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She’s All Mine

Page 4

by Goode, Ella

  “Some parents are like that.”

  I shove the door to the hallway open and then walk until we reach my door. She looks at me expectantly, thinking I’m going to put her down. I don’t, though. I just hug her tight against me with one arm and grab my keycard with my free hand. I’m dexterous like that.

  I pop open the door. My cat greets me with a hungry glare.

  “Oh, there’s your cat,” Erika says.

  “Yeah. Tuesday is her name.”

  “For real? That’s so cute. Did you find her on a Tuesday?” Erika pushes at my arms and so I lower her to the ground. Now that I’m in my own home, the need to clutch her close isn’t so strong. It’s still there, but I can manage myself better.

  “Nah. It’s kind of a joke. My trainer’s name is Morry and I found the cat at the gym so it’s Tuesdays with Morry. Like the movie.”

  “Oh, that’s adorable.” Erika bends down and pets Tuesday. The cat, who doesn’t like anyone but me, arches her back and rawrs with contentment. Erika looks up at me with a brilliant smile. “I think she likes me.”

  “Who doesn’t?” I blurt out.



  My face warms at his words. I swear his does, too, but I jerk my head back toward Tuesday to hide my own blush. I’m shocked he said that. Maybe this isn’t all one-sided. My heart flutters with hope that he’s not coming around because he was asked to but because he wants to. I should just ask him outright. Be bold. Stick with this coming-out-of-my-shell thing that has been happening lately.

  I open my mouth to do that when I see Tank bending down to pet Tuesday, too. My eyes land on his hands, and I get a close look at them now.

  Scars litter them. One looks like a burn mark. “Tank.” I reach for his hand, brushing my fingers across the scars. “What happened?” I draw my eyes to his. He’s still bending down to pet Tuesday so we’re both at eye level. My eyes drift to his mouth where I’d noticed a small white scar before. It’s not really that noticeable, but it’s there. Being this close to him, I see it clearly now. How many more does he have? My eyes roam over his body to see any uncovered skin that I can. I feel my cheeks heat more from looking at his massive body. I glance back to my hand, still lying on top of his. I gently rub my thumb over the scars. When I pull my eyes back to his gorgeous face, I notice he is watching my fingers caress him. I begin to remove my hand but he turns his hand over and grabs mine.

  “Don’t really want to talk about that tonight.” He visibly swallows. His fingers are now lightly caressing my hand.

  “Okay,” I agree. I don’t want him to do something he doesn’t want to. It only makes me want to get closer to him so that he feels comfortable telling me. He looks so vulnerable in this moment. We both stay quiet for a moment.

  His body relaxes at my agreement. I hadn’t noticed he’d tensed up at my question. “Will you answer something else for me?”

  “Yeah,” he responds instantly, almost eager to give me something else. I fight a smile, not wanting to seem smug about enjoying that.

  “Do you keep coming around because the Audley twins ask you to?” I hold my breath while I await his answer. I try to prepare myself for his rejection. This is it. I told myself a week ago that this was going nowhere. His answer could really shut the door on us. Not that there was ever an us to begin with.

  “No,” he admits. I watch his face warm again. Who knew a Tank could blush? Boldly, I move in a little closer. I look down to see he has threaded his fingers through mine. I’m not even sure when that happened, but we’re now holding hands. I’m going to take that as a good sign. No one is making him hold my hand. He’s doing that on his own.

  “Why then?” I can feel my heart start to race.

  “I want to keep an eye on you,” he says nonchalantly, like it’s normal.

  I furrow my eyebrows, not understanding him. Keep an eye on me? That doesn’t make sense. He just said he wasn’t keeping an eye on me for the twins. I try to move my hand out of his, but he tightens his hold on it.

  “But you said—”

  “For myself.” He answers my question before I get it out. “Treasure should be watched over. There’s always some fucker waiting in the dark trying to take it. I have to protect it. I have to protect you, Treasure.”

  My mind flashes to the first night I met him and I could have sworn he called me “Treasure.” My breath catches. No one has ever used a cute nickname for me. My heart melts in my chest. Never in a million years would I have looked at this massive man in front of me and expected him to say something so sweet.

  “This is why I don’t want to tell you some things about my past. I need you to…” He trails off, glancing away from me.

  “Need me to what?” I push, drawing his eyes back to mine. I lift my hand to touch the side of his face. I want him to look me in the eyes. I need it for some reason.

  “To fall in love with me.”

  My mouth parts in surprise. Tank reaches for me. His other hand goes to the back of my head and he brings his mouth down onto mine.

  I close my eyes momentarily, shocked as he kisses me. I feel him shift us. I wrap my arms around him when my chest meets his. I slide my fingers into his short hair and kiss him back with everything that I have.

  I moan into his mouth when his tongue slides across my lips. It’s soft and sweet and I know he’s asking me to let him come inside me. I moan louder at my own thoughts, parting my lips to give him what he wants. A need to do that rises up in me. I want him to feel loved and wanted. I’m not only seeking this for him; I want the same in return. I want him to want me for who I am. I know it’s something he wants, too, but he’s scared to show me some parts of him. He revealed more with that simple confession than I think he knows.

  Tank stands up, lifting me with him without breaking our kiss. His strong hands grasp my ass as we devour each other. He groans as I rub myself against the massive hard-on pressed into me. God, just thinking about how hard he is has me moaning again as I try to find friction against him.

  Tank suddenly rips his mouth away from mine. “Fuck.” He scowls down at Tuesday, who is now rubbing on his leg.

  “What’s wrong?” I immediately get self-conscious. Did I do it wrong? My heart pounds in my chest. Maybe he got carried away and doesn’t want to continue. I was practically dry humping him. Okay, maybe there was no “practically.” I was.

  My eyes start to water a little, but I keep myself together. Barely. When you grew up with parents like mine, it’s a lesson you learned quickly. I shift, trying to get Tank to put me down. Space will help me get myself together. Right now I can still taste him on my lips and that’s not helping.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, his voice hoarse, his hold on me tightening.

  “You’re acting like you made a mistake kissing me. Like you regret doing it,” I toss at him. I can’t keep the small wobble from my voice.

  “Never, Treasure. Tuesday bit my leg. That’s the only reason I stopped,” he says with a smile on his face. “I’ll kiss you all night if you want.”

  “Okay.” I barely get the one word out and he’s kissing me all over again.



  She tastes like apple pie, sticky and sweet. If this is what dessert tastes like to her, I can see why she isn’t interested in sharing. This is the type of thing you have to eat up by yourself. I kiss her mouth, her cheek, her eyes. I tongue the edge of her jaw, suck on the soft lobes of her ears and trace her veins down the side of her neck.

  She moans and rubs her small body against mine. I lean back to take inventory. Her lips are rosy and swollen. Her cheeks are flushed and round. Her eyes look dark and hungry. Low in my gut, the fire burns. My brain empties out, leaving only instinct behind.

  “Erika, I want…” I trail off because the list of my wants is so long and so varied that I can’t pick one to say first. I want to lick your pussy. I want to suck on those cherry nipples. I want to shove my dick down your throat and
up your cunt. I want to kiss every inch of your body, taste all your secret places, memorize all your sounds and scents. I want to love you until I take my last breath.


  “You. I want you.” I take her hand and place it on my heart. “Feel that? Ever since I first saw you, my heart’s been pounding so hard I think it’s going to break out of my chest. I’ve been following you around because I stop functioning when I don’t see you.” I lower myself to my knees, using my wide shoulders to push her thighs apart. I take a deep breath and fill my lungs with her scent. She’s turned on. The knee-length skirt is pushed up enough that I can see the valley between her legs. Her panties have a wet spot that makes my teeth ache in want.

  “I don’t know if you’ve had a man before. I don’t know if you have one now.” I don’t think she does, based on my, ah, stalking. Still, she could have one of those back-home guys. Some guy at my gym has one of those—a girl back home that he sees on the weekends, which is nuts because I don’t know how he functions not being able to see his girl every day. I hate the few hours that I have to spend apart from Erika.

  “There’s no one,” she says quietly. Her hand smooths over my head and down the side of my skull to toy with the tip of my ear.

  My cock jerks at her light caress. Precum leaks out. I’m a mess. She could probably make me come just by stroking her fingernails through my hair.

  “Treasure,” I murmur and pull her hand to my mouth. “I’m just a weak man. You can’t be doing stuff like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Touching me.” I circle her ankle and stroke my hand up until it hits her thigh. “Can you put your hands on the counter and let me kiss you some more?”


  “I promise, let me get a taste of you, and then you can touch me all you want.” I’ll probably blow in the first five seconds, but I’ll lie there and let her torture me as much as she likes.

  “All right.” She releases me and places her hands on the counter.

  I kiss the inside of her right ankle with gratitude. It’s slender and smooth. I trace a finger around the top of the white anklet sock, dipping underneath to feel her ankle, the tender skin of her Achilles, her callused heel.

  “My feet are gross,” she whispers, trying to draw her leg out of my grip. “Even though I don’t do pointe anymore, my toes are all jacked up. Maybe you should kiss some other place.” Her voice is soft. I can tell it bothers her. I want to put her at ease like she did for me.

  “If we’re going by scars and shit like that, I think I have you beat. That little one you saw on my hand? That’s nothing compared to what’s on my back and legs. If you really don’t want me to touch you, I’ll stop, but I’m not turned off by any part of your body.” I give her the truth. I don’t think she could ever do anything to turn me off from her.

  She hesitates but then relaxes. “All right.”

  This capitulation is more arousing than any lap dance or strip tease could ever be. It’s a gesture of trust. My heart flips over and my cock nearly bursts with joy. She trusts me.

  “I won’t ever hurt you,” I vow. I pull off her shoes and socks. Her toes curl, as if she’s trying to hide them from me, but the brave girl doesn’t run away. I kiss her toes—the ones she hates, the ones that held her up, the ones that carried her all the way to me. I suck on the knob of the ankle bone and lick the indentation behind it. I mouth my way up each leg, paying attention to the tender, thin skin at the backs of her knees and the sweet, fragrant inner thighs. By the time I reach her pussy, her panties are soaked. She’s relaxed. Unshy about her body now.

  She helps me pull them off and then there’s no barrier between her hot, juicy cunt and my ravenous appetite. She cries out at the first contact when my lips part her folds. She sighs and clutches my head when I bite her clit. She squeezes her thighs tight around my ears when my tongue delves into her cream.

  I fuck her with my mouth, invading her wet sex with my hard tongue. My long fingers drive deep into her. Erika pants and moans and wriggles above me. I clamp my hands around her ass and pull her against my face. Ride me, I silently command as I tongue her hard. Fuck my face until you come so hard you see stars. Come for me. It’s half a plea, half a command.

  She hears me. Or maybe she hears her own body. She grinds her hips over my face in a filthy, erotic movement. She snaps, back arching, knees bent, thighs crushing, as the orgasm shakes her body. Heat speeds through my spine, torching the fuse that has been simmering since I first saw her. I spend in my sweatpants as she pours her desire all over my tongue.

  Her tense body goes limp. “Tank, that was…” She can’t finish her sentence, but I hear what she’s left unsaid.

  That was un-fricking-believable.

  I pick her up and carry her down the hall to the bedroom, ignoring the tiny nips at my heels.

  Tuesday, like Erika, doesn’t like to share. Or maybe Tuesday wants more of Erika’s attention. Either way, the cat is going to be unhappy for a few hours. I shut the door in my pet’s face and place Erika on the bed.

  The little cat meows her unhappiness.

  “Maybe you should let her in,” Erika suggests, her head lolling against my shoulder.

  “I don’t think kids should watch their parents do certain things.” I reach behind me and pull off my T-shirt. Adrenaline’s driving me and it’s saying we both have too many clothes on.

  “We’re her parents?”

  “Yes. Tomorrow you can sign the adoption papers.” I toss the shirt aside and step out of my sweatpants. The thin fabric of my undershorts does little to disguise my hard-on.

  I take a step toward Erika, whose eyes are pinned to my dick. I’ve come, but I’m still rock hard. Alarm flickers through her eyes. I press a knee against the bed and rub my hand over her cheek. “It’ll work. We’re meant to be together.”



  At his words, my body relaxes. I know he wouldn’t lie to me. We have to fit. I silently chant this to myself over and over again on a continuous loop in my head. There’s no other option. I need Tank like I’ve never needed anything or anyone before in my life. I’d go crazy if I couldn’t have him. The need to feel him inside of me pulses from the center of my body out to the tips of my fingers. The only thing I can think of is Tank’s massive body on top of mine slowly rocking that hard cock into me. I’m going to make his cock fit if it’s the last thing I do. There’s no turning back now.

  Now I know why Liv was going crazy waiting for the Audley twins to take her. It’s only been minutes that I’ve really known that Tank wants me and I’m already about to explode with need. I have a newfound respect for her that she was able to wait for the twins so long. Every second that Tank and I wait feels like an eternity.

  “We are,” I agree. My hands slide up his broad chest. Small scars mark him here, too. I try not to focus on any one spot for too long since he has so much for me to see. I also don’t want him to think I’m staring at his scars. They are a part of him, but they don’t define him. My lips part as I continue to explore his body. His muscles are strained from holding himself up over me, each one of them defined by what looks like years of training. I want all of those muscles working concurrently to pleasure me.

  I lean up, kissing one of the scars over his heart. He sucks in a breath, his eyes closing. For a moment I think I’ve hurt him. I know it’s impossible. My lips barely grazed him.

  “Erika.” My name comes out needy from his mouth, making it clear he’s not in pain. Well, maybe he’s in a little pain if his ache is anywhere near as bad as the one I’m feeling right now. He has to be aching. I’ve already come. He’s already ruined me. The small touches I’ve given myself are nothing compared to his mouth. He doesn’t kiss. He devours.

  I watch as he fights for control. I’m not sure why. His breathing is deep and hard as he looms over me. His hips lower, his hard cock brushing my bare pussy. When he stripped off his shirt and sweatpants my world turned upside d
own. I’ve never seen a body like his in the flesh before. My Tank’s body is almost indescribable in its masculinity.

  Tank is hot. No, I’m not into the Audley twins or other football players. I’m into whatever Tank is offering. He’s in a league of his own. Thick and hard everywhere. Even the scars that initially made me sad are sexy on him. He looks like a warrior as he crawls over the bed to claim his prize.

  His tight boxer shorts cling to his thick thighs. Moments ago I loved how he looked in them. Right now I hate them more than anything. He brushes his cock against me again, making us both moan at the contact. When he kissed me, he licked the seam of my mouth as if he was asking for my permission to slip his tongue inside my mouth. Maybe that’s what he’s doing now. He doesn’t need to ask. I’m his for the taking. If he doesn’t do something soon I will be taking him.

  “Show me, Tank. Show me you'll fit.” My hands drift down lower, my fingers teasing the top of the elastic band. Shyness clings to me still. I don’t know if he knows this is my first time, that I need him to guide me some here. I don’t want to miss a cue I should be reading. I arch my hips, silently giving him a clue that I want this. Tank groans as he reaches down to remove the offending boxer shorts.

  I suck in a breath when his cock springs free. Cum leaks from the head and down his thick shaft. I lick my lips, wondering what he tastes like, how he would taste with me on him.

  “Erika.” He growls my name, making my eyes snap up to meet his. “You can’t do that right now.”

  “What?” The word pops from my mouth. I don’t know why. I don’t even know what I’m asking. My brain has short-circuited for the first time in my life. I’m at a loss for words. This never happens to me.

  “Look at me like that.” His voice holds a growl that makes my nipples harden almost to the point of pain.

  I have no idea how I’m looking at him. I have no idea what I’m even doing. I hook my legs around him and pull him toward me with my feet. My body is now on autopilot.


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