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St Mary's Academy Series Box Set 1

Page 23

by Seven Steps

  “Yes. I sent them. When my mom was sick, she said that sunflowers made her feel better. I picked fresh ones for her every day and put them in her room. They helped her. I hope they helped your mother, too.”

  Cole looked at me for a long while.

  Finally, he said, “That was the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for my mother. I consider it a personal gift to me. Thank you.” He kissed the back of my hand then quickly ran his thumb over the now overly sensitive spot.

  “Don’t mention it,” I replied, softly. Breathlessly.

  “My father said to give you a message.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “Did he?”

  Cole leaned even further forward and said something in a harsh, guttural language. The force and tones of it gave me goosebumps.

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  He smiled. “It’s Russian for, ‘Tell her thank you, and I hope she’s just as pretty as the flowers’.”

  I smiled now at the warm message.

  “I see that he’s quite the charmer.”

  “Well, I had to get it from somewhere.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek. I knew what Cole and his family were. I knew who his father was. But I wanted to know more. Not just the things that Detective Harding had told me but things that would help me to understand why Cole was the way he was. What made him so driven to succeed in every aspect of his life?

  It suddenly occurred to me that I wanted to get to know the boy who sat in front of me. Who really was Cole Winsted?

  “Are you and your father close?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “Not very. My father is very old school Russian. I joined the football team, hoping that it would impress him but I couldn’t compete with Jake. He was always the favorite. He was the warrior. The golden son. Regina had a mind for business. But me, I was more, I don’t know, inward, I guess. More like my mom.” His gaze turned far away. “No. We’re not close.”

  “Have you talked to him about it?”

  Cole shrugged. “Winsteds don’t talk about stuff like that.” His voice dropped to that guttural Russian language again. Then he translated. “True men talk with fists.” His face took on that sad look, like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. I slid my other hand into his and he squeezed it tight.

  “I’m sorry, Cole. I’m sure there is a way to get him to understand you. You just have to figure it out.”

  He dropped his head to his chest. “Maybe.” I saw him inhale a deep breath. It must’ve been agonizing to feel like the odd one out among people who were supposed to love you and care for you. It must’ve been even worse to have the one person who you felt closest with be on their deathbed.

  I sniffed back tears that weren’t mine to shed. I’d felt these feelings before. I felt them now. The loneliness. The isolation. The pain. The fear of rejection. These were emotions that I carried with me since my mom died, and now, I saw those same emotions in Cole’s face.

  My heart broke into a thousand pieces. I wished that I could pick them up and restore the cracks in Cole’s heart but it was impossible. All I could do was be here for him right now, when he needed me.

  I squeezed his hands tighter.

  He let out a breath and laughed shortly.

  “Well,” he said, his joking manner coming back. He was closing up again. Hiding behind his walls of laughter and teasing. Hiding all the pain that he went through behind jokes.

  I wish he wouldn’t hide. Not from me.

  “That got intense,” he said, looking at me with eyes that had turned red with unshed tears. “We should take a walk or something. Shake off all of this tension, huh?”

  “Cole, you don’t have to do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “You don’t have to hide behind this façade with me. Phone, text and smoke signals, remember? I am here for you whenever you need me. If you want to be hurt, or sad, or angry, or even throw yourself a full-on pity party, I want you to know that I’m here for you. Okay?”

  “Come on, French.” His joking smile was in place now. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

  I needed him to understand. I needed my words to get under his mask so that he could hear him. I stared at him hard, willing him to see the truth in my eyes.

  “I mean it, Cole. If you need to talk, I’m here. Okay?”

  His eyes locked with mine and after a long moment, he nodded.

  “Okay, French,” he replied. “Okay.”

  The room turned heavy. A tension hung over us that I didn’t understand. It made me feel light and grounded, all at once. Like I was standing in the middle of a giant compass and its needle was pointing North. To Cole.

  Our eyes didn’t leave each other until the bell rung and when it did, we stayed in our seats. Something had shifted between us. Some unspoken rule had been broken. Somewhere between us getting stuck with these assignments and sitting in this room, we had become friends.

  Maybe more.

  The bell rang again and I gathered my things.

  “I, uh, better get to class,” I said.

  Cole didn’t move. His eyes were on the table in front of him.

  I stood and put my hand on his shoulder.

  “Are you going to be okay?” I asked.

  One of his hands engulfed mine, warming me through.

  “I’m going to be okay,” he whispered.

  I nodded and left. All the while, something inside of me had cracked open, letting Cole’s light shine in.

  I texted Jake to meet me at The Center after school so that we could talk. I wanted to break the news to him in person.

  I was not going to the Stamford Club. Just as I had suspected, Dad had put the kibosh on it after hearing what time it ended. I’d argued that he had gone out at ten o’clock last night and received a ‘we’ll talk about that later’ response. That was Daddy’s way of saying that we weren’t going to talk about anything.

  Shaking my head, I walked up to Jake. He’d been standing outside of The Center, head buried in his phone, looking as if he were at a fashion photo shoot with his blue sweater over a pink button up that he’d left open at the neck, khaki pants and dress shoes. Meanwhile, I was half frozen in a long sleeve top, a mini skirt, and boots.

  He didn’t look at me when I walked up. Just scrolled through his phone as if he was barely tolerating my presence.

  “What’s up?”

  I took a deep breath.

  “I can’t go to the party tonight,” I said.

  His looked at me then, his expression a mixture of frowning and amusement.

  “You’re joking, right?”

  I shook my head. “No. My dad said that it started too late.”

  “So, tell him you’re at a friend’s house studying or something.” His demeanor changed and he took my hand and gave me a sexy half grin. I was immediately suspicious. I’d come to see that Jake could turn on the charm when it benefited him. When it didn’t benefit him, he was a Grade-A jerk. Worse than his brother ever was.

  “Please,” he said.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

  “I have to say Bella, you’re predictable. I expected this. Planned for it even.” He put his hand into his pocket. “I brought something for you.”

  I raised an eyebrow.


  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Something expensive and sparkly. Maybe even something to match the necklace that I got you.”

  I touched the chain around my throat. It was gorgeous and hadn’t left my neck since he’d given it to me. I told myself that I wouldn’t accept more gifts from him but the necklace was the most beautiful piece of jewelry that I’d ever owned. I didn’t want to give it up but I didn’t want to add to it, either.

  “Jake, please, no more gifts.”

  He looked completely taken aback.

  “No more gifts? Jeez. That’s not something that I thought I’d ever hear a girl say.” He pulled out a small box and handed it to m
e. “Here. I was going to wait until tonight but it looks like I’m going to need a little something extra to change your mind.”

  I took the box from his palm and opened it.

  Inside was a beautiful tennis bracelet set with the same stones as the necklace. It sparkled, even in the low light outside.

  I ran my fingers over the smooth silver and encrusted diamonds.

  His smile was proud. Self-satisfied.

  “It’s beautiful. But…” I closed the box before I changed my mind, and handed it to him. He didn’t take it. “But I can’t accept it.”

  His face turned a bright shade of red.

  “What do you mean you can’t accept it?”

  I dropped my outstretched arm and sighed.

  “I … I just can’t.”

  He looked like he’d just been slapped. Fury rose in his face. I took a step back and clasped my hands behind my back, lest he try to grab me again.

  “So, if you don’t want gifts, then what do you want?”

  All the things I wanted flashed through my mind. For Jake to stop supplying drugs to my school, for Ariel to be happy, to maintain my popularity without the weight of Jake’s lies. I picked one that he would understand.

  “I just want Ariel to be happy.”

  “Who is this girl? Did she give you a kidney or something?”

  “She’s my friend. Friends want each other to be happy. I’m not doing anything for her that she wouldn’t have done for me.”

  “Friends come and friends go. You’re sticking your neck out for a girl that you won’t even remember after you graduate. It’s pathetic.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Maybe to an evil, heartless, manipulative robot like you.”

  He raised a threatening finger.

  “Watch it.”

  “Don’t threaten me, Jake. Ever again.”

  He laughed shortly. “Do you think that my brother is going to jump from behind the bushes and save you? You think he’s some super hero?” He leaned in closer, an evil smile on his face. “I wouldn’t count on that, sweetheart. Cole and Stephanie Pleasant are probably wrapped up in each other right about now.”

  My stomach dropped in to my shoes.


  Jake leaned back, briefly looked at his nails and put his hands on his hips.

  “You heard me.” He shrugged. “Not surprising. That chick is so desperate for my attention that I’m not surprised that she’s trying to shake some other branches of the family tree. If it wasn’t him, she might’ve moved on to Regina.”

  My anger exploded.

  “You’re lying! He would never date a girl like that.”

  “Am I?” He lifted his chin. “Why do you care?” He tilted his head to the left. “Got a secret that you want to tell me?”

  My hands shook and I stuffed them in my pocket. Cole couldn’t have been with Stephanie. She chased popularity like a mosquito chased blood. Cole would never get tied up with a girl like that. Ever. Especially not since...

  I didn’t allow myself to think about the rest. I blinked back my feelings and struggled to get a grip on my crazed emotions.

  “Face it. It’s just us, French. Us against the world. Well, until I get Dana back.”

  My breath came out in huffs.

  Jake’s face turned sour.

  “Fine. No more gifts. But you have to be at this party tonight. Non-negotiable. If you’re not there, I’m spilling everything that I know and I know a lot.”

  I turned from him. I couldn’t look at Jake. Not for another second. I walked away from him, my head spinning.

  “Tonight, right?” Jake asked as I walked away.

  What choice did I have? I had lied one too many times and now it was catching up with me. Hard.

  “Yeah. Tonight.”


  I walked in to my bedroom and slammed the door closed. The mirror vibrated in protest and I slapped my hand against it, halting its shivering. I studied myself. Every freckle. Every curl.

  Cole had been on my frenzied mind since fifth period. His face, his words, his warmth.

  Did he think I was attractive? Did he think I was more attractive than Stephanie Pleasant?

  I knew that I shouldn’t care. That my confidence should be within myself and not based on what a boy thought of me. But I did care what Cole thought of me. I cared if he thought I was prettier than Stephanie Pleasant.

  Why would he hook up with that skanky girl? Where was she when I held his hand after he told me about his mother? Where was she when he defended me against Jake’s attack? When did this happen? How long had they been together?

  I sat on the couch, arms crossed over my chest, foot shaking, knee bouncing. Nervous energy pulsed through my body.

  By the time Cole knocked on the door, I was already thinking of where I would hide his body.

  I stomped across the floor and snatched open the door.

  “Hey.” Cole’s smiling face dropped into a frown. “You okay?”

  “Why were you smiling?” I demanded.

  He put his hands up in a defensive pose.

  “Um, because I was told to leave my piss poor attitude at the door. Remember?”

  “Who told you that?”

  “You did. What is this, an interrogation?”

  He slipped past me and walked over to the couch.

  I followed behind him, my anger blazing.

  “Where were you?” I asked, leaning on one hip.

  “Robbing old people with a potato gun.” He flopped down on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table. He was comfortable. Too comfortable. It grated on my already taut nerves.

  “This isn’t a joke, Cole.”

  “Oh, really? Because I find your little attitude quite funny.” One dark eyebrow raised high. It would have been cute if I wasn’t so angry. “Did anyone tell you how amazing you look when you’re mad? All flushed skin and flaring nostrils and quivering cheeks.”

  “That’s not funny!” I cried.

  My anger seemed to be feeding his humor and he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  “Who says that I’m being funny?”

  “Not me. Though I know one girl who might.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “Who’s that, pray tell?”

  “Stephanie Pleasant.”

  His smile faded a bit and his head tilted to the side as he examined me.

  “Why would you mention her?”

  “Your brother told me that you two were hanging out. What are you? A thing?”

  “What do you care?”

  I shrugged, trying to sound like I didn’t care. I definitely did.

  “I don’t care.” Another lie. “I just wanted to tell you to shower after you see her. I don’t want any of her crabs crawling on my couch.”

  His hand went over his heart.


  “I’m serious.”

  “French, come on. Stephanie is a nice girl and she only had good things to say about you.”

  “I’m sure. What do you see in that girl, anyway? Or is it what you don’t see in her?”

  He stood and walked to where I stood, shaking with anger. I could tell that his patience with me was running thin by the way the smile faded from his lips. The tease in his eyes was gone, leaving behind only frowning brows and a turned down mouth.

  “What is it, French?” he asked, his eyes hooking into mine. His jaw tightened and his eyes turned sharp. “What is the real problem?”

  My heart beat so fast that I felt like I was having a heart attack. I took a step back, then turned to the kitchen, avoiding his eyes for fear that he would see my secret. The secret that I wasn’t ready to admit, even to myself.

  “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” I said. “Stephanie isn’t right for you.”

  “Oh yeah? Then, tell me who is.”

  I opened my mouth and shut it again. That was a dangerous question.

  “French, what is goin
g on in that mind of yours? I can practically see the thought bubbles over your head. They’re filled with spelling errors and grammatical faux paus.”

  “I’m really not in the mood, Cole.”

  “Fine. Then we’ll get it all out. You don’t want me with Stephanie. Why? Who would you rather me be with?”

  My brain refused to think it. My mouth refused to say it. It was forbidden. Not allowed. There was no way that it would work.


  I could feel his heat getting closer. Drawing me to him like a moth to a flame. My body trembled and my hand went over my heart.

  I couldn’t say it. Couldn’t even imagine it.


  Gathering the last of my strength, I pulled myself together and whirled around.

  “Maybe you should leave, Cole. Go back to Stephanie. I hope that you two live happily ever after.”

  Before I could take another breath, he descended upon me. Two large hands cradled my face, his mouth so close. So inviting. He breathed out. I breathed him in. Then, I stopped breathing all together, as if my lungs wanted to hold a piece of him within me forever.

  It took all that I had not to close the last inch that laid between us. That wretched inch.

  I couldn’t. It was impossible.

  “You’re not breathing,” he whispered. “Do you know what that means?”

  I shook my head, trying not to give into the dizziness that overwhelmed me from the lack of oxygen.

  His chin tipped forward, his lips barely brushing mine.

  My feet danced beneath me. They wanted to lift my body just the tiniest of inches but I wouldn’t allow it. I couldn’t allow it.

  “It means that you’re with Jake.”

  He took a step back, releasing his hold on me.

  I have never wanted to throw myself in to someone’s arms before. The feeling was powerful. Hypnotizing. I let out a breath and choked one back in.

  “You’re with Jake,” he repeated, taking another step back. “And I’m with Stephanie. That’s what it means.”

  “Unless.” The tiny word slipped out, unchecked. Cole’s eyes widened and he took a step forward.

  “Unless what?” His tone turned frantic.

  My bottom lip trembled. My chin trembled. I was shaking all over.

  This moment felt so big. So overwhelming. If I said the wrong words, I could ruin not only my life, but Ariel and Eric’s as well.


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