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Bad, Very Bad Shifters- The Complete Mega Bundle

Page 115

by Daniella Wright

  “There’ll be no cussing under my roof.” Mr. Gold raised his voice, his usually pale face now turning red and ruddy. “This is a respectable household.”

  “Sure, sure. Is that why you used to pound mom every night–”

  “Jaimie.” Mrs. Gold scolded, her cheeks just as red as the cherries decorating the turkey dinner.

  “Jaimie, lay off. Leave mom out of this.” Leo interjected.

  “I don’t need to hear shit from you either. You’ve all been against me my entire life. I don’t have to hear it.”

  “Maybe you deserve to.” Leo’s voice was stone-cold. “If you didn’t do shit like steal other people’s girlfriends, maybe I would have more respect for you.” Jaimie slammed his palms against the table and got up so fast his chair nearly toppled over. “I don’t even know why I’m so surprised. I should’ve seen expected it the moment you laid eyes on her. You’ve always been jealous of me, Jaimie.”

  “Ha.” Jaimie snorted. “You wish I was jealous of you. You’re just mad because your girlfriend picked me over you. Face it, you never stood a chance with her. That’s why you fucking ran away to the army in the first place.”

  Leo ground his teeth, his sharp jawline tightening. A vein in his temple throbbed angrily before he suddenly stormed away, his combat boots pounding against the ground.

  “C’mon Lola, let’s go. It’s obvious we aren’t wanted here.” Seeing the Golds’ harsh stares, I quickly got up, excusing myself. Jaimie yanked my hand and together, we marched out the front door, letting it slam behind us.

  Chapter 3

  The next day, I felt so guilty, I couldn’t work. I kept staring at the blank document on my screen, but the words never came. My notes, usually so neat and organized, scrambled before my eyes. There was no way I could write an article like this. I sighed and reclined in my chair, staring at the ceiling. In the corner of my home office, Buster was snoring. Occasionally, his body would twitch with a dream. I watched him for a moment, knowing he would be my shadow for the day, at least until Jaimie came back from the bike shop.

  If I wanted to make amends, now would be the time. Doing it while Jaimie was home would just complicate things. Grabbing my phone, I dialed the Gold’s home phone. It ringed a few times before Leo’s mom finally picked up.

  “Hello?” She always sounded so unsure on the phone. They really needed to get Caller ID or something.

  “Hello Mrs. Gold, it’s me, Lola.”

  “Oh.” Her voice dropped at the sound of my name. I frowned, knowing deep down she had never been very fond of me.

  “Do you mind if I come over and talk to Leo?”

  There was a long pause on the other end of the line before she breathed out, a small hissing sound ringing through my ears. “Sure. Of course, you can.” For some reason, I didn’t quite believe her, but I had her permission and that’s all that mattered.


  It took me longer than expected to arrive at the house. It had started to snow and the roads were slippery, especially for my tiny blue Buick. I parked in the driveway, sitting there for a moment. I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel, enjoying the heat of the car before I finally mustered the courage to get out.

  I rang the doorbell with a shaky finger and waited patiently. As usual, Gene opened the door. “Ah, Lola.” She said as if she hadn’t been expecting me. I offered her a polite smile. “It’s snowing, is it?”

  “Just started,” I responded. “Where’s Leo?”

  “In his room. You know where it is, right?”

  I nodded and walked toward the stairs. Holding the railing, I climbed the steps two at a time. My heart started to race as I remembered all the times I had snuck down these stairs in the early hours of the morning during our high school years. Leo and I had been so mischievous back then. Two high school sweethearts, always looking for trouble.

  I reached his room with these thoughts swirling around in my mind. In my purse, I had tucked away one of his favorite treats. A homemade cherry tart I made right before leaving the apartment. I used to make them all the time when we were still together. Sometimes, he would even join me and we’d made a mess, only to kiss it off each other’s faces as the oven ticked away.

  I softly knocked on his door. “Come in!” He called and I pushed the door open. He was lying on his bed, wearing his army pants and a plain white t-shirt. “Lola?” He asked in question, raising an eyebrow. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “I thought as much. I didn’t think your mom would tell you. She probably didn’t want me to come at all, but she’s way too polite to say no.”

  Leo chuckled in agreement. “So, why’d you drop by?”

  “I made you something.” I fished the tarts out of my bag and presented them to him. His eyes widened in surprise as he grabbed them, his hands shaking slightly.

  “Thank you.” His voice was strained as he tried to avoid looking at me.

  “Look. I’m really sorry about what happened yesterday.” I apologized. “I didn’t intend for you and Jaimie to be at odds.”

  Leo shrugged. “It was bound to happen. Like I said yesterday, I should’ve seen it coming.” He ran his fingers through his sandy, military-cut hair. “But I don’t really want to talk about all that.” He placed the tarts on his bed before taking my hand, holding it gently in a mostly platonic way. I looked down at his calloused fingers and wondered what he had actually gone through during his time at war. “What have you been up to lately?”

  “Well, I got a job at a local magazine. I write a few articles every month. Nothing too special.”

  “That’s awesome!” He smiled brightly. “I always knew you had it in you.” He squeezed my hand tightly in his and offered me a gentle smile. “You’re bound to go places, I know it.”

  I laughed. “That’s sweet, but I doubt I’ll ever be a big-time writer. I get writer’s block way too often for that.”

  “All you need is a one-hit-wonder.” He chuckled, his hand on his stomach. His laughter made me smile. It felt so familiar. It was a sound that emerged from deep within his stomach as if starting from his soul.


  For the rest of the visit, we caught up as best we could. As we chatted and laughed, the tension between us slowly eased away. All the bad blood from dinner was gone as if it had never happened. I even found myself enjoying his company. I had been so certain I would hate him for leaving, but as I spent time with him, it started to feel like he had never left.

  Suddenly, the sun reflected off my watch. I looked at the time and gasped. “Shoot. Is it four already? I should go home before Jaimie gets back –”

  I was suddenly cut off mid-sentence as Leo’s lips collided with mine. He pulled my body against his, the fiery passion behind his lips nearly burning mine. His arms wrapped around my waist like he would never let me go. I almost melted into it before I pushed him away, shaking my head. Shocked, I couldn’t think of anything to say.

  “I know you may not believe me…” He looked into my eyes, his fingers brushing against my hair. “…but I’ve never stopped loving you.” His voice was a husky whisper, his face getting closer. Our noses touched. “And now that I’m back … I don’t intend to make the same mistakes.”


  When I got home, Jaimie still wasn’t back. I walked over to the house phone and checked the answering machine which was angrily flashing a little red light at me. Why we still kept that thing was beyond me.

  Hey, babe. You didn’t pick up your cell phone. And I just want to let you know that some of the guys came over to the shop and want me to look over their cars. It’s going to take some time so it’ll be a late night. Don’t wait up.

  In the background, cars revved as a man chuckled, speaking in a deep slang that I could barely make out.

  I love you. Don’t forget to feed Buster or he’s going to eat one of my shoes again! Jaimie’s laugh echoed through the room before the message finally ended. I sighed, wishing Jaimie would come home, but I knew how he
was when he hung out with his friends. They would be at it all night. I really couldn’t understand the thrill of being stuck under a car for so long.

  Stepping into the kitchen, I grabbed the dog food. At the sound, Buster came running and started to pant loudly, his stubby tail wagging back and forth in his excitement. “Calm down. It’s just food.” I laughed softly at the canine before I scooped a large helping of food onto his plate. By the time I straightened myself out, he was already chowing down. I shook my head and walked away, entering the living room.

  I plopped onto the couch before turning on the TV. I flicked through the channels, looking for something to watch, but nothing looked particularly interesting. Finally, I settled on a Christmas classic and snuggled under my favorite blanket. Soon, my eyes grew heavy and I felt myself nodding off to the whimsical rhymes and songs of the movie. Finally, just as Rudolf was about to save the day, I fell asleep.

  I was in my old dorm room. The small space was filled to the brim with everything I owned, from shoes I didn’t wear to posters I barely looked at. Stacks of books lined the shelves. The desk was almost completed buried under various papers. Impulsively, I walked over and started to shuffle the papers into some sort of order. Term papers to one side, study guides to the other. As I focused on making my piles as neat as possible, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. Turning around, I was surprised to find Leo sitting on my bed, his legs swinging back and forth like he had been there a while.

  “Leo? What are you doing here? I thought you were shipped off to Afghanistan…” I whispered, my fingers tight around a pile of papers I clutched against my chest. “Jaimie told me… he told me how you left… why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I’m sorry baby girl. I should’ve said something, but I was so scared.”

  “Scared of what?” I demanded, my face getting bright red as I clutched my fingers together. I didn’t want him here. I wanted to tell him to leave like he had left months ago, but my voice no longer work. I could only stare at him.

  “That I wouldn’t be good enough for you… that you’d get bored of me. But I’ve come to realize that I can never let you go. You claimed my heart, Lola. I love you.”

  I shook my head and backed away, pressing myself against the desk. “No. You can’t say that … we’re not together anymore. I’m with Jaimie now.” I felt sick to my stomach as soon as the words escaped my lips.

  “Why can’t you be with both of us?” Leo asked. “We are brothers, after all, we’re used to sharing things.”

  I didn’t have time to react to Leo’s strange request before the door slammed open. The doorknob smashed into the wall, denting it. Jaimie stepped in with a smug look on his face. “I grabbed crepes from the cafeteria.” He announced, a look of pride on his face before his gaze settled on his brother. “What are you doing here?” He asked.

  “I just came to visit Lola,” Leo said innocently.

  “You can’t take her away from me.” Suddenly, he took me in his arms and kissed me passionately, our lips smashing together. I melted into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, my fingers weaving into his thick, long hair. Jaimie grinned into the kiss as his hand crept between my thighs, spreading me apart ever so slightly.

  I moaned as I felt his hand sneak under my skirt and press against the soft, thin material of my panties. He rubbed me hard, already getting me wet. I could feel a wet spot forming in my panties. His finger pushed against it, letting it graze my sensitive clit until I grinded my hips against him, silently begging for more as I tilted my head back, exposing my neck.

  Jaimie’s lips caressed my neck, sending a shiver through my spine. “Now, there’s no reason why we can’t share…” Leo’s voice was suddenly right next to my ear. I turned to face him, our faces mere inches apart. Before I could stop myself, I pulled him close and kissed him. I moaned even louder as I felt his hand on my tit, groping and grabbing until my nipples were rock hard and poking through the lace material of my bralette.

  “It does look like she wants both of us…” Jaimie agreed. “Look how wet she is.” He chuckled, hiking up my skirt to expose my soaked panties.

  “Oh God, yes, I want you both.” I moaned as my lust got the best of me. I couldn’t quite explain the feeling that coursed through my veins. It was a carnal desire that stemmed from deep within my soul. I needed both of them. Now.

  I wrapped my legs around Jaimie’s waist before he picked me up and tossed me onto the bed, pinning me down. “What do you think we should do with her?” Jaimie asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “I have an idea,” Leo answered, his smirk deepening as he joined us on the small bed. He grabbed me, positioning me on his lap until I could feel his growing erection pressing against my ass. Without thinking, I began unbuttoning his pants. At the same time, Jaimie came up behind me and started to take off my shirt, taking his time to tease me. He then quickly took off my bralette, tossing it to the ground.

  “Should we… is it okay if we…” I struggled for the words. Goosebumps covered my entire body at this point. I shuddered and bit my bottom lip. “I mean… is it okay… do we really want to do this?”

  Leo leaned forward, gently kissing my lips. “Shh baby, just sit back and relax.” He kissed me again, distracting me as his fingers wrapped around the waistband of my panties. When I least expected it, he ripped them off my body. I yelped softly before he turned me around. With wide eyes, I looked at Jaimie who just grinned back at me.

  “I hope you’re ready for a wild ride.” Before I could respond, he leaned down and pressed his tongue against my wet pussy, lapping at my sweet nectar. He moaned softly at the taste, his eyes closing. His tongue ran over my clit, making me shake with pleasure. I held onto his head, pulling him closer.

  At the same time, Leo freed his cock and positioned it against my asshole. I tensed up at the feeling. I bit my lip, about say something when suddenly, there was a cool and wet sensation against my entrance. I jumped a little. “O-Ooo that’s cold,” I whispered as my fingers tightened around Jaimie’s hair, pushing him deeper into my pussy.

  His tongue crept inside of me, tasting me from the source. With his hands on my thighs, he spread my legs apart before draping them over his shoulders. I hooked my ankles behind his neck and squeezed his head between my thighs as I leaned back against Leo, feeling his chiseled body against my own.

  Just as I was about to relax and surrender to the pleasure, Leo suddenly plunged his cock deep inside of me. Covered in lube, he slipped in with relative ease, but I was still extremely tight. My asshole tightened around him even more, until he could barely move. Despite it all, he still had half of his cock buried inside of my tight hole. He groaned and pushed harder, his hands grabbing my tits for leverage.

  “Fuck! Leo! You’re too big!” I cried out, my head tilting back when I felt like I would be ripped in half, but at the same time, I never wanted this moment to end. Having these two men at the same time was better than I could have ever imagined. Soon, I was grinding into Jaimie’s face as I slowly rode Leo’s cock. My whole body shook with pure ecstasy, my mind going numb. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “That’s it, baby, take it all in.” Leo kneaded my large breasts in his hands. Occasionally, he would take my nipples between his fingers, giving them a good twist that made me yip in painful pleasure, my back arching.

  “Don’t stop,” I commanded, my thighs quivering. My juices were flowing out of me like a river as I worked myself into a frenzy, going harder and harder. Soon, I couldn’t take it any longer. “I’m going to cum.”

  The men didn’t stop. They licked and fucked me even harder, bringing me to the edge. I screamed out, my fingers tightening around Jaimie’s hair until I collapsed into Leo’s body, pleasantly exhausted.

  When I opened my eyes, the men were gone. It had only been a dream…

  Chapter 4

  The following Friday, I had a lunch date with one of my best friends, Marsha. W
e met almost every week at a local coffee shop that made the best soup. Today, the special was Lobster Bisque and I was enjoying myself. I nibbled at the bread bowl, tearing off a piece and dunking it into the broth before I looked across the table at my friend who had opted for a salad.

  “It’s too bad you’re allergic to seafood. This is amazing…” I moaned softly.

  “I’m sure it is.” Marsha rolled her eyes at me before she threw one of her curls over her shoulder.

  “How do you get your hair so smooth? I bet if I tried to tame my hair, it would look horrible.”

  She reached over the table and fluffed out my curls. “Yeah, you do have a lot more volume than I do. It would be hard to manage that and it might damage your hair in the process. You should just stay natural girl, it suits you.” I smiled at my friend. We had gone to the same elementary school together. Sometimes her mother would babysit me after class. The woman taught me how to bake my first cake. Marsha had never been into baking, but then again, with her Amazonian looks, she didn’t really need to be talented.


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