Fall for You: Boys of Alabama

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Fall for You: Boys of Alabama Page 6

by Mica Halstead


  A week has passed since the night I woke up from dreaming about Zoe. The end of August has faded into September and school is starting to kick into high gear. Sometimes teaching high school math can be hard. I worry I’m not pushing them enough or that I’m challenging them too much. I have the students that don’t give a shit if they pass and graduate, the students that are scraping by with a C because they need to stay eligible for sports, and then I have the students that need to get an A or they pay for it at home. And right now, that’s the student sitting in front of me currently.

  “I can’t take home a B, Mr. James. You of all people know what’s going to happen. I need help!” Sophie’s voice has reached hysterical at this point. We’ve been going over her GPA during my planning period and she’s right on the cusp of an A. But she’s right, I do know what happens. Her parents are assholes. They’ll take her car, they won’t let her babysit, and they’ll talk to her like she’s a fucking idiot.

  I pull my black framed reading glasses off my face and toss them on my desk. Scrubbing my hand over my face I lean back in my chair.

  “I know, Soph. What can I do to help? Extra credit? You know I’m always available during this time every day to help you but I don’t want you to neglect your other studies. What do you need from me?”

  “I can’t keep coming during my study hall, I have other homework to do and if I start slipping up in more than one class I won’t ever stay afloat. I don’t know. Yeah, maybe extra credit. I’ll take whatever I can get at this point.” She finishes by huffing out a breath and starts packing her things up. The bell is due to ring in just a few minutes which means my rugrats will be on their way up to my room since it’s the end of the day.

  “Done. I’ll email you some worksheets you can do, turn em into me by Friday.” I push back from my desk and stand up just as the bell rings.

  “Thanks, Mr. J. Not sure what I’d do without you.” She looks up at me and smiles. I’m not stupid, I know Sophie has a crush on me. She has for years. Obviously I would never take advantage of that, she’s my student and although that may work for some dudes it’s just not my style.

  “Sure thing, Sophie.” I smile, suddenly feeling really awkward, when my door bursts open, and the kids come shoving their way in.

  “Dad, Zane told me I’m a loser!” Aria whines out, shoving her brother into the doorway. She’s dragging her Shopkins bookbag behind her and her coat is hanging off of her shoulders. Girl is always a wreck. She looks up and sees Sophie. “EEEK! Sophieeee! Is you here to take me home? Is you is you is you!?” She runs over and throws herself at Sophie, who barely has time to catch her.

  “Heya, AJ,” she bends down and bops her on the nose with her finger. “I’m not taking you home today, squirt. I have cheerleading practice after school. It’s Wednesday, remember? I take you home on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” She stands up and grabs her things. “Thanks Mr. James, I’ll see you tonight.” She heads out, fist bumping Zane who’s lingering in the doorway trying to look cool and she mutters something about not calling his sister a loser or she’s going to give him a noogie, and then she’s out the door. I turn to Zane.

  “Really? Name calling your little sister?” I sigh. He just shrugs his shoulders and flops down in a seat at the back of my room.

  “What? She was acting like a loser.”

  Fucking kids.


  I walk into The Rustic Tavern and the heavy wood door creaks shut behind me. The only bar in town and it sees a lot of business most every day of the week. It’s been a staple in our tiny town for forever. Wood topped bar, stainless steel fixtures. There are two pool tables in the far back corner, a jukebox on the wall beside the hallway that leads to the restrooms, and six high top tables scattered throughout the place. I had to cancel our guys night next Saturday so I asked Sophie to sit with the kids a few hours tonight so Jaxson and I could go out.

  I give a chin lift to the bartender and owner, Dean. We went to school together and he recently moved back to town and purchased the bar. I glance around, taking in my surroundings. There’s a couple playing pool in the back corner and a few chicks feeding money into the jukebox. Jaxson catches my eye from the far side of the bar and gives me a chin lift, so I head that way. I’m stopped by a few people saying hi, small town and everything, and finally drop down in the barstool next to Jax.

  He claps me on the back. “Sup man,” he says, bringing his beer bottle to his mouth and taking a pull. Dean delivers my usual and I take a drink and glance at Jax.

  “How’s the accounting business?” I ask and crack a smile. I’m always pissing with him about his career choice, but he knows I’m just fucking with him. He’s a genius and he knows it. Numbers have always come easy to him.

  “Funny, asshole,” he grumbles and slams back the rest of his beer.

  “Whoa, I was just kidding. What’s up?”

  He slumps back in his chair. “I hired a new receptionist.” I arch an eyebrow.

  “Alriiight, but I mean you knew that was coming. Dottie worked for your dad when it was his business. You knew she was going to retire eventually. She is in her sixties.” Jax scrubs his hands over his face.

  “I’m not mad that Dot retired,” his ears start to turn red.

  “Holy shit, Jaxson Callaway, are you, dare I say, smitten, with your new receptionist?” I slap the bartop and let out a loud guffaw. He widens his eyes and glances quickly around the bar.

  “Shit dude,” he hisses, “shut the fuck up. You’re going to draw attention to us.” Dropping his head down to the bar top, he lets out a sigh. “Man, she’s so fucking hot. I’m so screwed.” He laughs and shakes his head.

  “Who is she?” I motion to Dean to bring us two shots of Jack.

  “Avery Marks.” I whip my head in his direction and bug my eyes out.

  “Little Avery Marks?” I let out a whistle. “Isn’t he like, 19?”

  Jaxson lets out a tortured groan. “She’s 21. But it’s all good,” he says, suddenly filled with steely resolve, “because nothing is going to happen between us. I have an accounting company to run and she has siblings to take care of. Did you hear her mom skipped town again?”

  I didn’t hear that, but I’m not surprised. Dana Marks is a piece of fucking work. Always looking for her next high. It’s a wonder Avery turned out as well as she did, practically raising herself. And now she’s raising a fifteen-year-old and a four-year-old. That’s a lot for someone who’s still so young to take on. I shake my head.

  “Nah, didn’t hear it, but you know I’m not surprised.” Dean sits our shots down in front of us. I pick my glass up and hold it up to Jax. He grabs his and clinks it with mine before we both shoot them back and I relish the burn as it slides down my throat.

  “I’m not surprised either. And now Avery is working two jobs to put food on the table for all of them.” He grabs the back of his neck and lets out a sigh.

  Dean picks that time to come over and strike up conversation. “Did I hear you mention Avery?” He asks and cracks a grin while pouring a few drafts.

  “Ah, yeah. I was just telling Ford that she’s my new receptionist.”

  “No shit,” Dean chuckles.

  “Yeah. What aren’t you telling me, old man?” He glares at Dean who just laughs a little.

  “She’s my new bartender.” he directs his eyes over my shoulder and Jaxson turns around just as the front door slams behind Avery. “It’s her third night.”

  She lifts the partition on the bar and squeezes behind Dean, dropping her purse on the counter behind him. She gives Jax and me a shy smile.

  “Evening fellas,” she says, putting her apron on. Dean lets her know she will be working the floor tonight and he is going to work the bar. She smiles at us again before heading out to take orders.

  “Fire her. “Jaxson growls.

  “Ah Jax, you know I can’t man. I need the help. And she’s actually pretty good. She’s friendly and the customers love
her. Sorry.” Dean turns around and heads down the bar to fill some more drink orders just as a we hear a table of guys laughing at whatever Avery is saying.

  “I bet they love her,” he grumbles under his breath. I smack him on the back.

  “Ah man, that’s not fair. You know she’s just doing what she has to do to get by.”

  “I know. I’m just being a dick. Let’s stop talking about me and start talking about you. How’s the neighbor situation going?” Dean drops another round in front of us and I pick mine up, taking a long swig from the bottle to stall for time. Jaxson chuckles. “Keep stalling, bro. I can sit here all night. You, however, have to relieve your babysitter.”

  “First, you’re a dick. Second, the situation is fine. She’s a lovely neighbor.” Jax snorts.

  “A lovely neighbor? What the fuck kind of shit is that? Tell me, Mr. James, have you tapped that ass yet?”

  I smile and shake my head, lifting my beer to my lips.

  “You’re such a fucking idiot.” I’m still smiling when I take a drink. Because no, I haven’t tapped it yet. But I fully intend to.


  The cab pulls up in front of my house to let me out and I tip the driver, who isn’t really a cabbie, his name is Fred and he’s a townie who makes a killing driving all the drunk young people around on the weekends, and make the walk from the car to the door. Kicking off my boots, I toss my jacket onto the chair.

  I see Sophie crashed out on the couch with Aria laying on top of her. AJ’s little leg is hanging off the side and Soph’s arm is flopped over, her fingers grazing the carpet. I lean down and carefully lift Aria into my arms, startling Sophie awake.

  “Crap,” she mutters rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, “she had a nightmare and wanted to lay on the couch with me. I didn't mean to fall asleep.” She stretches her arms above her head, her tiny t-shirt riding up just a little. I divert my eyes, brushing Aria’s hair from her face. I press a kiss to her little forehead.

  Clearing my throat, I start to head towards the stairs. “Let me just lay her down and I’ll grab you some money for watching them.”

  Heading upstairs, I deposit Aria into her princess bed and pull the covers up to her chin. She’s crashed and probably won’t wake up until morning. It’s not like her to have a nightmare. I make my way down the hallway and peek in on Zane, who is passed out in his bed with his TV still on. Rolling my eyes, I walk in and grab the remote and click the set off. I close the door behind me and head down the stairs. I’m not drunk but I am pleasantly buzzed as I hit the bottom of the stairs and turn the corner just in time to see Sophie bent over stuffing her books back in her book bag. Her ass is practically hanging out of her shorts.

  What the fuck? Since when does she dress like that? That definitely isn’t what she was wearing when she showed up just after bedtime to watch the kids for me. She had to have changed. I know she has a crush on me, but seriously, I would never. Not with a student, present or former. That shit weirds me out. I cough into my fist, so she knows I’m down here, and she looks backwards over her shoulder and smiles at me but makes no attempt to stand up.

  “Hey, sorry, just packing up.” She finishes and zips her bag up, standing up and slipping her flip flops on. I walk over to my leather jacket and pull my wallet out, taking two 20’s from it.

  “Thanks,” I say, handing her the money. “You know I appreciate you watching them for me.” She grins cheekily at me.

  “No problemo, Ford,” she says. I told her years ago when she started babysitting for me that she could call me by my name outside of school and it took her a few years to be comfortable with it. She snatches the money out of my hand. “Gotta save up for college.” She slips the money into her book bag and swings it up over her shoulder. “Let me know when you need me again.”

  I pull the door open and she walks out before me.

  “Text me when you’re home so I know you made it okay.” It’s late and I rarely ever have her stay this late to watch the kids. Usually my mom does it, but she had a date. A fucking DATE.

  Sophie skips her way down the stairs, beeping the locks on her Kia to unlock the doors.

  “Yes, sir,” she throws with a wink over her shoulder. I shake my head at her.

  “Later, Soph.” She jumps in her car and backs out of the driveway. I wait until her taillights fade in the distance before I head back inside. My phone dings after I flip the deadbolt on the door. No way that’s Sophie already. I pull it out of my pocket.

  Alexis: Don’t worry, there were no wild parties while you were away.

  Me: Ah, is that so? Well thank you for keeping an eye out for me.

  Alexis: No problem. I popped by shortly after you left to let Sophie know she could come over if she needed anything.

  Me: Huh. She didn’t mention it.

  Alexis: Probably just slipped her mind. Did you enjoy your boys night out?

  Me: I did indeed, Miss Carter. How was your evening?

  The message says delivered but not read, so I make my way upstairs and strip out of my jeans and t-shirt. Dropping down into the bed I grab my remote and click the tv on, turning it to ESPN to watch some sports highlights. My phone dings.

  Sophie: Home! Goodnight, Mr. James. ;)

  I roll my eyes. Cheeky girl. My phone dings again.

  Alexis: Sorry, I thought I heard a noise out my back door but I don’t see anything.

  I sit up and hit dial. Her phone rings twice before she answers.

  “Do you want me to come over and take a look?” I say before she even says hello. She laughs quietly.

  “Thank you for your concern, but really, it’s fine. It was probably just an animal,” she lets out a quiet sigh and I hear blankets rustling.

  “What are you doing?” I ask her as I lay back in bed. I hear her the sound of fabric rubbing together and then nothing.

  “Settling into bed. What are you doing?” She asks.

  “The same. What are you wearing?” Alexis snorts.

  “Really, Ford? What are we, 19?”

  “I’m definitely not 19 and I am 100 percent serious, Lex. What. Are. You. Wearing?” I know she can hear the desire in my voice and I hear her breath catch.

  “B-black lace panties… and a shirt,” she stutters and I feel my cock getting hard. I drop my head back against the headboard.

  “And nothing else?” I grit out, taking myself in my hand and giving my cock a good pump. I can hear her heavy breathing on the other side of the phone.

  “No, nothing else,” she whispers into the phone.

  “Fuck. Touch yourself,” I say while gripping my shaft, giving it a squeeze to ease the ache. I hear her breath hitch again.

  “Seriously?” She whispers.

  “Dead fucking serious, Alexis. I want you to touch yourself while I’m on the phone with you. I want to hear you come to nothing but my voice.”

  I hear more fabric rustle and then she lets out a breathy little moan. Fucking Christ. I’m about to come like a teenager.

  “Oh my god,” she whimpers, “I’m already so wet.” I sink down into the bed and take some of the precum off the tip and rub it around my dick, working my hand up and down.

  “Fuck yes,” I groan out, “I’m so hard just thinking about how wet you are. I want to be inside you so fucking bad.” She moans again and her breathing is getting more labored.

  “All I’ve been able to think about is being inside of you, dreaming of fucking you. Sliding my dick into your wet heat, filling you. The sounds you’d make while I’m inside of you. Would you moan for me, honey?” I’m still pumping up and down and I can hear her over the phone, she sounds close to coming. “I would fuck you so hard you’d be able to feel me for a week. And then, when I was done fucking you, I would make you ride my face. Taste your sweet juices all over my tongue.” Her breath hitches.

  “Ford, oh my god, I want all of that. I want your cock so far inside me that I can feel you days later,” she moans and I can hear how wet she is. I work my
cock faster, the tingle of my release tickling my spine. “While I was fucking myself on your face I would take your cock in my mouth and… and… oh my god..” She moans as she comes, and I’m right behind her, coming so hard it shoots all over my stomach.

  She’s on the other end of the phone trying to catch her breath. I reach over and grab a t shirt off the end of the bed to clean myself off quickly. Settling back into the bed and pulling the covers up.

  “Damn, baby. If that’s what phone sex is like with you, I can’t wait for the real thing,” I chuckle a little. She lets out a content sigh.

  “That was.. Spectacular.” She says. If she thinks that was spectacular, I can’t wait to show her what I can do in person.

  Silence on the other end of the line and I start to get nervous. “Saturday?” Her quiet voice comes over the phone, referring to our date. I grin.

  “Yeah, babe, Saturday. I’ll pick you up at seven,” she laughs a little, not bringing up the fact that we live right next door to each other.

  “Sounds good. Goodnight handsome.” She disconnects before I can say anything. I jump out of bed and head to the shower.


  Monroeville has the most adorable little grocery store called The Quick Stop. It looks like a general store straight out of the 60s or 70s and has just about everything you could need. It’s got the old school gas pumps outside of it, a candy section that sells candy for a nickel, and it’s just so quirky. That’s where I find myself tonight, perusing the produce section, when I hear a small child crying. I glance around looking for the source when my eyes land on a small boy, maybe four or five years old, sitting on the floor next to a display of apples, big fat tears rolling down his cheeks. He releases a hiccupping sob. I glance around, not seeing any other adults nearby.


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