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Trapped Tale

Page 5

by Beth Hoyer

Yun with gun slung on his back walks in his line of sight to kneel in front of him. Yun speaks that he thinks Jon’s faith in Humanians being destroyed was caused by Aria breaking promise to mate with him by mating with Yun himself. Jon is shocked by Yun’s words for he realizes it’s the source of his anger towards the Humanians. Yun adds that he trusts Jon as a Humanian and as Humanians’ leader and won’t stop him from destroying Humanians. Jon lowers his hands one hand still clutching the knife till their touching his thighs and closes his eyes to mind walk Yun who he sees in Yun’s mind Aria telling Yun about breaking a promise to mate with Jon by mating with Yun as source of Jon’s anger towards Humanians hence he saying his faith in them destroyed as mentioned by Greta to the girls. He sees Yun speak that he agrees with Aria’s words then leaves tent to see Jon himself walking towards the stairs which he grabs his gun and follows Jon. He sees Yun meet Jan on the way who is yelled at with Yun shouting very loudly that Jon is a Humanian their leader and not a Viper despite having a Viper mark on him. Yun, Jon sees in his mind storms out of the cave and follows him to clearing and hears him speak his words out loud. Jon during scans senses Yun is telling the truth about trusting him which he also senses Yun is seeing him as a Humanian and their leader and not a viper. Jon stops scanning to open eyes to stare at Yun who is looking at him with a hopeful expression in his eyes. Jon gets up as Yun gets up and he hands Yun the knife that puts it in a pocket on his belt. Yun he sees yanks gun off back while yelling “Down” which Jon squats to watch Yun fire the gun several times. He hears a groaning growl sound from behind him and stands up to turn around seeing a horned four legged gonoid lying on the ground with dart sticks sticking in its eyes and underside area. He hears Yun speak that he saw the gonoid walking on three legs towards him with a fourth leg dragging and figured that the gonoid was going to attack hence he firing his gun at it. Jon and Yun leave clearing towards the Humanians’ cave where he sees Jan and Jin holding guns in their hands standing outside with worried looks on their faces which turn to relief when they see him. He goes inside cave while hearing from behind him Yun loudly lecture Jan and Jin about the importance of Jon being their leader cause he’s Humanian. Jon goes to teepee to see Greta inside without Meria. He stares at her with a frown and arms folded as she walks to stand in front of him and sees her hand rise to near his cheek slowly. He recognizes that she wants him to see something in her mind and allows her to touch his cheek which he closes his eyes mind walking her. He sees her as human wearing smooth colored clothing and a pack on her back walking in the forest with hot ball out. He sees her hear a noise and goes to investigate which she sees thru the bushes Vipers around a horned gonoid the same type that Yun shot. The Vipers he sees are cutting the skin off the gonoid while eating parts of it and sees her eyes sight focus on a young Humanian child appearing to be a boy with short hair sitting next to a Viper who has hand on his shoulder who is staring at the sight with a lost look in his eyes. The scene changes to show her hear a twig snap from behind turn around to see a Viper who spits out a dart stick that lands on her bare throat and she falls to the ground body frozen. The vipers he sees strip her of every thing and put on her form an animal skin dress then carry her to outside Humanians’ cave and leave her there which she gets up and stumbles inside then the scene goes black. Jon also sees in Greta’s mind her telling girls sitting in a circle in a tent about Jon with anger in his voice telling her that his faith in Humanians have been destroyed and he feeling like he should destroy them. He sees in the mind Aria sitting next to Greta admit that she thinks she’s the source of Jon’s anger for she broke a promise to mate with Jon by mating with Yun. He sees girls murmur their agreements as Aria adds that she has to go talk to Yun about something and leaves. Jon feels Greta take her hand off his cheek opens his eyes to stare at her as she speaks that Jon is Humanian the Humanians’ leader and the memory she has shown to him that he was raised by Vipers and was marked by them. She adds that Humanian boys fathering girls aren’t forbidden from seeing them from time to time as the girl grows up but are forbidden on how to raise the girl. Jon lowers his arms as Greta hugs him which he hugs her back while breathing deeply. He senses her stop hugging him whom he stops and doesn’t protest as she grabs his hand and pulls him out of the teepee leading him pass Humanians looking at him with hopeful expressions on their faces and tents to a large tent which she tells him to wait outside. He stands staring at the tent as she goes inside and comes out holding Meria. He stares at Greta as she insists he sit which he sits cross legged and is handed Meria which he holds as she sits next to him. He stares at Meria who opens her eyes to stare at him back and sees one of her arms escape the blanket wrapped around her which he gently reaches with his hand. Meria to his shock grabs one of his fingers with her Human like hand to grip tightly and he hears a cooing like sound come from her as he sees a smiley like look on Meria’s face. Jon closes eyes to mind walk Meria who he senses knows him as her father and is happy being held by him while sensing she wanted her hand to touch him physically hence her freeing her arm from the blanket and grabbing one of his fingers. Jon opens his eyes as a small smile comes to his lips and he stares at Meria who is staring back at him with her eyes while having a hand still gripping his finger. Jon feels Greta place her head on his shoulder with arm on his back and other arm around him and Meria. He leans his head on Greta who he senses has fallen asleep as he holds Meria who he sees closes her eyes and senses her asleep. He sits thinking to himself that Greta and Meria are reasons enough to keep him alive just to keep them and the Humanians alive.


  Dalton heard silence from Jon frowned as the Humanian spoke "How was Jon supposed to know that inviting Humans into nest resulted into the High Council sending minions to capture and sleep Humanians including Jon here too? How was Jon supposed to know that the High Council wanted Humanians out of Humans' influence of trashing the group to people and species?"

  Dalton sensed the female mind was disgusted when he translated the questions but found her not commenting a word towards him mind scanning. Instead she had paused from her typing to wait for him to further speak as he again found further cases of complaints involving boredom sounding again.

  He spoke "Here we go again. Further boredom as spoken by us trapped ones-"

  Dalton was interrupted "Just stop it with the boredom talk now! Tell a story or something instead! Just see if that will amuse us for babbling boredom!"

  Groaning Dalton frowned hearing Tank's voice blaring in his mind, as he heard various talks all over the place involving trapped ones telling stories to whoever was willing to listen. Dalton forced himself to listen to the talk all over the place as he sensed the female High Council's servant was typing their words down from various spots within the room.

  Dalton forced himself to listen to the storytelling he figured that it'll amuse him and keep him from giving off roaring to people's complaints of boredom.

  The End


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