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Mistletoe Bully

Page 16

by Amy Brown

  “You’re punctual.” He smiles and steps aside.

  I walk into his home, hoping his dad is nowhere around. Maybe he sees something in my expression because he says, “We’re alone. Dad’s in Paris, and Leticia has the day off because she had some last minute Christmas shopping to do.”

  I notice his house isn’t decorated for the holiday. There might be a Christmas tree tucked away in a room somewhere, but I get the feeling there isn’t. There is no garland or lights on the outside of the house even. I wonder if not decorating is Palmer’s choice or his dad’s.

  He leads me to the same room he tutored me in the first time. We go to the desk and I sit down beside him. It’s surprisingly nice to be back with Palmer. I hadn’t thought much about it at the time, but I really did enjoy our tutoring sessions. I suppose I hadn’t wanted to admit that to myself. Why I’m willing to admit it now, I’m not sure.

  “So how far did you get with your other tutor?” His green eyes are intent.

  I grimace. “He wanted to get a lot further than we did. Well, you know how I am with math. I move so slowly.”

  He scowls. “People learn at the pace they learn at. You can’t force it.”

  I smile. “That’s one thing I always really liked about you Palmer, you were so patient with me.”

  His gaze flickers. “You can’t teach someone if you’re impatient.”

  “Frederick shouldn’t be a tutor. I was so dumb I annoyed him.”

  “Frederick? Your tutors’ name was Frederick?” He curls his lip.

  “Yes.” I laugh at his expression.

  “And, you’re not dumb. You’re a creative type. Math makes sense to my brain, but it doesn’t to yours. Everybody’s different.”

  “He made me feel dumb,” I admit.

  “Jerk. Should never do that to a student.” He shakes his head. “Well, let’s start where we left off. You have to grasp that first.”

  I’m so relieved to have Palmer tutoring me again, I put my hand on his arm. His skin is warm under my palm and his breathing speeds up. “Thank you Palmer,” I say softly.

  “Of course.” He clears his throat. “Now, where were we?”

  The next two hours he goes over stuff to refresh my memory, and then we move on to things that he knows will be on the test. He drills me and drills me, but I’m happy because I realize I know more than I thought I did. Frederick made me feel so stupid, I hadn’t thought I’d learned anything. But I actually had.

  We take a small break and he makes us hot chocolate. We sit in front of the fire in two wingback chairs. The furniture in his house is very formal. I feel a bit like I’m sitting in an English castle. I try not to look at the moose head over the fireplace because it gives me the creeps.

  “Do you not have a Christmas tree?” I ask softly.

  “Nope.” His foot bounces up and down.

  “We have a huge tree at Aunt Julie’s house.”

  He frowns. “It’s your house too. It’s where you live.”

  I laugh. “True. It doesn’t feel like home. But I suppose that will take time.”

  “Yeah.” He sighs. “When my mom was alive, we always decorated the house like crazy.” A smile touches his lips. “We always got big trees too. Of course, dad was never here, so it was mostly just me and Mom enjoying the tree.”

  “That sounds nice. My parents both loved Christmas.” A lump forms in my throat. “It’s hard to get used to new traditions with Aunt Julie and Uncle Joe. They just do things differently. It’s their right, so it’s not like I can complain.”

  “Why don’t you ask them to do some of the traditions you miss?”

  I lift one shoulder. “I don’t want to be a burden.”

  He frowns. “They wouldn’t see it that way. If you would tell them things you want, they would probably be pleased because they just want you happy.”

  “You don’t think they would feel like I was being bossy?”

  “No.” He shakes his head. “They probably don’t know what to do with you. They don’t want to make you remember things that might make you sad, but they must know you miss things the way they were too. It’s awkward for all of you.”

  I hadn’t thought about it being awkward for my aunt and uncle. I guess I’d just been thinking about myself. “That’s an interesting perspective.”

  He grins. “You’re welcome.”

  I laugh. “I see your ego is still as healthy as ever.”

  “Some things never change.” He smirks.

  I sigh, and look around the room. “I can’t believe I’m here again with you. I didn’t think I ever would be.”

  He wrinkles his brow. “I didn’t think you would be either.” A heavy silence falls, and he shifts to face me. “I really thought it was you who called Mr. Glenn. I was hurt and I lashed out at you. I can’t believe I was so stupid I listened to Sabrina.”

  Surprised at his admission, I say softly, “You believed her because she’s your friend. You don’t really know me.”

  “She’s no friend,” he growls. “Truth is; I feel like I know you better after just a few weeks.”

  I’m flattered, and my chest warms. “Water under the bridge.”

  He looks like he wants to say something. His eyes are dark and brooding, but his expression is muddled. Instead of sharing his thoughts, he stands. “We should get back to the math.”

  I’m disappointed the intimacy of the moment is shattered. But, I understand. Palmer seems to have trouble being vulnerable. Sometimes we get close, but he usually pulls away. When I think about his father that makes sense to me.

  We go back to the books and he makes me do numerous math problems for another forty-five minutes. Then I groan and beg to stop. Thankfully, he takes pity on me. I stand and grab my backpack, preparing to call my uncle to come pick me up.

  “I’m going to loan you this book.” He stands too and holds out the thick manual we’ve been working from. “If you work through these problems every day until Wednesday, you might squeak by with a C, Adalee.” His expression is serious. “I would try to tutor you, but I have practice. Coach has been on my ass lately because I’ve missed a lot.”

  “Oh, that’s okay. It’s not your problem.” I smile.

  His expression is odd. “Is it weird that I missed this? Tutoring you?”

  “I missed it too.” I shrug. “I missed you.”

  He looks surprised at my candor. “You say things like that so easily.”

  “What makes you think it’s easy?”

  “I guess you make it look easy.” He catches me off guard when he takes my hand.

  My heart begins to pound quickly as he rubs his thumb over my skin. “Thank you for interfering in Sabrina’s plans for me last night,” I say quietly.

  “It was the least I could do.”

  “You could have just pretended it wasn’t happening.”

  “No. I couldn’t seem to.”

  I grimace. “I worry she’ll turn those other kids against you. She truly does think she’s the queen.”

  “I’m better liked. I have more influence than Sabrina. Probably because of my dad and his money. But whatever the reason, I think I’ll be okay.”

  I squint at him. “You’re really not who I thought you were. You surprise me a lot.”

  “Same,” he says softly.

  There’s sexual tension between us, like there always has been. Why else would we have done what we did that night in the closet? Ever since then, I’ve wanted him. More of him. I’ve never had sex, but I’ve thought a lot about it since meeting Palmer. I’ve had so many fantasies about him since that night. But fantasies are one thing, and I know Palmer has a lot of experience with girls.

  I’m sure he’s not really interested in a virginal Ice Princess like me.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Something surprising is happening between Adalee and me. I sort of expect her to pull her hand away from me, but she doesn’t. Her cheeks are flushed, and she has a funny look in he
r eyes. Something about her expression reminds me of that night in the closet, when she let me touch her intimately. I’ve thought about that night so many times, wishing we had gone even further.

  “Why would you sleep with a girl like Sabrina?” She asks suddenly.

  Her question comes out of left field. “You really want to know why?”

  She hesitates. “You don’t seem to like her very much.”

  “I like her body.”

  She looks unhappy with my reply. “So, you can dislike someone, but still want to have sex with them?”

  “It’s sex, not a heart to heart. I don’t talk that much when I fuck.”

  Her eyes widen and she shivers. “Wow. That’s blunt.”

  I shrug. “Sex can just be physical. That’s what it was with Sabrina.” I don’t bother to add I have no interest in having sex with Sabrina anymore. I find her repugnant. The way she behaved toward me and Adalee turned me off for good.

  “I don’t know if I could just sleep with someone without liking them.”

  I smirk. “Slot A still goes in slot B whether you like the person or not.”

  “That’s such a cold way to look at it.” She sounds breathless.

  “Sabrina is a bitch. But I didn’t care. When she spread her legs, I didn’t worry about her personality.”

  “Palmer.” She scowls.

  “What?” I give a flirty smile. “I told you, I like her body.”

  “I don’t really need to hear about how much you like Sabrina’s body,” she grumbles.

  Despite her grumpy demeanor, her nipples push against the soft fabric of her T-shirt. I suspect this conversation is getting her aroused. It’s definitely getting me turned on.

  “I like your body more,” I say softly.

  “Stop it.”

  “Why?” I laugh. “It’s the truth.”

  She frowns.

  “I think you like my body too.” I shrug. “It’s natural for me to be attracted to you. You’re a beautiful girl. I can’t not notice.”

  Something about her expression gives me the courage to put my hands on her waist. She gives a sharp intake of breath, and she stiffens. However, I find it interesting she doesn’t pull away. I can almost smell her arousal, and I tug her against me so she can feel my erection.

  “See how much my body likes yours,” I say quietly.

  Her breathing picks up and she places her hands on my chest. I’d expected her to freak out and push me away, but instead she leans in. Her eyes are pinned on my mouth and she licks her lips

  You’re just full of surprises, Adalee.

  Without another word I cover her mouth with mine. She doesn’t fight me, she opens her lips and tangles her tongue with mine. Lust zips through me and my hunger takes over as I run my hands over her warm body. I’d give anything if she’d let me fuck her. This time, if she lets me touch her, I want satisfaction too.

  She pulls her mouth from mine, her eyes are wary. “You probably play this game with lots of girls.”

  I frown. “This isn’t a game.”

  “I should call my uncle. I should go.”

  “No. Stay,” I coax.

  “Why should I?” Her voice wobbles.

  “Because you want to.”

  She wrinkles her brow. “There’s that ego again.”

  “Am I wrong? Are you not attracted to me?”

  She blinks at me, but lust flutters through her gaze. “Why are you doing this?”

  I smile. “Why do you think?” I take her hand and put it on my erection. Her eyes widen, but she doesn’t pull away. In fact, she squeezes me timidly through my jeans.

  “You’re so hard.”

  “Yeah. You do that to me,” I say quietly.

  She surprises me when she stands on her tip toes and puts her mouth on mine. Her kisses are searching, delicate, and she trembles against me. My dick aches I’m so hard. I need her like oxygen and I don’t know why. What is it about Adalee that makes me hunger for her? I can have any fucking girl I want, but I don’t want them. I want her. I want Adalee in my bed, beneath me begging for my cock.

  “I’ll make you feel so good,” I whisper, cupping her breast and thumbing her nipples through her thin shirt.

  She moans at my touch. “I’m not sure.”

  “Stay a while longer,” I say.

  I don’t like the material between my hand and her skin, so I dip my hand under her shirt and slide my fingers into her bra. She gasps at the feel of my hand on her bare breast, and her lips part. Her nipple is rock hard and I rub it until she begs me to stop. Then I kiss her again and squeeze her tits, rocking against her so she can’t miss how hard I am.

  “You taste good,” she murmurs, nibbling my lips.

  “You too,” I hiss, unzipping her jeans. I slip my hand into her jeans and cup her mound. She’s already soaking wet. I have to fuck her. I have to. I’m feeling out of control, and I want to take her on the table. But, I don’t have any condoms down here. Plus, I suspect she’s a virgin. Her first time shouldn’t be on a table in my den.

  “Do you know what I want from you, Adalee?” I don’t want any misunderstandings about where this is heading. If she keeps touching me, and letting me touch her, I will fuck her.

  “Yes, I know what you want,” she moans, rolling her hips and pressing against my hand.

  “Can I have you?” I’m out of breath and my heart bangs my ribs waiting for her response.

  She looks uneasy as she says softly, “I’m… I’m a virgin.”

  I figured as much. “That’s okay.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  Mind? Mind? The idea of being the first guy inside her is even more of a turn on. “No, I don’t mind.” I force myself to speak calmly.

  “I want you to be my first, Palmer.” She presses her soft lips to mine.

  Green light.

  I groan and kiss her hard, slipping two fingers under the material of her panties. She gasps when I softly caress her clit, and bites my bottom lip. I smile and push my tongue into her mouth, tasting her sweet flavor. If I don’t stop, I’ll end up fucking her down in the den. I’m almost too far gone. I want her in my bed. I want my sheets to smell of her for days to come.

  I sweep her off her feet and she yelps, but she puts her arms around my neck. I stride from the den, and up the stairs to my bedroom. I can’t believe this is happening. I don’t understand why we can’t keep our hands off each other half the time, and argue the rest. It’s exciting to think this strong willed girl wants me though. Of all the guys who would kill to take her to bed, she wants me.

  I kick the door to my room open, and I lay her gently on my bed. Then I strip fast, tossing my clothes on the floor carelessly. She watches me, her eyes running over my body. Her breasts rise and fall quickly as she takes in my naked cock.

  Once I’m undressed, I begin to slowly, lovingly undress her. I feel like I’m unwrapping the most special Christmas gift I’ve ever been given. I gently pull her jeans off, and lay them carefully over the end of the bed. Then I have her sit up and I take off her T-shirt and bra. Her breasts are full, but perky, with delicate pink nipples. My mouth waters looking at them, but I move on to her underwear. I gently slid them down her long, slender legs, and toss them on top of the rest of her clothes.

  “Get up by the pillows,” I whisper.

  Her eyes are wide and dark as she obeys. I crawl on the bed, and lay on top of her. We kiss, long, deep kisses that leave us both panting. She trembles beneath me and my feelings are raw and primal. I want to claim her. Own her. I stroke her hip, and thigh, licking into her mouth again. She moans and arches against me, and I nudge her thighs open with my knee.

  When the kiss ends, I nibble a trail down her neck, over her breasts, stopping to bite her rosy nipples. Then I continue on, nipping all the way to her dark bush. I inhale her fragrant scent and my dick gets even harder. Her fingers tangle in my hair and she cries out when I slide my tongue over her clit. My fingers dig into her white thighs as I tease t
he slick folds of her labia. She’s fucking soaking and wiggling against my face, begging for more.

  I’ve never wanted to fuck a girl this much. Never. Why her? I have no idea, but this is happening right fucking now. She’s clutching me tight, and opening her thighs to me, whimpering unintelligible sounds.

  Maybe Adalee and I butt heads much of the time, but tonight I’m coming inside her tight little body, and she’ll scream my name until she’s hoarse.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I’d never expected tutoring to be so pleasurable.

  My face is hot as Palmer laps at my pussy. I’m making sounds that only a wild animal should make as he sucks my swollen clit. At first I was nervous about him fucking me, but now I can’t wait. He has my entire body shaking with anticipation. He should get an award for how well he uses his tongue. He licks, and suckles my soft flesh and I clutch the sheets crying for release. He teases my entrance with the tip of his finger, and he again sucks on my clit.

  Without warning, my body convulses, and with a warm gush, I come so hard there are lights behind my lids. He sucks my folds as if my juices are wine, and I shudder and moan, pleasure washing through me like a tsunami. I can’t even speak I’m so weak from my climax, and he looks up at me, smiling.

  My heart squeezes at his boyish grin, and I stroke his cheek. “Palmer,” I whisper.

  His eyes warm, and he sits up. He grabs a condom from the nightstand, and he rolls it on. I can’t stop staring at the size of him. How will anything that thick fit inside me? I sometimes find tampons a challenge. But I want him. I want to feel his cock slide up in me, and I want to know what it’s like to have a boy fill me; fuck me. I’m probably the only other virgin at Harbor Academy besides Emma and Luke. Not that that is what this is about. No, I wouldn’t have sex with Palmer just to pop my cherry. I really want him. I have ever since The Closet Incident. I can’t stop wondering what it would be like with him inside me.


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