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Shattered Shield: Cole Cameron Thriller Series Book 1

Page 24

by Camden Mays

  Jessica redirected the music device with her own command, “play ‘Dad’s oldies’ playlist,” Jessica said rolling her eyes.

  “Ha, ha. Very funny,” Cameron said and then was surprised when the device gave confirmation and begin playing the Crowded House song, ‘Don’t Dream It’s Over.’ Throughout her intervals of boredom over the past week, Jess had taken the liberty to build a new catalog of playlists for her Dad.

  “Oh, that’s cool,” he said nodding his head to the song.

  “Volume six,” he ordered the device.

  “Hey, that’s not fair!” Jess said.

  The girls watched him as he sang while he built a sandwich for lunch. He threw his head back and sang along to the chorus, causing the girls to erupt in laughter.

  “Volume eight!” Cameron shouted.

  “Oh my God, Dad!” Jessica bent over laughing at her father’s goofy effort to be cool.

  Undaunted by their ridicule, he grabbed Jessica’s hand and pulled her up, singing and dancing with her as she laughed.

  Brittany grabbed her phone and videoed the two until Cameron reached over and pulled her into the dance with them. The girls burst into laughter at Cameron’s exaggerated moves. They all sang the words out loud, danced and laughed until the song ended with a big group hug.

  It had been a very long time since Jessica had seen her father this happy. She knew Hannah was a big part of his newfound happiness. Jess also knew that things were changing. She was getting older, and he had now completely moved on from her mother.

  She was both sad and happy at the same time. Sorry that her parents had gone separate ways and divided her time, but happy for her Dad, knowing that maybe they each had a shot at happiness.

  “Volume three!” Jessica shouted as the next song played. “Dad, you’re crazy,” she said still laughing and hugging him.

  “Ahh, honey, I’m going to miss having you around here,” he said kissing her blond head.

  “I’m going to miss you too. And this house,” Jess said. "Have you found a new place yet?”

  “No, but I guess I have to get on that.”

  “Hey Mr. C, I talked Jess into coming back this summer,” Brittany said excitedly.

  “Really, you’re giving up the beach this summer.”

  “Well, we have a plan,” Brittany said.

  “Oh brother,” Cameron sighed.

  “No, no hear me out,” Jess said. “I’m thinking I can fly back, stay with you for a week or two and then Brittany and I can drive to California. You know like a road trip.”

  “Yeah, that will be so cool!” Brittany said clapping her hands.

  Cameron sighed heavily, not wanting to discuss it, knowing that the two of them together were a formidable opponent. He was sure that they must have done an Internet search on ‘how to win arguments with your parents.’

  He couldn’t resist, “I don’t know if it’s safe.”

  “Dad, Mr. Capps was here all this week, by the way, he’s really a nice guy after all. Anyway, he trained me on self-defense techniques, like you wanted. I mean he is really good.”

  “Yeah, she showed me one of the moves,” Brittany said, going up behind Jessica to demonstrate. “Show him, Jess.”

  “That’s unnecessary. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

  “Mom, already said yes as long as it’s OK with you.”

  And there it is, he said to himself.

  “We’ll talk about this more, later on. I’ve some things I need to take care of before we have to get ready.”

  “Oh my gosh, Jess! It’s 1:30! We’ve got to get ready,” Brittany shouted.

  Cameron suddenly remembered why he always felt worn out after she visited.

  “What? You all aren’t leaving for another five hours.”

  “Dad, this is a full day affair,” Jess said as they cleared the kitchen island.

  Brittany took her turn on the device, “play ‘California Dreamin’ by Sia,” she yelled.

  “Volume six,” shouted Jess as they headed through the barrel archway to the foyer to go upstairs to her bedroom.

  Cameron shook his head as he watched sensing what all fathers of grown daughters sense, impending doom. Walking before him were two kids at heart with the bodies of grown attractive women. He wanted desperately to push the clock back and have more time to dance, laugh and watch sappy movies with her, but he knew he was on borrowed time.

  Tomorrow she would leave him again, and he would have to deal with the empty house all over, and by the time of her next visit, he would most likely be living somewhere different as the house was set to close escrow in a few days. But tonight he intended to fully drink in all of the enjoyment that the experience would offer. He knew he would have to keep his protective emotions in check, as Cole fully expected her to draw more attention than he would be comfortable with.


  Washington, DC –Wharf District

  Cameron arrived at Hannah’s condo, thirty minutes early and chided himself for being overly prompt. It was a chilly evening as the sun began to set over the adjacent building. He took the steps two at a time in anticipation of seeing Hannah.

  Hannah had suggested an uber, but Cameron reserved a professional car service to the event and would leave his car at her place, hopefully allowing for time together beyond the superhuman hearing capabilities of Jess.

  He knocked at her door but didn’t get a response. He tried again, still nothing. He checked the door, it was unlocked. He opened it knocking again hearing nothing. His heart beat faster as all sort of possibilities flowed through his mind. He looked to the left into the open area from the kitchen to the living room. The usually very tidy room had a few clothes and towels tossed around.

  Cameron removed the Glock 22 from his shoulder holster and went back to the hall walking toward the closed bedroom door. He glanced in the half bath to the right, it was clear. He walked softly to the bedroom and slowly opened the door.

  He saw open a couple of open drawers and more clothes on the bed, he went around the foot of the bed to the other side to check the master bath. He braced himself against the door frame to allow his muscles to relax.

  Hannah was wrapped in a large white towel, bent over, her leg up on the closed toilet seat. She was nursing a razor nick on her beautifully toned leg. Cameron holstered the gun and stood there admiring her, knowing she was oblivious to his presence.

  He heard her mumbling “…want me, tell that you need me…” She seemed to be making up her own words to the song he played in the room a week earlier.

  “Shit,” she said taking a quick look at her watch. She made one last dab and turned to find Cameron at the door. She jumped and screamed.

  “Agh! Shit! Shit! Shit!”

  Cameron stepped forward to calm her down but instead received a barrage of fist pounds to the chest as a reward for his early arrival.

  “Oh my God! You scared…”

  “…The shit out of you it sounds like,” Cameron deadpanned. “You really need to expand your cursing vocabulary.”

  She gave him one more slug for good measure and pulled the wireless earbuds out. He gave her a big hug feeling that her heart was still beating fast.

  “How did you not hear me knocking?” he asked kissing her. “The door was unlocked, so I just came in and when I didn’t see you and well, you really scared me too.”

  “I thought I could get ready so much faster. I haven’t done anything this fancy in a long time. It’s been a nightmare.”

  “No, you’re fine. I’m just early.”

  “No, I’m really late and need my space,” she said pushing him to the door, and the abruptly covered her mouth.

  “Oh, I forgot about the laundry. You’re right. You are way too early. Go wait in the living room.”

  He opened her closet door and grabbed a clothes basket.

  After the laundry was folded, Cameron sat at the counter nursing a beer, it was not lost on him that she had stocked up on his favorite bre
w. He sent a text to Jess to see how they were fairing, evidently about the same as Hannah’s situation as reply said it all, not now dad! So, he did what most men must do in these situations, wait.

  After a while, he heard Hannah’s voice command the music device, and soon the familiar song that been woven into their love began to play. Cameron smiled, remembering their connection. The sound of graceful footsteps in high heels on the hardware floor indicated she was coming to him. His anticipation grew, but nothing prepared him for what he saw.

  She seemed to glide around the hallway toward the table in her long black evening gown that swayed with her movements. The slit on the right side revealed her long, toned leg. Her dark hair was worn up, wrapped in a Dutch braided low bun with a stylish brooch that worked well with her long diamond earrings that dangled from her ears. The vee neck front was low and revealing. She looked like she had just stepped off of a magazine cover. Cameron was speechless.

  She turned to give him the full view of the bareback dress. Strings crisscrossed the lower back. He then realized why her hand was behind her back.

  “This is where I need your help,” she said softly as their song played. Cameron tied the back strap.

  He was overwhelmed. He had always thought she was out of his league. All doubts to that fact were now removed, he now knew for sure, Hannah was beyond him in so many ways.

  “My God Hannah, you are simply stunning.”

  “Thank you,” she replied as they kissed.

  “Is the car here?”

  “Yes, but he can wait. I just want you all to myself for one minute before the eyes of everyone start to devour you.”

  “Cole,” she said patting his chest and feeling the hardware underneath the coat.

  “You're carrying your gun tonight?” she asked, surprised.

  “Yep. Taking some liberties with my new position.”

  “Yeah, I want to hear more about that but not tonight. I want to enjoy this special evening.”

  He leaned across and kissed her. God, she loved his kisses. “OK, now I have to reapply, so maybe you should get one more before I do that.”

  “With pleasure.” God, he loved her kisses.


  Washington, DC Hilton Capital Ballroom

  Cameron and Hannah lingered near the entrance of the ballroom shaking hands and making introductions as they waited for Jessica and Brittany to arrive.

  “She should have been here by now.”

  “She’ll be here. Just relax,” Hannah said in between greeting strangers.

  He noticed three men in their thirties standing across the room, looking toward Hannah a little too often for his liking. It wasn’t that they looked at her, it was the way they looked at her.

  “Geez, act like you’ve been here before guys,” he mumbled to himself.

  “What was that?”

  “Ahh, nothing.”

  The three looked over again, and then they laughed. Oh, there it is, the adolescent guy joke, keeping his thoughts silent this time. He recognized one of the men as a young congressman with an abhorrent reputation for womanizing. The congressman started walking toward them. Are you kidding me?

  Hannah stood to his left and saw the sleazy politician come their way. She put her arm in Cameron’s and braced herself.

  “Shit,” she said under her breathe. Cameron felt something was off but couldn’t put his finger on it.

  The congressman walked over eyeing Hannah up and down the entire way, not even giving Cameron an acknowledging look until he was directly in front of him. Then he finally looked over to Cameron and extended his hand.

  “Congressman Scott Shepherd.”

  Cameron wanted to deck the putz right there but felt Hannah’s tug.

  “Cole Cameron,” came the cold reply. Before he finished saying his last name, the congressman was on to Hannah with his outstretched hand.

  “Hannah, darling, so good to see you out again.”

  What a smug ass punk, Cameron thought.

  “Congressman Shepherd.” Hannah nodded, but never offered her hand.

  “Oh, you know to call me Scott,” he said turning to Cameron to rub it in, “Hannah and I go way back, don’t we sweetie?”

  He looked at them recognizing they weren’t carrying drinks. “Oh, someone’s failed to take care of you. Let me get you a drink.”

  “We’re fine, thank you.” Hannah fought to maintain her composure.

  “Nonsense,” he said waiving over a server walking around with a tray of drinks.

  “Congressman,” Cameron said trying to get bastard’s attention.

  “Uh-huh,” the congressman said feigning interest and instead he looked over and winked at his guy pals.

  Cameron had dealt with too much crap over the last few weeks. He had dealt with terrorist attacks, the stress of a firefight, his daughter’s life threatened, and he had seen death too close. He wasn’t about to take shit from this punk. Not tonight.

  “Hey, asshole!”

  Shepherd spun around. That got his attention. Hannah gave another tug at his arm.

  “We said we don’t need a drink,” Cameron spoke calmly.

  “Who did you say you were?” Shepherd asked, putting his finger on Cameron’s chest. “Do you have any idea who I am?”

  “I’ve got a pretty good idea, and I suggest you stop touching me now.”

  Before Shepherd could respond, CIA Director Kingman stepped between them.

  “Officer Cameron, so glad you made it. Agent Jacobs,” he said taking her extended hand.

  “The pleasure is ours, sir. Thank you again for the tickets,” Cameron said.

  “Where’s that darling girl of yours?”

  “On her way, sir.”

  “Well, bring her over when she gets here. I want to be sure to say hello.”

  “Will do, sir.”

  The Director turned to the young congressman who was salivating like a dog for an opportunity to pucker up to the powerful public servant.

  “And you are?” the Director knew the congressman, but couldn’t resist crushing his ego.

  “Congressman Shepherd,” he said surprised, “we spoke at the security briefing a few weeks ago.”

  “So sorry, I don’t recall that,” the Director said, winking at Cameron. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some folks to meet. Oh, but a word of advice congressman.”

  “Oh yes sir, I’m all ears.”

  “Careful how you treat our American heroes. The voters take stock of that sort of thing.”

  As Kingman moved on Cameron watched Shepherd stomp off to lick his wounds. Hannah’s tug finally got his attention.


  “Well, if your pissing contest is over, your daughter is here, and she looks amazing.”

  Cameron looked toward the doorway and saw his tall, slender daughter grace the floor with her dark blue gown that complemented her long straight blond hair and blue eyes. She was luminous. Literally making heads turn.

  Stepping in next to her was her petite friend, Brittany, wearing a beige gown ‘so that they would not clash.’

  “Damn,” Cameron said as he exhaled.

  “I know, Cole. She is striking.” Hannah agreed.

  Cameron looked over to the congressman and his two buddies. They were eyeing Jess and Brittany, like wolves sniffing out fresh meat.

  “Yeah, and I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night if I have to put up with assholes like that.”

  “About that,” Hannah started.

  “Nah, not tonight. They’re not going to ruin our night. Let’s say ‘hi’ to the girls.”

  Cameron was enjoying a fantastic evening, aside from the run-in with the congressman, the night had gone splendidly. The charity event benefited a Children's Research Hospital in the DC area. He and his three lovely companions sat with six other guests at their table.

  During dinner, short speeches were given, and pleas for additional ongoing support were made. The Director’s wife, as a
long-time significant contributor, had orchestrated the event. After concluding her gracious remarks, she offered the Director an opportunity to say a few words. True to form of most seasoned public servants at that level, he understood politics as well as he understood any aspect of the agency he ran.

  “My wife and I are grateful for your support to this worthy cause,” he said. “Many of our friends and associates understand the motivation for our support. We’d like to think that our giving can mean that someday maybe a young child can avoid the kind of suffering that our dear granddaughter, Abbey had to experience. Your giving will mean so much to so many. Thank you for your generosity.”

  The audience applauded as he stepped away from the podium. Cameron looked two tables over and saw McCune checking her watch. She seemed distracted.

  Before the applause had died down, the Director returned, and said, “Folks, I’m sorry. One more thing. I’d be remised if I didn’t acknowledge a couple of special guests we have tonight. All of you are acutely aware of the recent attacks against our country.”

  “Shit,” Hannah whispered.

  “Yeah, shit is right,” Cameron whispered back.

  “Earlier this week the CIA awarded the Intelligence Star to Officer Cole Cameron for his role in stopping the attempted terrorist attack in Los Angeles. And he is here tonight accompanied by Special Agent Hannah Jacobs who was one of the Agents that apprehended the terrorists in Los Angeles. Officer Cameron, Agent Jacobs, would you please stand and allow us to show our appreciation for your bravery and courage.”

  The two stood, and the Presidential Ballroom with nearly six hundred attendees began to roar with loud applause. As the intensity grew, everyone rose to their feet. Cameron and Hannah humbly nodded and mouthed ‘thank you’ to the room.

  The crowd continued the roar. It was getting awkward for Cameron. “That’s why he gave us the tickets,” he said to Hannah understanding the Director had used them as props for good PR. He had enough of it and sat down, and Hannah followed his lead. He looked over and saw tears rolling down the cheek of his daughter.

  “Dad, I’m so proud of you,” she said crying, “You too, Hannah.”


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