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Bad, Very Bad Shifters- The Complete Mega Bundle

Page 28

by Daniella Wright

  “Is anybody home?” I asked, but I was only answered by silence.

  With nothing else to do, I approached the fire, hoping to dry off. It was only then that I noticed something peculiar about the flame. It was green!

  I stared at it, tilting my head, wondering what kind of wood was being burned to produce such a strange flame.

  Thinking it might be toxic, I took a step back.

  Doing so, I nearly tripped on the rug, only managing to steady myself when I grabbed onto a nearby table. Looking up, I saw wine glasses filled with a dark liquid, like whoever was living here was expecting company.

  The open wine bottle was still half full, so if I had a little sip, I could just refill the glass and no one would know.

  Grabbing the goblet, I sat down on a nearby couch, easing into the comfortable cushions. As I sipped the smooth liquid, my body instantly relaxed.

  I closed my eyes, nearly falling asleep as a profound warmth spread through my body, turning my cheeks rosy in color.

  And then, footsteps.

  My eyes shot open almost immediately, looking toward the door. Standing there was the most handsome man I had ever seen in my entire life. He had piercing blue eyes, a chiseled face, sharp nose, and shaggy black hair that gave him a wild and masculine look. He was dressed regally, like a Scandinavian Prince.

  I could only stare at him as he crossed the room, sitting down beside me. “I see you’ve finally found me…” His voice was like liquid honey. “I’ve waited so long for you to join me…” He reached forward, pinning a strand of my wet hair behind my ear. “You’re even more beautiful than I expected.”

  I didn’t quite understand what this man was talking about, but at the same time, I didn’t really care. His mere presence was enough to excite me. It was powerful, dominant, intoxicating.

  “You must be weary after your travels. Let me help you relax.” Without another word, he took the wine from my hand, setting it back on the table. With his bright blue eyes twinkling with mischief, he cupped my cheek, kissing me ever so gently.

  I melted into the kiss, finding myself addicted to his tender yet demanding nature. Before I knew what was happening, he had his hand under my shirt, one of his fingers running up my spine, straight for my bra.

  Instead of unclasping it, he seemed to slice through the strap with his nail which caused me to gasp into the kiss. He took the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. It seemed narrow and pointed, unlike any other tongue. I liked it.

  Eagerly, I kissed him back, tangling my tongue with his, my body moving closer, asking for more.

  In the back of my mind, I knew that I shouldn’t be doing this. I didn’t know this man. He lived in a creepy castle in the middle of the woods. I should be running as fast as I could.

  But, I couldn’t pull away from him.

  It was like he had me under a spell, keeping me trapped in his embrace.

  Effortlessly, he ripped through my shirt, tossing it to the side, exposing my large breasts. His eyes flickered with lust before he leaned down, planting kisses all over. He toyed with me by circling my nipples, never quite giving them the attention they deserved.

  Distracted by his teasing, I didn’t notice his hand slipping into my panties until it was too late. His long, thick fingers ran along my slit, rubbing me ever so slightly.

  I moaned, pushing my hips into the air, the sensation almost enough to overwhelm me. No one had touched me down there in quite some time.

  The man grinned at me, his expression almost devious. I held my breath, waiting for his next move, each second feeling like it was stretching into an eternity.

  Suddenly, his thumb started to rub small circles on my clit. I moaned even louder, biting my lips so I wouldn’t scream. I wiggled in pleasure, my pussy already soaked with my juices.

  The man didn’t stop. He kept flicking my clit back and forth, stimulating me to the point where I thought I would explode. He hadn’t even penetrated me and I already felt like I was going to climb over the edge.

  With his smirk deepening, he pressed one of his fingers against my entrance. It felt so thick that my pussy resisted him for a moment before he forced it inside, knuckle-deep.

  I gasped, my whole body tensing at the sudden intrusion. Before I could relax, he took one of my nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue all around it. Pleasure flooded my body, making it hard for me to concentrate. My skin was covered in goosebumps, only adding to my sensitivity.

  The mysterious man sucked harder, his tongue playing with my nipple until it was so hard it hurt. I clutched at the couch cushion, trying to ground myself, but I had never felt this good.

  With his finger still inside of me, he started to pump it in and out, picking up speed. My juices accumulated in my panties, getting them soaked, but the man didn’t seem to mind.

  He just kept finger-fucking me, faster and harder, until he paused to add a second one. I pressed my teeth together, my back arching as my tight little pussy struggled to accommodate them. He slowed his pace to give me some time to adjust, but as soon as I started moaning, he showed me no mercy.

  I screamed in pleasure, my body quivering. My toes curled. My pussy squeezed his fingers, trying to pull them even deeper inside me.

  I couldn’t take it a moment longer.

  My world exploded in white hot pleasure.

  Chapter 3

  I woke up with a start, immediately sitting up. Blinking, I was surprised to find that I was in a strange, unknown room. The curtains were drawn, blocking out most of the sunlight.

  In the gloom, it was difficult to make out my surroundings, but it seemed like I was in a bed chamber. The walls were made of large stone blocks, decorated with dark, Renaissance paintings.

  Looking down, I realized I was sitting on a bed, the mattress much more comfortable than any other I had slept on before. The duvet that covered me was made of silk, embroidered with bright flowers all around.

  I tossed it off my body and rushed out of the bed, a sense of dread washing over me.

  Where was I?

  How had I gotten here?

  I rubbed my temples, hoping that would help me remember.

  It didn’t.

  I walked over to the door and pulled on the curved handle, but it wouldn’t budge. I tried again. Nothing.

  A sense of profound claustrophobia wrapped around my chest, making it hard to breathe. Desperate to escape, I started to bang on the thick wood of the door until my hands were sore.

  “Please! Somebody help me!” I screamed, hoping for a miracle, but no such luck came my way. “Please!” I continued, my throat growing hoarse. “I’m… I’m locked in here!” Taking a few steps back, I braced myself before I rushed the door, determined to break it down. Of course, I only managed to bruise my shoulder, my body no match for its solid construction.

  “Oh God…” I started to pace around the room, running my fingers through my hair. “What the fuck do I do now?”

  I noticed the window and pulled back the curtains. Getting on my tippy-toes, I looked out.

  This had to be a joke.

  I was fifty feet above the ground, looking down at a moat filled with water. Below me, I could make out the bottom half of what looked like a castle – the same one from my dream.

  I pinched myself, hoping it would solve my problems, but unfortunately, I didn’t wake up.

  Accepting that this was real and I had somehow gotten kidnapped in the night, I fumbled with the window latch, trying to pry it open. Upon closer inspection, however, I discovered it was nailed shut.

  Whoever had put me here didn’t want me to get out.

  “Okay… Pearl… you can make it through this…” I coached myself softly, hoping to calm down. “Just keep a level head…”

  I took a few deep breaths, letting them out of my nose. As the fog subsided from my mind, I searched the room, looking for clues. Maybe they had left my bag somewhere. If I could get my hands on my knife then I could mess around with the lock.r />
  I looked under the bed first, but all I found were some dust bunnies. I was about to get up when something caught my eye. It was small and barely noticeable in the darkness, but looking at it from the right angle made the rays of sunlight bounce off its surface in just the right way.

  I shimmied under the bed, reaching out my arm as far as it could go. My fingers grazed against a fine chain.

  Once I had it in the light, I discovered it was a necklace, crafted of beautiful, polished gold. The pendant was a simple cyan jewel in the shape of a teardrop.

  What was something like this doing under a bed?

  On impulse, I tried it on, struggling with the clasp for a moment before I heard a soft click. I tugged on the chain, just to make sure it was secure.

  The pendant rested perfectly on my chest, right between my breasts, like it was always supposed to be there. I ran my fingers over the smooth surface. Heat emanated from the tiny rock.

  How was that possible?

  Eager to get a better look, I walked up to a Victorian style vanity, set up in the corner of the room. I sat down on the small bench like I was a princess about to get her hair done for a ball.

  Looking in the mirror, my reflection almost scared me. My hair was a wild mess. My skin was covered in a thin layer of grime and dirt. Wrinkles decorated every inch of my clothes. There was a fleck of mud on my chin that I hastily wiped away, suddenly self-conscious.

  Various beauty products lined the vanity, from perfume in glass spritz bottles, to large makeup brushes, and even a moisturizer that promised ‘skin like a goddess.’

  Did someone live here?

  I picked up a palette of blush, looking for a brand, but the little metal container was completely unmarked. It reminded me of the make up my grandma used to wear. She once told me that she had to go to a special store and get her makeup refilled. She couldn’t just go to the drug store and buy a new one.

  I grabbed one of the brushes, about to dip it into the light pink color when I heard someone at the door, turning a key.

  Chapter 4

  Immediately, I was on my feet. I grabbed the closest and heaviest object I could find, which happened to be a flower vase that decorated the vanity. I held it tightly in my hand, my heart beating quickly at the thought of facing my kidnapper.

  My eyes were locked on the door, waiting for it to open.

  I heard a soft click as the tumblers were triggered. With a loud squeak from the hinges, the wooden door swung back.

  Beyond the threshold, the hallway was cloaked in darkness, making it impossible to see the figure that stood there.

  I adjusted my grip on the vase and firmly planted my feet in the ground. Whoever it was, they had quite a bit of explaining to do.

  Finally, they stepped forward. To my surprise, the man that appeared before me looked like an extra from a mediocre medieval movie. He was scrawny, his shoulders sagging from the weight of the chainmail he had on. He wore a tabard over it, embellished with what I could only guess was a coat of arms.

  The golden pentangle took up most of the space, but what fascinated me most was the five-headed dragon that emerged from the middle. It's deadly fangs were bared as if the beast was ready for combat.

  Along the bottom were symbols I couldn’t comprehend, a mix between Slavic and Latin.

  For a long time, we just stared at each other. I wanted to say something, to demand answers, but my tongue had swelled in my mouth, making it impossible.

  Finally, the man stepped forward, his sword banging against his narrow hips with his every stride.

  Quickly, I shuffled back, pressing myself against the wall. “Don’t come any closer!” I shouted, my hands so tight around the vase that I thought it would shatter.

  To my surprise, he stopped. In a slow and meticulous way, he took off his leather gloves, wedging them between his belt and tabard for lack of pockets. He then bowed so low that his wispy blonde hair nearly grazed the floor. “Milady, Lord Titus is expecting you.”

  I stared at him as if he was some madman.

  Lord Titus?

  Who the hell was that?

  But then, my dream flickered in my mind. The mysterious man that had given me so much pleasure in the dream world had said something similar. That he had been waiting for me.

  “What are you talking about?” I finally voiced my question, hoping for answers.

  “Lord Titus has been waiting for you, milady. For almost a hundred years.”

  Now I definitely knew this man had lost his mind.

  “Look, I don’t know what kind of sick game you’re playing here, but you better let me go.”

  “I cannot do that.” He replied, his voice stoic. He had straightened out his posture, his beady brown eyes looking nervous. “I have searched all my life for someone to be his mate. I dare not disappoint him by letting you go.”

  “Mate? I’m not some animal!” I spat, throwing the vase in his direction. I missed completely, the delicate object shattering against the stone floor.

  “You should not have done that.” The man said, his voice ever so calm. His complete lack of emotion unnerving.

  “Let me go. This instant.”

  He shook his head. “I will not.”

  “Please. I won’t say anything.”

  “I must prepare you for my liege.”

  “Look, I don’t know what you’re planning, but I’m not going to be anyone’s mate. That’s crazy. You’re crazy.”

  Again, he shook his head. “Lord Titus is a gentle lover. Granted, he has been dormant for one hundred years, so he might be a little rowdy, but I can assure you that he will not hurt you.”

  “You’re insane!” I pressed myself into the wall. This man had completely lost his mind, living in some fantasy-based delusion. “Please, just let me go.”

  The man didn’t say a word. Instead, he walked over to a door I hadn’t noticed before. He turned what looked like a diamond-encrusted doorknob. Without looking at me, he opened the door and stepped out of view.

  I took my chance.

  I dashed for the open door that led to the hallway, but before I could make my getaway, it slammed shut. I screamed, falling back, my heart thumping inside my chest.

  “There is no point in trying to escape. This castle is centuries old, enchanted by powerful magic which almost gives it a mind of its own. You will only leave this room once Lord Titus is ready for you.” The man had a gorgeous azure gown in his hands. As he spoke to me, he laid it out on the bed. “Lord Titus would like you to get ready for this evening…”

  Without another word, he left the room, the door opening without him ever reaching for the doorknob. I sat there in utter disbelief.

  What had just happened?

  Was I really trapped inside an enchanted castle?

  This had to be some sort of a nightmare.

  Quickly, I got up and tried the door, but it was locked once again. “Ugh!” I banged against the wood. “Let me out of here!” I kept yelling and screaming, hoping the man would return, but he seemed so adamant about me meeting this Lord Titus that I found it difficult to believe he would change his mind.

  Having no other choice, I walked back to the bed, examining the dress he had laid out for me. It was truly spectacular. The fabric was a fine velvet that was incredibly soft to the touch, embellished with gold trimming all around. The bodice was designed like a corset that tied up on the sides to make it easy for the wearer to tighten it herself.

  I couldn’t help myself as I picked it up and pressed it against my chest, twirling with it in my arms, pretending for a split second that I was a lady dancing at a ball.

  I quickly pushed those thoughts from my mind, tossing the dress back onto the bed. No. I wasn’t going to put it on. That would be giving that man exactly what he wanted and I wasn’t about to be a part of his sick game.

  I stepped away, crossing my arms over my chest, determined to suppress my urge to change into it. As I did, I noticed the second door in the room. It was st
ill open.

  Curious, I tip-toed forward, peeking my head inside.

  To my surprise, it was a room filled with gowns as far as the eye could see.

  I stepped inside, running my fingers along the hundreds of dresses waiting to be worn. On the back wall, fabulous shoes were neatly displayed on pedestals. Another wall sparkled with beautiful jewelry, most of it encrusted with rich sapphires.

  Where the hell was I?


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