Mistletoe Bully

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Mistletoe Bully Page 15

by Amy Brown

  “So tell me,” I whisper into Sabrina’s ear. “You and Gloria have something planned for Adalee, don’t you?”

  She pulls back and studies my face. “What makes you think that?”

  I plaster on a sly smile. “Because I know you well, Sabrina. I’d love a piece of that action.”

  “You would?”

  “Oh yes. After which she pulled with Mr. Glenn, she needs to be destroyed.”

  Sabrina’s gaze flickers. “Exactly.”

  It’s tempting to put my hands around her slender throat, while growling I know it was her all along. But I need to know what they’re planning for Adalee. At the moment, that’s more important than my need for revenge.

  “Come on,” I coax. “She screwed me over too.”

  A sadistic smile spreads across to her face. I can’t believe I ever thought she was pretty, because she looks ugly and evil. “We’re going to trap her in the bathroom and dunk her hideous horrible face in the toilet. Then we’re going to strip her and leave her there naked.” Her laugh is shrill. “She won’t even be able to leave the bathroom because she’ll be naked. If she is brave enough to leave, the whole school will see her buck naked.”

  My face feels stiff as I smile. “Perfect. Nobody ever deserved that more.”

  “Right?” She presses a kiss to my neck.

  I shiver with disgust, but she probably thinks it’s desire. “Don’t you girls always go to the bathroom in pairs? What are you gonna do if she’s with Emma?”

  “I have one of the cutest boys in school on standby to intercept Emma for a dance, if they go to the restroom together.” She smirks. “A nerd like Emma will be weak in the knees if Chad wants to dance with her.”

  I’m not so sure Emma is that easily charmed. But Adalee probably would have no problem letting Emma dance instead of accompanying her to the restroom. After all, she has no idea the plans Sabrina and Gloria have for her. I have no idea why Sabrina is still so hell-bent on going after Adalee. Hasn’t she done enough damage?

  “Hope you don’t mind if I guard the door for you? I’d hate for anyone to interrupt your plan.” I give her one of my most charming smiles.

  She licks her lower lip. “That would be awesome.”

  The song ends but Sabrina keeps me out on the dance floor for a few more slow songs. My skin crawls when she touches me. I want to get back to Rudy, so I can tell him what they’re planning. I know he’ll come with me to stop them.

  Eventually, Sabrina takes a break from dancing, and I’m able to fill Rudy in on Sabrina’s wicked plan. I watch Adalee on the dance floor. It’s painful watching her dance with Dirk and other boys when I yearn to hold her. I know how good she feels up close, and now that I’ve decided to pull my head out of my ass and see what a great girl she is, I want to touch her. I want to apologize to her. I want her to look at me the way she did before I ruined everything.

  The dance is in full swing by the time Adalee finally walks toward the bathroom. As luck would have it, Chad doesn’t have to intercept Emma because Emma is already dancing with Luke. Sabrina looks at me, giving a mean smile. Gloria appears next to her, and I signal to Rudy that it’s go time.

  Gloria and Sabrina giggle maliciously as they hurry toward the restroom. Once there, Gloria opens the door, and Sabrina ushers all the stray girls out of the room. The girls looked confused about why they’re being driven out of the bathroom, but because it Sabrina they just leave looking disgruntled.

  Adalee must be in a stall because I can’t see her anywhere. I hear a toilet flush, and Adalee comes out of the stall, and goes to wash her hands at the sink. She’s completely oblivious to the fact that Gloria and Sabrina are standing there watching her. I’m still guarding the door, and Rudy is next to me.

  “It’s so nice to finally get you alone, Adalee,” Sabrina hisses.

  Adalee jumps, and faces the two girls. Her cheeks are flushed and she looks nervous. Her gaze flicks to me hovering near the door and her breathing quickens. I can see from her expression she’s terrified. She knows she’s trapped, and she thinks I’m on Sabrina’s side.

  “What do you want?” Adalee asks softly.

  “I feel like you don’t understand your place,” growls Sabrina.

  “My place?” Adalee frowns.

  “You’re on the bottom. You’re scum beneath my feet. You need to learn to grovel to me.”

  Adalee swallows hard. “I’m not going to grovel to you. You’re nobody to me.”

  I wince inwardly because rage washes over Sabrina’s face. “Bitch, you will kneel before me. Tonight you learn what happens when you fuck with me.”

  “You’re crazy.” Adalee shakes her head and tries to push past Gloria and Sabrina.

  They both grab her and begin dragging her toward the stall. She tries to fight them, but because there’s two of them, they have her overpowered. She screams and Gloria slaps her hand over her mouth.

  I meet Rudy’s angry stare and we both move toward the girls. I grab Sabrina and Rudy grabs Gloria. They both looked shocked when we intervene, and Adalee stumbles against the door of the stall when the girls release her. Sabrina looks bewildered, but Adalee looks even more so as she stares at me holding a struggling Sabrina.

  “What are you doing?” Screeches Sabrina. “Get her! Get Adalee.”

  I grab Sabrina’s chin and I smirk. “I know it was you who called Mr. Glenn pretending to be Adalee.”

  “Wha… what?” Sabrina blinks at me.

  “You heard me.”

  Sabrina’s face falls. “But… I was with you.”

  “You probably had Gloria or one of your other minions call him. I’m positive you were behind it”

  Gloria’s eyes are huge and she looks nervously at Sabrina.

  “No. Adalee called Mr. Glenn. She lied about you and tried to get you in trouble.” Sabrina’s voice shakes. “She’s horrible. I’m your girlfriend. Why would I hurt you?”

  I curled my lip. “You’re not my girlfriend. We fucked a few times, get over it.”

  “That’s not true. You have feelings for me. I know you do.” Sabrina’s lip trembles.

  “I don’t have feelings for you,” I say coldly. “It was just sex.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Sabrina turns her furious gaze on Adalee. “Everything was fine until that bitch showed up.”

  “Sabrina, I don’t have feelings for you because you’re a horrible person. That has nothing to do with Adalee.” I shake my head. “You’re a bitch.”

  “Yeah.” Rudy nods. “Adalee never did anything to you, Sabrina. Why the hell would you be so awful to her?”

  “Since when do you two not care when newbs come into Harbor Academy with an attitude?” She points at Adalee. “From day one the slut has been trying to get in your pants Palmer. She’s been disrespectful to me, while flirting with you.”

  Adalee widens her eyes. “That’s not true. That’s not even remotely true.”

  “This crusade against Adalee ends tonight,” I say harshly, digging my fingers into her skin. “Ignore her if you have to, but if you hurt one hair on her head, you’ll have to deal with me.”

  Sabrina’s blue eyes burn into me. “I can’t believe you’re choosing her over me. I’ve known you for years, how can you choose some stranger over me?”

  “I’m not choosing anybody. I’m saying stop bullying her.” I avoid looking at Adalee because I don’t want her to see how strong my feelings are for her. If I can’t get through to Sabrina, she’ll continue trying to make Adalee’s life hell.

  “I see Adalee has Palmer pussy whipped,” snarls Sabrina. “What’s in it for you, Rudy? You must know you and Palmer are going to be outcasts now?”

  Rudy frowns. “Why would we be?”

  Veins bulge in Sabrina’s neck as she screeches, “Because I’m the queen around here, and you’re defying me!”

  Rudy laughs. “Palmer is the king. You have no idea who will go with him and who will go with you.”

  “I can’t believe a
nyone would side with Palmer in protecting this nobody whore.” She glares at Adalee.

  Rudy narrows his eyes. “You’re out of control, Sabrina. Adalee has no interest in fighting with you.” He looks at Adalee with his brows raise questioningly. “Right?”

  Adalee nods slowly. “Right.”

  “You need to drop this, Sabrina,” I say forcefully.

  “You just had to grow a fucking conscience, didn’t you, Palmer?” Sabrina hisses.

  “You need therapy, Sabrina,” Adalee whispers.

  Sabrina’s response is to laugh hysterically. A chill goes down my spine at how unhinged she seems. I’m not sure she’s gonna take my warning seriously. She’s too obsessively focused on Adalee.

  “If I let go of you, Sabrina, can you behave yourself?” I ask softly.

  Adalee inches past Gloria and Sabrina, heading to the doorway. I don’t blame her for not wanting to be near them when we let them go. She doesn’t leave the bathroom though, she stands in the doorway looking nervous.

  I shake Sabrina gently. “You hear me? Will you drop this? Ignore Adalee and she’ll ignore you.”

  “I’m just supposed to forget this?” Sabrina’s voice shakes with anger.”

  “You’re the one who started this. Adalee doesn’t want to fight with you,” Rudy snaps.

  “I don’t want to fight with anybody,” Adalee says softly. “You both got me good. You and Palmer spread that embarrassing video all over the school. I look like a fool. If I can just drop it, you should be able to as well. Can’t we just call it even?”

  It’s a pretty fair offer, considering Adalee has never actually done anything to either me or Sabrina.

  Sabrina yanks her arm from me, and rubs her skin. “Fine. But that bitch better not even look at me wrong.”

  I shake my head. “Adalee, you leave the room first.” I’m certainly not leaving the girls alone together. I have no faith Sabrina wouldn’t still go after Adalee.

  Adalee nods and leaves, closing the door quietly behind her. Once she’s gone, Sabrina lunges at me. I grabbed her wrists, easily subduing her.

  “You traitor! How could you interfere like that?” screams Sabrina.

  Gloria hasn’t said much the entire time. She looks embarrassed, and keeps eyeing the door as if she’d love to leave.

  “Settle down,” I mutter, warding off Sabrina’s fists. “There’s no reason to be a war with Adalee. None.”

  “I can’t believe you took her side.” Sabrina starts to cry.

  “I’m not taking sides. I simply prevented you from hurting someone who has never done anything to you.” I grit my teeth. “Just drop it. Adalee isn’t worth your time.”

  “Are you sleeping with her?” Sabrina’s mascara is streaking down her cheeks giving her a crazy clown like appearance.

  “No.” Sabrina doesn’t need to know I’d love to sleep with Adalee.

  “Do you promise?” She searches my face with her red rimmed eyes.

  “I’m not sleeping with Adalee,” I growl.

  Sabrina goes to the mirror and wipes at her face with a paper towel. “Everything was fine until the bitch came to Harbor Academy.”

  “Nothing has changed. Pretend Adalee isn’t here.” I rake a hand through my hair. “You don’t even have any classes with her.”

  Her angry gaze meets mine in the mirror. “But you have two.”

  My face warms. “Don’t worry about me. Worry about you.”

  “If I find out you’re sleeping with her…” Her eyes narrow. “You’ll be sorry.”

  I laugh and move to the door. “You don’t control who I sleep with, Sabrina.”

  “You heard me.” Her voice is emotionless.

  Even Gloria gives her a nervous look.

  Rudy joins me, and I shake my head as we leave the bathroom.

  Rudy puts his arm around my shoulder. “I told you that bitch was crazy. Better watch your back, brother.”

  “I’m starting to think you might be right about that boiling rabbit thing.”

  When we enter the room where everybody’s dancing and having a good time, my eyes search the room for Adalee. I don’t see her anywhere, and Dirk, Luke, and Emma seem to be missing too. I’m disappointed. Not that I had any plans to talk with Adalee tonight, but I’d enjoyed seeing her, even from afar.

  After the scene in the bathroom, she’ll probably avoid me like the plague. I can’t blame her, not after how I’ve treated her. It’s probably best I forget all about Adalee. I should focus more on my grades, and Christmas, which is only about a week away now.

  I did a good deed tonight and hopefully that makes up for the bad things I’ve done to Adalee. She can go her way, and I’ll go mine. We were a bad mix from the start.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Emma, Luke, Dirk, and me left the dance early after the drama with Sabrina. The fun had gone out of the evening for me, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I still couldn’t believe Sabrina and Gloria had planned on jumping me in the bathroom. What I found even more unbelievable was that Palmer and Rudy had protected me.

  When I’d first realized what was happening, I’d assumed Palmer was there to join in on bullying me. His expression had been impossible to read, but that was nothing new with Palmer. The shock I’d felt when I grasped he wasn’t going to let her hurt me had left me numb. Ours was a complicated relationship, if you could even call it a relationship. One minute he was trying to destroy me, and the next shielding me. I didn’t know what to make of Palmer Jackson.

  I decide to go to work at the Christmas tree lot the next morning. I didn’t sleep well, and my eyes are puffy, but Christmas is almost here and I won’t have the opportunity to work at the lot once the holiday is over.

  Palmer is already at the Christmas tree lot when I get there. Part of me wants to thank him for last night, the other part of me wants to yell at him for the video. I don’t know what to make of him. One minute I think I like him, and the next minute I hate him.

  He basically ignores me at the lot. Occasionally, he’ll bring a tag up to me, but he doesn’t really interact with me very much. I watch him walking around the lot helping customers. He laughs with them and they seem drawn to him. He’s a different person here than at school. I wish he’d be relaxed with me again. I miss how he was with me when he’d been my math tutor.

  Math. I don’t want to think about it.

  I’m going to fail. The only way I can possibly save my grade is if I could somehow scrape by with a C on the final. I don’t know how I’d manage that now. Frederick canceled on me for this evening. That had been my one last hope, but now I’m screwed. He probably canceled because he knows I’m so bad there’s no way I’ll pass this test. But the asshole could have at least shown up for our final tutoring session.

  Since I’m afraid to take my breaks outside because of bees, I eat my lunch in the trailer in the back. I have my feet up, and my math book on my lap, as I eat my peanut butter sandwich. When Palmer stomps into the back room, I keep my eyes pinned on my book. I hate how awkward it is between us now.

  He rifles through some drawers, and then he moves back toward the door, as if he’s going to leave. He hesitates. “How’s the math coming?”

  Surprised he’s addressed me, I slide my eyes up to his. “Horrible.”

  “Really? I thought you had a new tutor?”

  My face warms because I hate to admit the pickle I’m in. “He canceled on me today. I have my final on Wednesday, and the prick cancelled my final run through.” I hadn’t really planned on spilling my guts to him like that, but I’m so frustrated it just kinda falls out of my mouth.

  “He canceled?” He scowls. “The week before finals he canceled?”

  I nod. “Yes. Stupid jerk.”

  I expect him to leave since this isn’t his problem, but he stands there staring at me. I feel self-conscious under his scrutiny, and I keep my eyes on my book. Finally, he moves, but instead of leaving he comes closer.

  “Do you t
hink you’ll pass your final?”

  I wince. “I’ll try my best.”

  He gives a hard laugh. “If I remember correctly, that won’t help.”

  I scowl. “Hey. I’m trying.”

  “Yeah, you are.” He shifts uneasily. “I don’t have practice tonight.”

  I glance up, unsure of what his point is. “Meaning what?”

  He shrugs. “I could run over some of the math with you.”

  I widen my eyes. “Really?” I can’t even hide how grateful I am. Even with his help I’ll probably fail, but I might have a chance if Palmer helps me. “You’d do that?”

  “I don’t have anything going on tonight. I know you’re going to fail if I don’t even try to help you.” He keeps his gaze on the ground. “Come by my house around 6 p.m. and we’ll give it a go. We might be able to save you yet.”

  I don’t know what to say. I feel like falling to my knees and kissing his hand. “God, that would be great.”

  A wary smile touches his lips. “Then I’ll see you at 6 p.m.” He stomps out of the trailer without another word.

  I’m shocked at his offer, but also excited. The main source of my joy is that I might have a prayer with his help. The other reason I’m so happy is because Palmer talked to me the way he used two. There was a hint of warmth in his voice, and just the fact he was willing to help me means a lot to me. He’s been so cruel recently, I wasn’t sure if the bad blood was behind us or not. This gives me hope that maybe it is.

  When I get off work, I hurry home and shower. I don’t put on a bunch of makeup or anything silly like that. I just flick on a little mascara and lip gloss. This isn’t a date; he’s helping me with math. But my pulse is swift as my uncle drives up to the gates of Palmer’s home. We go through the whole buzzer routine, and then I’m walking up to the front door as my uncle drives away.

  Palmer actually greets me at the door this time. My pulse flutters at how good he looks in a light green shirt that matches his eyes. His jeans are faded, and they accentuate his muscled thighs. We’ve had a lot of ups and downs, but one thing has always remained constant; my physical attraction to Palmer.


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