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The Wizard

Page 17

by Whiskey Flowers

  Suzan was young, only a year older than Devin and was in great shape. The plan was for her to get a job as a servant somewhere and hope to catch the eye of the Baron. When they were alone she was supposed to kill him and then flee. Devin was her backup, he would use his skills to try to get the kill the old fashioned way. The issue Devin had was that he couldn't carry a bow with him and had to use other means. His throwing axes were also a no go, as was his armor. Devin had to blend in and appear to be a normal lad. He could have a few throwing knives and his boot dagger on him but that was it.

  “Are you ready for this Acolyte?” Suzan said as Devin could tell she was nervous.

  “Relax Master Suzan,” Devin said. “I know you are in charge and I don't plan giving you trouble on your first mission.”

  “I am not worried about you,” Suzan said quickly.

  “Maybe not,” Devin said. “But I wanted you to know it anyway.”

  “I am worried,” Suzan said. “I shouldn't be a full Wizard for at least six months and I wasn't ready for this. I barely beat the purge.”

  “The purge?” Devin said confused.

  “I was in the Kingdom of Milkia when this all started,” Suzan said. “Men came for me and my master, armed and ready to fight. We tried to flee but they had us blocked in. We killed ten of them to break the siege they had on the inn we were staying in but my master was taken down trying to give me time to escape. I think they were trying to take us alive, I know my master would have never let that happen.”

  “Well it is time for payback,” Devin said. “I never figured on what happened to those of you that were in enemy lands when they attacked.”

  “Now you know,” Suzan said. “And I was promoted and somehow wound up the only Wizard with an Acolyte on this mission.”

  “Well I can throw down,” Devin said. “If things get tough I got you. I know many see me as some untrained lad and maybe I am. No one who has fought me thinks I am an easy fight. Going into the belly of the beast may be rough but we could luck out. If I see him outside I am going to unleash my biggest spells and get the pit out of there. I am not one for murder but my brothers and my Da are apart of the war.”

  “Hopefully we can do it quietly and get out of there,” Suzan said. “Sneaking into the country shouldn't be hard. Once we are inside is when it will get crazy.”

  “How far away is Raenalia?” Devin asked.

  “Only a half day's walk,” Suzan said. “Each of the five kingdoms has a well maintained road leading from their border to the Grey Fortress. What they don't know is that their are secret tunnels also leading into the Kingdoms. Only Wizards with twenty years of Wizard service know about them, well and everyone on the trip now. I was given the location so we won't have much problems.”

  “Then when we get in?” Devin asked.

  “We are going to take a carriage to the city of Mayalia,” Suzan said. “I have it written down on what we need to do to get there, who we should talk to, our backstory and how to survive. Once we reach Mayalia you are supposed to buy a cheap bow and practice with it until you are satisfied. Then I am supposed to get into the Baron’s home while you try to get a job working for a smith.”

  “I didn't hear all of that,” Devin said.

  “You just heard the basics,” Suzan said. “I was up all night with people familiar with the country on how to get around and what the best plan would be. I was told you could smith a little.”

  “I can,” Devin said. “How much money do we have?”

  “More than enough to live wealthy for four months,” Suzan said.

  “Then I really shouldn't have any problems,” Devin said. I can buy smith tools and offer to work as an unpaid apprentice for a few days to show my skill. After that I will negotiate a price cheaper than I should get paid. It will be enough to barely get me by, before then I need a cheap room.”

  “I already have a place picked out,” Suzan said. “Along with some of the Baron’s habits.”

  “Then we should do some damage,” Devin said. “What is our backstory? I can always be what I am, a hard working son of a smith seeking to make his own way in the world. My Da got sent off to war and I took the time to find a new place to settle.”

  “We are supposed to be um, lovers,” Suzan said. “My father doesn't approve of us and your family hates me. We ran off together and are trying to make it on our own.”

  “Believable story,” Devin said. “One that could open us up to a bit of trouble if someone gets handsy with you.”

  “Well if they do I will play the role,” Suzan said. “I can protect myself and not be obvious doing it. Why do you think there will be trouble?”

  “Because I will be one lad, not from the area, with a pretty girl on my arm,” Devin said. “Trust me, some lad will want trouble.”


  “Here we go again,” Devin said as he sat at a table with Suzan.

  “It is like every town we go to there is trouble,” Suzan said. “I can't be that pretty, not with these barmaids showing it all off.”

  “You look like a big eyed sweet innocent girl on the arm of a boy,” Devin said. “They can see I got some size on me but these baggy clothes you have me wearing do not show off any muscle. Once they find out your story they decide to get stupid.”

  “Hopefully it is not like the last town,” Suzan said. “You overreacted.”

  “They had swords and dragged you off,” Devin said. I can still see the surprise in that idiot's face when I pulled my dagger and took him in the throat with it. The other one with him was still stunned when I then buried it into his chest.”

  “Yes but I had already gotten myself free,” Suzan said. “I had a throwing knife on me and I used it without killing anyone. I hurt them a bit but the City Watch woulndt have been looking for us.”

  “Those idiots were the City Watch,” Devin said.

  “Yeah but we had to run for three days with no resting in inns before we could relax and you killed two more of them,” Suzan said.

  “They stopped the chase, didn't they?” Devin said. “Which reminds me of something I wanted to talk about Master. Our weapons really give us away.”

  “Only if we leave one behind which we will,” Suzan said. “At least we were far away when you started the killing. But we are in Mayalia now, you can't kill these men.”

  “They have been getting louder and louder while looking straight at me,” Devin said.

  “Only because they are a bit jealous,” Suzan said as she slid closer and kissed him on the cheek. Devin knew it was just a ploy but it felt nice. Suzan pulled away and then nibbled his ear. “You see the one on the far left?”

  “Yeah,” Devin whispered.

  “He is wearing the Baron’s colors,” Suzan said. “He may be a way in. You know they want to separate us. Maybe seeing us together will help us out.”

  “Well that Baron and any other man wants to have a go at the naive country girl,” Devin said. “But they may not wait for that long. It is a matter of time before one of those men come over here to try and embarrass me in front of you. It is always the same story, they are getting drunker and drunker and you flirted with the barkeep.”

  “I didn't flirt with him,” Suzan said. “He asked me what I was doing in town with a boy. I just told him that we were both looking for jobs. He told me that he could hire me here but my job would be more than waiting tables and he wanted to personally try me out to see if I made the cut.”

  “He did?” Devin asked. “People are bold.”

  “I told him I was untouched and waiting for my wedding day with my love,” Suzan said.

  “I bet that got his blood boiling,” Devin laughed. “And apparently he must have told that group that has been eyeing us.”

  “There are two other men in a corner that has also been looking over here,” Suzan said. “I don't know if they want to ravish me or rob us.”

  “Well I am tired of waiting,” Devin said. “Can I go to the bar to order us a dri

  “You know if you leave that they will come over here,” Suzan said.

  “All the more reason to go after my girl when I am not around,” Devin said. “It is going to be the middle guy. That one has a mean face and has been getting louder and louder about what he would do with you.”

  “Go ahead and don't kill anyone,” Suzan said.

  Devin got up and went towards the bar, as soon as he moved he saw everyone but the Baron’s man get up. So that was how they were going to play it. Devin had seen the move before, one would talk to Suzan while the others would stop him from doing anything. It was supposed to show the girl her man was a nobody. If Suzan wasn't with it then they would try grabbing her and get Devin to react so they can beat him up to salvage their manhood. Devin had seen the move twice now and was more than ready for it.

  “I need a big cup of your cheapest drink,” Devin said.

  “What's wrong boy, no money?” the barkeep said.

  “Something like that but I have to buy my girl a drink,” Devin said.

  “One gold,” the barkeep said and crossed his arms.

  “That should a copper at the most,” Devin said.

  “Not for you,” the barkeep said. “Either pay it or piss off.”

  “Oh I got it, Devin said as he emptied his coin purse on the bar. Three coppers and a gold fell out. The barkeep looked surprised and tried to grab it. Devin grabbed his arm before he could pull it back.

  “If you take my coin before I get my drink, I think you and me are going to have big problems,” Devin said.

  “Get your hands off of me!” the barkeep said.

  “Drop my coin,” Devin said.

  “You better get out of here boy!” Baron Fury’s guard said as he drew his sword.

  “So that is what this is,” Devin said as he let go. The barkeep took the coin as Devin turned to go.

  Devin went towards Suzan and could see the two men blocking his way, Devin didn't hesitate as he picked up a chair and smashed it as hard as possible over the man of the left’s head. The chair was a sturdy one and kept its shape as Devin kicked out with his leg and caught the man on the right directly in the stones. As he was going down, Devin smashed the man over the head with the chair as he was going down and spun in place with the chair to catch Baron Fury’s man running in with it. It was a good blow that sent the man down. Devin turned around and saw his original opponents and started stomping and hitting them with the chair until it finally shattered and left him with a chair leg. Their friend who was talking to Suzan was now up and worried. Devin tossed the leg down and went right at him.

  Devin was enjoying himself, he often did during his bar fights. He was just too fast and instead of blading his hand like the Wizard’s taught, he kept a big meaty fist and loved slamming it in faces. The man he was fighting had been caught square and sent flying, Devin followed him down and got four punches in before the man was out. Devin got to his feet and grabbed the chair leg just as Baron Fury’s man shakily stood up. Devin caught him full across the face and sent him down as he approached the barkeep.

  “Here is your coin!” the man said as he practically threw it on the bar.

  “I am going to get my coin alright,” Devin said. “I am taking it out of your ass, all one gold of it.

  Devin was across the bar and on the man quickly. In a closed area with no where to go fighting a larger man, the barkeep was outclassed and was taking a beating. Devin had smashed him worse than the others and started bashing him in the face with bottles of his own liquor. The City Watch eventually came in and were unsure of how to proceed. Five men were down and the other patrons were staying the pit away from Devin.

  “Look it here you,” said an old man in a shaky voice. He was in the City Watch uniform but he and the two next to him were nothing special. The speaker looked as old as Mr. Darcy and the skinny watchmen he had next to him looked Devin’s age. “I am uh, I am Guard Barley and you have started a dust up in here and attacked Teo Kaley, one of uh, Baron Fury’s men. You have to uh, go to the dungeon to uh, wait for Baron Fury’s judgement.”

  “I was just here minding my own business and they tried to rob me and take my girl,” Devin said.

  “Still,” Barley said.

  “Well I don't have any place for her to stay,” Devin said.

  “I, maybe can find her a place but only if you don't give me any trouble,” Barley said.

  Devin nodded and followed the Watch, he knew Suzan was thinking the same thing he was. If he was brought before the Baron there were many things that could happen that would put them in position to accomplish their mission. Devin could kill him straight up when he saw him and use his magic to flee. Suzan could offer herself to Baron Fury to secure Devin’s release and kill him then. Devin thought seeing the man would be harder but currently he thought his chances were high. Devin let the watch tie his hands behind his back, Devin could easily bring them to the front with his limberness. Devin was put in a wagon and ridden along with Suzan and the watchmen until he got to a big estate.

  “Who is this?” said a guard that Devin could smell had been in his cups.

  “Some lad who got into a punchout down at Alan’s,” Barley said. “Tore into Teo pretty good. His Lordship wants anyone attacking his men to go to the dungeon for his personal judgement, not his magister’s. The girl is his wife that has nowhere to sleep.”

  “Oh I got a place for her to sleep,” the guard said as he tried to reach out and grab her.”

  “None of that,” Barley said. “I told her she will get a safe place to sleep. I am going to toss her into the same cell as her man.”

  “You don't make decisions here,” the guard growled.

  “Then I will tell His Lordship that I was doing my job and you stopped me,” Barley said. “He is all yours Jasper. Come on boys, our work here is done.”

  “Wait a minute!’ Jasper screamed. “I only wanted the girl.”

  “Take em both or don't take any,” Barley said. “What is it going to be?”

  “Just get out of here,” Jasper said as he leered at Suzan who was in a thin dress.

  Devin was around the huge estate and into a side door. There were cells all around and Devin spied a torture rack as he walked in along with a man that was tied to a pole in a cell and looked like he had been lashed good. Devin was shown to a cell and Suzan followed him. The door was closed and Devin started giggling once he knew the Watch had left.

  “They were so nervous that they didn't search you or me,” Suzan said. You want out of those?”

  “Not really,” Devin said as he brought his arms under his legs until they were out front. “False security for anyone that sees me.”

  “I am going to take them off anyway and tie them loosely,” Suzan said as she began working on his bonds. She was quick taking them off and tied them back in such a way that they looked secured but weren't. Jasper had come back and leered into the cell. Suzan had got up on him and whispered that she was a virgin and willing to trade her maidenhead for Devin’s release. Jasper readily agreed but Suzan wanted the Baron to come sign off on it. That ticked Jasper off, the man was probably trying to get lucky and would keep Devin there. Suzan wanted the Baron involved. Devin thought they would have to wait until morning until they saw someone else. In just an hour Japser reappeared with an obese man who could only be the Baron.He had five men with him and all had their swords out.

  “Your Lordship!” Suzan said as she approached the bars. “It wasn't my Devin’s fault, I can pay for his freedom.”

  “Baby no!” Devin pleaded. “I’ll get through this, they started the fight.”

  “Shut up unless I tell you to speak!” Baron Fury wheezed. “And you don't have the money to pay for him after attacking one of my guards. No one wakes me up.”

  “I can pay with my maidenhead!” Suzan pleaded.

  “What?” Baron Fury said and then licked his lips.

  “No baby!” Devin said as he started towards Suzan and trie
d pulling her back as she held onto the bars.

  “Bring the girl to my room,” Baron Fury said. “Beat the boy until she finishes me off twice. Her performance is going to determine when the beating stops.”

  Devin waited for the cell to open and then cast his biggest fire spell, Eruption. The fire was hot and covered the Baron and his men in flames as Suzan went for the cell door and made sure it didn't close. Devin didn't keep the spell for long, it was enough to back people off the door and give them something to worry about. His targets were all aflame and trying to roll around on the ground. Devin and Suzan both grabbed swords and plunged them into the Baron. Suzan stabbed twice to ensure that she had completed the job, Devin thought it was overkill since both of her stabs were to the neck and the first one had nearly decapitated him. They left the dungeon through the estate, Suzan wanted the entire thing burned down and Devin started casting his fire magic everywhere to get the place blazing before they made their exit.

  Three more guards were killed as they fled, Suzan wanted no witnesses and had managed to get two strong horses from the stables saddled up and ready to go. They were off as people started coming to see the fire, Devin could hear screams coming from the upper floors and hoped they were smart enough to jump. If not then they were probably stupid and deserved none of his mercy for serving a man like Baron Fury. Devin thought it took them less than two hours since they entered town to find their target and kill him. No one could prove it was a wizard which Devin thought would make Suzan angry. No weapons were left and no one alive could say who they were.

  The pair rode into the night, Suzan thought they should only make camp and never stop at an inn for more than a moment to resupply if that. The moon was out so at least the horses could see, they would eventually need a rest or they could be ridden to death. Devin had told Suzan about how Knight Jeffries had him sleep in the war. She wasn't thrilled about it in her thin dress but didn't complain too much. The rest was only for three hours and they were moving again, already they had passed through three towns and thought they needed more space between them before everything was put together.


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