Vampire's Kiss: A Paranormal Romance (After Dark Book 2)

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Vampire's Kiss: A Paranormal Romance (After Dark Book 2) Page 4

by Sarah Bailey

  “Please, harder, please.”

  She trembled, so close to the edge as he gave her what she asked for. Bucking against him, she couldn’t hold back any longer. She choked out a hoarse cry when she let go, entirely falling apart. He continued to pound into her. She shivered and clenched around him. He grunted when he met his own end, his fingers digging into her skin. It hurt a little, but she knew he was holding back. He was more than capable of snapping her in half.

  When the aftershocks finally subsided, she looked up at him. He was eying her with caution. She didn’t know sex could be like that. Especially not sex with a vampire.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, wondering at his sudden concern.

  “I didn’t hurt you or anything?”

  “No. I’m fine… Well, a little more than fine.”

  He rolled off her, propping himself up on his elbow.

  “Good. I wouldn’t want it getting back to your friend that I did anything untoward.”

  She whipped her head around to him, eyes wide, but he was smiling at her.

  “Who said I was going to tell Ella about this?”

  “Isn’t that what you girls do? Gossip about your sex lives?”

  “I’m pretty sure Ella is going to flip the fuck out if she finds out about this.”

  “She doesn’t seem like the type to lose her temper.”

  She shook her head. That was true.

  “She told me not to get involved in this world, but she can’t really talk given what kind of weird shit turns her on.”

  He raised his eyebrow at her in question.

  “Oh, trust me, she’d kill me if I told you.”

  “It can be our little secret.”

  “I thought this was our little secret.”

  She pointed between the two of them with a grin.

  “I never said you had to keep it from her.”

  She chose not to make a comment. She hadn’t quite made up her mind about telling Ella. She had just had the best sex of her life, but it had been with the vampire boss of London. Ella wasn’t going to be very happy with her.

  “Did you know that Lukas can sprout wings and horns?”

  His lip twitched a little.

  “No, I did not.”

  “She doesn’t usually talk about this kind of stuff. I got her drunk when he was out of town and she told me she has a massive thing about his wings.”

  “Are you telling me that she gets turned on seeing him in his other form?”

  She nodded, trying not to laugh. She wasn’t quite sure why she was telling him any of this, but she kind of liked the company of the vampire next to her.

  “Kinky.” His eyes wandered down the length of her body. “Are you into anything specific?”

  “Um, what? Not really, I mean I haven’t tried anything that I’d consider kinky.”

  “Would you like to?”

  “Did you have something in mind?”

  “There are many things I’d like to do to you.”

  “You said that. So, what? Are you going to tie me up?”

  “Now you mention it.”

  Her eyes went wide, but he chuckled and shook his head.

  “I don’t have a sex dungeon, but I can tie you to the bed if you’d like.”

  “And do what?”

  “Anything I wanted.”

  “Well… is it okay if I have a break first?”

  He gave her an indulgent smile. She returned it with a grin of her own.

  “Yes, wouldn’t want to wear you out too soon.”

  “You can’t keep me up all night with sex. I have work tomorrow.”



  “Then I’ll just have to make the most of the time I do have with you.”

  His hand shot out, pulling her to him before he kissed her. She immediately melted against him, lost in the sensation of his hands on her bare skin.


  Daisy stretched when she woke up. The bed next to her was empty. The sunlight was streaming in through the crack between the curtains. She wasn’t exactly surprised he wasn’t still here given his need to stay out of the sun during the day.

  She checked her phone. It was ten. Plenty of time for her to get a shower and dash home for a change of clothes before she went to work. She only worked four days a week to make sure she had time for her am-dram society.

  Gavin insisted she stayed. She was grateful considering the tubes didn’t run that late on a weekday. It was 4 am by the time she got to sleep. She got up, wincing slightly. She was a little sore after all the sex. Not that she was complaining. He certainly knew his way around a woman. The things he had done to her last night made her toes curl just thinking about it. But she needed to focus. It had been one night. That’s what they’d agreed. Why then, did she want to see him again?

  She made her way into the en-suite, turning on the shower and stripping out of her underwear. The water was wonderful, soothing away her lingering aches and pains. He hadn’t been rough with her, but Gavin was still a vampire and a heck of a lot stronger than she was.

  After she stepped out and dried herself, she dressed and wandered through into his living area. He’d told her she was welcome to eat anything in his cupboards. She searched through them, finding a box of cereal and settled down to a bowl with a cup of tea.

  She washed up before she pulled on her coat and slipped on her ballet pumps. She bit her lip, wondering if she should leave him a note. Finding a pen and some paper on his dining table, she sat down. She could text him, but this felt a little more personal. She didn’t want to leave things the way they were.

  She thought about it for a moment before she wrote down what she was feeling.


  Thank you for last night. It was very eye opening for me. I realise we agreed it would be one night. If you’d like to see me again, then I might be persuaded to accept your proposition.

  Do let me know how the search for my stalker goes.

  Daisy xxx

  She read over the note several times before she set it down and hurried out of his flat before she changed her mind.

  A little while later, she let herself into her flat, greeted by a raised eyebrow from Lucy.

  “And where have you been?”


  “Don’t tell me you’ve been with Aaron.”

  “What? No, of course not.”

  “Then who were you with?”

  Daisy crossed the room, avoiding Lucy’s gaze.

  “My Tinder date, okay?”

  “Ooo! You dirty stop out.”

  “It wasn’t like that. He just offered to let me crash. No sex involved.”

  It was a big fat lie, but she didn’t care. She was not telling Lucy about her night of raunchy sex with Gavin the vampire. She was already going to have to deal with the fallout when she told Ella. That reminded her, she needed to text her friend.

  “If you say so.”

  Lucy raised her eyebrow at Daisy again who just shrugged and went through into her bedroom. She pulled out her phone and sent a text to Ella.

  ‘In case you’re wondering, I met Gavin. He’s looking into my stalker.’

  She put her phone down whilst she changed. By the time she was done, there was a text waiting for her.

  ‘Good. I hope he finds the dickwad.’

  ‘How’s wingboy?’

  ‘Fine, just pissed we’ve hit another dead end.’

  She went through into the living room again, sitting down on the sofa to pull on her converse.

  ‘Shit! This guy must be really slippery.’

  ‘It’ll be fine. We’ll sort something.’

  ‘Can I call after work? Need to talk.’

  ‘Of course, though now I’m worried.’

  ‘Nothing bad. I swear!’

  ‘You promise? This better not be about Aaron.’

  ‘Fuck no! I told you he’s out of my life for good.’

  She shook her head,
waving at Lucy before she left, hurrying down the stairs and out the door. She needed to get a move on.

  She managed to make it to work with ten minutes to spare. By the time she’d finished her shift nine hours later, she was dead on her feet. After all the sex and few hours’ sleep she’d caught, she was ready to hit the hay.

  She checked her phone. It’d been in her locker the entire day. There were three texts. She opened the one from Lucy first.

  ‘You coming home tonight or getting down and dirty with your Tinder date again?’

  She shook her head in annoyance and typed out a quick response.

  ‘On my way home now.’

  She checked the message from Ella.

  ‘Gavin found anything out?’

  She decided not to respond as she was planning on giving Ella a call. She wanted to check what Gavin had to say first. She opened the message, nerves coiling in her stomach.

  ‘No news on your stalker yet.’

  That was it. Nothing about wanting to see her again. The disappointment she felt was unpalatable. She was sure he’d enjoyed the time they’d spent together. Now wasn’t the time to mope over it. She needed to get it together. If he didn’t want her, it was his loss.

  Just as she was about to give Ella a ring, a succession of texts came through.

  ‘As for your little note…’

  ‘I was sure I tired you out last night, but if you want to come back for more…’

  She felt her face growing hot.

  ‘Just thinking about how you taste makes me want to pin you down and wreck you.’

  How was she supposed to think straight when he said stuff like that? She shook her head. She wanted to reply, but she couldn’t formulate a suitable response. So, instead, she dialled Ella’s number.

  “Hey love,” she answered almost immediately.

  “How’s tricks?”

  “Lukas is still sulking.”

  “I am not sulking,” she heard his muffled voice echoing down the phone.

  “Tell wingboy to suck it up.”

  “I will. So, any news on the stalker?”

  “Not yet, no. He assures me he’s working on it.”

  She paused, wondering how on earth she was going to bring up the fact that she had also slept with Gavin last night.

  “Well, I hope he has news soon. Anyway, what did you want to tell me?”

  “Um… well…”

  She bit her lip.

  “Spit it out. You’re not usually so cryptic. What is it?”

  “You didn’t tell me your supernatural friends were super hot.”


  “Well, when I asked if you had any hot friends like Lukas, you said no.”

  “What has that got to do with anything?”

  She knew she was skirting around the subject. She needed to rip the bandage off. It was better Ella found out from her now rather than later.

  “You have to promise me you won’t tell Lukas about this.”

  “Really, Daisy?”

  “Yes, really.”

  “Okay, fine, I promise. Now, what is it?”

  She took a deep breath.

  “I had sex with Gavin last night.”

  Chapter Six

  The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening. Daisy took the time to check that the road was safe to cross. The pub wasn’t that far from her house so she usually walked.

  “You fucking what? Are you kidding me?”

  “Do you think I would joke about something like that?”

  “No, but you don’t sleep with random blokes, especially not—”

  “Don’t say it.”

  Ella had clearly forgotten she’d promised not to tell Lukas. Who knew what he would do to Gavin if he found out.

  “What the hell were you thinking?”

  “I don’t know. It just kind of happened.”

  “Why were you even alone with him in the first place?”

  “He wanted to see me.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t let him bite you.”

  “No, of course not.”

  Although she’d been pretty close to allowing him to. She certainly wasn’t going to mention the part about him sucking blood off her lip.

  “Fuck! I told you not to get involved with anyone from that community.”

  “What’s Daisy done now?” Lukas’ muffled voice carried through to the phone.

  “Nothing, don’t worry about it,” Ella called back to him. “You better get your shit together. He’s dangerous. They all are. And didn’t you tell me that you were against getting involved with the supernatural community?”

  “Don’t you think I know that? You’ve warned me enough times.”

  She didn’t comment on the fact that she’d said she wasn’t interested in getting involved with vampires and shifters. She hadn’t met anyone other than Lukas and Ella when she’d said it. How was she to know that she’d find Gavin so alluring?

  “Then why the hell did you do it?”

  She was silent for several moments. She leant against the gate outside her flat. She didn’t want Lucy to overhear her conversation with Ella so she wasn’t ready to go in yet.

  “Because for some reason, I’m attracted to him despite the fact that he’s arrogant and domineering.”

  “Domineering? He seemed to be perfectly normal, if a little standoffish, when I met him.”

  “Uh, well… I think he keeps that side of himself hidden, you know, strictly for the bedroom only.”

  “Oh my god. What exactly happened between the two of you?”

  She told Ella exactly how he’d propositioned her and what occurred afterwards.

  “Well, I didn’t expect him to be that kind of guy. Nor did I think you would be interested in a guy who’s into the dominance thing.”

  “Me either. I don’t think I’ve experienced the whole thing quite yet.”

  “You’re not actually considering this proposition of his?”



  “It’s just sex, Ella. What’s so wrong with that? Especially after Aaron.”

  “He’s a fucking… vampire,” she said, whispering the last part.

  “Did I have a go at you for dating a demon?”

  “Well, no, but I’m not human. It’s not the same thing.”

  She stifled a huff. It didn’t bother her so much that Gavin was a vampire even though she thought it would. Despite the domination thing, he was still considerate. He made sure she was comfortable with what they did.

  “Look, I told you because I didn’t want you to find out from someone else. I’m going to be careful, I promise you. Now, you aren’t going to tell Lukas, are you?”

  “No, I promised I wouldn’t. Although he looks curious as hell right now.”

  “Please, Ella.”

  “I’m not going to tell him, but I don’t know why you’re being so secretive.”

  “You know, your boyfriend is scary as fuck sometimes. I don’t want him thinking Gavin has taken advantage of me or anything.”

  Ella sighed.

  “All right. Look, I better go. We’ve got an early flight tomorrow.”

  “Where you two off to?”

  “Dubai. Lukas has some contacts there.”

  “Nice. Well, I hope you come home soon.”

  “Me too. Love you bitch.”

  “Love you more.”

  She hung up and stared down at her phone. She needed to respond to Gavin, but she still had no idea what to say. She stuck to a more neutral response.

  ‘Sorry, was talking to Ella. Busy?’

  ‘Always. Please tell me she flipped out like you predicted?’

  ‘How do you know I told her?’


  ‘Ha. Yeah, she did, but I calmed her down.’

  She felt a sudden chill in the air when she opened the gate to go inside. She looked around, but there was no one there. She moved up the path and was about to unlock the door when
a hand curled around her throat. It was like a band of steel.

  “Hello, little girl.”

  She stifled a scream. She felt her phone buzz in her hand. Turning it over slowly, trying not to alert the vampire behind her, she glanced down. She couldn’t read the message, but she managed to use her thumb to type one out to Gavin and hit send.


  “My master wants a word with you.”

  Her phone buzzed in her hand again, several times. But there was nothing she could do now. She was pretty sure if she tried to send another text, he would notice.

  “What does he want with me?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Can you take your hand off my throat?”

  “Why, so you can run away?”

  “No, I’d just rather like to be able to breathe properly.”

  This guy was getting on her last nerve, but she’d learnt a valuable piece of information. Someone else was pulling his strings. She had no idea who it could be. She didn’t have any dealings with the supernatural world. Why would anyone be after her?

  The vampire released his hold on her neck and spun her around, his hand clamping down on her arm.

  “Are you going to come quietly or do I have to use force?”

  She didn’t want to know what kind of force he intended to use. No matter how annoyed she was, she wasn’t stupid. She was alone this time. Not surrounded by people like she had been when she’d confronted him at her show.

  “I’ll come quietly.”

  The blonde vampire grinned at her, fangs showing. She rolled her eyes. She knew he was a vampire. He didn’t need to make it so damn obvious.

  He tugged her back down the path and out the gate. Her phone was still in her hand, but she didn’t want to make any sudden movements to alert him to the fact that she had it. She only hoped Gavin would realise she was in trouble and hadn’t sent some stupid message saying help for no reason. But what could he do? He didn’t even know where she lived or anything.

  The vampire was still dragging her down the street at an alarming pace. She almost tripped over her own feet.

  “Hey, slow down. I know you’re a vampire, but I’m a human. I can’t walk that fast.”

  The vampire huffed but slowed down enough so that she was able to keep up without falling over.

  By the time they’d reached the end of her road, she was getting a little worried. What if this vampire actually managed to take her to his boss? She wanted to know who was after her, but this kidnapping business was not on her bucket list.


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