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Page 34

by Evangeline Anderson

  Everything, all of it came flooding back to him at once. And with the memories, came emotions. He hugged Brynn to him, his heart overflowing with love and desire and protectiveness.

  “Mine,” he whispered as he held her tight and she drank from him. “My Princess…my Mistress…my little one. Mine to protect…mine to cherish…mine to love. Oh, Brynn, how could I have ever forgotten you? You ARE my life.”

  At last Brynn finished drinking and her eyelids fluttered open.

  “Varin?” she whispered softly, reaching up one small hand to cup his rough cheek. “I mean, I’m sorry—Bereth.”

  “Don’t call me that,” he said in a low, choked voice. “My name is Varin—the bound one. Because I am bound to you forever, Princess. And I’ll never let you go again.”

  “Varin?” Her eyes grew bright with hope. “Do…do you mean that?” she whispered. “You remember?”

  “Everything,” he murmured. “Including what an ass I was. I’m so sorry, Brynn.”

  “It’s all right—you couldn’t help it. You didn’t remember me. But now you do—right?”

  He smiled a little. “You want me to tell you something from our past only I would know? How about the fact that you thought a male had to poke you in the belly button to start a baby?”

  “Oh Varin—you do remember!” She giggled and then both of them were laughing and hugging and crying at once and Varin was conscious of how precious and wonderful and perfect she was as he held her in his arms, hugging her to him as though to make sure she was really real…and really alive.

  At last he pulled back from her and looked her over critically.

  “How do you feel, little one? You lost a lot of blood.”

  To his surprise, his question caused her to burst into tears.

  “What is it? Are you hurt? Are you wounded someplace else?” He began to search frantically for another wound to heal and in fact, he found one—a long, wicked-looking slice that ran from her knee to her inner thigh.

  Must have been made by that bastard X'izith’s barb, he thought. Have to heal her. But is there something worse?

  But as he was in the process of searching, Brynn put a hand on his arm to stop him.

  “I’m all right,” she sniffed. “Really I am. I just…never thought I’d hear you call me by that nickname ever again. Or ‘Princess’ or ‘Mistress’ or anything but just plain ‘Brynnalla’ and you know how I hate my full name.”

  “Gods, I’ve been such an idiot.” He drew her close to him again. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  “Nothing to forgive,” she said simply. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he murmured into her hair. “And you’re still my Princess and the Mistress of my heart and my little one to protect and watch over. You’re still my Brynn.”

  “Oh, Varin…” She snuggled close to him and pressed her cheek to his. “Let’s go home—or go back to the Mother Ship anyway. I want to get away from this place. What if…” She shivered. “What if Sovereign X'izith isn’t dead?”

  Varin lifted an eyebrow. “After you gutted him like a Winter Feast gorst-bird and I ripped off his leg and shot out an eye? If he’s not dead by now he’s the toughest son-of-a-bitch in the known universe.”

  “I don’t care if he’s dead or alive—I just want to get away from here,” Brynn whispered. “He…he called me here and I couldn’t say no. I didn’t want to come but part of me…” She broke off, shaking her head.

  “At least you brought my knife with you,” Varin pointed out. “That was good thinking, Princess.”

  “It wasn’t thinking—more like instinct. I thought…there at the end, I thought: ‘I’m going to die…but why should I die alone?’ I guess I wanted to take him with me.” She shivered again. “I don’t even know how I stabbed him. It was…almost like an instinct. Maybe the last little bit of self-preservation I had left coming out.”

  “Whatever it was, it saved your life. That and the voice that shouted in my ear and woke me up to go looking for you,” he said seriously.

  “A voice? Shouting in your ear?” She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t fully either,” Varin admitted. “But it told me to come after you and afterwards it told me how to save you—by sealing your wound and giving you my blood.” He looked down at his wrist which had stopped bleeding and thought of the strong, female voice that had told him what to do. “Thank all the Gods that ever were…or maybe I should say thank the Goddess.”

  “I’ll be thankful when we get away from here,” Brynn said.

  “All right—we’re going. I’ll go start the lift-off sequence if you feel well enough to stand?”

  Brynn was still a little weak but with his help she managed to move to the passenger seat. Varin strapped her in securely and fired up the engines. They were going back to the Mother Ship, which he supposed was home. But really, it didn’t matter where they went as long as he had Brynn in his life—she was his home and his heart and that was never going to change.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  “Well, you seem fine. Except for some bruising and that nasty slice on your leg. Normally I would say it needs sutures but I understand that Bereth wants to heal you himself?” Commander Sylvan raised one eyebrow questioningly.

  “It’s Varin,” Varin corrected him. “And yes, thank you Commander Sylvan—I’ll heal Brynn myself when we get back to our suite.”

  “Varin again?” Sylvan looked surprised. “So then…”

  “Yes—he remembered!” Brynn couldn’t keep the joy out of her voice—she didn’t even try. “It all came back to him—all of it.”

  “And this was after he healed your wound—thus tasting your blood—and gave you some of his in return?” Sylvan looked intrigued.

  “Yes—that’s right.” Varin nodded. “It seemed to restore my bond to Brynn at once.”

  “I should have thought of recommending that earlier,” Sylvan murmured. “But then again, I don’t know if it would have worked earlier. You had to be in a dire situation that jogged your memories along with your love and possessiveness for your female.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Varin growled. “To walk in and see that bastard grabbing her…” He broke off, shaking his head. There was a shadowed look in his eyes and Brynn had the feeling he was wondering what would have happened if he’d been just a second later.

  “Don’t,” she murmured, reaching for his hand and giving it a squeeze. “You got to me in time, Varin. And you’re yourself again. Everything is going to be all right now.”

  She tried to believe her own words but there was a nagging feeling inside her that they might not be true. A sensation she wanted to bury which kept trying to press itself to the surface of her mind.

  With an effort she pushed it back down again and smiled at the male she loved.

  “You’re right.” He smiled back. “Everything will be all right now.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Commander Sylvan said. “And I hope you really did kill this Sovereign X'izith. We believe he had targeted us specifically—he’s been sending scouts to attack us for weeks.”

  “If he’s not dead now he will be soon,” Varin said confidently. “Commander Sylvan, can I have your leave to take my female back to our suite now? I think we could both use some time in the bathing pool.” He nodded down at his own grimy appearance. He’d only been wearing his black leather flight trousers when he came for her and his bare skin was smeared with her blood and X'izith’s black ichor.

  Brynn knew she didn’t’ look much better. In fact—she looked a great deal worse. The pristine white night dress she’d put on for bed what felt like a million years ago was in rags and tatters, stained with red and black and green and grimy with the gray dirt of the moon. There was nothing she wanted more than a bath at this point.

  Well, almost nothing…

  She pushed the worry back down again and looked up at Varin.

  “I really want to go back to the suite. I’m s
o tired.”

  “Go ahead.” Sylvan nodded. “But please come back and see me tomorrow if you have any problems or symptoms at all. If you need any pain killers—”

  “I’ll take care of her pain,” Varin said quickly. He frowned. “It’s…something I can do, along with healing her wounds.”

  Sylvan nodded thoughtfully. “Truly, though you don’t have fangs, I think the Vision Kindred must be close kin to my own kind, the Blood Kindred. You have many of the same talents and abilities. I’d like to learn more about your people, Varin.”

  “Later I’ll let you run any tests you want. For now, I need to get Brynn back to our suite.”

  Without asking if she could walk, Varin gathered her into his arms. Brynn thought of protesting but decided she liked being carried. She laid her cheek against the left side of his chest—where her name was written—and listened to the reassuring thump of his heart.

  Everything is going to be all right, she told herself. X'izith is dead and Varin is alive and remembers our past. Everything will be fine.

  But inside she felt a familiar, gnawing emptiness. A feeling that things were not quite at rest yet, not quite finished…

  Brynn pushed the feeling aside and nodded at Commander Sylvan. Then she nuzzled closer to Varin’s broad chest again and told herself not to worry, not to be silly because everything was going to be just fine…

  It was after a long, leisurely soak in the bathing pool that she had to admit things were not, in fact fine. Not fine at all.

  “Hey,” Varin murmured, as he dried her off with a big, puffy towel that seemed to absorb all the moisture from her body instantly. “What’s wrong, little one? You’re so quiet. Are you just tired?”

  Brynn gave him a tremulous smile. She didn’t want to tell Varin what was wrong—didn’t want to worry him. He’d been so attentive and gentle during their mutual bath, lathering up a bathing mitt to wash her gently all over, then washing her hair for her…he’d been treating her like she was made of the finest crystal and might shatter if he touched her too hard.

  So how could Brynn tell him what she was craving…what she needed?

  A deep breeding, hissed a voice in her head. Only a deep breeding can satisfy your need…can fill your emptiness…

  Brynn tried to push the memory away but it wouldn’t go.

  I can’t tell him, she thought. I just can’t…

  But that was the kind of thinking and fear that had gotten her into trouble in the first place. She would have to tell.

  “I…I’m not just tired,” she whispered, looking up at him. “Varin, I’m so sorry but…but I think there’s something wrong with me.”

  Varin looked at her with an anxious frown. “Is your wound bothering you? I should have healed it earlier.”

  Picking her up, he carried her to the bed and lay her down on the broad, firm mattress. Brynn was still naked and she suddenly felt shy, spread out nude like this for him. She tried to shut her legs but Varin was already kneeling before her and shaking his head.

  “No, little one—I need to see where you’re hurt. Open up and let me see—open up and let me heal you.”

  His low, commanding voice was enough to make Brynn shiver with need. She wanted to tell him that the cut on her leg wasn’t what was bothering her. Except…it was related. Or at least, the place where the cut ended, high on her inner thigh, was somewhat related to her problem.

  Slowly, she spread her thighs.

  “That’s good, little one,” he rumbled. “Are you shy about letting me see your pussy?”

  “A…a little,” Brynn confessed.

  “Don’t be, I’ve seen you before, remember? And besides, you’re beautiful.” His bronze eyes were gentle. “I’m just going to heal your leg—all right?”

  “All…all right.” Brynn bit her lip as he started at her knee and ran his warm, wet tongue up her inner thigh. Goddess above, it felt so good! “Varin!” she moaned softly as he finally got to her inner thigh.

  He seemed to spend a long time licking and sucking there, paying special attention to the place where her leg met her body. She could feel his warm breath blowing over her pussy and though she knew he was only supposed to be healing her, she couldn’t help the shivers of lust that went through her…or the way her pussy began to get so hot and wet.

  Apparently Varin noticed it too.

  “Mmm, little one,” he murmured, looking up at her. “Are you all right? Your pussy is beginning to look all swollen and achy.”

  Brynn started to say she was fine and then remembered something—Varin had told Commander Sylvan that he could ease her pain the same way he could heal her wounds. So maybe if he licked her…

  “Varin,” she said softly. “I am swollen and achy between my legs—that’s what I was trying to tell you. I…do you remember I told you the Sovereign called me to him and I had to go?”

  “Yes?” He frowned, clearly not comprehending.

  “He…he was calling me to be…to be penetrated. To be filled.” Brynn gave a convulsive shudder at the thought. “I didn’t want him inside me but I needed to be filled. And that need was driving me crazy.”

  “But he didn’t—”

  “No—no, he didn’t,” she said quickly. “Although the wound you just healed makes it obvious how close he came.” She crossed her arms over her breasts and bit her lip. “The thing is, I thought after he was gone—was dead—this empty ache inside me would go away too. This awful feeling I’ve had ever since I was forced to drink the Blood Honey in the Hive…”

  Varin raised an eyebrow. “But it hasn’t?”

  Miserably, Brynn shook her head.

  “No,” she said in a small voice. “It hasn’t.”

  “So what do you need, little one?” He was still kneeling between her legs, his hands on her knees. His eyes were intent as he looked at her. “Just tell me and I’ll give it to you.”

  It was on the tip of Brynn’s tongue to say that she needed to be penetrated…bred…fucked. But the image of the silver club within the deflowering throne rose up in her mind and somehow she couldn’t say it—couldn’t ask for what she knew she really needed.

  “You…you said you could ease my pain as well as cure my wounds,” she reminded him. “You told Commander Sylvan that—do you remember?”

  “Of course.” He stroked her knees gently. “Tell me where you’re hurting, little one and I’ll try to ease you.”

  “How?” Brynn asked. “I mean…how will you ease my pain?”

  “The same way I healed you—by licking.”

  “And…you wouldn’t mind licking me even if…even if I was hurting in a very intimate place?” Brynn could feel her cheeks getting hot but the need and the empty ache were growing inside her—shouting too loudly to be ignored.

  His bronze eyes were suddenly sleepy with desire.

  “Anywhere, little one. Just show me where it hurts and I’ll ease your pain.”

  “Here. I hurt here.” Biting her lip again, Bryn lifted her hips, indicating her pussy which was so wet and slippery with need her juices were beginning to wet her inner thighs.

  “You need me to lick your pussy, Princess?” he murmured, tracing one gentle fingertip over her swollen outer lips. “Need me to part your sweet pussy lips and trace your ripe little clit with my tongue?”

  Brynn jumped at the tender touch and tried to bite back a moan.

  “If…if you don’t mind.”

  “Brynn,” he growled softly, looking into her eyes. “I’ve been wanting to lick your soft little pussy for years. Of course I don’t fucking mind.”

  “Then, would you—”

  Her question ended in a moan because he had leaned forward and bathed her outer pussy lips with a long, slow swipe of his tongue.

  “Oh…aaaah!” Brynn gasped as he did it again and then again, lapping slowly over just the outer part of her pussy, cleaning away the honey that had leaked from her inner folds.

  “Better, Princess?” he murmured, looking up at her. />
  “Yes…some,” Brynn admitted.

  “You know, I used to imagine doing this to you back at the palace,” Varin admitted. “Especially after I gave you that damn tickle-teaser and I could hear you moaning and calling my name. I wanted so Goddess-damned much to fall on my knees and worship your pussy with my tongue…to make you moan and cry and come all over my face.”

  “You…you did?” His hot words turned her on, as they always did and though her outer pussy felt better, Brynn felt like the ache inside her was actually intensifying. Still, she didn’t want him to stop.

  “Hell yes, I did,” he growled. “I always wanted to taste your pussy honey straight from the source.”

  “And…did you…did you only want to lick the, um, the outside?” Brynn asked breathlessly.

  He gave a soft, rumbling laugh.

  “Is that a hint that I need to spread open your hot little pussy and lick your clit, little one?”

  “Would you…could you, please?” Brynn begged softly.

  In answer, he spread her outer pussy lips, baring her slippery inner folds and the little pink pearl of her clit. Brynn was embarrassed by how wet she was getting and by how prominent her clit was. But Varin seemed to love it.

  “So wet,” he growled hoarsely. “So ready for my tongue, little one.” Then he leaned forward and licked her again, this time dragging his hot tongue over the sensitive little button at her center.

  Brynn gasped and suddenly found she was grasping his thick, dark hair with both hands, though she wasn’t sure if she was trying to pull him closer for more of the deliciously intense sensation or push him away because it was too intense.

  Varin seemed to think she was pulling him forward.

  “That’s right, little one,” he murmured. “Guide me. Show me where you need my tongue to go.”

  “My…my clit. Please,” Brynn begged shamelessly. “Lick me there, please, Varin.”

  “My pleasure, Princess.” He leaned forward again but this time instead of licking, he sucked her sensitive little pearl between his lips and began to circle it with just the tip of his tongue.


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