Fall for You: Boys of Alabama

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Fall for You: Boys of Alabama Page 5

by Mica Halstead

  Jax, who notices everything, elbows me in the ribs and starts shaking his head, a smirk on his face.

  “Man, you’ve got it bad.”

  I glance back towards the field, where the guys are running a counter play, and then slide my glance back to Jax. “That obvious?” I laugh a little. No use in denying it, I am definitely smitten with Alexis. I just wish I knew more about her. She doesn’t seem like she wants to open up.

  “She brought dinner last night, the kids really dig her, but I don’t know much about her.” I lay it all out there, hoping to get some advice from him. He finishes scribbling something on the clipboard he’s holding.

  He shoots me a look. “She’s met your kids?” he sounds shocked.

  “Yeah, I mean, she does live next door to me. It’s kind of hard to keep them hidden, man.”

  “Ah man, I didn’t realize it was actually serious. Fuck.”

  “What aren’t you telling me, Jaxson?” I’m starting to get shitty. He’s acting shady, like he’s keeping something from me.

  He tosses the clipboard down on the bench behind us, running his hand through his unruly hair. “Shit, okay. So, I hit the bar last night and I ran into Laney, old lady Jenkins' niece. And she was telling me about this new chick in town that her aunt is renting to…” he trails off, like he doesn’t want to say anything. Now he’s just pissing me off.

  “Cut the shit, Callaway, obviously this is about Lex. Spit it the fuck out.”

  “Okay, so she told me that her aunt said one of her friends from way back in the day contacted her and said she had a young lady who had just gotten herself out of a really shitty domestic violence situation. Like, real shitty. I guess this dude was a real asshole and the girl put up with it for a while. It started as emotional abuse and then towards the end it escalated into physical. She took the girl in for years, man. Years while she rebuilt her life. I guess she just dipped out on the dude one day after shit got real bad and never looked back.” He finishes, glancing between the cheerleaders and then back to the football players, who are being led in their end of practice huddle by the captain of the team.

  Domestic violence? Suddenly all I can see is red. I want to hunt this mother fucker down. I glance towards Lex, watching her write something in a notebook. She looks up, her forehead furrowed, like she can feel me looking at her. She catches my eye and a smile lights up her face, giving me a little wave. I wave back.

  “You’re sure she was talking about Lex?” I grit, looking back at Jax.

  “Yeah, man, I’m positive. I heard they were married. Still could be if she actually took off on him like Mrs. Jenkins said she did. That’s all I know. Just, maybe be careful? I know how hard shit has been for you since Zoe. You’ve got a couple of well-adjusted kids considering everything they’ve been through, and I know you’re the kind of guy who’s going to want to save her, but I don’t want to see the three of you get hurt.” He claps me on the shoulder.

  I turn my focus back to the team, my thoughts clouded with what Jaxson just told me. I may look like I’m focused on my guys but my head, and maybe even my heart, are stuck back on those bleachers with Alexis Carter.


  Cheerleading practice was rough but what is not rough is having eye candy like Ford and his fine as hell friend to watch while the girls practice their cheers. Practice is over, most of the girls are packing up their bags and making their way back to the student lot. Only a few of the freshman remain, the ones waiting to be picked up by a parent, and Sophie and myself. Sophie seems to make it a habit of hanging out until all the girls are picked up, making sure no one needs a ride. She really is a fantastic kid.

  One of the girls still waiting is Genevieve. Most of the girls call her Gen. She’s a tiny little thing at about 5’0 and maybe 90 lbs. She may just be a first year cheerleader but she made the varsity squad this year and I could really see her taking over the captain position when Sophie goes off to college. She’s dedicated. And good. When we were all getting to know each other at practice a few weeks ago she told me that she’s been doing competitive gymnastics since she was 4.

  “Gen, great practice today. I think it was a good choice to put you at the top of the pyramid,” I say to her as I’m packing my notebook and pens up and into my bag. I look up and see that her cheeks are a little pink, like she’s embarrassed to hear me telling her she’s good.

  “Thanks, Miss Carter. I really love it.” She says, but I can barely hear her, she’s so quiet. All the other freshmen have been picked up, so now it’s just me, Gen, and Sophie. I let Sophie know she can head out; I’ll hang around until Gen’s parents show up. Sophie takes off, leaving just me and Gen.

  “Do you think your mom is on her way?” I glance at my watch to check the time, realizing practice let out about twenty minutes ago. I look up, waiting for a response, when a rusty old station wagon comes screaming into the teacher’s lot. Coming to a stop in front of the fence where we are waiting, a young girl jumps out of the car. She’s super young, must be a sister. She can’t be but maybe 21 and you can tell she is flustered.

  “Shit Vie, I’m so sorry. My boss made me work over and I was doing everything I could to get out of there and across town to get you, but you know how traffic is after 5 when the factory lets out, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She lets out a frustrated breath, pushing her hair off her face. I can’t see much of a resemblance between the two of them but she has to be a sister. Maybe an aunt? I introduce myself.

  The young woman shakes my hand. “Avery Marks, I’m Genevieve’s sister. Well, half sister. Same mom. I’ve heard great things from Vie about you.” She tosses her long brown hair over her shoulder and shoots a glance at Gen. “Ya ready to go, babe? I still gotta pick Blake up from daycare and if I’m not there in the next ten minutes they’re going to charge us for an extra hour. Great to meet ya, Lex.” She snags Gens bag off the ground, tossing it into the back of the old station wagon and jumping in the passenger seat. “Move it, munchkin. We need to get your hours in for your learners permit. Two birds, one stone.”

  Gen gives me a small wave as she makes her way to the car. “Thanks for waiting with me, Miss Carter. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She jumps in the car, buckling up. Her sister reaches over to ruffle her hair and Gen giggles and shakes her head. And just like that, they’re out of the parking lot and I’m left standing there.

  Making my way over to my jeep, I beep my locks and open the hatch to toss my bag in. Jumping in, I make the quick drive to my tiny bungalow, taking my time on the broken cobblestone streets. There’s a town square with businesses surrounding it on both sides. Kids are riding bikes and skateboards, their parents seated in the square, chatting. It’s so quaint, like something straight out of a movie. My rental is located in a tiny little cul de sac that sits just a little off the main road in Monroeville. When I was trying to decide on where to go after being with Ronnie all those years, there was no doubt in my mind it needed to be somewhere sunny. The ocean calls to me. It always has, ever since I was a little girl. I never knew who my dad was so it was always just me and my mom. We couldn’t afford much more than the roof over our heads, and that was with mom working two jobs. We could never afford vacations, but we would always talk about going. She died when I was 17, shortly after I met Jason. Brain aneurysm. My life was never the same after that.

  I turn down the road that leads to my house and pull into my driveway. Sliding my car into park, I take a minute to rest my head against the seat back. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath before dragging myself to the house. Distracted by the pile of mail in my hands, I let my bags slide from my shoulder and drop my mail on the side table that I found at a garage sale and refinished. Turning around, a scream escapes me.

  “What the fuck, Ford?! I didn’t know breaking and entering was a requirement for a football coach.” I place my hand over my chest, trying to control my breathing. I should be more pissed that he somehow found a way in but he looks so hot sprawled across my tiny gray lo
veseat. He’s still in his coaching attire and his hair is all mussed up like he’s been running his fingers through it. He smirks at me.

  “Nah, no breaking and entering,” he holds up his key chain and shakes it, “I just used the key that Mrs. Jenkins gave me when she turned this into a rental. I fix things for her every now and then.”

  “You couldn’t have mentioned this in the last week? And what makes you think it’s okay to just let yourself in and wait on me to get home?”

  He pushes up from the couch, stalking towards me. “I wasn’t close to being done with you when you ran off on me last night,” he grabs me around the waist with one arm and presses my body against his, taking my mouth in a searing kiss. I lean in, trying to deepen the kiss, desperate for more of this man. Nothing has ever felt as good as kissing Ford does, but he pulls away and presses his forehead against mine.

  “As much as I want to pick up where we left off, I also want to check on you. You were not okay this morning and I just want to make sure that it isn’t anything I did, or anyone else, to upset you.” He finishes by pressing one more chaste kiss to my lips and releasing me. He runs his fingers through his hair and grips the back of his neck, he seems super anxious. “I just, I needed to see you to make sure you were okay.”

  I step closer to him and press my palm to his jaw. The scruff from his beard feeling rough against my smooth skin. “That’s really sweet of you, Ford. But I swear, I’m fine. I was just having a rough morning. It happens sometimes, being here with no family and no friends, this is all really new to me.” I let my hand drop and side step him, heading into the kitchen to snag a bottle of water from the fridge. Offering one to Ford and tossing it to him, I crack the lid and take a sip.

  He leans against the counter doing the same. “You’re sure? You’d tell me if something was up?” He presses. But I can’t, I can’t tell him about Jason. About my past. No matter how much I want… no.. need, NEED to tell someone about the hell I’ve been through, I’m not ready. And I’m not sure Ford is ready to hear it.

  “I swear.”

  Finishing his water and tossing the bottle in the trash, he prowls towards me again, not letting up until he hoists me up on the counter and positions himself between my legs, dragging his palm up my thigh, his heated gaze tracking it’s course. He continues up, gripping my hip with his hand and pinning me with his eyes.

  “Let me take you out. On a real date. I already have Sophie lined up to sit next Saturday night, I was going to go out with Jaxson to the bar, but I really want to take you out. Without kids. I want to get to know you, Lex. ” He finishes, leaning down and peppering kisses from my temple down my jaw, dragging his teeth across my neck and inhaling deeply. “Say yes,” he whispers in my ear.

  I can’t get involved with this man. He’s dangerous. And not in the same way Jase was. Crawford James is dangerous to my heart. Every instinct inside me is screaming no, but apparently my brain isn’t firing on all cylinders because before I can stop myself I whisper back the word yes.


  She’s beautiful,” Zoe murmured from the hospital bed. I glance up at her. If I didn’t know that she’d just spent 10 hours in labor, I never would have guessed it. Zoe has always been flawless. Creamy pale skin. Bright green eyes. Dark brown hair that she puts red highlights in herself. She’s a cosmetologist and a damn good one. Her hair has always flowed in loose natural waves down past her shoulders and today isn’t any different. She’s gorgeous.

  “Just like her mama,” I retorted, waiting for the eye roll that I know is coming before I let my eyes drift back to my baby girl's sweet face. She is so fucking tiny. Perfect little hands with ten fingers. Tiny little feet with ten toes. A shock of black hair. The nurses swaddled her in a tiny pink blanket and she’s wearing the cutest little bow around her head that Zoe insisted on. Happy wife, happy life. And I would do anything for Zo. She’s been my soulmate for as long as I can remember. Maybe even since the second I laid eyes on her in junior high. I’ve always known down to my bones that Zoe was it for me.

  I glance back up at Zoe. She looks a lot paler than usual. I frown. “You sure you’re feeling okay, Zo?” I ask, concern showing on my face and in my voice. She gives me a weak smile.

  “Just tired, handsome. Why don’t you bring me that precious baby?” She scoots up on the bed and holds her hands out in a gimme gesture. “Hand her over, baby hog.”

  I make my way over to her bed, talking to Aria in my arms as I do. “Ugh, your mama has always been greedy.” I smirk up at Zoe. She rolls her eyes, again.

  “You love when I’m greedy.” She says, a glint in her eye. Zoe loves to fuck. She’s never been shy about it. We’ve been hot and heavy since I took her virginity our sophomore year of high school. It’s a miracle we made it until we were 19 before getting knocked up.

  “Mmm, that I do, baby. That. I. Do.” I transfer Aria to her arms and lean down and kiss my wife's forehead.

  “Love me?” She says.

  “Always.” I respond. It’s our thing. Has been since the day we exchanged wedding vows. I’ll love her for always. She makes a content humming noise in her throat, pulling Aria’s blanket down so she can see her face better.

  “Have you checked on Zane?” She asks, even though she knows I have.

  “Yep,” I respond, popping the p sound at the end a little, “he is, and this is a direct quote from my mother, driving her insane. He’s anxious to meet his baby sister.” She laughs, knowing it’s probably true. Zane keeps us on our toes and he is over the moon about being a big brother.

  “I can’t wait to see him…” she trails off, and the machines she’s hooked up to start beeping erratically. “I.. somethings wrong Ford.” she drops her left arm and starts feeling around the bed, finally snatching up her call light and pressing the button. It’s not necessary, there are already nurses and a doctor barging into the room. I lean down and pull Aria out of her arms just as a nurse pushes me back out of the way.

  “What’s happening? What’s going on?” I’m panicking and bouncing the baby in my arms at the same time, trying to shush her as she starts to cry a little.

  A nurse steps in front of me and turns my shoulders. “I need you to step out in the hallway, sir. Let us take care of your wife. You can come back in just a minute once we figure out what’s going on.” She forces me towards the door.

  “I’ll be right back, Zo, right back, baby. I’ll be right outside the door,” I choke out, my concern obvious.

  “Ford,” she gasps out and before I can make it out the door the last thing I hear her say is ‘always’ right before she flatlines.

  I bolt up in bed, sweat running down my face. Shit, I scrub my face up and down with my hands. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a nightmare about that day. I fling the sheets off of me and throw my legs over the side of the bed. Dropping my head into my hands I try to slow my breathing. Fuck.

  A blood clot. A fucking blood clot after childbirth that the doctors didn’t catch. One second she was there, looking up at me smiling and holding our baby. And the next minute she was gone. Nothing anyone could do.

  I push off the bed and cross to the dresser where our wedding photo still sits. Zoe, in a knee length ivory dress with a wide skirt and a lace veil, her little baby bump barely visible. Me, in black jeans and a white button up shirt with a gray vest over it. Sleeves rolled up to my elbows and smiling down at my bride. Pregnant and married at 19. We were so young but so in love. I run my finger over the image of her, my chest aching with the loss just like it’s done since the day she left.

  Heartbreak is a real fucking thing. Every day I wake up with this empty spot in my heart. This ache that never goes away and I’m not sure if it ever will.

  I make my way out of my room and peek in on both of the kids before I go down to grab a glass of water. Once I know they’re still snug in their beds, I make my way down the stairs and to the kitchen. After filling a glass with ice and water, I take a long drink and lean my ass agai
nst the counter. This house is filled with so many memories. We scraped and saved for a down payment. I worked construction during the day and took online schooling at night. Zoe got her cosmetology license when we graduated high school through our schools apprentice work program. She had all the hours she needed and was licensed our first summer out of school.

  We both busted our asses to make our dreams happen. Statistics are shit for a couple of high school sweethearts trying to make it in the world but none of that mattered to us. We bought our dream house and used what I was learning from working construction during the days we spent our weekends renovating. The kitchen was her favorite renovation in the whole house. She spent hours picking out countertops, paint colors, and deciding on cupboards. The farmhouse sink was her favorite piece in the whole room. I run my hand over the cool metal while staring out into the backyard.

  I try not to let the kids see me like this during the day. I never shy away from talking about their mom, that wouldn’t be fair to them. I tell them all the stories they want and they eat that shit up. Zane remember her some, but the older he gets the more I worry that he won’t always remember how she used to sing to him at bedtime, or how she would spend hours rocking him in the chair that still sits in the corner of his room long after he fell asleep, or how he used to cuddle up to her on the couch and talk to his baby sister through her belly. She was a fantastic mother and wife.

  A shadow out back catches my eye. I squint. Reaching over and flicking the light off above the sink so I can see better, I lean closer to the window. Huh. I don’t see anything now. I turn the light back on, double check the window and the back door to make sure they’re locked. I’m being ridiculous. I make it to the front foyer and double check the front door. Pulling back the curtain on the little side window beside the door, I’m just in time to see tail lights fading in the distance. Weird, we live on a dead end street so there’s never any traffic and a lot of the couples on this road work a 9 - 5, they’re not likely to be coming and going at 3 am. I wait until the car is out of sight before I make my way back upstairs to try and get some sleep.


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