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Radley's Home for Horny Monsters

Page 24

by Annabelle Hawthorne

  Might as well enjoy it. Mike grabbed onto Lily’s horns and thrust his cock into her mouth. She moaned as he filled up her mouth and throat. From behind her came the rushing of water, and her hands were yanked back suddenly by watery spheres. This pushed her forward, bottoming Mike out in her throat. Water flowed all along her limbs, penetrating her pussy and pulsating inside.

  Mike groaned, thrusting into her mouth. Seeing a slim chance for victory, she bobbed her head as quickly as she could, sensing the impending rush of cum in her throat. Even though there were two of them, she only needed to defeat him.

  Her tongue split apart in her mouth, wrapping around the head of Mike’s dick to yank him farther back. She grew a pussy in the back of her throat, and inside it another mouth. Her body was built for pleasure, and it was time to pull out all of the stops.

  “Oh shit, Naia!” Mike’s voice was frantic, his eyes starting to glaze over. Lily renewed her assault, and soon Mike was jackhammering her face. “Naia, I’m getting close!”

  I’m going to win. Lily kept pumping. Mike’s grip was tightening on her horns. I can beat him. I’m going to win!

  Naia’s slender fingers grabbed her tail, then squeezed, working their way from base to head. Water swirled around her clit, pulsing it in different directions and throwing her off base. With a yank, Naia pulled Lily free of Mike and spun her in place to face the nymph.

  “Fuck her, Mike.” Naia’s eyes lit up. The whole world spun around the three of them. When Mike penetrated her from behind, Lily’s hands were pulled down, bending her over. Naia floated above them, then grabbed Lily’s tail and twisted her into position.

  “Oh shit,” Lily said.

  “You said it yourself,” Mike told her, gasping for air. “Anal beads are designed after succubi tails.”

  “I don’t want to lose!” she cried, her infernal body betraying her.

  “You can and you will.” Naia’s presence was suddenly everywhere. Maneuvering the head of Lily’s tail to the edge of her asshole, the nymph teased her with it. “And you’ll like it.”

  Naia shoved the tail into Lily’s butt.

  With Mike’s cock already inside her, Lily let out a shriek, her insides suddenly too full. Her tail was aroused by the tight sensation of her own ass, expanding to fit, which in turn caused her body to spasm uncontrollably.

  The Dreamscape started breaking apart, giant mirror-like pieces of it spinning off in every direction. Lily let out a cry of pleasure that sent a wave of energy outward, scattering the world.

  THE BEDROOM WAS ALIVE with sound and light as rings of fire burst out from above him. The blankets were blown off of his bed, revealing the succubus riding his shaft, her magic raising the temperature of the room several degrees. Lily screamed, and the house shook with her cries, as she sprayed Mike with her hot, cinnamon-flavored cum.

  Tink awoke and fell out of bed, her eyes wide as Lily’s wings expanded to their full size and her tail whipped back and forth, completely out of control.

  “Yes!” Mike grabbed her by the hips, thrusting into her incredibly light body.

  Lily groaned, shoving herself down onto Mike’s cock as he filled her up with cum of his own only moments later. Panting, she rolled backward, then tumbled off the bed and collapsed into a heap on the floor.

  Mike slid out of bed and helped Tink to her feet. The room reeked of sulfur.

  “Why Tink so dozey?” The goblin held her head, leaning against the side of the bed.

  Mike stepped around her and stood over Lily with his hands on his hips. “We had a deal,” he said, his voice suddenly hard. “Now honor it.”

  The succubus was silent for several moments, other than the sounds of her heavy breaths. She chuckled quietly, there in the dark, and in her laughter Mike detected a single sob. “Fine. We had a deal. One prison for another.”

  She got to her knees, then held one hand to her chest and summoned a ball of fire. Sticking her hand in the flame, she pulled out a sparkling ruby roughly the size of a silver dollar. “Here it is-the heart of a succubus. You are my new master.” She tossed the heart to Mike, who caught it in midair. “Now command me to do whatever it is you plan on doing. I don’t care anymore.”

  Mike’s heart pounded in his chest, his breath ragged. Lily had put him through so much pain and fear inside the Dreamscape, a place that was already beginning to fade from his memory. Staring down at the gem, he contemplated the succubus before him. “What’s to stop you from making a deal with someone else?” he asked.

  “My last master tricked me,” Lily responded. “The deal he made involved putting a soul on the line that he no longer had. By betting your soul, you met the requirements of the original deal, thereby transferring his deal to you. Even though he owned me, I was only on loan until someone else was willing to risk it all.”

  “So you belong to me forever then?”

  “As long as you have that stone, yes.” Lily raised her gaze to meet his. Tears stained her cheeks. “And what would you have of me? Am I to suck you off every morning after I make you breakfast? Are you going to send me after your enemies, use me as a weapon? Fuck my ass until I cry, but only on nights we can watch cartoons on your computer?”

  “I... I don’t know.” Though angry with Lily for what she had done, the creature before him was completely different than the one he had encountered in the Dreamscape. The stone beat gently in his hand, its gentle warmth flowing through his fingers. “I just figured if I beat you, this was the best way to keep you from coming after me again.”

  “So you’re going to lock me away inside the heart. That’s fine, whatever. Just do it already.”

  Gone was the sexy deviant who had tortured him. Gone was the willing participant in his dream threesome. Before him was a defeated woman.

  “You don’t sound very happy.”

  “Happy is never an option for me. I was told to come here and take your soul by any means. After that, I go back to the Society and get locked away until they need someone else to die in their sleep. Even if I win, I lose.” Lily shook her head. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Then help me understand. Hold on.” He knelt by Tink, who was having trouble standing upright. “Can you undo the sleep poison you hit her with?”

  “It’s chemical, not magical. Just help her lie down, she’ll be fine in an hour.” Lily rose, her shoulders slumped. “I never asked for any of this, but a succubus must always have a master. Even when I don’t have a master, I must sit and wait for one. And you know what? Whatever you tell me to do, I’m not going to enjoy it. Even if you tell me to enjoy it, I want you to know that, secretly, I hate every second of it, no matter how much I beg you to keep going.”

  “I... um...” Mike stared at the demon. This wasn’t what he had expected at all.

  “Mike,” came Naia’s voice from the bathroom. “Mike. Come here.”

  “Stay here,” Mike commanded. Lily shrugged, curling her tail beneath her to use as a stool. Mike walked into the bathroom. There, standing in the tub, was the woman he had sought for so long.

  “Mike.” Naia beckoned him into the bath, pressing her hand against his cheek. “Why does it feel like I haven’t seen you in forever? It’s only been a couple of hours, but...” Her eyes flashed. “That is not the case for you. Where have you been?”

  Mike smiled and gazed at her through misty eyes, then explained to her what had transpired in the Dreamscape. When he finished, Naia took him in her arms and held him tightly against her body.

  “I almost lost you,” she said softly. “Bring her to me.”

  “Lily. Come here.”

  The ruby in his hand flashed, and Lily walked into the bathroom. As she spotted Naia, she sighed and rolled her eyes. “So this is her. The woman of your dreams.” Lily shook her head. “So what’s it going to be? Are both of you going to punish me now? You can’t kill me, not in a traditional sense anyway. And my former master is going to be pissed when he finds out he lost me.”

  “Give me
the ruby,” Naia said, holding out her hand. Mike handed it to her. Naia held the sparkling gemstone close to her face and squinted at it.

  “She can’t do anything with that,” Lily informed him. “My curse requires a human soul to command me.”

  “Sit,” Naia said, pointing at the floor.

  Lily crashed to the ground, yelping when her ass smacked the cold tile. “Fuck. I forgot. She has a part of your soul, doesn’t she? Fucking figures. Two masters. Lucky me.” Lily’s wings and tail disappeared, and she pulled her knees up and rested her head on them. “Go ahead. Have your fun and then put me away, please.”

  Though Lily was doing all the talking, Mike’s eyes were on Naia. The nymph’s hair was curling up around her body, the humidity in the room rising as her magic swept over everybody. Mike expected to be sporting an erection, but realized the magic Naia was casting didn’t affect him.

  “I see,” Naia said. “Mike. You trust me, right?”

  “Of course.” How could he not?

  “Okay, honey, I’ve decided exactly what I’m going to do with you.” Naia held up the ruby. “Am I right in assuming that if someone else were to take this from us, you would belong to them?”

  Lily nodded. “Possession is nine-tenths of the law to demonkind. You lose the ruby, I belong to someone else.”

  “And it’s up to us if we lock you up or release you? You can’t let yourself out?”

  Lily shook her head. “No. Not even if the ruby is being destroyed. I can put myself in it, but can’t let myself out.”

  “Good.” Naia popped the ruby in her mouth, then swallowed it. “Then your first command is this: you are not allowed to return to your vessel.”

  Lily looked at Mike, who shrugged.

  “This gem is now on its way into the deepest part of my spring. I recommend that you never go back to it, if given a choice. Your second command is this: you are never to prey on the innocent.”

  “Oh. The good guy act. Great. I’ve done this before.” Lily shook her head. “So what are you going to have me do? Clean your house? Deliver pizzas? Whore me out? It starts innocent enough, but really soon it will be-“

  “Your last command from me is to be free.” Naia crossed her arms. “I want you to go out into the world and just be free. Be who you want to be. Feel what you want to feel. Those are your commands.”

  Lily’s jaw dropped, her eyes glowing.

  Mike looked at Lily, then at Naia. “You’re sure about this?”

  “I am.” Naia held out a hand to Lily. Hesitantly, Lily took it. “Her story is hers to tell, but trust me when I say that there is more sadness here than I can possibly begin to understand. Consider this place a home, should you ever need it.”

  Mike couldn’t read Lily’s face, but he wasn’t surprised when she ran for the open window, wings spread wide. She jumped out into the sky and quickly vanished in the darkness. “You saw something, didn’t you?”

  Naia nodded. “More than I wanted. I read her, much like I read you that first day. In a way, she is like me. Whereas I am bound to my spring, she is bound to her master. However, I love my spring, and my home. Only once has she loved her master, and that was a love long ago lost.” Naia touched Mike’s face. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “I’m glad to be back, though I wasn’t really gone.”

  “And let’s keep it that way.” Naia blew a literal kiss, a bubble shaped like a heart that popped on Mike’s cheek. “Get your sleep. Safely, this time.”

  Mike smiled. “I love you. You know that, right? When I was lost, you somehow found me again. I can never repay you for saving me. Both my first day here, and last night. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  Naia winked in response and sunk into the water of the tub, vanishing from sight.

  Mike walked back to his bed. Tink had fallen to the floor, and her snores filled the room. His body was suddenly tired, but his mind was rested enough. He picked Tink up and put her in bed, beneath the covers. He left the door open a crack and headed to the kitchen where he’d left his laptop. He was pleased when it started up, and even happier when the familiar text of Google appeared before his eyes.

  There was work to do.

  SARAH OPENED HER EYES. Lifting her head, she saw that she had fallen asleep in the library, the early light of day streaming through the skylight. She wiped a string of drool from her chin and picked up the spellbook she had been studying. She casually wiped away the stains she had left on it. Standing up, she scratched at the newly-healed skin of her belly. Curious to see if the deed had been done, she walked over to the safe on the wall.The combination was only known to a select few in the Society, the treasure within beyond the mere concept of money.

  The objects inside glowed at her presence. A magic wand made of dragon bone, the cracked horn of an unknown creature, a ring with an emerald in it that contained an entire universe. In the back of the safe, next to a black silk bag and a book of human skin was the pedestal containing the succubus heart. Face slack in disbelief, Sarah grabbed the pedestal and held it out in the light to be certain.

  The ruby had turned black. When Sarah picked it up, it quickly crumbled into nothingness in her hands.

  “That’s not possible,” she whispered. Somehow, Mike had killed the succubus.

  Sarah stormed out of the room. She knew what she had to do, and there was no time to spare. She couldn’t tell her mother, for Elizabeth would want to get the others involved. By the time they were done debating what they should do, it would be too late. Clearly Mike had discovered some of the more powerful secrets hidden inside the house. Magic, capable of destroying even a demon.

  In her bedroom, Sarah threw open her closet. She stripped naked then slipped into the black robes of her old coven, robes that would protect her from weapon and magic alike. She opened the box by her bed and pulled out her weapons. A dagger, a wand, and a bracelet ringed with gemstones. With these three items, she had toppled fortress walls, brought an army to its knees, and even slain a werewolf pack intent on taking her head.

  On this day, she would use them to personally take the life of Mike Radley, Society be damned. She would do by herself what they together could not. She slammed her closet shut and then left the building, climbing into a black sedan once in the parking lot. The sedan’s engine roared on its way out of the parking lot, and Sarah never once looked back.

  Unwanted Company

  Sarah sat in the black sedan, watching the old, Victorian-era home across the street. Through the gate and the hedges, she could only make out the upper levels, replete with turrets and large, ornate windows. Inside that home she would find her prey, but one problem remained.

  Of the many magical enchantments the house had, the most annoying of them all was that you had to be invited in. She and her mother had bypassed this little detail with the succubus —using some of Mike’s blood that she had found in the bushes had let them skip the magical barrier through a ritual that had taken hours to complete. Of course, that drop of blood was long gone, as was Sarah’s patience.

  No, she would need to find another way in. She stepped out of the sedan, her dark robes billowing around her. Though they stood out in the bright morning light, they made her almost imperceptible to any humans who may be nearby. Unless she directly interacted with somebody, she would be dismissed as a passing shadow, or a homeless person, some non-entity not worth noting. With her dagger tucked into the back of her belt, and her wand strapped to her upper thigh, she was ready for action. However, there was still one thing left to do, the one thing she hated most of all.

  Sarah was forced to wait.

  BY THE TIME TINK ARRIVED in the kitchen, Mike was in full swing. He had cleaned up the front rooms and pulled sheets off of the furniture that had survived both Jenny and the fire elemental. Head tilted high, her nostrils flared as she sniffed at the aroma coming off the stove.

  “What you make?” Tink climbed onto her chair. He’d set a place at the table for her. “Smells o

  “Omelets. One of the few things I can cook.” Mike flipped one in the pan, hot, melted cheese oozing out of the sides. “I haven’t made them in years, so I’m hoping they turn out okay.”

  “Omelet.” Tink sounded the word out, nodding her approval. She waited patiently, her legs kicking back and forth, a full foot off the ground. “What happen last night? Tink have foggy dreams.”

  “Succubus attack; nothing major.” Mike walked over to the table, frying pan in hand. He tilted the pan and used the spatula to push the omelet onto her plate. It left a gooey trail of cheese. “You wanna eat that before it cools.”

  “What inside?” Tink peeled up the top layer with her fork.

  “Just cheese. Maybe I will pick up some ham or something to put in it tomorrow.” Mike poured some eggs he had previously whisked into the pan. “Omelets are like the pizza of the breakfast world. You can put anything in them.” When he turned to wink at the goblin, he saw that she had already devoured what he had given her and was holding up her plate for more.

  “Tink like. Cheese favorite part.”

  “Shit. Give me a couple minutes.” He rolled his eyes and finished the omelet he had been making, then put extra cheese on it. “Later today I need you to be ready to hide. I ordered some groceries from Amazon again. A bunch of stuff to make some real food around here, plus some meat for the Mandragora. Think you can help me feed it?” He served Tink’s omelet onto her plate.

  “Tink always help.” This time, Tink took her time, tearing bite-sized pieces off with her fork. Mike used the last of the eggs to make his own omelet and sat down next to her.


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