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The Wizard

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by Whiskey Flowers


  “I think this is it,” Serio the Centaur King said as he looked at the growing army of humans. “They are many and we are few.”

  “It is those horses,” Minos, King of the Minotaurs said. “They have given them speed beyond what our troops could do.”

  “It is the magic,” Elvara, Queen of the elves said. “It is that fool Javale’s fault. So eager to gain power he taught the humans and now they amassed against us. My people have been running long enough, if this is our last stand then I will go with my head held high.”

  “It is what we deserved,” Wethril, King of the dwarves said. “When we cast out the gods, we did so for a better life. All we have done is play with humanity like the Gods used to pay with us. We will not silently, your elves still have their magic and my dwarves still have their mithril. Minos your people still have their strength as do yours Serio.”

  “Every single dryad has either been ravished or killed,” Serio said. “All we can do now is die. How did they ever learn to use magic?”

  “Javale,” Minos snapped. “He has figured out a way for humans to use magic.”

  “But how?” Wethril asked. “Their minds are not conditioned to hold such power and neither are their bodies.”

  “He trained them in secret,” Elvara said. “For years his humans were taught to sharpen their minds to appreciate the magic. The humans they are calling wizards are not like their brutish counterparts.”

  “So their minds can be trained,” Wethril replied. “But not even a dwarf’s body could take the stress of casting spells even if we knew how.”

  “Neither can thiers,” Elvara said. “At least not without any help. I think the first of Javale’s humans were fed diets of elven flesh to prepare their bodies. This has made their minds sharp and the magic is unable to affect their bodies. They have come up with another way to do it now I fear. If he had not, he would not have his forces here to kill us.”

  “So their minds are sharp and their bodies can use magic,” Mithril said. “But where are they getting it?”

  “From the crystals,” Elvara said.

  “What crystals?” Wethril said as he started to slightly shake.

  “Those crystals,” Elvara said. “When we slayed the Gods, crystals formed out of their bodies. Anywhere a God bled became a place that gave off magic. The more blood, the stronger the magic it gave off to collect. Humans go about their magic differently than elves, they can control all of the elements with their spells while elves cannot. High elves control the air, wood elves control the earth, dark elves control fire and the Aqua elves control the water. Only I have all four because I was the first of my kind.”

  “We are all the first of our kind,” Minos said. “I just wish we heeded the dragons and the others when they begged for our help. This could have been different.”

  “We had no way of knowing,’ Serio said. “The orcs, goblins and most of the others have been nothing but tricksters and were angry about us killing our masters. They were a scourge that needed wiping out. The others who were normally neutral during any war, they did not ask for help until they were practically wiped out. This is our last stand, the world will belong to man after this.”

  “How is my child,” Wethril asked. “It is past the time for secrets.”

  “Child?” Minos asked. “What are you talking about?”

  “We had a child, a son,” Elvara said.

  “You had a what?!?” Serio bellowed. “You have been against us from the beginning.”

  “Knew you would feel that way,” Wethril said. “Which is why he was kept secret. Where is he?”

  “Safe,” Elvara said. “It took a lot of my magic and an artifact I had taken from the Gods. I could have used that same artifact to save myself, but it would have been a coward’s life. If we survive, then perhaps I can find a way to retrieve him. If not, then I hope he becomes worthy of our sacrifice.”

  “So your children survive while ours is to be put to death!?!” Serio said angrily.

  “In a thousand years your children will still look like Centaurs,” Elvara said. “They would grow up in a world devoid of our kind to be ostracized and killed.”

  “And what of your son?” Minos asked.

  “He looks almost human,” Elvara said. “He did not inherit my size, tall and slim or his father’s short and stocky frame. He is a mixture, I can see the elf and dwarf in him but anyone who does not know what to look for will not.”

  “I wish I got to hold him,” Wethril said. “My dwarves are poised to defend the mountain. Any ground gained by the humans, wizard or not is going to be in blood. There are tunnels big enough for anyone to get through, and some only dwarven sized. It will be cramped but it should allow us to hold out for a bit.”

  “Thank you for arming my people,” Minos said. “The humans will pay in blood for every wrong they have committed. If all the minotaur die this day or in the coming days, the humans will write to our bravery for generations. We are ready to go.”

  “Their horse riders are swift,” Serio said. “I still do not know how they even made the dumb beasts, probably some perversion of the unicorns that used to roam these lands. My centaurs will give better than they receive. Thank you for arming us dwarf.”

  “We have had enough talk,” Elvara said. “The humans are ready and my people are as well. It has been an honor to know and fight alongside of each of you.”


  Devin watched in awe as the wizards walked by. They were magnificent, not an ounce of fat to be seen. The way they walked let any would be robber know to give them space, their muscles always seemed ready to strike and their eyes never stopped roaming. Devin wondered what it would be like to be one of them, to know no fear and have even the bravest of knights wary of facing you.

  “You still dreaming about those wizards?” Geflin asked. “You watch out for them. They are better off left alone. Now get to work, there is a lot of it and only a little time to complete it.”

  “Yes father,” Devin said. “Why aren't Troy or Damon out here helping? Why is it always just me?”

  “Those lazy good for nothings,” Geflin said and spit. “You know as well as I do their mother has plans for them to be some kind of scholars or something. I don't feel like hearing her mouth or Mr. Darcy’s. I am just happy she leaves you alone.”

  Devin knew what he was talking about. Devin was not Martha Smith’s son. His father had never told Devin the story of what happened to Devin’s real mother and Devin had never asked. If she was any kind of woman then his father would have brought her up at least once or twice. Devin’s father had been a poor smith, his father had lost the family smithy and he had been scrambling to make ends meet. Geflin eventually found employment working for Sawyer Darcy, a rich merchant who had need of another blacksmith. Sawyer Darcy’s daughter Martha had gotten pregnant with twins, rumors swirled around who the father was and Devin thought he had heard it was from a bard. Sawyer Darcy needed a husband for his daughter and it was a scandal from what Geflin had told him. Many people were angry at Geflin for taking advantage of poor Martha Darcy and always remarked that the only reason she married him because he tricked her and had gotten her pregnant. Devin could never say that their marriage was a happy one, just one of convenience.

  Martha did not treat Geflin poorly, she also did not treat him like a husband either. She treated him like he was one of the servants around her household who just happened to lay together from time to time. She didn't treat Devin poorly either, she just never showed any love. Devin knew growing up at he and the twins operated on two different sets of rules, if Devin acted up then he knew his father would tan his hide and do it well. If the twins acted up they were given to Martha to deal with who never held them account
able for anything. They also didn't have to be out with his father banging on steel to make things around Sawyer Darcy’s house. They were given good education and were expected to carry on the business from their grandfather. Sawyer knew he probably wouldn't have that much luck. Maybe he would be kept on as smith but the job paid poorly since there were many smiths around and the materials they used were higher quality than what Devin could ever hope to get. Geflin had been training him in the hopes that one day he could become a squire to one of the Gifted, the name of the knights that kept order in the kingdom.

  In the Kingdom of Hatos, Knights were the King’s men. While many cities had a City Watch, the Knights spoke with the authority of the King and were sent to handle either tough or delicate tasks. Each Knight had at least one Squire, some had more than one. Becoming a Squire was tough, not just anyone could get in. Squires would one day become Knights themselves and the requirements of becoming a Squire was well known and a little hated. Unlike a commission in the army, no one could just buy their way to becoming a Squire. Squires had to be a certain size, the bigger the better. The only exceptions would be if someone was extremely talented or capable. Devin was not a tall man but he wasn't short either. Devin had shoulders slightly wider than normal and was in decent shape. Devin had nothing that could separate him from the other hopefuls physically, his father hoped his smithing skill could do the trick. If a Knight’s gear was damaged and they needed it fixed quickly he could do it. Devin was also adept at keeping weapons and armor in top shape so that was something else going for him. He could read and write but Geflin had told him so could anyone else trying to be a Squire.

  “You still daydreaming about the Wizards?” Geflin asked.

  “No,” Devin replied. “I am just dreaming about becoming a Squire. “Being a wizard is out of my control, I can nudge things in my direction to become a Squire. If not I will still have my smithing to fall back on and if that goes belly up I can still join the army. Begging Mr. Darcy would be horrible but I think he would give me the money.”

  “You don't have to beg him for a thing,” Geflin said. “Martha would give it to you if I asked her.”

  “Troy and Damon should still be out here,” Devin said as he split a chunk of wood. “I know they hide inside the house doing nothing but daydreaming and reading while I am out here breaking my back.”

  “Breaking your back is why you look like you do and they look like they do,” Geflin said. “The harder the work, the better the reward.”

  “I know, I know,” Devin said. “Any day I go inside with my muscles hurting is a good day. Troy and Damon are still goofing off though.”

  “They have some party to get to,” Geflin said. “Noses to rub and that sort of thing. Martha is supposed to be taking them. It will give me and you a bit of peace and quiet for once.

  “Parties,” Devin said shaking his head. “It is filled with snobby people who have nothing better to do than to put others down. One girl said I look like I can’t read like reading is something just so special.”

  “Don't let a few bad experiences jade you from hanging out with young people,” Geflin said. “You will never belong to that world. They have a lot of money and want other people with a lot of money. I lucked out when I met Martha and Mr. Darcy took pity on me since I had a child. We both know our places in society just like you should. There are plenty of pretty girls in town that would be more than willing to give you some time with them.”

  “No they wouldn't,” Devin said. “They assume I am rich and when they find out I am not they look at me with pity and disgust.”

  “Away from this place then,” Geflin said. “Your arms are still big and not just for a boy. There are women around here that would appreciate that. Martha seems disgusted just by the sight of me sometimes because I am not some fancy dressing dandy. She still comes for a tumble every now and again even if she has secretly been seeing Lord Paramount.”

  “She has been what?” Devin said louder than he meant to.

  “Announce it to the neighborhood boy,” Geflin said. “She has been seeing Lord Paramount when his wife is not about. I haven't said much to her, she knows I know.”

  “Then why do you stay?” Devin asked. “There is no love in this marriage.”

  “Because I owe a lot to her,” Geflin said. “I got to see you raised up right and I have a lot of money in the banks. I rarely spend a dime and Martha has all of the money from her father. I still got you and the twins to raise up. Once that happens I will ask her if she wants a divorce so she can go out and have fun. Who knows if she wants one or not.”

  “Then why don't you go find you something on the side as well?” Devin asked.

  “Not that easy,” Geflin said. “She is the one with the money, I would be out on my behind and you with me. Besides I am not that old, I can still get married and have another family if me and Martha call it quits.”

  “But what about Lady Paramount?” Devin asked.

  “I am sure she would give me a tumble despite how nasty she is to me,” Geflin said. “Heard rumors about her, she isn't the most faithful to her husband either. None of our business. Farelin will be here in the morn, he wants to start training you on the blade.”

  “The blade?” Devin asked excitedly. “Are you for real?”

  “I am boy,” Geflin said. “He owes me one and he trains enlisted soldiers in the blade and in the pike. He is supposed to be training all three of you although I doubt Martha or Mr. Darcy let the twins come out and learn to defend themselves.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Devin said excitedly. “I have been wanting to learn the sword for ever.”

  “Do not get too excited,” Geflin said. “It takes years to learn the sword and even then you have to keep practicing. This is just the first few steps.”

  “Thanks Da,” Devin said as he raised his axe and split another chunk of wood. “This is the best present I have ever gotten.”

  “You boys want to come out here and do some men’s work?” Geflin said as the twins walked out of the house with their mother.

  “Oh no father, that is for Devin, not me,” Troy said as he looked over at Devin. “He has fun doing things like that, I have a party to go to.”

  “You know you two pretty boys could get arms like these with a little hard work,” Devin said.

  “I don't need those to entice a girl,” Troy said. “I am going to take over for grandfather when he retires.”

  “And what about you Damon?” Geflin asked. “You too good to come out here and split logs with your Da and big brother?”

  “I have a party father,” Damon said.

  “They don't have time to be smelling like sweat and filth,” Martha said. “They have a party to go to. One that is going to be filled with important people for them to meet. Nothing but young people.”

  “They still could use some exercise,” Geflin said. “I have a tutor coming over in the morn to teach these boys the sword.”

  “If they wanted to learn the sword then they could have one of the Squires teach them,” Martha said. “They have no reason to learn from whoever you procured.”

  “Squires?” Devin said confused. “What do Squires have to do with anything?”

  “Squires are going to be at the party,” Troy said. “So are some young wizards.”

  “Squires and Wizards?” Devin said in shock. “In a party you two are going to? Why would a Wizard be there?”

  “Why wouldn't they?” Martha said annoyed. “We do not have a lot of time to stand here in the hot sun and talk about whatever. I have important people to see and so do the twins.”

  “Martha,” Geflin asked.

  “Yes what is it?” Martha said annoyed.

  “Can you take Devin with you?” Geflin said. “His eyes look like they are going to pop out of his head.”

  “Take him with me?” Martha said annoyed. “Why would I take him with me?”

  “Because I just asked you to,” Geflin said.
  “He doesn't have any nice clothes,” Troy said. “At least not like these and he can't wear what he has on.”

  “He has something he can wear,” Geflin said. Just give him a few minutes to wash up and he will be good as new.”

  “My goodness now I have to wait on him,” Martha said impatiently. “Well hurry up! I don't have all day.”

  Devin practically flew in the house and out to the well. Seconds later he was bringing up buckets of water to the bath house. Geflin laughed and helped him get ready. Devin thought he took a bath in record time with the cold water, he hit all of his hotspots really good with water and soap and then rinsed off. Devin kept his hair short like his father’s so messing with his face didn't take long at all. Devin went into his closet looking for something decent to wear and frowned when he saw that all he had were work clothes. His father came into his room holding a nice brown outfit.

  “This was supposed to be a birthday present,” Geflin said. “I had it made a few weeks ago. Don't destroy it because it is the only decent clothes you have to be out and about.”

  Devin’s eyes went wide as he took the outfit and admired it. His father helped him put it on and when Devin looked into the mirror he thought he looked the part. Well he looked like someone that had a bit of money anyway. Devin smiled when he saw the boots his father bought to go with the outfit and put it on. Devin gave his father a hug and took off out the house. He barely noticed that he had passed an irritated Martha on his way to the carriage. Martha climbed inside along with the twins and soon they were traveling.

  “Devin the only reason I am letting you come along is for your father’s sake,” Martha said. “Do not embarrass me or your brothers when you get there. This is not the average party, relationships made here could be worth a lot of gold.”

  “I won’t,” Devin said. “I always wanted to be a Squire. I could have tried out last year but Father wanted me to get a little more seasoning and muscle on me.”

  “Why would you want to be a Squire?” Troy said. “All of that traveling to get to gods knows where.”


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