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A Present for Christmas

Page 7

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  Yes, she chased men. She knew how to move to catch their eyes. Make them watch her even when they didn’t want to and embarrass their women when they did. She used her wares to get attention.

  She’d used them this morning on Sheriff Taylor and knew that he hated her for it, yet he went along even when Mary Louise came out of her house and saw them together. She’d run to Kirk and asked him questions.

  He’d looked at her and explained that Jeff had asked him to go and check the house and ranch for him.

  Mary Louise had stared at her. “Why is she going?”

  It was a question hooked with a barb.

  Kirk had explained that she was going to clean up for Jeff. That was all. But Mary Louise knew that wasn’t all. She had stared right into Jennifer’s soul.

  “Jeff and Diane are getting married. It would be best if you remembered that.” Mary Louise had spat the words at her. One cat to another.

  Jennifer understood, but she also knew this was her chance. And for the first time in years, Jennifer knew she was doing what was best for all of them, including Diane. Others might not be willing to admit it or even see the truth, but Jeff and Diane were not a good match. Not at all.

  The other women of the Thursday Night Ladies Club who were married or matched were perfect for each other. Peter and Kate, Angus and Adelaide and Mary Louise and Kirk. All of them fit together like puzzle pieces.

  Diane and Jeff appeared to be matched because of their history and circumstances until you saw them together. A man of the earth, challenging and ambitious, yet he lacked the rudder to keep him on point that a strong woman could make.

  Diane was not a strong woman. Kind and gentle, she was soft and loving, but she needed care more than one who could move a man to accomplish great things. She needed a man who was secure in who he was, a man who whose shoulders would broaden, and his life become fulfilled by caring for her.

  Not that Diane was a hindrance, she just needed the right man to blossom into the beautiful rose that she was.

  Jennifer looked between her horse’s ears and smiled to herself. She was becoming quite the philosopher. She and Adrian would be nothing more than two bombs set to go off at one another. She’d felt it that first day when she sat down at the table with him.

  Not many men turned her away so quickly. Yet, she knew that he saw right through her. Someday, she hoped they could be friends. She respected him. And not many men had won her respect.

  They rode into the ranch and stopped in front of the house. The sheriff dismounted, looked at her, and then went to help her down.

  She could have gotten down herself, but she enjoyed letting him help her. Jennifer smiled. “I’m sure it will take me days just to fix up the house.”

  “I’m sure it will.” Looking troubled and full of regret for bringing her out here, the sheriff walked to the porch and into the house. He came back out. “You sure you want to do this?”

  Jennifer nodded. “Yes, I said I did.” She entered and looked around her. Wall to wall trash met her eyes. It would take her a week to clear it out. Not to mention that the room reeked of whiskey.

  She looked around while pulling her hair up and wrapping her kerchief around it to keep it out of her face. This was going to be work. She began picking up bottles and broken glass.

  Kirk stood in the door and watched her. “You’re really going to clean up.”

  Jennifer stopped and smiled at him. “Yes, I meant what I said. Jeff needs someone to take control of the house while he takes control of the ranch.”

  “And you’d let him run the ranch. I got the impression you were intent on controlling everything, including him.” Kirk reached down and picked up a half-empty bottle.

  “Throw that outside. I don’t want any liquor in this house. Jeff doesn’t need it.” She stopped and put her hands to her hips. “I don’t want to control Jeff or any man. I want to help him and be at his side. He needs someone who can push him where he needs it and help when things get tough. Diane would pull him down until they both fell. You know that. I see it in your eyes when you watch them together. Diane is a good woman, but she’s not what Jeff needs.”

  The sheriff started to say something, but instead went outside and poured out the contents of the bottle.

  Jennifer knew she’d made points with him. She needed someone on her side. The sheriff was the most likely. Mary Louise wouldn’t like it, and it could cause trouble between them, but Jennifer believed their love would see them through.

  She didn’t want to hurt anyone. But she felt that she was going down, and this was her chance to survive. The moment she’d first seen Jeff, he’d stood out to her. She wasn’t sure why, but there was something about him that reached out to her.

  The sheriff walked back in. “I’ll take care of the livestock. Do you know how?”

  She nodded. “Yes, but I’ll go with you just in case I need a refresher. Jennifer took off the apron she’d found and met him at the door. “What does he have? I heard that the brother sold off some of his cattle.”

  “Yeah, I heard that too. I don’t like the way it ended, but I’m glad they’re out of Jeff’s life.” The sheriff walked to the barn. It was a sturdy structure, although not the biggest she’d seen.

  Inside was a horse and a milk cow. They looked at them intently as if they’d been neglected for some time.

  The sheriff took a pail and went outside to the well. “The well is good. Jeff can be thankful for that.” He filled it and watered the horse and cow. “Get another pail of water. I see chickens in the back. I’ll get the feed.”

  After an hour or so, they had the animals taken care of. She wiped her hands. “What about the cattle in the pasture?”

  “They’ve got grass and a pond just below the house. You don’t need to worry about them. Just the horse, cow, and chickens.” He dusted his hat against his trousers. “If you don’t need me anymore, then I’m going to go on back to town.”

  Jennifer nodded. “Be sure to take the horse I rode back to the livery. I can ride the one in the barn if I need to.”

  Kirk looked at the barn. “You don’t even know if he’s broke to saddle. Jeff was breaking mustangs to sell.”

  “I can ride. I don’t plan on leaving until he arrives anyway.” She dusted her hands and headed for the house.

  “You have a gun?”

  She turned to face him. “There’s a rifle in the house. I’ll be fine.”

  Kirk grinned. “You know, I believe you will, Jennifer. Want me to tell Jeff what you’re doing?”

  “No, I want it to be a surprise. Besides, I told him I would help him clean it up.”

  “Hope things work out the way you want. I don’t want to see Diane hurt, though.”

  “Neither do I. Diane isn’t right for Jeff, and I think you know it. But I’ll leave that up to you. I told Jeff I’d find someone to take care of his livestock.”

  Jennifer grinned. “I’ll be fine. I saw a ham in the smokehouse. I’ve got chickens and eggs. Flour and beans. A milk cow. Everything I need.”

  “All right. I’ll be going.” The sheriff looked at the sky. “Weather could change. How’s the wood?”

  That she hadn’t checked. “I’m not sure.”

  He led his horse around the house and pointed to a stack of wood. “Looks like Jeff has it under control. Be sure to take some in the house in case it gets cold. I’ll try to come and check on you midweek.”

  “Thank you, Sheriff.”

  He rode off without looking back. Jennifer watched him go and then went about cleaning and picking up. She put on a pot of ham and beans and felt strangely at home in Jeff’s house.

  Chapter 12

  Diane stayed by Jeff’s side for the rest of the day. By night, he had a fever, and she feared for his safety.

  Doc assured her the fever wasn’t high, and he’d cleaned the wound thoroughly but suggested she stay later to keep an eye on him.

  Jeff had talked to her a little, and she’d told him about the
dress shop and how it was one of her dreams to own a small business. She thought she could make a go at it. Then again, as she watched him sleep, the reality of living on Jeff’s ranch and trying to run her business seemed impossible.

  She smoothed his hair, just once. As she watched him, she began to wonder if he was hers. They didn’t seem close. She didn’t feel as if she belonged here beside him, and the truth was, Jeff had looked at her as if he wasn’t sure why she was with him.

  What was wrong with them? She stood and stretched her legs and walked to the window and looked out. People went about their business as if nothing was wrong. Diane felt her world coming apart, yet no one seemed to notice. Not even Jeff.

  As she leaned against the wall and watched the couples walk by, Diane’s heart ached for someone who understood her. She loved to read but hadn’t had the chance or time in years. She enjoyed having the dress shop. But with Jeff’s ranch, it wouldn’t be feasible.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Adrian step off the porch at Claire’s. He was carrying something, but she didn’t know what. He was a tall man. Almost ungainly with a slight limp. He tried to cover it; she could tell.

  In that way, he was like her. She tried to cover her shortcomings but usually only managed to exacerbate them when she did. So Adrian’s limp was more noticeable by his trying to cover it.

  She didn’t care if he limped. She liked him. Of course, she’d heard that Jennifer had already eaten lunch with him. That siren had already staked him out and claimed Adrian for her own conquest.

  Well, that was all right because she had Jeff. They were going to married. Now his father and brother were going to prison in Kansas. Maybe after Jeff healed from his wound, he would marry her.

  Yet, as she was just thinking about their wedding, she trembled. She had been the cause for him to shoot his own father and brother.

  Diane covered her eyes and sobbed. How could it be? She couldn’t think of anything more detrimental to a marriage. Would Jeff forever hold a grudge against her?

  She turned from the window and sat beside him. She placed a cool cloth on his fevered brow. “I’ll stay with you and help you as long as you want me. You saved my life, and it cost you your family. From now on, I will be your family.”

  Tears slipped down her cheek. Regardless of her feelings and desires, she owed Jeff her life.

  The door opened.


  She stood. It was Adrian.

  He came into the room with a tray in hand. “Claire outdid herself today with chicken pot pie and peach cobbler. I thought you’d like some.” He set it on the desk and pulled out a napkin for her.

  Diane’s stomach rumbled. “Thank you. I am famished.” She sat in the desk chair and put the napkin in her lap. Then she glanced at Jeff. “He’s still sleeping. I’m worried about him.”

  Adrian pointed to a bowl. “Claire made him some bone broth. Said it would help build his blood.”

  “Oh, good.” She dug into the pot pie. “I love her food. That was very thoughtful of you.” She happened to catch a look in Adrian’s eyes that she’d often wished to see in Jeff’s but never had. The man cared about her. Too bad, it was too late.

  “How is he doing?”

  “He’s very tired, and he has a fever.” She stopped to take another bite and enjoy the flavor.

  “You go ahead and eat, and I’ll watch him. I know something about wounds.” He walked into Jeff’s room and sat in the chair.

  Diane relaxed as Adrian responded competently. She wondered if he’d been a doctor at some time.

  As if in answer, he spoke in a soft tone, almost as if he were saying it to himself. “I helped the docs during the war. After I was shot and left with shrapnel in my leg, I became a medic and tended the wounded until a doctor could see them.”

  He was quiet. His eyes appeared to be reliving his own private war.

  “That must have been horrifying.”

  Adrian nodded but kept his face on Jeff.

  Diane finished her meal. “Thank you. That was most thoughtful.”

  He turned to her and smiled. His eyes brightened, chasing the ghosts of the past away. “My pleasure and Claire’s. She’s worried about you. I have to admit, I wanted to make sure you were all right too.”

  “Tired. But I owe Jeff my life.”

  Adrian nodded. “Claire wants to make sure you come back tonight and get your rest. I offered to come back and escort you to the boarding house.”

  “Thank you. I guess around ten tonight. Doc said he’d be back by then.” She stood and took up her seat by the bed.

  Adrian picked up the tray and, without another word, left the clinic. Diane watched him go and wondered about the man. Perhaps if she hadn’t been reunited with Jeff again, she would have been interested.

  Jeff stirred.

  She went to him and felt his forehead. The fever was down. “Are you hungry?”

  Jeff sat up. “Yes, I am.” He breathed in deeply. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”

  “Nonsense. You need your rest.” She left him and came back with a bowl of soup. “Claire sent this for you. It will build back your strength.”

  Jeff smiled at her and sipped down the nourishing liquid. “I need to get to my ranch and take care of the livestock.”

  “Sheriff Taylor did that. He said they were good for a week. He stopped in when he came back and said he had someone at your place watching them.”

  Jeff looked at him. “I wonder who?”

  “He didn’t say. Just that they’d take care of it.” Diane took the bowl from him. “You look better. I don’t think your fever is as high. You need to rest, though. Want me to read to you?”

  Jeff laid back and shook his head. “No. I’m tired.” He turned to look at her. “Thanks for being here with me.”

  Diane took his hand. “Jeff, what about our wedding?”

  “Wedding. I guess we’re free now.” He stared at the ceiling. “Nothing is stopping us.”

  She held her breath. Didn’t he want to marry her?

  Finally, he looked at her. “How about the end of this week. I’ll be strong enough to go back to the ranch. Might as well take my new bride with me.” He paused and took her hand in his. “It might be a mess.”

  “We can clean it up.” Diane waited for the euphoric feelings she’d expected, but they didn’t come. Instead, she felt as if a heavy burden had been placed on her shoulders. She smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

  “I’ve waited for over ten years for you. I can’t believe that finally, we will be married.” She sat down beside him.

  “Tomorrow, I’ll ask the pastor to come and see that he can do it this Saturday.” Jeff squeezed her hand. “We’ll make a good couple. We will.”

  The way he said it, Diane had to wonder if he had questions too. Then again, Kate had told her that when Peter had asked her to marry him, at first, she was sure, but doubts did enter her mind. It was expected, Diane surmised. Every bride got nervous before the wedding. She smiled at Jeff.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter 13

  Kirk saddled his horse.

  “What do you mean you’re bringing her back before the wedding?” Mary Louise had her arms folded and a big pout on her lips.

  His gaze traveled to her, and he wanted more than anything to stay and kiss that pout off her lips. “You’re cute when you’re mad.”

  She bit her lip to stop the smile that wanted to come out. “There is no reason for you to bring Jennifer back here before Jeff and Diane’s wedding.”

  “I think there is.”

  “I can’t believe you took her out there in the first place. I feel like a traitor. You know how Diane feels about Jennifer. In fact, how we all feel about the little siren. She’d take you in a minute if you weren’t so deeply in love with me.” The pout was back, but her eyes were playful.

  Kirk grabbed her and kissed her. “No one can take me away from you. Don’t you ever forget it?�

  “I won’t. But won’t you please reconsider? Get her after the wedding.”

  “Mary Louise, they’ll be going to the ranch after the wedding. Jeff told me he wanted his honeymoon at his ranch.”

  She frowned. “Typical man. That is not what women want.”

  “It isn’t? Well, I might have to reconsider our honeymoon here in jail.” He laughed and dodged before she could punch him in the shoulder.

  “I’ll be back before long. Trust me, Mary Louise. I know what I’m doing.” He mounted his horse and galloped out of town, leading the horse from the livery for Jennifer to ride. He wondered what he’d see at Jeff’s ranch.

  Jennifer hadn’t struck him as the type of woman to clean things up or even cook. But she’d been there for five days by herself. He just hoped the horse and cow were still alive. He let the horse run for a time and then slowed him down to a trot.

  He prayed he was doing the right thing. It wasn’t his idea, not totally. But late last night, the Lord had bothered his sleep enough that he woke up and stared at the moon. “Get her before the wedding.”

  The words, not really spoken, were yet impressed on him in his mind and heart. He knew it was what he was to do. For whatever reason, Jennifer needed to be in Lone Oak before Jeff and Diane were married.

  At first, he was happy for the couple, but as he watched them together, Kirk got the idea they were both going through the motions. Then it happened. He saw Adrian walk into the clinic to bring Diane and Jeff some of Claire’s cooking.

  But it was the look on Diane’s face that startled Kirk. That was the look he’d expected to see when she saw Jeff. And Jeff didn’t look any more excited than she did. It was as if they both were stuck with the idea that they owed each other their hands in marriage.

  Adrian denied any feelings. But the look on his face called him a liar. He was smitten by Diane and either too dense to know it or to honor-bound to admit it.


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