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Trapped Tale

Page 2

by Beth Hoyer

and should find it with no problems.”

  The three Humanians faded with a whirling noise and the group heard the door to the apartment open and shut.

  The Highlander quickly turned around and faced his three companions speaking a foreign language “We did what you asked. The entrance to the nest cave is next to a scenic forest route road called Houser in the State Park road in the state of Connecticut. It’s under the site of the High Lord’s meeting place with General Wickers and the Drainer Aiden.”

  The three Highlanders turned their heads towards the fourth Highlander who spoke in an emotionless monotone voice in the identical language “Good, find the Humanians the required females and watch them.”

  The Highlander flicked his right hand and a sword blade and handle came out gripped in his hand. The three Highlanders staring at the sword holding Highlander gasped gaping with their mouths open.

  The Highlander with the sword spoke again “Since you’re reading my mind, you will use your resources to keep all Humans in their positions. They are Shadan’s only defense.”

  The Highlander faded as the Highlanders saw the door open and close as the sword holding Highlander left them.

  The Humanian paced in the cave with impatience. The two Humanian guards stood watching him pace. He stood behind the force field shield wall that blocked out the light of the day shining from the cave entrance a few meters away. He stood and waited as a figure dressed in covered a plant colored outfit with a large backpack on the back arrived walking into the cave.

  The figure seeing the three Humanians spoke in Hammarabbi “Good I have come at the right place.”

  The pacing Humanian stopped his pacing and irately said “Blast, about time you arrived. There’s a girl carrying double after mating with boy a cold ball ago who refused to wear the tech. The boy is locked up while the girl is screaming from the pains of giving life.”

  The figure spoke “Humanian, I am not reading your mind or anyone’s and I refused to do this. So what is cold ball?”

  The Humanian spoke “Outside now a hot ball, makes things hot and eye burns Humanians. Hot ball goes down the cold ball raises making things cold and Humanians see well.”

  The figure pulled off a hood revealing a Human like face with pointed ears of a Highlander. The Highlander frowned and plopped his large backpack down and slowly riffled through it as the Humanian stood impatiently. The Highlander pulled out a pair of Seeing Eye wear goggles and pulled them on his long pulled back pale blonde haired head covering his eyes then he hoisted the backpack back on his back.

  The Humanian spoke “Come into the nest and help Humanians.”

  The Highlander asked as he followed the Humanian further into the cave “You have a name?”

  The Humanian asked “Name, what is name?”

  The Highlander answered “To call you from other Humanians besides your called Humanian.”

  The Humanian replied “Get it, Humanians call me by word sound Jin.”

  The Highlander spoke “Call me Lyu.”

  They went deeper into the cave. The Humanian turned towards the right entering a cavern room going down stone stairs. Lyu looked following the Humanian to see on his left with the Seeing Eye wear goggles’ help as he went down the stairs were rows of scattered tents where large number of Humanians were walking around on the dirt ground. Nearby the tents was a large lake that lapped at the ground. He looked up to see ceiling had jagged pieces jutting from it.

  Jin abruptly twisted behind him grabbing Lyu pulling him down yelling “Down!”

  Lyu looked through the glasses to see a fireball hitting the wall above him with a shower of dirt.

  Jin spoke “Blast, we are not used to visitors coming here.”

  Lyu frowned but kept his tongue. The two reached the bottom of the steps and walked on the dirt ground. Lyu passed by tents appearing to be made out of gonoid skin materials standing taller than himself. He saw Humanians males who stood watching him with suspicion on their faces. Some smaller Humanians Lyu saw were children dressed in gonoid skins stood next to Humanians. There were female Humanians who stood staring at him with strange unreadable looks on their faces. Lyu followed Jin towards another cave entrance and reached a large cave with wooded beds on his right. The beds had mattresses like materials, covered up in blankets that appeared to be gonoid skins. He heard groaning and saw a naked female sitting on the edge of one of the beds with her abdomen swollen. There was a Humanian female kneeling by the expectant female’s legs and a male with arms folded standing by pacing.

  Jin spoke “Jin brought the visitor, Lyu is his word sound.”

  The female kneeling at the expectant female’s legs spoke “Blast, about time visitor arrived Kara is still in pain.”

  Kara gave a loud groan and moaned out “Kara has a strong urge to give life now.”

  Lyu lowered his bag and spoke “You have what you need to care for the babies?”

  The male pacing asked “What are babies?”

  Lyu mumbled some sound and answered “Babies are what Kara is giving life to.”

  He heard the Humanians speak except Kara “Blast.”

  Kara gave a screech and gripped her legs groaning in pain. Lyu went to the female helping Kara pushing the babies out. Together with Kara’s pushing soon there was squealing cries as the two babies came out separately.

  The female spoke “Kara, have a girl and a boy.”

  Kara at the moment lay back moaning some sound breathing hard. He watched as the female stood up and took each baby with an arm, laid it on Kara’s breasts forcing the babies to suckle. Lyu saw Kara gripped the babies with each arm while lying in the bed. Lyu went to his pack and pulled out an arm sized scanner. He walked towards the new mother and babies and waved the scanner over them.

  Then he spoke “Scanner says Kara is strong and so are the babies.”

  The male pacing and spoke “Jin, get Jon free of the tech and bring him here. Jan thinks the tech is hurting girls when joining.”

  Jin turned and left the cavern cave as Lyu returned the scanner back to his backpack.

  The stood up female glared and spoke “Jan, it is about time boys, listened to girls have been saying for cycles that the tech hurts.”

  The pacing male growled some sound lowering his arms fisting his hands.

  The female stood and folded her arms glaring at the male Jan who snarled out “Anna, Jan do not like repeated words.”

  Anna snarled back “So what? Anna is tired of screaming repeated words that fall on closed ears.”

  Lyu frowned hearing their words but kept his mouth shut as Jan spoke “Jan should join you here for that worded repeated saying-”

  Anna interrupted “Form needs to release hurters from freeing of tech then can join girl, Jan can chose.”

  Jan opened his mouth to speak when the group heard roaring like howls sounds followed by a pause and then howl like sounds.

  Lyu asked “What does that sounds mean?”

  Jan answered “The word sounds is Jon, converter leader screaming from being free of tech. There is a howler gonoid saved by Humanian from horned gonoid running into cave three recorded suns. The howler keeps sounding words and refused to take foods from Humanians.”

  Lyu stared as two Humanians arrived in the cave hauling in a third Humanian with long hair pulled back and laid him down on a bed.

  The third Humanian opened his eyes and spoke waving his fists aimed at Jan “Jan, Jon mind guess had planned to do with this taking away tech.”

  Jan spoke “Capture Jon, Jan put Jon in the dreaming state.”

  Lyu flinched seeing the two Humanians grab Jon by the arms who roared some howling noise. Jan rushed towards Jon and punched him hard in the face several times. Jon shook his head then Jan brought another fist hitting him in the face. Jon groaned and closing his eyes his stiff form getting looser in the two Humanian’s grips.

  Jan ordered “Sam and Tan, see Jon in the dreaming state and have boy form releas
e hurters at waking cycle.”

  Lyu spoke “This howler gonoid, I like to see.”

  Jan looked at him with a frown and spoke “Jan will take visitor to howler now.”

  Lyu followed Jan out of the cave towards the tented area and followed the Humanian pass a maze of tents till they reached a group of Humanians standing around in a circle. Lyu heard growling noises from within the circle and Jan yelled “Move aside, visitor wants to see howler!”

  The group separated as Lyu saw the furry gonoid stand on its four legs with a snout and a tail that was tucked into its body. There was a piece of rope tied around its neck attached to a thick stick in the ground. He could see a female Humanian standing nearby holding two bowls one filled with foods. Lyu slowly walked towards the growling gonoid who sat on its haunches staring at him with its eyes. Lyu reaching the gonoid and untied the ropes from the gonoid’s neck which the gonoid shook it’s self. The gonoid jumped up onto its back legs form shifting to reveal a Human man with long hair pulled back in a tail wearing gonoid skins standing there rubbing his neck with a hand.

  Lyu heard the Humanians speak “Blast” when they saw the gonoid change form.

  The Human man walked up to the Humanian female holding the bowls and took them then sat cross legged eating the food with his hands.

  Lyu spoke “The gonoid can’t do form change with that rope around his neck.”

  He heard the Humanians repeat the word “Blast.”

  Jan spoke “Jan wants to say to gonoid Human. Visitor, get it gonoid Human word sounds?”

  Lyu spoke “I am unsure if I get it gonoid Human word sounds but I will say what I think he gets.”

  Jan speak “Jan gets it.”

  Lyu cleared his throat and spoke in Basic “Hello you understand me?”

  The gonoid Human stopped eating to stare at him with a glare then spoke words in a foreign language while waving a fist at Lyu.

  Lyu switched back to Hammarabbi to speak “No, I don’t get it gonoid Human word sounds.”

  Jan groaned some sound as Lyu stood up and continued “May I leave nest to my nest?”

  Jan turned to face the direction of the stairs howling some sound and then a different howl answered Jan who spoke “No not when cold ball is traveling. Gonoids come out at cold ball, may hurt Lyu. Wait till hot ball is up and it will be safer.”

  Lyu frowned as Jan added “Follow Jan to property and to bed to do dreaming state.”

  Lyu obeyed and followed Jan towards the medical cave.

  Jan led him towards his pack and pointed to a bed while speaking “Use bed to do dreaming state.”

  Lyu hauled his pack next to the bed and lay down on the bed and closed his eyes falling asleep.

  Jon woke up from his slumber to stare glaring at the two Humanians Sam and Tan standing next to his bed. He recalled standing in front of the prisoner stocks with those two Humanians to face a Humanian called Min who refused the tech put in wooden bar restraints. Min, Jon remembered was the one who joined with Kara. Jin arrived and nodded his head. Sam and Tan grabbed him and Jin proceeded to yank the tech off his arm hurting him in the process. Jon remembered roaring some howl sound due to the painful headache he received when Jin pulled off the tech. He stared accusingly at the two Humanians standing by his bed.

  Sam spoke “Release the hurters now.”

  Groaning Jon stood up and slow walked towards a large head sized opening in the cave floor near the cave wall in another section of the medical cave. He saw the two Humanians follow him staring at him with glares on their faces. Jon passed by the bed where the visitor lay asleep and frowned staring at him seeing a small gonoid sitting sprawled on his chest.

  The gonoid gave a cry “meow.”

  He passed by the bed where Kara lay asleep cuddling two babies in her arms. Nearby next to her was a Humanian Jon recognized to be Yun who stood watching her. Jon reached the opening and pulled at his pant waist. The two Humanians turned their backs as Jon released the hurters rolling his eyes groaning some moaning sound. Once Jon was done he adjusted his pants and slow walked past the two Humanians who followed him.

  He stood staring at Lyu asleep and wobbled speaking “What did Jon miss?”

  Tan spoke “The visitor’s word sound is Lyu who showed howler gonoid who refused food is a gonoid changing Human.”

  Jon spoke “Blast.”

  Then he wobbled towards a bed and lay down moaning some sound.

  Jon ordered “See that Jon get food and drink, now.”

  Sam nodded his head and left the medical cave as Jon lay in the bed staring at Lyu’s form with the gonoid lying on him.

  Frowning Jon added “Has the shooter who shot at Lyu been found yet?”

  Tan replied “No, the inspector says the gun and the drawing were found lying on the ground. No Humanian has admitted the shooting. The gun keeper says the gun was missing before Lyu arrived. The girls clam up every time asked about the shooting. The recorder says the drawing is done not very well.”

  Jon frowned seeing the gonoid sitting on Lyu’s chest. The gonoid sat its head up and proceeded to lick its paws with its tongue before giving a stretching motion and curled up in a ball. Jon stared as a female Humanian who he recognized to be Anna, arrived in the cave carrying a large bowl filled with food. Sam he saw had a hand sized bowl filled with liquid in it. Anna wordlessly handed Jon, who sat up eating the bowl of foods that he ravenously ate with his hands. Once finished he handed back the food bowl and gulped the contents of the liquid in a bowl which he finished and handed the bowl back to Sam. Exhaling air Jon leaned back in on the wooded bed posts with the pillows and sat with his clawed hands on his lap.

  Anna demanded “Anna wants to know if Jon released the hurters.”

  Sam answered for Jon “Tan and Sam saw Jon release the hurters in the refuse.”

  Anna stared at Jon and punched him in the stomach with a fist.

  Jon protested “Anna, Jon just ate.”

  Anna spoke “Good no pain, order Jan to release the hurters and Anna will join with Jan.”

  Jon narrowed his eyes and howled some call yelling “Jan, its Jon, get in here now!”

  The group heard running foot steps and Jan came in the medical cave speaking “Jan wants to know what is going on?”

  Jon spoke “Jon orders Jan will release the hurters now.”

  Jan groaned as Anna spoke “Anna will join with Jan if Jan released the hurters now.”

  With a groaning like sound Jon looked to see Jan walked toward the opening in the ground while pulling at his pant waist his back to the group. Jon looked away hearing Jan groan and moan some sounds loudly. He sat staring at Lyu as Anna stood with arms folded staring at Jan’s groaning form. Jan gave out a loud groan then he adjusted his pants and walked away from the opening towards Jon.

  Jan folded his arms and spoke with irritated tone “Jan wants Anna in his tent to help and join when ready.”

  Anna turned and walked out with Jan following her.

  Jon exhaled air and spoke “Sam what does drawing look like? Jon wants to know.”

  Jon sees drawing of a Viper actually a species by the High Council, named Wiser and dubbed Busybody by that group. Jon does some mind walking Lyu’s mind which he sees is a Viper disguised as a Highlander. Lyu wakes up as Jon tells him who he really is.

  Jon stood facing Lyu while speaking “Viper, not a Highlander.”

  Lyu flicked his right wrist as a sword came out of his arm held in his hand.

  Jon snarled some sound speaking “I figured that which proves it.”

  Lyu spoke as a thin ropey shaped gonoid came out from underneath the bed making rattling noises “Gonoids who need a job will serve me well and do my bidding.”

  The gonoid on the bed arched its back making hissing noises and sat on its haunches as Jon spoke “What do you want, Viper?”

  Lyu spoke “You will remove and destroy the devices at the entrance to the cave starting now.”

bsp; Jon folded his arms as Sam and Tan growled from standing besides him and he spoke “Those devices keep the eye burner, hot ball, from shining into the cave hurting Humanian eyes. Without them Humanian have no protection from the eye burner.”

  Lyu pointed with his sword to a large gonoid skin blanket hanging on a rod on the wall besides Jon and spoke “Use that to cover the cave entrance blocking the hot ball shining in your cave.”

  Jon growled lowering his hands as Lyu continued speaking “All I have to do, Jon, is hit you in the head and your people, all of them, will go down and be vulnerable.”

  Jon howled out “Jin, get in here!”

  He heard running footsteps to see Jin entering the medical cave. He felt a headache and saw Jin trip landing on the dirt ground becoming still as Sam, Tan and Yun he saw fell towards the dirt ground lying still. He looked to see Kara slump her head as the babies on her stopped moving. Jon groaned loudly shaking his head as he stared down at the dirt ground that appeared to be rushing up to meet him and then everything went black.

  Jon dreamed of himself lying on the dirt ground in the forest with no clothes on. He was on his side curled in a ball when he moved to sit up. He looked around the forest with confusion and raised his hands to stare at them then he stood up lowering his hands. He looked up at the sky that showed the cold ball with crags on it high in the sky. Frowning Jon sensed an instinct like feeling as his eyes aimed at a clearing in the bushes. He took several hesitating steps towards the clearing as the instinct feeling got stronger urging him to walk faster. He walked through the forest following the urge till he reached a rocky wall which he walked with it on his right side till he reached a large cave opening. He walked into the cave to see two tall as his waist devices sitting at the cliff wall with a force field between them. Jon walked through the force field to see a figure with a male form lying on his back on the ground with eyes open.

  He stared at the figure as words came to his mind “Humanian. Jon is Humanian.”

  Jon walked further into the cave till he reached an opening that led to a cavernous cave which he stood looking around. He could see from his cliff perch were rows of tents bordering a still lake.

  Littering the ground were figures of all sizes which words came to his mind “Jon’s people, Humanians.”

  He looked on his right to see stairs going down which he walked down them to reach the bottom. He walked pass tents and Humanians lying on the ground till he reached a cave opening and walked passed it. Inside he could see were beds all in a row on his right side with a Humanian lying on one and lying on the ground surrounding the bed were three Humanians. He went to the Humanian in a male form lying on the bed wearing a device on his forehead that had his eyes open staring at the jagged ceiling. Jon leaned down and removed the device from the Humanian’s forehead and with a clawed hand closed the Humanian’s eyes.

  His mind spoke words “Humanian is dead. Jon will replace as leader.”

  Jon laid his hands on the Humanian’s forehead closing his eyes as memories piled into his mind as darkness arrived overtaking him.

  Jon came to find himself lying on a bed with the familiar medical monitor device’s thin rectangular scanner attached to his forehead. He heard a meow sound and felt a rumbling vibration while feeling pressure and movement on his chest. He opened his eyes with a jerk staring at the jagged ceiling of the medical cave and raised his head to stare sitting on his chest was the same gonoid that he saw earlier sitting on Lyu’s chest. Groaning softly he eyed the gonoid which stood up on fours arching its back then walked off to sit on its haunches next to his leg. Frowning he sat up moving his legs off the bed and with a hand yanked off the scanner from his forehead. Inhaling air he smelled food and looked to see on a bed facing him were two bowls one overfilled with food. He got up shaking and stumbled walking towards the bed. Reaching the bed he fell kneeling and reached with his hands grabbing the bowl with food in it. He ate the food with his hands in a fast motion ravenously till there was nothing left. Groaning softly he placed the food bowl back on the bed and grabbed the other bowl which was filled with liquid which he brought to his lips gulping the whole contents. He finished with the bowl’s contents placed it back on the bed and he stood up stumbling towards the refuse hole in one section of the cave. He reaching the hole leaned his forehead on the cave wall while adjusting his pants and groaned loudly rolling his eyes. He once finished again adjusted his pants and placed both hands on the cave wall next to his leaning head while exhaling and inhaling air. With a loud groan he pushed himself from the cave wall and slow walked towards Yun lying on the ground on his back with eyes open and there was a blank look on the Humanian’s face. He kneeled placing his hands on Yun’s forehead and closed his eyes as an image in his mind’s eye appeared. The image was a door standing in a circle of light which he stood on the edge of the light. Jon walked into the light and reached the door and with a hand grabbed the doorknob sliding the door to the side as a bright light shined in his eyes sight.

  The light became bigger shining as he slid the door till the door disappeared and he spoke “Activate.”

  Jon opened his eyes as he heard groaning sounds from the Humanian males and looked down at Yun who closed his eyes with a pained look on his face. He stood up and walked to Kara whose eyes were open with a blank look on her face putting hands on her forehead while closing his eyes.

  Once again he saw the door and slid it open which disappeared as he spoke “Activate.”

  He opened his eyes as he heard a moaning sound from Kara who closed her eyes shaking her head. Jon placed hands on one of the babies’ forehead held in her hands as he closed his eyes.

  He saw the door and opened it while speaking “Activate.”

  Jon repeated the same thing with the other baby and the image in his mind. He opened his eyes and removed his hands from the baby’s forehead. He heard a meow sound while feeling pressure on his leg and looked down at the gonoid rubbing its head and body on his leg. Exhaling air he walked to a bed and sat down as the gonoid followed him jumping onto the bed to sit on its haunches. Jon sat watching Sam, Tan and Yun in his eyes sight in the cave turn on their sides sitting up while shaking their heads and heard groaning sounds coming from them. He watched them stand up with hands on their heads while shaking visibly.

  He heard Jin speak from behind him “Jin wants to know how Jon got healed.”

  He twisted his form to look at Jin slow walked towards him while shaking his hands. He heard a meow besides him and looked at the gonoid that was licking one of its paws then looked at Jin.

  Jon spoke “Jon woke up lying on bed with scanner on forehead and food nearby for Jon to eat. Jon guesses that Lyu did this. Jon upset about accusing Lyu of being a Viper when Lyu helped Jon heal.”

  Jon in his large teepee heard a howl sound from outside went to the entrance and stepped out. He stared at Yun gesturing with a hand towards a smaller figure standing next to him. Jon frowned recognizing the figure a female who had a Humanian like face and ears but her eyes were Shadonian like as a species called Seer who were well known for prophesying the future.

  He spoke “Seer.”

  Seer spoke “I want to talk to Jon with no ears to listen to my words.”

  Jon turned aside and gestured to his teepee which the Seer walked forward walking into the teepee with him following her. Inside he folded his arms facing Seer who looked at him with her Shadonian like eyes.

  Seer spoke “Jon will remove his clothes.”

  Jon kept his arms folded refusing to obey as the Seer walked forward to stand in front of him.

  Seer spoke again “What I want I get. So remove your clothes or your people will suffer for your refusal.”

  Jon lowered his arms and yanked his top off his head baring his muscular chest and arms while tossing it aside. He bent down to remove his boots baring his bare clawed feet and then straightened up to put hands on his pant waist. He yanked his pants off his form and stood naked with
arms folded glaring at Seer who removed her dress baring her feminine form.

  Seer continued “I desire to mate with Jon.”

  Jon lowered his arms and went to his blankets lying in one section of the teepee and proceeded to lie down. He kept his eyes on Seer while feeling revulsion like feelings as she lay on top of him while gripping his sensitive part with her hand. Jon groaned loudly as his sensitive part was thrust inside Seer and he moved meeting her rhythms. With a loud roar he shook feeling a powerful jolt of pleasure run throughout him. Moaning he shivered when he felt Seer pull him out of her.

  Exhaling air he heard Seer speak “Jon sit up.”

  Jon obeyed sitting up as Seer stood up walking behind him. He felt his hair released of the string holding it back and groaned loudly. Then Seer walked in his line of sight to grab her dress which she put on.

  He stared at Seer who spoke “Jon will keep his hair the way it is until I come back to your nest.”

  He folded his arms with a glare at Seer who left his tent. He got up and went to his clothes putting them on and exhaled air feeling tiredness arrived to him. He went back to his blankets and lay down closing his eyes letting sleep over come him.

  Jon dreamed of a female Humanian he recognized as Aria standing in a tent talking to a male Humanian he recognized as Yun.

  Aria was saying “Aria heard a joining roar when walking by Jon’s tent with Seer inside.”

  Yun spoke “Yun heard what Aria heard.”

  Aria spoke “Aria upset about promising Jon that Aria will join Jon.”

  Yun spoke “Aria-”

  Aria interrupted “Aria does not want to join with Jon for Jon joining Seer who Jon has chosen as mate. Aria prefers to join with Yun instead.”

  Yun spoke “Yun agrees with Aria’s words.”

  Aria and Yun he saw proceeded to kiss each other on the lips as the scene went black.

  Jon woke up with a gasp and he sat up with a frown on his face.

  He adjusted his position till he was kneeling and mentally spoke as he closed his eyes “Aria and Yun now.”

  An image of a sleeping Aria lying covered by a blanket with Yun besides her awake stroking her forehead as she slept head on his chest.

  Jon jerked open his eyes as anger arrived and he growled out speaking “Seer will pay for this.”

  He heard a howl sound from outside his teepee and he got up walking towards the entrance to walk out. He looked to see Jin standing pointing to a female form wearing gonoid skin like dress lying on the ground in front of him.

  Jin spoke “Girl came running in cave entrance and fell in dreaming state in front of Jin. Jin thinks girl is dead despite Jin’s efforts of trying to wake girl.”

  Jon walked to the female and kneeled placing a hand on her forehead.

  Jon spoke “Girl is dead and is Humanian in before state. Jon will convert so give Jon knife.”

  He rolled up his sleeve of his left arm as Jin pulled out a knife holding it towards him. He took the knife and slashed his wrist as his face grimaced in pain. He took the bloody wrist and let the blood fall in both of the female’s open eyes. Then he brought his wrist to touch her lips as she moved grabbing his arm while sucking on his wrist. He smiled a small smile while moaning from the pleasure of the female sucking his wrist. Once done the female let go of his wrist which he brought to his mouth and licked the knife wound closed then he rolled up his sleeve. He stared at the female who shook her head with eyes looking around. Jon handed the knife back to Jin who took it.

  The female spoke “Word sound is Greta.”

  He spoke “Jon is my word sound. The people among Greta are called Humanian. Jon is leader of Humanians.”

  Jon looked at Greta who sat up as he placed a hand on her shoulder. He stiffened as he felt a jolt of pleasure running through out him.

  He exhaled air as Jin spoke “Jin will help Greta learn way of Humanian life here.”

  He removed his hand from Greta’s shoulder as he and she both got up to stand. With a frown he watched as Jin took Greta’s arm and led her away towards the direction of the medical cave. Frowning he walked back into his teepee swishing the entrance blanket closed as he exhaled air feeling tiredness arrived in him. Inhaling air he went to his blankets and lay down on them pulling them over his form head on the pillow and shut his eyes.

  Jon jerked his eyes open as he heard a howling sound and with a groan got up yanking the blanket off of him. He went to the teepee entrance

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