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Page 26

by Evangeline Anderson

  He frowned a little as he stroked her back. Gods, she was hot! Or she had been up until the moment of orgasm. Her skin had been burning up, though it seemed to be cooling down a little now that she’d finally reached the peak. In fact, her whole body seemed to be relaxing towards sleep.

  Brynn sighed and made a soft sound of contentment, nestling against his chest.

  “Sleepy now?” Varin asked her, tenderly stroking her long, black hair away from one flushed cheek. “Think you can get some rest without having nightmares?”

  “I…” Brynn yawned. “I think so. Thank…” She yawned again. “Thank you, Varin. That was amazing.” She looked up at him, her eyes sleepy but concerned. “But what about you? Are you…do you need to reach the peak too?”

  “Later,” he assured her.

  “Why not now?” Brynn suddenly looked a little more alert. “Why don’t you…you know…stroke yourself?”

  Varin raised an eyebrow at her. “Here? Now?”

  She bit her lip. “I…I saw you in my dreams but I’ve never seen you do it in…in person.”

  “And do you want to, little one?” His voice came out in a low, lustful growl. “You want to watch me stroke myself?”

  “Yes,” Brynn admitted in a soft, uncertain voice. “But only…only if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t. But here, let’s get more comfortable.”

  Varin moved her gently off his lap and back onto the bed. Then he sat beside her, as he had in her old bedchamber back at the Galen palace. Brynn snuggled close to his left side and he put an arm around her, glad that they didn’t need a sheet between them to keep the skin contact from being painful. Then he popped the tabs on his leathers and released his cock, which was throbbing with need.

  “Oh…” Brynn whispered and put out a hand to touch him. But she drew back at the last minute. “Is…” She looked up at him. “Is this all right, Varin? Can I touch you?”

  “If you want to, Mistress. I’ve told you again and again that my body is yours to command.”

  “You’re not my slave anymore, Varin,” she reminded him. “I don’t own you.”

  “Yes, you do,” he growled softly. “I’m yours body and soul, Brynn. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “I won’t.” She looked up at him. “But I don’t want you to let me touch you because you feel like I own you. I don’t want to touch you unless you want me to.”

  In answer to that, Varin took her soft little hand and placed it directly on his aching shaft.

  “Touch me, Mistress,” he said hoarsely. “I’m yours.”

  Catching her lush bottom lip between her little white teeth, Brynn did as he said. Varin had to bite back a groan when her cool fingers caressed him, stroking tentatively up and down the length of his throbbing cock.

  “Gods,” he growled. “Your little hand is so soft.”

  “And you’re so hard…and so hot.” She looked up at him eagerly. “Varin, when will your cream come out? I…I’d really like to see that happen.”

  “Keep it up and you will,” he promised her. “It just takes a little while and a lot of stroking.”

  “Am I doing it right? Stroking you right, I mean?” she asked anxiously.

  “You can go a little harder. Here.” He repositioned her hand so that her fingers were encircling his cock, showing her how to grip it just right and fist his shaft loosely while she moved her hand up and down.

  Soon Brynn was stroking him in rhythm, a look of desire and anticipation in her big gray eyes.

  Gods, she really wants to watch me come, Varin realized. Wonder why?

  His throbbing shaft didn’t care why—it only knew Brynn’s soft, small hand felt incredible. He couldn’t hold himself back from catching her rhythm and thrusting up into the circle of her fingers. A bead of clear, slippery precum formed at the slit in the center of the head and Brynn slowed her stroking.

  “Varin,” she murmured. “What’s that? The, uh, stuff that comes out before the cream? I always wondered when I watched you in my dreams.”

  “That’s precum, little one,” he murmured. “It comes before the cream—to ease the way.”

  “Ease the way?” She looked up at him uncertainly.

  “You know how your little pussy gets wet when you’re touching yourself and bringing yourself pleasure?” he asked.

  Brynn’s cheeks went pink and she nodded. “Yes.”

  “Well that wetness is there to ease the way for a shaft to slide inside you. My precum serves the same purpose. It’s slippery and wet—helps with lubrication.”

  “Oh,” she whispered in a small voice and he saw the fear in her eyes and knew she was thinking of that damn deflowering throne.

  “Don’t worry, little one,” he said gently, stroking her hair. “I know what you fear—neither I nor anyone else will ever penetrate you like that again if you don’t wish it. I swear.”

  “Thank you, Varin.” She looked up at him gratefully. “It just…hurt so much.”

  “I know,” he said softly. “I felt your pain. I wish I could go back and stop it from happening.”

  Brynn sighed and pressed her cheek against his chest.

  “There is much that can’t be undone,” she murmured. “But I don’t want to think about the past right now. I want to live right here and now—in the present.”

  “You seem to be doing a good job of it,” Varin nodded at her little hand which was still stroking him. “Gods, Brynn—love the feel of you touching me.”

  “I love it too,” Brynn confessed. “I always wanted to, you know—touch you, I mean. But I couldn’t because of your obedience band.” She looked at him curiously. “How did you get rid of it, Varin?”

  “That’s a story for another time.” He groaned and pumped up into her small fist again. “Right now I want to concentrate on how good your hand feels on me.”

  “I like to make you feel good,” Brynn whispered. “You’ve endured so much pain for me, Varin—I like the idea of giving you pleasure instead.”

  “You’re certainly doing that,” he growled. “Gods, little one…”

  “Varin…this precum…” She swiped one thumb over the crown of his cock, collecting some of his moisture.

  “Yes?” He looked down at her but Brynn had an unreadable expression on her face.

  “How…” She cleared her throat. “How does it, well you know, taste?”

  His heart thumped harder in his chest.

  “Salty, I suppose. Why do you ask?”

  “I…well, I…” Brynn looked like she wanted to say something but didn’t quite dare.

  “Ask, little one,” he murmured. “Whatever you want…whatever you need, just ask for it.”

  “Can I taste it?” she burst out at last. “Please, Varin? Just a little?”

  Her question seemed to do something deep inside him—it was as though he could feel every muscle in his body tense with desire at once. But he kept his voice even and low.

  “I have told you, Mistress—my body is yours to command. If you want to taste of me, you don’t have to ask.”

  “I do,” she whispered. “I don’t know why but I do.”

  “Do as you wish with me,” Varin growled softly.

  Gods, if only she knew how crazy with need she made him! But though he loved and desired her, he wasn’t sure how she felt for him. That and the fact that his days were numbered unless they found his people quickly made him hold back from telling her his true feelings. Instead he did his best to hold still and allow her access to his shaft.

  He expected her to capture another droplet of precum on her finger and taste it that way. Instead, she leaned over his lap and swirled her little pink tongue all around the broad, leaking head of his cock.

  “Gods!” Varin whispered hoarsely. It was all he could do not to move as she continued to explore him delicately with just the tip of her tongue. Then she sucked the entire head into her mouth, pumping his shaft at the same time, as though she was trying to get more.

he erotic sight of the female he loved exploring him and the feeling of her sweet, hot mouth on him was almost too much.

  “Brynn,” he growled urgently, tugging lightly on her hair. “Better stop, little one. The cream is coming sooner than I thought.”

  Brynn did stop, but only for a moment. She looked up, her eyes huge and beautiful and hungry in the dim room.

  “Varin,” she said in a low voice. “I want…I need to taste that too. Can I?”

  “What are you asking me, Princess?” he asked in a soft, low voice. “Are you asking if you can lap it up after I shoot? Or do you want me to come in your mouth?”

  “Goddess above…” Her eyes were suddenly heavy-lidded with need, her pupils dilated and her cheeks flushed with desire. “Yes, Varin,” she whispered. “That…that’s what I want. I want you to come in my mouth—shoot your cream while I suck you. Can…do you mind doing that?”

  “Not if you’re sure you know what you’re in for,” he growled. “I tend to come a lot, little one—I don’t want to startle or frighten you when it happens.”

  “I’m not afraid.” She eyed his cock hungrily. “I just want to feel your shaft throbbing between my lips while you shoot your cream down my throat, Varin.”

  “Gods!” The sweet, dirty words in her soft voice were almost more than he could stand. “Keep sucking, then,” he said hoarsely. “You’ll get what you want soon enough. Probably more than you want if you’re not careful.”

  “Yes, Varin.” She bent down again and went back to work on him, industriously swirling her tongue around the head of his cock and then taking as much of his aching shaft between her soft lips as she could.

  It was all Varin could do to hold still and not thrust up to fuck her soft, hot mouth. Gods, he wanted to prolong the pleasure but seeing her sucking him like this, feeling her lips and tongue caress him was so intense he knew he wouldn’t last long. And sure enough, before he knew it his balls were tightening and he felt the first sharp stab of orgasm as his seed raced up his shaft.

  “Here it comes, little one,” he growled, still trying to hold still. “If you changed your mind and don’t want it in your mouth, pull off now!”

  But rather than pulling off, Brynn took him deeper with an almost hungry urgency as if she not only wanted to taste his seed—she needed to.

  Varin felt the first spurt of hot cream leave the head of his cock and watched as her eyes grew wide. But then she swallowed and began sucking him more eagerly than ever, as though desperate to get every last drop from his spurting shaft.

  “Gods, Brynn!” he groaned and gave himself up to the pleasure of her hot mouth on him. He stopped trying to hold back and just let the orgasm take him, letting it overcome him completely as he shot more and more into her hot mouth and Brynn eagerly swallowed it all.

  * * * * *

  Finally! This is what I need—this is what I’ve been craving! Brynn sucked and swallowed eagerly, feeling some of the awful heat and desire finally recede. Having an orgasm had helped a lot but tasting Varin’s cream seemed to help even more. Somewhere in the back of her mind a voice hissed… “The Blood Honey will make you crave male fluids…”

  Was that why she had been feeling so strange? So hot and needy and unable to help herself?

  Well, that’s all over now, she thought contentedly as she sucked the last few drops from Varin’s shaft and let it slip from her mouth with a contented sigh. No more nightmares, no more aching need I can’t get rid of. I’m better now. All better.

  Only she wasn’t.

  Though she slept that night in peace, the next night she woke screaming with nightmares and the need that pulsed through her was worse than before.

  “Little one? Brynn?” The moment she screamed, Varin was there, blinking sleep out of his eyes. “What is it?” he asked, sitting down beside her on the bed. “Another nightmare?”

  “I thought I was done with them—over them!” Brynn wanted to cry. In her head she could hear the high, evil voice of Sovereign X’izith hissing that she had to come back, that she was his, that she wouldn’t be satisfied until she felt his breeding barb between her thighs…

  No! No, it’s a lie! she told herself fiercely. I don’t want to go back! I never want to be penetrated there again! It hurt—it was awful! I’ll never let anything between my thighs ever again!

  “It’s all right, Princess.” Varin put an arm around her and she curled up by his side and put her head in his lap. Something hard nudged her cheek and he shifted uncomfortably. “Sorry. Just before I heard you scream I was…”

  “Stroking yourself?” Brynn looked up at him. The empty, aching need that threatened to consume her suddenly had a solution. “Varin,” she said. “Can I…could I suck you again? It helped me sleep without nightmares the other night. Please?”

  “Do whatever you want with me, Mistress,” he answered gently. “If you think it will make you feel better…”

  “I do.” Eagerly, she unfastened his leather trousers and pulled out the long, hard shaft of his cock. She rubbed her cheek against his hot, silky skin. It was both the hardest and the softest place on his body and she loved the feel of it in her hands. His male musk was strong here too and she inhaled deeply, breathing in his spicy scent. Goddess above, she loved the way he smelled! It seemed to drive her desire even higher.

  By pumping and licking and sucking him while Varin groaned and stroked her hair, she was soon able to get a load of his cream which was deliciously addictive as far as Brynn was concerned—it was salty but with a hint of bitter-sweetness she loved.

  But though she had felt completely content after swallowing one load the night before, this time she found she wasn’t yet satisfied. Varin was still hard and so she kept sucking and licking, still eager for more. Finally he shot again…and then again and again. Brynn swallowed it all…but still she didn’t feel completely satisfied. He never seemed to go soft though, as long as she was stimulating him so she just continued.

  Just once more, she told herself. I know I’ll feel better if I can suck him just once more…

  But Varin seemed to have other ideas.

  “Brynn…” he objected hoarsely, pulling her off his shaft gently when she started to suck him again. “We can’t go on like this all night. I’ll die of pleasure and dehydration.”

  “I…I’m sorry.” She wiped guiltily at her mouth with the back of her hand. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t hurt me, little one.” He stroked a strand of hair out of her face gently. “I’m just worried about you. What’s wrong?”

  “What…what makes you think anything is wrong?” Brynn couldn’t look at him as she spoke. “Maybe I just like the taste of your cream.”

  “No…I don’t think that’s it,” he growled softly. “I think something else is going on…has been going on for a long time. You want to tell me about it, Princess? Want to tell me about your nightmares?”

  “No!” she exclaimed. Seeing his raised eyebrows, she realized she’d overacted “That is…I mean, I’d rather not,” she said quickly. “I…I really don’t even remember them. They just seem to…to fade away the moment I open my eyes.”

  Liar, hissed a voice in her brain. You remember every bit! Every excruciating detail! How could you forget?

  And how could she forget the way the nightmares made her feel? She was still hot and wet between her legs, her nipples ached, and the empty craving inside her was barely tamed, even after all the cream she’d swallowed.

  Sick, I’m sick! she thought. Depraved. Why else would such terrible images and memories fill me with desire?

  She realized that Varin was still looking at her with a frown on his face. Suddenly she felt naked—as though he would know the horrible things going on in her brain just by looking at her. It was the blood-bond he had to her, Brynn thought—it made him much too perceptive about her.

  “So that’s your final story?” he asked at last. “That you can’t remember the nightmares and you feel just fine?”

  “Yes.” Brynn lifted her chin.

  Varin gave her a long, level look.

  “You’re lying, little one. I don’t know why, though—you can tell me anything, you know.”

  “Why should I?” Brynn snapped. “I thought you already knew everything about me. You’ve been watching me since I was born, haven’t you?”

  Her anger seemed to take him aback. For a long moment he just looked at her. Then he sighed.

  “Perhaps it’s better if we just get some sleep.” Tucking his shaft back into his trousers, he rose to go.

  Brynn felt her heart clench into a fist in her chest and it was on the tip of her tongue to apologize. But somehow she just couldn’t.

  “All right,” she said in a small voice. “Good night, Varin.”

  “Good night, Mistress,” he murmured.

  Brynn felt tears rise to her eyes and pushed them back down. Usually she didn’t mind when he called her that. But sometimes it seemed he called her “Mistress” when he wanted to put distance between them.

  Only I’m the one who did that, she told herself. I’m the one who pushed him away. But how could she do otherwise? Varin had said she could tell him anything but how could she possibly tell him this? Tell him her shameful secret that her horrible nightmares were making her wake shaking not just with terror…but also with desire?

  He’d think I was sick. I am sick. I have to hide it! I don’t want him to hate me…to be disgusted by me. I love him too much for that.

  The thought came to her with a blinding flash of insight. She loved Varin—she had always loved him. And she’d been brave enough to tell him just before they were parted on Galen. But somehow she hadn’t managed to work up the nerve to say it again since he’d rescued her.

  Because of the dreams, she thought miserably. Because of how awful they are…how awful I am for having them…for reacting to them. What male would want to be with me if he knew?


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