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Bad, Very Bad Shifters- The Complete Mega Bundle

Page 76

by Daniella Wright

  “Good morning to ye, Sir. The two of ye are back at it already, are ye?” the man joked, and it took Brandon a moment to realize what he’d meant. Looking past him down the stalls confirmed it—Zinnia was not there. Catalina had already ridden out. Was she still up to their old antics, despite how unsafe it was for her to be out alone? Or had she been hoping he’d join her?

  “How long ago did the lady ride out?” he asked Douglas, forcing a casual tone while the man saddled his horse, Ares—his own black Arabian, a larger version of Lina’s Zinnia.

  “Oh, not more than five minutes ago. Ye must have overslept,” he laughed.

  Calculating how long it would take him to catch up, he could afford another moment to inquire a little further. “Did Lady Catalina keep up her morning rides while I was gone?”

  “Oh, yes sir. Nearly every day, but I never said a word, I promise ye.”

  “Good, good. I was afraid she’d abandon the exercise, but I’m glad to hear she kept it up,” he lied, thinking of all the dangers that could lurk beyond the manor, from wild animals to highwaymen. Every day for the past two years…she could have wound up dead or worse, and he would have been none the wiser. What the hell had she been thinking?

  He took the reins from Douglas then, mounted Ares and led him away from the stable. When Douglas was no longer in sight he dug in his heels and set off at a breakneck speed. It was irrational; she’d survived every ride for the past two years, and he’d never come across anything of any real danger on the property surrounding the manor. But it didn’t matter. The stubborn, foolish woman was out there alone.

  If nothing had changed, then he knew her pace, Zinnia’s fast but manageable gallop that Ares would overtake quickly. He would catch up with her within minutes, and then when he saw that she was safe, he’d let her know just what he thought of her early morning foolishness.

  But minutes passed, and then several more, and he hadn’t caught up with her. It was entirely possible she’d taken a different route than the one he knew. Hell, she could be back at the stable already. He wasn’t ready to turn back just yet, and Ares could easily keep up the pace for quite a while longer.

  Two minutes later, he caught sight of something yellow—her dress, perhaps? And when he saw her long, dark tresses whipping about in the wind, he knew it couldn’t be anyone else. He’d found her, and she was safe. She’d stopped in a clearing up ahead, and though she hadn’t dismounted, she was leaning forward, stroking Zinnia’s mane. He slowed and approached as quietly as he could, but still several paces back, she whipped her head around at the sound of twigs crushing beneath Ares’ large hooves.

  She laughed—he’d always loved her laugh, a melody that came right out of her heart. But seconds later, a mischievous light shone bright in her sapphire blue eyes and she dug her heels into Zinnia. The magnificent horse flew into action, galloping away at a pace faster than Lina had been able to handle before. Apparently the woman and horse had improved their skill while he was away. And while impressive, that also meant she’d been flying about the countryside at a pace she’d be hard-pressed to control if anything went wrong.

  He followed on her heels, and as impressive as Zinnia’s speed was, Ares overtook he—though not as quickly as he would have been able to before. When Lina didn’t immediately rein in her horse, he galloped ahead and moved in front to block her path. She was forced to slow to a canter and then a full stop as he hopped down and tethered Ares to a nearby tree.

  He looked up at her, half in irritation, half in admiration, as she dismounted. The woman was fearless—perhaps a trait that brought as much trouble as it did good, but admirable nonetheless. Instead of tethering her horse, she held Zinnia’s reins in one hand as she turned to him, “I had no intention of stopping.”

  “I could see that.”

  “You do not get to tell me when I can ride and when I cannot, Brandon. Or are you trying to fashion yourself after Uncle Thomas?”

  Now, that was unkind. She really was in a mood. “I only sought to rein you in a little, my love. You know I have no interest in breaking you like that wretched man would break any horse or human.”

  “I spoke harshly. I apologize.”

  “I’ll tell you what: I’ll forgive you if you can forgive me my lapse in judgment last night.”

  Her head shot up at his mention of what had taken place between them, and though her cheeks stained pink, a fire blazed to life in her eyes. Damn the woman! How the hell was he supposed to conduct himself appropriately when she looked at him like that?

  “I suppose it would be best if it was forgiven and forgotten.”

  “No, not forgotten, Lina. I won’t ever be able to forget. Will you?” He’d closed the distance between them as he spoke, unable to do anything but respond to the heat in her gaze, and he stood mere inches from her now, so close he could feel the electric energy charged in the air between them.

  “No,” she whispered, but he could hear the sadness and regret in her voice. She truly wanted to forget. Was it really such a horrible thing? It was nothing more than a kiss.

  His fingers ghosted up and down the smooth skin of her bare arm, “Tell me what’s going on, Lina. You know you cannot fool me. I know you too well.”

  She was quiet, though her body spoke volumes, swaying toward where his hand touched her. But she stopped all of a sudden and he could feel the air between them change.

  “You know nothing, Brandon! How could you possibly know me—you haven’t been here for the past two years. You…have no idea…” she choked the last words out, but a slow breath in and out, and she was calmer. At least, he thought she was calmer until she opened her mouth once more.

  “You left me here! Do you remember, Brandon? You left!” she cried, meeting his gaze with eyes so full of emotion he couldn’t possible name every one.

  He raised his hand to caress her cheek, to try to soothe away whatever tormented her, but she skittered back suddenly, flinching and turning her face away from him, as if he was going to…

  Damn it! He saw red, as white hot rage boiled in his veins. When he’d been at home, he’d taken the brunt of his stepfather’s anger. He’d always been quick to navigate Lina out of that path, but in truth, Thomas had seemed to have little interest in his two nieces. While he’d been away that must have changed…no one had been there to protect her from the evil bastard.


  She climbed up on Zinnia’s back without another word and dug in her heels, flying back the way they’d come. At least it appeared that she was returning to the manor, though he wondered if she wouldn’t be safer out there in the forest where Thomas couldn’t touch her.

  Was that why she’d agreed to marry Grafton? To escape his stepfather? If she didn’t know about the rumors that circulated about her newly betrothed then it might seem like a plausible solution. How vile had Thomas been to force a woman hell bent on being her own person to tie herself to someone so undeserving of her?

  No, he couldn’t think about it. If he did, he’d murder the son of a bitch the moment he walked through the door. Instead, he contemplated her current situation. Was it possible there were any romantic feelings between Lina and Grafton? Could the rumors about the man be untrue? And if either was possible, after being gone for two years, did he have any right to come back now and interfere in her life?

  But even if he had no right, would that stop him after he’d seen and felt the way she responded to him?

  Chapter 5

  A day passed and then another, and too soon a full week had gone by. Catalina had been careful to avoid running into Brandon in private again after her outburst in the forest. She’d seen him during meals and passed him in the hall, but neither of them said a word. She wanted to go to him, to apologize for her rash behavior and accusations, but it was better this way—even if it felt anything but. He must be angry with her, and that was why he was keeping his distance, and that was good because she wanted him close, as close as he’d been that night in her r
oom when he’d pulled her into his embrace. But she was betrothed, and there was nothing she could do about it.

  Unfortunately, her ability to avoid Brandon had come to an end. Her uncle was hosting a gala that she’d been expected to attend. She stood outside the entrance to the ballroom, having managed to slip away unnoticed and she surveyed the guests from her discreet vantage point. Young men and women waltzed in the center of the room while small clusters of people formed around them to watch on and no doubt gossip over whatever juicy tidbits they could share and glean.

  It was one couple in particular moving about the dance floor that had captured her attention: Brandon and Alice. Her cousin had followed him around like a lost puppy and more than once she’d imagined sending the girl sprawling right there in the middle of the floor. Of course, it was wrong of her, but had any woman ever been more obvious in her attention? It bordered on scandalous. And the way he seemed to encourage her, listening attentively, offering her his arm…she wanted to send him sprawling just as much.

  His eyes found her then, catching her watching him not for the first time that evening. He smiled knowingly and she blushed, which only made him smile more.

  She didn’t notice when the music ended, not until Brandon and Alice separated and he escorted her back to her mother’s side. He left quickly and it didn’t take her long to realize he was heading straight for her.

  “I believe you owe me a dance, Lina.”

  “I owe you no such thing, Brandon.”

  “Yes, well, I thought it easier to make an obligation of it rather than force you to admit you want to feel my arms around you again, that you want my body as close to yours as it had been…”

  Her eyes darted around, looking for anyone who might have overheard, but there was no one around. He offered his hand, and instead of turning to flee like she should, she accepted it, and let him guide her onto the floor. But as the band struck up the next song, it was nothing more than a blur in the background. She was painfully attuned to his nearness, to the heat radiating from his body as she followed his lead.

  “You know you’re only avoiding the inevitable, my love, and you are no coward. Why deny what you want so much?”

  “I am denying nothing.”

  “Good, then you admit it?”

  “No…that is not what I said.” Already he was twisting her words and making her thoughts feel equally as misshapen.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Lina. I can see it in your eyes and feel it in your touch.”

  She swallowed hard, but as she searched for a coherent response, the music ended and she breathed a sigh of relief instead.

  He returned her to Uncle Thomas without another word, but he continued to linger there, eyeing her uncle with a look that seemed to border on murderous rage. Lord Grafton was there a moment later and he claimed her hand quickly, guiding her back out onto the dance floor without a word.

  “You will not cavort with that man again,” he spoke in a calm voice but the undercurrent in his tone bespoke violence. “Do you understand me? I see the way he looks at you, and I choose to believe it is disdain in your eyes when you look at him. I assume I am correct?”

  She nodded, not able to find her voice.

  “Good then. That was not so difficult. You are far more agreeable than your uncle led me to believe. Stay that way, and you and I shall get on just fine.”

  The music ceased a moment later, and Lord Grafton returned her to her uncle. As soon as the man was out of earshot, she made her excuses, claiming exhaustion and retiring to her room early. She needed to rest now because she had a feeling life with Lord Grafton would be anything but peaceful.

  She flopped back on her bed, not even bothering to undress, but the moment her head hit the pillow another’s face filled her mind.

  His face…his broad chest…his strong arms…his intoxicating lips…


  Chapter 6

  Catalina had nearly driven him to distraction the entire night—not that it was any different from every other night since he’d been home. She’d occupied his thoughts every waking moment and filled every one of his dreams. But she’d kept her distance, making it clear that while her body might want him, no other part of her did.

  But she’d seemed displeased with Alice’s attention on him all evening, and that pleased him. And when he’d had Lina in his arms, damn it, it had been all he could do not to haul her out of the ballroom and take her in the first quiet space he could find. But she didn’t want that. She didn’t seem to want anything to do with him.

  He reached the door to his room then, retiring once again long after the rest of the family and guests had resigned for the evening. Once inside, he stripped off his jacket and tossed it on the back of the chair next to his bed—his lonely, empty bed. Would she resist him if he crept into her room now, carrying her back here so he could forever have the memory of Lina in his bed burned into his brain? Laughing at the absurdity of the idea, he unbuttoned his shirt and stripped it off, glad to be rid of the stiff, formalwear.

  A noise from the opposite side of the room drew his attention. But what was it? He heard it again—coming from the closet. It was too much to hope that she’d left the ballroom early to hide out in wait for him. In fact, it was utterly absurd. Still, he couldn’t help but hold his breath as he opened the door.

  What the hell? Lina had not been hiding out in his closet, but someone certainly had. What was the girl up to?

  “Alice, what are you doing in my closet?”

  “Oh, ‘twas quite silly of me. I was wandering through the wing of the manor in search of my room. When I found this one, it looked something like my mother’s, and so I crossed the room to the door on the other side. My room is on the other side of my mother’s, you see?”

  “And you walked right into my closet?”

  “Yes. Oh good, I’m glad you understand.” She stepped out of the closet then, tripping on nothing and stumbling into his arms. And the moment he caught her to keep her from falling, the door to his room burst open.

  “What on earth? Alice? Brandon? What is going on?” Lily exclaimed in mock horror.

  Suddenly he understood exactly what was going on. He’d been played for a fool.

  “Do you see this, brother?” Lily turned her exasperated expression on his stepfather, who was standing there with his arms crossed, looking far too pleased with himself to be counted as innocent in the ploy.

  “I insist your stepson marry my daughter, otherwise she’ll be ruined when word of this scandalous scene gets out!”

  “Is that so?” he replied. Did they really think he was going to fall in line so easily?

  “Yes, it is!” Lily railed. “You’ve disgraced my daughter, bringing her to your bedroom. You will be brought to the altar to make it right.”

  “I did no such thing, madam. It was your daughter who hid in wait for me. But I imagine you already know that.”

  “Leave us,” Thomas stated coldly, and Alice and Lily scampered out of the room. His stepfather stood there for another moment before sauntering into the room like a cat toying with a mouse.

  “You are here less than a month, and already you seek to bring scandal to my home?”

  “You know it is not so.”

  “Nevertheless, you will marry the girl. I will not have my sister ranting at me indefinitely over her daughter’s virtue.”

  “I will do no such thing!”

  “You will, boy. You will not defy me on this. You either marry my darling niece, or else I will put both you and your mother out of this house.”

  Damn it! The man couldn’t be serious. And yet…he was.

  He had him bested at the moment, but he would not accept this was the end of it.


  He didn’t sleep a moment all night. He paced his room for so long he thought he might wear a hole in the floor. He didn’t have the money to support his mother so he couldn’t allow Thomas to throw her out. And there was only one way to keep
the man from doing exactly that. Damn it!

  He flew out of his room and out to the stables the moment the sky lightened enough to see the ground beneath his feet. It wasn’t until he had Ares saddled and out of his stall that he realized Zinnia wasn’t in hers. It was barely light enough for a trained horseman to navigate the hills, valleys and forests that comprised Thomas’s property. Lina was going to break her neck riding out in such dim light! He found himself cursing the woman he loved, not for the first time since his return home.

  He dug in his heels and Ares hurtled forward. Now, instead of being free to focus on nothing but the wind against his skin and the ground whizzing past beneath him, he had to find the stubborn woman before she brought about her own end.

  He retraced the path he’d followed the other day when she’d ridden off ahead of him, but he could not find her. He ventured out further, wondering if she really would have come so far. And just when he was about to turn around and try another path, he spotted her. She’d tethered Zinnia to the trunk of a tall oak, and she sat at the edge of a stream a few steps from the horse. Her long, silken hair cascaded unbound down her back, and she dipped her fingers into the cool water of the stream before letting the drops trickle down her bare arms and in between the swells of her breasts. He closed his eyes against the shockwave of arousal that crashed through him. Did she have any idea what a seductress she was? No, it was far worse than that. She wasn’t the least bit aware of the effect her seemingly innocent actions had on a man.

  He galloped forward, not stopping until Ares stood next to Zinnia, and the two of them whinnied, as if in greeting to one another.

  “Go away, Brandon. Your presence is not needed here.”

  “Have you taken leave of your senses? What were you thinking riding so far out, and before the sun had risen, nonetheless?”

  “The sun is up now. Besides, what difference does it make to you? I have come here dozens of times. On my own,” she spat out as she rose to her feet, but she faced the opposite direction, staring down at the stream. “Alice came to my room last night. She was anxious to share the good news.”


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