Vampire's Kiss: A Paranormal Romance (After Dark Book 2)

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Vampire's Kiss: A Paranormal Romance (After Dark Book 2) Page 3

by Sarah Bailey

  “Yes. You’ve made your point.”

  He didn’t release her. If anything, his grip tightened. His skin was cold, but hers was burning. A small tug of desire wound its way down her stomach. She tried to ignore it, but it was clear as day.

  She found him attractive.

  Too attractive.

  It went against all her instincts.

  His green eyes bored into hers. He was the predator. She was his prey. Where was her defiance now? Her courage had left her the moment he touched her. She swallowed, hard.

  “Let me go, please.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  She needed him to stop this. His smile was smug when he let go of her wrist. She cradled her arm to her chest and glared at him.

  “I think I should leave now.”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “It is.”

  She made no move to get up. She was stuck, looking at his captivating green eyes. Why can’t I look away? She could feel her heart hammering against her chest. She was sure he could hear it.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  She needed to get away from him. His proximity was doing things she wasn’t comfortable with.


  “I’m going.”

  “I can see that.”

  He smiled at her again. It took a supreme effort on her part to stand up. He rose, staring down at her.

  She was an idiot. She was about to do something incredibly stupid. She couldn’t even begin to think of all the reasons why this was a bad idea.

  Two steps.

  It was all it would take for her to close the distance.

  Common sense was not her strong point.

  Before she knew what she was doing, she’d moved. Her hand rested on his chest. She rose up on tiptoes and pressed her mouth to his. His kiss was cold, yet soft, almost gentle. Despite that, she felt as though her whole body had gone into overdrive. Her skin tingled all over.

  She pressed closer to him. One of his hands cupped her face, his fingers tangling in her dark hair. She let out a small moan of pleasure when he deepened the kiss. His tongue forced its way into her mouth. She relented, savouring the way he tasted. Slightly metallic, like blood. She should find it repulsive. It only served to make her heart beat faster.

  There was a little voice in the back of her mind telling her to pull away. That this was the worst idea she’d ever had, but she ignored it. Her free arm curled around his back, fingers running down the hard muscle.

  He felt so good.

  She’d never wanted someone so much in her entire life.

  As soon as the thought entered her head, she ripped herself away from him. She took several steps backwards, breath ragged and face flushed.

  “I… that… I have to go.”

  She couldn’t even look at him. She grabbed her coat, running from the room and hurtling down the corridor. She wrenched open his front door. It slammed shut behind her. She stood in the hallway, panting. What the hell did I just do?

  She’d kissed a vampire.

  A fucking vampire who wanted to dominate her.

  Someone should classify her as insane because that was the dumbest shit she’d ever done in her entire life. And yet, it was exhilarating.

  She shifted on her feet, uncomfortably aware of how aroused she was. She wanted to go back in there and kiss him senseless again. The urge to feel him against her was overwhelming. If she was being honest with herself, she wanted to do so much more than just kissing.

  Embarrassed by her body’s reaction to him, she tried to move, but her feet refused to pick themselves up.

  He knew she was still out here, and that made it so much worse. She needed to get away from here. To deal with the tumultuous ball of emotions running through her. Her mind was screaming at her, yet she still couldn’t move. She couldn’t deal with this. It was too much. She was trembling all over. What had he done to her? She wasn’t like this. She didn’t let men walk all over her.

  But she’d kissed him! He hadn’t initiated it. She felt so ashamed of herself.

  The door opened behind her. She turned, very slowly and met his eyes with her own. Lust burnt in those green depths. There was no doubt in her mind. He wanted her.

  He stepped back, holding the door open for her. She teetered on the edge of running away, but they both knew she wasn’t going to. She straightened her spine and walked back into the flat, pushing down the rising panic coiling in her stomach.

  Chapter Four

  He opened his mouth to speak. She held her hand up.

  “Don’t say anything.”

  He raised his eyebrow but closed his mouth. She stared at his lips. The ones she’d kissed so thoroughly only moments before.

  “This is not me saying yes to your proposition.”


  “One night. Neither of us mentions this again.”

  He took several steps towards her. She backed away until she was up against the wall. Her coat fell from her hands. He reached out, taking her hands, pinning them above her head. She didn’t resist.

  His teeth grazed her neck where her artery pulsated.

  “Don’t you dare bite me.”

  He chuckled. The sound made her tremble.

  “I won’t. Unless… you ask me to.”

  “That’s not happening.”

  He raised his head, eyes meeting hers in a heated exchange.

  “What is it that you want, Daisy?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”


  She swallowed. He was so close. It was driving her crazy.

  “Kiss me.”

  “Is that all you want me to do?”


  He smiled at her in that smug way of his. She hated herself for wanting him.

  “I want you to…”

  “To what?”

  He leant closer, his lips so close to hers.

  “Fuck me,” she hissed.

  She felt her face burning with shame. Some crazy, fucked up part of her wanted him to use her. She wanted to say yes to his proposition. His smile grew deadly. She instantly regretted this entire thing. What the hell was she doing?

  “Are you going to let me do this my way?”

  Disgusted with herself, she nodded.

  “Say it.”


  “Yes, what?”

  What the hell?

  “Yes… Sir?”

  As if to reward her, he closed the distance between them, their lips meeting. There was none of the gentleness from before. He kept one hand pinning hers above her as his other held her head in place. No one had kissed her like that before. She was always in control, but now, he’d taken it all from her. The darker side of her was getting off on it.

  “The things I’m going to do to you,” he whispered seductively when he drew away.

  She swallowed hard. What had she gotten herself into?

  “You’re not scared I’m going to hurt you, are you?”

  She couldn’t tell if he was genuinely concerned about it or not.

  “I can smell your fear.”

  Well, that clarified that then. Could he also smell her arousal?

  “Maybe a little.”

  “Let me make one thing very clear. If you wish to stop, we stop. If I wanted to harm you, I could. I only wish to give you pleasure.”

  She trembled at his words. Not because she was afraid, but because of how much she wanted him.

  “I’ve never done this before.”

  “What exactly?”

  “Had sex with a relative stranger and well, you know, a vampire.”

  For all her bravado, she kept her legs closed more often than not. Sex wasn’t something she did with just anyone. It was an incredibly intimate act for her. Something about Gavin sent her inhibitions, perhaps even her morals, out the window.

  “No? Then why do you wish it with me?”

  “Because apparently being around you has made me lose all common sense.”

  He pressed himself up against her. She could feel his arousal digging into her stomach. She knew her underwear was already drenched. His proximity only heightened her need.

  “Do you want me, Daisy?”

  “Can’t you tell?”

  “I want to hear you say it.”

  “I want you.” She stared up at him. “I’m aching for you.”

  He growled, low. Before she had a chance to blink, he’d picked her up and moved them at a speed she couldn’t even begin to process. He pressed her down onto a soft mattress, his mouth on hers. His hands roaming across her body. She arched her back when he brushed his fingers across her taut nipple.

  He was on his feet, so suddenly she blinked several times. She raised up on her elbows, looking at him with confusion.

  “Undress for me.”

  She was about to protest, but she shut her mouth. She’d said she’d let him do this his way.

  She sat up, shrugging off her grey cardigan. He watched her, unbridled desire flickering in the depths of his bright green eyes. She kicked off her ballet flats before she shuffled forward and stood. Her fingers went to the button of her jeans, but she fumbled, hands trembling.

  She felt his cold hands covering hers. He pulled them away. She looked up at him. He unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped her fly. She shimmied out of them until they were in a heap at their feet. Her hands tucked under her blue blouse before she tugged it off.

  She was glad she’d thought to wear lingerie. She stood there in a black, lacy two set trembling a little. His eyes roamed over her bare skin.

  “You are beautiful.”

  His hands brushed over her sides. His skin was cool, but not unpleasant. He tucked his fingers under her chin, raising her face up.

  “If you do as I ask, you will be rewarded. If you do not, then I will take what I want from you. I will not ask twice. And I will show no mercy if you disobey me. Have I made myself clear?”

  She nodded, unable to speak.

  “Unbutton my shirt.”

  He released her chin. She reached for him. Carefully, she undid the buttons, revealing the hard muscle of his chest and abs. She swallowed at the sight of them. She pushed the shirt off his shoulders and it fell to the floor.

  “You can touch me. I know you want to.”

  Her hazel eyes met his for a moment before she ran her fingers over his stomach. She didn’t care that he felt cold. He was stunning. It reminded her of when she’d asked Ella if her friend knew of any super hot guys like Lukas. She bit her lip to keep from smiling.

  “Is something amusing you?”

  “No. I mean… Yes, but it’s not you. It’s just something I said to Ella once.”

  He raised his eyebrow. Clearly, he wanted her to tell him.

  “I asked her as a joke if she knew of any other, uh… very attractive men like Lukas after she got kidnapped. It was when I found out that, you know, supernaturals like you exist.”

  “Very attractive men?”

  “Okay, I may have said, super hot guys.”

  “And I reminded you of this why exactly?”

  “Um… because she said she didn’t, but she’s met you and well…”

  She looked down at him, biting her lip again.

  “I see.”

  The gleam in his eyes made her hair stand on end. His hands went to his belt, unbuckling it before he undid the buttons of his chinos. Her eyes followed his movements when he pushed them down and stepped out of them, closer to her.

  She could see the outline of him straining against his boxers. She gulped. Whilst he hadn’t yet bared all, she’d felt him pressed up against her. He was quite possibly going to split her in two.

  He pulled her against him, kissing her again with abandon. His hands roamed down her back. Her hands were on his shoulders, holding on tight as she let him do what he wished to her. He pressed her back down onto the bed.

  “Daisy.” He looked down at her. “There are so many things I want to do to you. But right now, I’m just going to fuck you.”

  His hands were behind her back, unclasping her bra. He tugged it off her, throwing it halfway across the room. His fingers hooked into her thoroughly drenched underwear. He pulled them down, ever so slowly.

  She stared up at him as he took her in. His fingers trailed down between her breasts, across her stomach. He parted her soft folds. The smile on his face was predatory. She was very aware of just how wet she was for him. She was more than a little embarrassed, face flaming at her body’s reaction to him.

  His fingers moved to the waistband of his boxers. He dispensed with them, faster than she could track. She swallowed, hard, when she finally saw what he was packing. Her mouth went very dry. She’d never been with someone so big before. When she raised her eyes back to his, he cocked his head.

  “Why are you nervous?”

  This whole thing was completely crazy. It was disconcerting that he could smell the change in her moods.

  “It’s just… well, you’re…”

  She couldn’t say it so she pointed instead, hoping he’d get her meaning. He smiled at her.

  “I’ll be gentle as it’s your first time with me.”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “You don’t think I can be?”

  “I didn’t say that. It’s just I said this was a one night thing.”

  “I heard you the first time. We have all night.”

  His statement made her eyes widen. He chuckled as he moved over her.

  “No more talking now.”

  She held her breath as he positioned himself, pushing against her entrance. She tried not to tense up in anticipation of it being painful. He took her hand, moving it over her sex.

  “Touch yourself.”


  “You need to relax.”

  She felt self-conscious, but she did as he asked. It took a minute for it to start to feel good. A little moan escaped her lips. She felt the pressure of him pushing into her, but she tried to stay focused on the pleasurable side of it. She bit down on her lip at the intrusion. He was so big.

  “Look at me.”

  She opened her eyes, staring up into his green ones.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, her lip still caught between her teeth. She kept her eyes on him as he moved again. She whimpered slightly but didn’t tell him to stop. She wanted this. She wanted to feel him.

  When he was halfway, he pulled out a little. She wrapped her hands around his back, feeling the taut muscle under her fingers. She urged him on, needing to give herself over to him. He began to thrust into her, building up a rhythm as she opened herself up to him. His eyes were still on hers when he gripped one of her hips, holding her in place. He delved deeper, stretching her to her limits.

  How did he do this with other women? Was this going to hurt every time? She tried to push away the intruding thoughts. Who said anything about this happening again after tonight? She’d told him she only wanted it to be one night. Why was she thinking about future occurrences?

  She bit down on her lip again. She tried to focus on the sensations he was eliciting rather than her swirling thoughts. She must’ve bitten too hard because she felt blood pooling in her mouth.

  When she looked at him, his eyes had darkened significantly. His mouth was open, revealing his fangs which had come out when he’d smelt her blood. She froze, her fingers digging into his back with alarm. He lowered his face towards her, keeping an eye on her expression as he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. She had no idea what to say. He hadn’t bitten her, but this felt incredibly erotic. He continued to suck her lip as he thrust into her. The pleasure she was experiencing was unlike anything she imagined. His size wasn’t causing her any more discomfort now she’d adjusted to him.

  “You taste so sweet.”

  He kissed her. She tasted her own blood in his mouth. It wasn’t as repulsive as she expected it to be. She wondered what it would be like if she let him bite her. Would he make
it feel good for her? Would it be as erotic as him sucking the blood off her lip?

  Before she had a chance to think about it, she turned her head, revealing her neck to him.


  He stopped moving, staring down at her with confusion. She turned her face back towards him.

  “Don’t you want to?”

  “I’m not going to bite you.”

  “Why not?”

  “You told me not to. I’ve fed, I don’t need you to do that. It’s not why I asked you here.”

  She flushed, feeling embarrassed for even assuming that’s what he’d want. But she was also feeling more than a little bold. She took a breath.

  “What if I wanted you to?”

  Chapter Five

  He didn’t say anything, only stared down at her with an unreadable expression. A mischievous smile appeared on his face as he began to move inside her again. He raised his hand, holding her chin as he turned her face to the side, stretching her neck out for him. He lowered his mouth to her, grazing her skin with his fangs.

  “Is this what you want? Do you want me to bite you? Suck your blood?”

  She trembled. She wanted him to, but it also terrified her.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  He pulled away, releasing her face as he stared down at her.

  “You wouldn’t want me biting you there unless you want to wear a scarf at all times.”

  “Where then?”

  “Your inner thigh.”

  Her eyes widened. She’d liked him sucking blood from her lip. Would her inner thigh be so different?

  “It felt good. You sucking my lip.”

  “Do you want me to do it again?”

  She nodded, flushing. He leant down, taking her bottom lip in his mouth. His fangs pierced the sensitive flesh. She gasped. It stung a little. He sucked her lip, taking the small amount of blood pooling into his mouth. It made her squirm. He watched her with hooded eyes. He looked like he was experiencing some kind of euphoric high as he tasted her.

  When he pulled away, his eyes were almost black.

  “You taste so good.”

  He thrust into her harder. She whimpered, feeling something building inside her. She needed this. Everything he was giving her and more. She cried out as he pressed into her, deeper. Her nails dug into the hard muscle of his back.


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