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East Goes West

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by Younghill Kang

  “I the Ferry Boat, You the Faring.” By Han Yongwoon, trans. Younghill Kang and Frances Keely. University of Kansas City Review, Winter 1950: 90. Reprinted in Yalu: Korea’s Liberal Journal, January 1, 1961.


  “An Appeal from Tyranny to God.” The World Outlook, March 1941: 18–21.

  “Changing Japan.” Review of Economic Aspects of the History of Civilization of Japan, by Yosoburo Takekoshi; Japan’s Economic Position, by John E. Orchard; Realism in Romantic Japan, by Miriam Beard. Nation, August 19, 1931: 190.

  “China and Korea in Revolt.” Review of Korea of the Japanese, by H. B. Drake; The Inner History of the Chinese Revolution, by T’ang Leang-li; The Spirit of the Chinese Revolution, by A. N. Holcombe. New Republic, January 7, 1931: 224–25.

  “China Is Different.” Review of The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck. New Republic, July 1, 1931: 185.

  “China’s Thinkers.” Review of History of Chinese Political Thought, by Liang Chi-Chao. New York Herald Tribune Books, November 2, 1930: 10.

  “Chinese Saga.” Review of The Buddhist’s Pilgrim Progress, by Helen M. Hayes. New York Herald Tribune Books, March 15, 1931, sec. 11:23.

  “Confucius as a Humanist.” Review of Confucius and Confucianism, by Richard Wilhelm, trans. George and Annina Danton. New York Evening Post, August 15, 1931: 9.

  “In Chinese Drama, Music’s the Thing, Not the Play.” Review of The Chinese Drama, by L. C. Arlington. New York Times Book Review, August 30, 1931: 10.

  “Korea as the Battleground of Foreign Interests.” Review of Undiplomatic Memories, by W. F. Sands. Korean Student Bulletin, March 1931: 3.

  Review of Korea of the Japanese, by H. B. Drake. Korean Student Bulletin, December 1931: 3.

  “Novels of World War II: Younghill Kang Looks at American Literature.” America, February–September 1948. [Monthly, by American Office of Civil Information in Korean, Japanese, and German, in Korea, Japan, and Austria.]

  “Oriental Life.” Review of The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon, trans. Arthur Wales; Dream of the Red Chamber, by Tsao Hsueh-Chin and Kao Ngoh, trans. Chi-Chen Wang. The Saturday Review of Literature, April 20, 1929: 900.

  “Young China Writes.” Review of The Tragedy of Ah Qui, trans. from the Chinese by J. B. Kyn Yn Yu and from the French by E. H. F. Mills. New York Herald Tribune Books, March 22, 1931: 10. [This review was published under the name Frances Kang, but Younghill Kang included it under the title “Chinese Writers” in his Guggenheim application.]


  “The Amateur Spirit and Korean Letters.” New York Times Book Review, July 26, 1931: 8, 19. Reprinted in Korean Student Bulletin, December 1931: 5–6.

  “China Turns to the Short Story.” New York Times Book Review, August 20, 1933: 2.

  “Christ on the Japanese Stage.” Review of Reviews, August 1929: 100.

  “Chuntokyo, Korea’s New Religion.” Review of Reviews, February 1929: 94–96. Reprinted in Korea Student Bulletin, May 1929: 1+.

  “Famine.” Review of Reviews, March 1929: 90.

  “The Flight of the Dragon-Cloud.” With Frances Keely. Dalhousie Review, Winter 1954: 239–45. [Includes the poems “Embroidery Secret” and “I am the Ferry Boat, You are the Faring.”] Reprint of “Embroidery Secret” in Yalu: Korea’s Liberal Journal, January 1, 1961.

  “How It Feels to be a Korean . . . in Korea.” U.N. World, May 1948: 18–21.

  “Japanese Literature.” The World Through Literature. Ed. Charlton Laird. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1951: 75–96.

  “The Japanese Mind is Sick.” Tomorrow, May 1945: 39–41.

  “Japan’s Secret Plans.” Picture Scoop, December 1942: 27–30.

  “Oriental Section.” A World of Great Stories. Eds. H. Haydn and J. Cournow. New York: Crown, 1947: 737–46.

  “Oriental Yankee.” Common Ground, Winter 1941: 59–63.

  “Prelude to Korean Independence.” Travel, September 1946: 9–13, 30.

  Thesaurus of Book Digests. Comps. and eds. H. Haydn and E. Fuller. New York: Crown, 1949. [Seventy-nine articles on Asian literature scattered throughout 831 pages.]

  “The Tiger Lost His Tail by a Man, But Was Killed by a Woman: A Korean Folktale.” Korean Student Bulletin, October/November 1935: 2–4.

  “Western Hat.” Asia Magazine, January–April 1931: 6–13+, 84–91+, 156–63+, 239–45+.

  “When the Japs March In.” The American Magazine, August 1942: 42–43, 110–11.

  “Why I am Studying Literature.” [In Korean.] Korean Nationalist Weekly, 1929. [New York.]

  Articles in Encyclopedias

  “Bed (Modern Metal Bedstead and Eastern Beds).” Encyclopædia Britannica vol. 3. 14th ed.

  “Changing China.” Commonwealth Encyclopædia. [1932 ed.?]

  “Chinese Literature.” Commonwealth Encyclopædia. [1932 ed.?]

  “Chinese Literature.” National Encyclopedia. 1954–1955 ed.

  “Dance (Dance of Japan).” Encyclopædia Britannica vol. 7. 14th ed.

  “Dress (Far Eastern Dress).” Encyclopædia Britannica vol. 7. 14th ed.

  “Japanese Literature.” Commonwealth Encyclopædia. [1932 ed.?]

  “Japanese Literature.” National Encyclopedia. 1954–1955 ed.

  “Korea.” Americana Annual. 1949 ed. 366–68.

  “Korea.” Collier’s Yearbook 1953.

  “Korea.” Collier’s Yearbook 1954.

  “Korea.” Commonwealth Encyclopædia. [1932 ed.?]

  “Korea.” Encylopedia Americana. 1949 ed. and 1952 ed.

  “Korea.” National Encyclopedia. 1954–1955 eds.

  “Korean Literature.” Commonwealth Encyclopædia. [1932 ed.?]

  “Korean Literature.” National Encyclopedia. 1954–1955 ed.

  “Li Po or Li Tai Po.” Encyclopædia Britannica vol. 14. 14th ed.

  “Societies of Art.” Encyclopædia Britannica vol. 20. 14th ed.

  “Tibet.” National Encyclopedia. 1954–1955 ed.

  “Tonghak or Chuntokyo.” Encyclopædia Britannica vol. 22. 14th ed.

  “Tu Fu.” Encyclopædia Britannica vol. 22. 14th ed.

  Unpublished Works

  “An Seunghwa.” Character sketch [probably for East Goes West]. Younghill Kang file. Huntington Historical Society: Huntington, New York.

  “Murder in the Palace.” Unpublished play/opera libretto. [Listed in a few biographical sources but never fully described.]

  Manuscript fragment of East Goes West draft [dialogue between Helen Hancock and To Won Kim]. Younghill Kang file. Huntington Historical Society: Huntington, New York.

  Letters and Miscellaneous

  “Assignment V.” Younghill Kang file. Huntington Historical Society: Huntington, New York.

  Guggenheim Fellowship application, October 29, 1931. Guggenheim Foundation, New York.

  Guggenheim Fellowship application, July 6, 1954. Guggenheim Foundation, New York.

  Letters to K. W. Lee. 1957–1967. K. W. Lee papers.

  Manuscript. Autobiographical statement. K. W. Lee papers.

  “Philosophy 204: Final Exam.” May 1965. K. W. Lee papers.



  Of The Grass Roof

  “Aus dem Leben eines Koreanischen Freiheitskämpfers” [“From the Life of a Korean Freedom Fighter”]. Collection of reviews in German. Leipzig: Paul List.

  Ayscough, Floren
ce. “The Life Story of a Korean.” New York Herald Tribune, March 15, 1931, sec. 11 (books): 7.

  The Boston Transcript, April 25, 1931.

  Cincinnati Times Star.

  Carter, John. New York Times.

  Choy, Martha. “The Old and New Korea in a Novel.” Korean Student Bulletin, March 1931: 3–4.

  Detroit News.

  Gannett, Lewis. New York Herald Tribune, March 17, 1931.

  “The Grass Roof.” Thesaurus of Book Digests. Ed. Haydn, Hiram, and Fuller, Edmund. New York: Bonanza, 1968.

  Hansen, Harry. World-Telegram.

  Hosie, Lady. “A Voice from Korea.” The Saturday Review of Literature, April 4, 1931: 707.

  Manchester Guardian.

  New Republic, April 1, 1931.

  Providence [Rhode Island] Journal.

  “A Scholar of Korea.” Times Literary Supplement, April 16, 1931: 297.

  Walton, Eda Lou. “A Charming Autobiography.” Nation, March 25, 1931: 332–33.

  Whang, Harry. “Eminent Critics Discover a Masterpiece.” Korean Student Bulletin 1–2. [Younghill Kang file. Huntington Historical Society: Huntington, New York.]

  Wolfe, Thomas. “A Poetic Odyssey of the Korea That Was Crushed.” New York Evening Post.

  Of The Happy Grove

  Chamberlain, John. “Books of the Times.” New York Times, September 11, 1933: C15.

  Eaton, Anne T. “The New Books for Children.” New York Times Book Review, December 31, 1933: 11.

  Lewis, Elizabeth Foreman. “Tales of the Sea and Far Overseas: The Happy Grove.” New York Times, November 12, 1933, sec. VII: 14.

  Of East Goes West

  “Briefly Noted: General.” New Yorker, September 18, 1937: 98.

  Cha, Ellen. “A Book Review.” Korean Student Bulletin, February/March 1938: 5–6.

  Geismar, Maxwell. “Gentle Arapesh.” Nation, October 30, 1937: 482.

  “A Korean-Born Lad Ventures Into the West.” The Boston Transcript, September 18, 1937, books sec.: 3.

  “Life in America Viewed by Korean.” Springfield Sunday Union & Republican, September 26, 1937: 7E.

  New Republic, December 8, 1937: 153–54.

  Thompson, Ralph. “Books of the Times.” New York Times, September 18, 1937: L++17.

  Times Literary Supplement, October 30, 1937: 805.

  Weil, Elsie. “Of Orientals Shipwrecked in America.” New York Herald Tribune, October 3, 1937.

  Woods, Katherine. “Making of an Oriental Yankee.” New York Times Book Review, October 17, 1937: 11.

  Of Meditations of the Lover

  Kim, Jong-gil. “Han’s Poems in English.” Korea Times, March 14, 1971.

  Critical Essays

  Kim, Elaine H. Asian American Literature: An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982. 32–44.

  ———. “Kang’s America Fraught With Failure.” Koreatown Weekly, November 19, 1979: 3, 13.

  ———. “Searching for a Door to America: Younghill Kang.” Asian American Review 1976: 102–16. Reprinted in Korea Journal, July 1977: 38–47.

  Ku, Robert Ji-Song. “Ethnography, Protest, and the Korean American Self: The Primitivism of Younghill Kang’s The Grass Roof.” M.A. Thesis. UCLA. 1996.

  Takaki, Ronald T. Strangers from a Different Shore: A History of Asian Americans. New York: Penguin, 1989: 184–86, 351.

  Suttilagsana, Supattra. “Recurrent Themes in Asian American Autobiographical Literature.” Diss. Bowling Green State U. 1986.

  Wade, James. “Younghill Kang’s Unwritten Third Act.” Korea Journal, April 1973: 57–61.

  Biographical Material

  “The Case of Dr. Younghill Kang.” New York Post, September 21, 1939.

  Chee, Chang Boh. Personal interview by Sunyoung Lee and Chisun Lee. August 16, 1996.

  “Commencement, ’53: The Louis S. Weiss Prize in Adult Education for 1953 to Younghill Kang.” New School Bulletin, June 2, 1953.

  Committee on Citizenship for Younghill Kang. “Citizenship for Younghill Kang,” February 13, 1940.

  Enslow, Catherine Bliss. “Younghill Kang’s Citizenship Bid Goes to Congress.” Advertiser, February 6, 1940.

  “Ford, Bought in 1930 for $800, Ran Up 400,000 Miles for Keeley.” Long-Islander 1966. [Younghill Kang file. Huntington Historical Society: Huntington, New York.]

  Gibbs, Alonzo. “Thinking of Mr. Kang.” Long Island Forum, August 1, 1989: 83–84.

  Han, Jae-Nam. “In Search of an Earthly Utopia: Younghill Kang.” We/Woori, Summer 1996: 50–51.

  “Introducing Younghill Kang.” U.N. World, May 1948: 5.

  Kang, Lynn. Letter. New York Times, April 20, 1986, sec. 6: 94.

  ———. “Thoughts of the Times.” Korea Times July 16, 1972: 3.

  “Kang, Younghill 1903–1972.” Contemporary Authors. 37–40: 285.

  Kim, Jong-gil. “Kang Showed Korean Culture to World.” Korea Times, December 17, 1972: 3.

  ———. Personal interview by Sunyoung Lee. February 2. 1997.

  “Korean Novelist May Get American Citizenship.” Korean Student Bulletin 1940.

  “Korean Novelist Returns From Abroad.” Korean Student Bulletin, October/November 1935: 3.

  “Korean Seeks Army Training.” New York Sun, June 25, 1940.

  Kunitz, Stan, ed. Twentieth Century Authors: Supplement. New York: Wilson, 1955: 509.

  Kunitz, Stan, and Howard Haycraft, eds. Twentieth Century Authors: A Biographical Dictionary of Modern Literature. New York: Wilson, 1945: 744.

  Lee, K. W. “Kang and Wolfe: East-West Friendship.” Koreatown Weekly, January 7, 1980: 1+.

  ———. “Friendship Between Wolfe and Korean Scholar Told.” Kingsport [Tennessee] Times, October 6, 1957.

  ———. “Souls of Korea.” Yalu: Korea’s Liberal Journal, January 1961.

  ———. “Tribute to So Few.” Yalu: Korea’s Liberal Journal, January 1961: 6.

  ———. “Younghill Kang: Wolfe’s Books Autobiographical.” Koreatown Weekly, January 14, 1980: 2, 6.

  “Mr. Younghill Kang is with the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.” Korean Student Bulletin.

  “An Oriental Yankee Talks of Love, Life, Literature, and Interracial Marriage.” New York Post, October 2, 1937: 9.

  “Our Own Hall of Fame: Five New Stars in the Firmament of Korean Scholarship.” Korean Student Bulletin, April/May 1934: 7.

  Reissig, Rev. Herman F. “In Behalf of a Chinese Scholar.” Letter. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 19, 1939. Reprinted in Madison [Wisconsin] Progressive, October 14, 1939.

  “Seven Guggenheim Fellows.” Boston Evening Transcript, April 1, 1933, books sec.: 1.

  “Younghill Kang.” Promotional flyer for lecture services. [Younghill Kang file. Guggenheim Foundation, New York.]

  “Younghill Kang 1903–1972.” Heath Anthology of American Literature vol. 2. Lexington: Heath. 1947.

  “Younghill Kang to Give Talk at Western C.” Oxford [Ohio] Press, October 15, 1964.

  “Younghill Kang in WCW Chair.” Hamilton [Ohio] Journal-News, January 28, 1965.

  “Younghill Kang, Writer, 69, Dies.” New York Times, December 14, 1972.

  Other Published Material

  Bulosan, Carlos. America Is in the Heart. 1946. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1973. 265.<
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  Lee, K. W. “Revolt Will Topple Red China’s Regime If Needed, Speaker Says.” The Charleston Gazette, April 18, 1959.


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