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Mistletoe Bully

Page 2

by Amy Brown

  I run my gaze over her body, noticing how her shoulders taper gracefully to her narrow waist. She has slim hips, but a nice perky ass. My cock twitches at the thought of teaching her a lesson. The way her blue gray eyes flashed at me resentfully earlier turns me on. I’d love to get her alone where Mrs. Holstein couldn’t protect her. I didn’t usually screw girls I didn’t like, but the idea of her beneath me pleading for my cock has my pulse spiking. I wouldn’t rape her. No, that Isn’t my thing. But I love the idea of seducing her. As cool as she is I wonder if she’s a virgin. Serve her right if I popped her cherry. Then I’d laugh at her. Humiliate her. Cold bitch deserves it. She deserves me to plunge my cock in her pussy and take her virginity; shatter her icy veneer with my dick inside her, and my name on her full lips.

  Keep thinking thoughts like these, and I’m gonna have to jerk off in the bathroom between classes.

  When she suddenly looks over her shoulder at me, I freeze. Her gaze flickers and I can’t help but wonder if she can see what I’m thinking written on my face. For some reason the idea of that just turns me on more, and I run my tongue over my lower lip. Her lips part, and her eyes widen just a bit. Then she turns her back on me, and she goes back to drawing.

  I smirk because I suspect she saw my lust. It flustered her. I can tell because, while she’s still drawing, she seems distracted now. I laugh inwardly. There’s just something about her frigid demeanor that seems like a challenge. I need to make her pay for how she behaved today. What could be better than breaking her heart along with her body?

  I’m tempted to do it. Something like that takes a lot of work though, I’m not sure I want to put that much time into her. The payoff would be awesome, but I’ve got a lot of stuff on my plate right now. I’ll have to think about it. See if she annoys me enough to work that hard to humiliate her. Plus, Sabrina will be pissed if she finds out I fucked the new girl. Sabrina isn’t my girlfriend, but she’s very territorial. I usually don’t care because if I want to fuck some other girl, I just do it when she’s not around. But I don’t need anything to make Sabrina twice as annoying.

  All these thoughts of sex are getting me hard. I focus on my drawing, and keep my eyes away from Adalee. I can’t seem to look at her without getting annoyed. Maybe I’ll just spray paint dirty words on her locker and be done with it. She needs to be punished, but I don’t think I have the energy for a full on seduction. No matter how much I’d enjoy plowing her ass.

  I blow out a shaky breath, and press down against my erection, willing it to shrink. I’m gonna have to find Sabrina during lunch so she can blow me. I’m not walking around all day with a hard-on. Now I have the fantasy of fucking Adalee stuck in my head, and my dick won’t go down.

  By the time class ends my drawing looks pretty good, and my other problem is better. I’ve avoided looking at Adalee and my body is calming. I get up to take my drawing to the front along with everyone else, and am annoyed when Adalee ends up in front of me. She places her drawing on Mrs. Holstein’s desk, and I’m shocked to see how good it is. I don’t usually find drawings of houses interesting, but something about hers is mesmerizing. It looks so welcoming and relatable. I’d love to live in a home like that. I live in a mansion, but it has no heart. The little home Adalee has drawn is charming.

  I look at my own drawing and feel like it looks like a five-year-old did it. Usually I’m confident with my art, but Adalee’s is so much better than mine, I’m immediately intimidated. Of course, I don’t show that, and it’s way too late now anyway. I drop my picture down on top of hers as if I didn’t even notice hers. She walks stiffly ahead of me out of the class, and I know she’s aware of me.

  I watch her ahead of me, annoyed that I can’t seem to take my eyes off her. Her hips move gracefully with each step, and her legs are long and slender. She looks like a model, but she carries herself more self-consciously. However, after the snooty way she walked up the stairs this morning, the idea she would be insecure seems silly.

  It occurs to me we’re going in the same direction. I can’t believe my luck would be so bad that we would be in another class together. But it soon becomes obvious she’s heading to my math class. I grit my teeth and watch her enter my classroom.

  Fucking unbelievable.

  She goes to the head of the class where Mr. Glenn is scrawling math problems on the dry erase board. She stands there awkwardly, clutching her pink slip of paper, and I take my seat. Once everybody is seated the class falls silent as everyone stares at the new girl. She looks serene, as if she couldn’t care less that all eyes are on her. But I notice just the tiniest nervous wiggle of her leg. Maybe she’s not is unflappable as she seems.

  Mr. Glenn finally notices her standing beside him. “Oh. I didn’t see you there.” He smiles.

  She hands him the paper. “I’m Adalee Winston.”

  Even her name is snooty.

  “Yes. I’m expecting you. Go ahead and take a seat.” He waves distractedly.

  She faces the room, and her eyes flick to me. She then proceeds to head in the opposite direction, sitting completely across the room from me. Fine with me. Not like I wanted to sit near her anyways. Does the bitch actually think I care if she sits by me?

  “You probably don’t have your book yet, Adalee. How about you share with Emma?” Mr. Glenn says.

  A dark-haired girl smiles at Adalee. “I’m Emma.” She turns her book so that it’s also facing Adalee.

  Adalee gives Emma a small, grateful smile. “Thanks.”

  She’s even prettier when she smiles, which only makes me dislike her more. She’s probably gotten by with a lot of shade in life just flashing that pretty smile. People probably fall at her feet to do whatever she wants. Well, she came to the wrong school. Harbor Academy is my territory. I need to make sure she’s kept in her place.

  I drag my eyes from her, and focus on what Mr. Glenn is saying. I’m unusual in that I’m good at math and art. Normally people seem to have either a math brain or an art brain, I have both. I prefer art, but I’m good enough at math that Mr. Glenn has me tutor a lot of students. I don’t mind, it gives me an excuse to miss baseball practice. Not something that makes coach or Dad happy. But sometimes I just need a break from baseball.

  Mr. Glenn goes around the room randomly calling on students. We’re working on rational numbers at the moment, and a lot of students are struggling at first. But gradually as Mr. Glenn keeps talking they begin to catch on. Everyone except Adalee. Her horrible math skills give me great joy. She truly is clueless. She looks like a deer in the headlights when Mr. Glenn calls on her.

  Her cheeks are pink and she keeps her eyes down. I almost feel sorry for her, but not quite. I like seeing her squirm. She doesn’t look so snooty now as she struggles to answer the math question. When she can’t get the answer Mr. Glenn calls on me, and I, of course, know the answer. For me, it’s a piece of cake.

  “A rational number is any number that can be represented as the ratio of two integers,” I say confidently.

  Adalee squints at me from across the room, and I give her a smug smile. She might be pretty, but she sucks at math.

  “That’s exactly right.” Mr. Glenn nods.

  The class continues this way with Mr. Glenn asking us questions for the remainder of the time. When the bell rings, Adalee slumps and Emma pats her back. I roll my eyes, and stand. Being beautiful isn’t going to get her in A in this class.

  “Palmer,” Mr. Glenn calls out to me. “Would you mind coming to speak to me please?”

  Even though I know I’ve done nothing wrong, for some reason anytime a teacher wants to talk to me it makes me nervous. I grab my book, and sling my backpack over my shoulder, making my way to the teacher. “Yes?”

  “Adalee.” Mr. Glenn waves her over.

  Feeling uneasy, I watch her approach. She avoids my gaze and stops in front of his desk. Mr. Glenn opens a drawer and pulls out a workbook.

  “Adalee, it’s obvious you’re struggling.” Mr. Glenn sounds matter-of
-fact as he hands her the booklet.

  Her cheeks turn red and she studiously avoids my gaze. “Math isn’t my thing,” she says stiffly.

  I snort, and earn a dirty look from her.

  “I’d like Palmer to tutor you,” Mr. Glenn says.

  The horror I feel at that idea is mirrored on Adalee’s face.

  “No. I don’t need that.” She shakes her head vigorously.

  I’m not sure what to do or say to get out of the situation. I tutor students for Mr. Glenn all the time. It will look weird if I suddenly refuse to tutor her. But I’d rather stick needles in my eyes then spend one minute teaching this bitch math.

  “You’re going to fail the class.” Mr. Glenn frowns. “You’re not grasping it at all. We are about to move on, and you still don’t have this first part figured out. You’re going to get completely lost.”

  She shifts uncomfortably. “My aunt and uncle will get me a tutor.”

  Mr. Glenn scowls. “Why make them pay for a tutor when Palmer knows this stuff like the back of his hand?”

  I still haven’t said anything, and Mr. Glenn looks at me. I force myself to speak. “I can help you if you need me to.” I don’t sound enthusiastic, but hopefully Mr. Glenn will simply think that’s because she seems unhappy about the idea.

  Mr. Glenn looks pleased at my response. “See. Palmer is more than willing.”

  When he isn’t looking, I smirk at her and her jaw tenses.

  “I’d really rather have a different tutor,” she says.

  This is perfect. She looks ungrateful, while I look helpful. She’s hanging herself with pride, and I’m going to come out smelling like a rose because I’ve offered to help her. I can barely contain my grin as I watch her squirm.

  Mr. Glenn seems truly confused by her stubbornness. “Palmer is an excellent tutor. I don’t understand your reticence.”

  She can’t very well say why she doesn’t want me as her tutor. She’ll sound petty telling him she just doesn’t like me. She gnaws her bottom lip and I can see her trying to figure out how to get out of this, but there really isn’t any gracious way to refuse my help. I enjoy seeing her make a fool of herself, but pray she doesn’t give in. No fucking way do I want to get stuck tutoring this bitch.

  “Well, I’m here to help if you need me.” I plaster on the fakest; sickeningly sweet smile I can manage. “I love supporting new students.”

  She scowls. “Oh really?”

  “Uh, huh.” I twist my lips to keep from laughing. I love watching her crash and burn in front of Mr. Glenn. Her only way out is if she admits straight up she doesn’t like me, which will embarrass her. I’ll just keep playing the knight in shining armor who’s being callously rejected.

  “Fine,” she hisses. She lifts her chin and meets my gaze. “Just tell me where and when.”

  Shocked that she’s capitulated, I freeze. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Am I really going to have to tutor her? Mr. Glenn turns his gaze on me, and all I can do is nod agreeably. “I have baseball practice most nights. But I can certainly fit you in after that.”

  “Excellent,” Mr. Glenn says. “You’re in good hands, Adalee.”

  Her expression is sour. “Are you sure you’re not too busy with baseball practice?” She sounds hopeful.

  I’m absolutely too busy with baseball practice. But there is no way in hell I’m going to be the one to back out. “Not too busy for you, Adalee.” I deserve an Academy award for this performance.

  “Why don’t you two exchange phone numbers and you can work out the details?” Mr. Glenn seems oblivious to the tension between the two of us. His next class is beginning to filter into the classroom, so me and Adalee head toward the exit.

  Adalee’s back is stiff and she walks as if she has a stick up her ass. Once we’re outside the classroom, she turns to me. “What kind of game are you playing?”

  I give a wary glance toward the open door of the classroom. “Trust me, bitch, I have no interest in helping you,” I whisper.

  “Then why the hell didn’t you try and get out of it?” She scowls.

  “You could have got out of it.”

  She laughs humorlessly. “Seriously? With you talking about how much you love supporting new students?” She shakes her head. “Not to mention what a crock of shit that is, you’ve been a prick since I set foot on this campus.”

  “How would you know? Your nose is so fucking high in the air I’m surprised you can even see me.”

  She frowns. “I didn’t do anything. All I did was walk past you and your little group. You’ve been rude from the second you saw me.”

  “I know your type. You think your shit doesn’t stink.”

  She raises her brows. “You’ve got issues, dude. I haven’t done anything to you.”

  I glance at my cell phone. “I don’t have time to argue with you. I need to get to class.”

  “Yeah me too,” she grumbles. “And if you’re in my next class, I’ll kill myself.”

  “Trust me, if you’re in my next class, I’ll drop out of school.” I shake my head and stride off toward the lockers. I’m not sure how we’re going to handle the tutoring situation. Maybe we can pretend I’m tutoring her, just to keep Mr. Glenn off our backs, but she can hire someone else. Somebody needs to help her or she’ll fail for sure. She’d better hire a great tutor. I don’t want Mr. Glenn to think I didn’t do a good enough job tutoring her. Everyone I help always at least gets a C. I don’t need her ruining my perfect track record.

  I can’t remember anyone ever getting under my skin so easily. She gets my back up just by looking at me. I still need to teach her a lesson for throwing that paper back at me in class today. I’m not going to let her get away with telling me to fuck off without some form of retribution. I decide I’ll go with a classic move and spray paint dirty words on her locker. After all, it’s a classic for a reason.

  The bitch needs to know her place. If she starts kissing my ass properly, maybe I’ll allow her to stay. But she needs to grovel. Anymore attitude from her, and I’ll crush her.

  Chapter Three


  Palmer is a colossal dick. I didn’t do a thing to that jerk, and he’s been so mean. It’s obvious in how the other kids treat him that he’s popular. I have to play things very carefully because if I don’t, the whole school might turn against me. It’s bad enough having Palmer and his group harassing me, but I’m not sure I can handle it if the whole school joined in.

  Thankfully, Palmer is not in my English class. Emma, the girl from math is though. She smiles at me when I walk in the door, and I decide to sit beside her. She’s warm and doesn’t seem to care that Palmer considers me an outcast.

  “Do you want to share my book again?” Her blue eyes are sincere.

  “Sure. If you don’t mind?” I scoot my seat closer to hers.

  She opens her book, and turns it toward me. “I don’t mind at all. Maybe you can help me with English, and I can help you with math.” She grins. “I’m as bad at English as you are math.”

  I laugh. “English I can handle. Math… I’m hopeless.”

  “I overheard Mr. Glenn asking Palmer to tutor you.” She grimaces. “I got the feeling neither one of you were thrilled with the idea.” Her gaze is searching, but not prying. I get the feeling if I don’t want to answer her she’ll accept that.

  “He seems to hate me. I’m not sure why.”

  “Did you know each other before you came here?”

  I shake my head. “No. First time I met him was today. All I did was walk past him when he was with his friends, and they seemed to immediately hate me. One of the girls, a blonde girl, was super rude.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Oh they’re all assholes. They think they’re the only kids in school. Sabrina is probably the one who said something to you. She’s a giant bitch.” She examines me closely. “You’re super pretty, that means she’ll despise you on site. She doesn’t want any of the boys worshiping anyone but her. Especially Palmer.”

grimace. “He certainly doesn’t worship me, and I’m okay looking, but certainly not anything to make girls jealous.”

  “You don’t know Sabrina. She can’t handle any competition. And by the way, your gorgeous, so just stop.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “You’re very opinionated.”

  She grins. “Yeah I am. I hope that doesn’t stop you from being my friend?”

  “I like that you speak your mind.” I glance around the room. “I think you’re the only person in the school who wants to be my friend.”

  “Then you’re stuck with me.”

  “I consider myself lucky.” The teacher is watching us, so I focus on the book and the lecture. The next hour goes by quickly. I’m good at English, which is a relief after my embarrassing performance in math class. Thinking of math makes me think of Palmer. Not something I want to do.

  When the bell rings, Emma closes the book we’re sharing. She stands up and I do the same. “Do you have anyone to eat lunch with?” she asks.

  I’ve decided Emma is an angel. She’s been so kind to me she’s made all the difference in my mood. The morning was rough, but now I feel a little bit better after spending the class time with Emma. Of course, it helps that Palmer is nowhere around.

  We make our way out of the classroom and head in the direction of the cafeteria. “I’m supposed to eat with my cousin Luke and his friend Dirk.” I’d much rather eat with Emma, but Luke is my cousin and Dirk was kind to me. I don’t want to do anything to upset them. Not that I think they’d really miss me if I didn’t show up.

  “Do you mind if I join you guys?” She smiles. “I know Luke and Dirk. I’m sure they won’t mind if I tag along.”

  “I’d love that. I don’t really know either one of them very well.”

  She frowns. “But Luke is your cousin.”


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