friend, confused.

  Bobcat shook his head. “When are you going to realize that Tina is just getting out of your way so you can enjoy some time with just the three of us?”

  Marcus’ mouth formed a silent “O.”

  Both men looked at William, who appeared to be shocked. “Oh.”

  Bobcat rolled his eyes. “For Pete’s sake, you too?”

  “I, uh…” William looked sheepish. “I took her at her word.”

  “It could be true,” Bobcat agreed, “but just as likely she is letting you enjoy some guy-time since, you know, you will be flying all over the galaxy with her.” He headed for a Pod. “Now, I don’t know about you losers, but I’m ready to go check out a few sites and see if we have any options.”

  “Like?” Marcus asked.

  “Like,” Bobcat answered as the other two joined him at the Executive pod, “did NASA or any of those other locations seal up some cool stuff?” He waved his friends in.

  “How would we get in? It’s been a hundred and fifty-plus years since we left.” William replied, stepping into the Pod.

  “I wonder…” Marcus mused as he boarded. “If Space X had any more insights, I’d love to grab some mementos from there.”

  Bobcat smiled. His connivance with Kathy and Tina was going swimmingly, and now with Bethany Anne’s permission the three of them were off to have a boys’ night out.

  On their home planet.

  A minute later Bobcat settled into his own seat, and the Executive Pod rose slowly from the deck and slipped through the field.

  “Oh shit.” Bobcat leaned over to look out the portal near where William was sitting.

  “What ‘oh shit?’” he asked.

  “That ‘oh shit.’” William pointed to two Black Eagles which were gracefully flying next to their Pod as they headed toward the planet.

  “And just where,” John Grimes’ voice came over the comm, “did you three think you were going without backup and protection?”

  “Down there.” Bobcat pointed, not sure if John could see him. “It’s the really big blue ball ahead of us. Do you need directions?”

  John chuckled. “The Queen is asking you guys to do the four of us a solid and help us relax a little, and in return we’re to make sure you three come back in one piece. The world has roughened up a bit.”

  “Is Bethany Anne staying on the ArchAngel?” Marcus asked.

  “Doubt it,” Eric replied, “but Michael is with her. I think she’s in good hands.”

  John smirked. “Literally.”

  Seven guys chuckled at that one.

  William grinned. “Ok, I think I hear blah blah blah drinking buddies!”

  There were four chuckles over the intercom when Darryl answered, “You got that right!”

  “Where should we go first?” Bobcat asked.

  “Let’s try New York,” Scott answered. “We had a little fun there the last time we had a night off.”

  Bobcat made a course correction from California to New York. “New York it is.”

  John spoke over the intercom as the three ships turned toward the North American continent. “Just got an update. Bethany Anne is going to Japan with Michael on a date.”

  “What kind of date?” Scott asked.

  John paused for a moment before responding, “Well, ADAM says she is armoring up.”

  Scott smiled. “Oh, that kind of date.”

  “Lucky bastard,” Darryl commented. “Think we can go with them?”

  “No way,” John replied quickly. “I don’t think they will need our help, not with Michael there. But,” he sent a quick message to his snitch, “ADAM will let us know if we should be prepared.”

  Bobcat broke into the conversation. “I’ve found thr
ee beer places that would give us a good reason to be in that area. Change course?”

  “No,” John decided. “Stay with New York. If we moved toward Japan it would look fishy.”

  “Well, just say the word. I’ve already figured out seven reasons why Japan is good for beer.”

  “What about sake?” William asked.

  “Hell, no,” Darryl shot back. “Sake makes you say stupid things.”

  Marcus chuckled. “Sounds like there’s an experience you need to share and get off your chest?”

  “No, not at the moment,” Darryl answered him. “Sometime I’ll take you up on it, though. For now, just go with ‘Sake is not your friend.’”

  “Like grenades?” Eric asked.

  “Just like grenades,” Darryl agreed.

  “Grenades are good,” John grumped. “Just because you guys made a damned meme out of ‘Grenades are not your friend…’”

  “We have video proof, you ass,” Eric replied.

  “That video was done here on Earth!” John argued. “You aren’t telling me that’s the best you got?”

  “It’s the ultimate proof, so why waste it?” was Eric’s defense.

  Soon the three ships had dropped into the upper atmosphere, and the men started looking for differences in the scenery below.

  There was silence as they realized the vast landscape had no significant lights showing human habitation at all.

  QBS ArchAngel II

  Barnabas ran his hand along Shinigami’s side. The ship had been retrofitted since they had arrived in the Sol system.

  Many people needed things to do, since they weren’t all allowed to visit Earth at the same time.

  “Shinigami, permission to come aboard?”

  He heard a voice, but wasn’t sure where the speaker was. He doubted he would be able to see it from the outside. He’d have to ask her about it.

  The ramp in the back started to lower. “Permission granted, Barnabas.”

  He stepped to the rear and walked up the ramp. He took the familiar corridors to the bridge—which looked like a living room at first glance, but was a very useful configuration. He sure hoped he never had to fight there, since it would be a bitch to get blood out of the furniture. Unless…


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