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Run, River, Run

Page 16

by C. F. Francis

  “No. Dan got word through to them.”

  “Weren’t you taking a chance letting them know where you were?” This time it was Gib asking the question.

  “They were in prison. I didn’t see it as an issue. I may have made an error in judgement there.”

  Kevin was a bit stunned when she shrugged. Why did she have such little regard for her safety?

  “Good work, Josie,” Rick said. “One of these days, I’m going to steal you away from Steve and put you to work on the force.”

  “Like hell,” Steve laughed.

  “Steve, are you on your way home?”

  “I’ll leave in a few minutes. Is Cece asleep?”

  “She’s being contrary so you may catch her awake if you hurry.”

  Steve disconnected the call and got to his feet. “That’s it for me tonight. Rick, can you find someone to pull strings at Central Prison?”

  “Never hurts to make a call.” He joined Steve as he moved toward the door. “I’ll also touch base with the local authorities again tomorrow.”

  “Let me know when you want to leave for North Carolina. I’ll make the arrangements,” Gib volunteered.

  “What are you? Our local travel agent?” Kevin half laughed. Gib could arrange just about anything and avoided all inquiries into how he made it happen.

  “One of my many skills,” he quipped. “Besides, I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than waste the night fretting,” he added, wiggling his eyebrows at River.


  River’s thoughts bounced from one side of her head to the other as she watched Kevin set the alarm system. Did they really have a lead on the person who had been terrorizing her? It was a slim chance but knowing the investigation into her tormentor was no longer at a standstill was rejuvenating, in a way.

  Thinking of the Engleharts, she felt both anger and trepidation. She wanted to spit in their eye. Prove to them they hadn’t beaten her—that they would never get the best of her. Would her unexpected appearance trigger something in them? Maybe goad them into bragging about what they’d been able to do from prison. How would they react to the news of Dan’s death, or did they already know?

  “Are you all right?” Kevin’s gaze covered every inch of her. His brow creased in worry.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You've been through hell today.”

  “I won’t deny it, but it’s not your job to make things right—to make me feel better.” She surprised herself when she reached out for his hand then tugged him down next to her.

  “I’m going to hurt and grieve for Dan for some time to come. There’s nothing you can do except what you’re doing now—be here for me.”

  “You loved Dan,” Kevin said, cupping her face with his palm.

  “He was my rock when I lost my parents.”

  “And your aunt? Wasn’t she there for you?”

  “She was. She watched over me like a mother hawk. Caring for me and soothing me. Dan was a straight talker. I took comfort from my aunt and drew my strength from Dan. Whoever did this to him, can’t take that away from me. I won’t let them, and I won’t let them get away with taking a good man from this earth.”

  She didn’t realize she was still holding Kevin’s hand until he laid his other hand on top of hers. There was strength there, too. Not just physical, but emotional.

  “I’m glad he was there when you needed him.”

  “I’m glad you’re here when I need you.”

  His head came up as his eyes pinned her. His brow rose. “Need?”

  River freed one of her hands and used it to caress his chin. Like him, his jaw was strong, yet there was a tenderness beneath the surface. She couldn’t take her eyes from him. Physically, he took her breath away. He was caring, dedicated, and protective. She was falling for him. Damn it. It would only complicate things, but at the moment, she didn’t care.

  “It seems I need you on many levels. I shouldn’t be thinking of physical needs at a time of loss, but as much as I want your compassion and support—I want you.”

  She let her hand slide from his face as he pulled back.

  “Are you looking for a distraction?”

  A deep sigh escaped. “Maybe. I don’t know. I won’t deny I want to feel something other than sorrow and fear.” Mortification replaced nervousness. She’d never invited a man to her bed.

  “I am attracted to you,” she admitted, her skin warming with embarrassment, “but I can’t honestly say which of those reasons prompted my suggestion. It was wrong of me to ask. I’m sorry,” she said softly, getting to her feet. This had been a huge mistake. All she wanted to do was retreat.

  Kevin’s hand slid down her arm as she turned to leave. His fingers knitted with hers when they met. “Are you saying you changed your mind?”

  “I insulted you.”

  With a quick tug of her arm, he pulled her with him as he dropped back onto the couch. He settled her onto his lap. “Affirming life in the face of death is a natural response. I don’t find it insulting.”

  He lowered his head, touching his lips to hers. They were surprisingly soft and gentle. After their previous encounters, she expected a hot, urgent meeting of their bodies. The kiss was tender and seductive. Had she ever been seduced? When his tongue began to brush her lips like an artist caressing a canvas, she ceased questioning. Instead, she welcomed him in.

  The gentleness vanished as their tongues began a furious, heated tango. One hand raked through his hair, pulling him closer. Her other hand traced the sculpted planes of his chest over his tight-fitting polo.

  In one smooth movement, he rose with her in his arms. Then she was flying—literally and figuratively. The sensation didn’t stop her exploration. Any part of his anatomy she could reach, she touched. Lifting her head, she nipped his jawline. It was rough with a day’s growth of beard. She flicked her tongue out and licked it. She barely noticed his stumble.

  When he gently deposited her on the bed, she continued to cling to his neck, urging him closer. She felt him smile as she dotted his jaw with kisses. His hand slid down her ribs until they reached her waist. Her nerves hummed to a rhythm she wasn’t familiar with as his hand slipped under her shirt and caressed her back. A quick snap of his fingers and her bra was undone. He cupped her breasts, brushing her tender flesh with the pad of his thumbs. She was melting under his touch until those nimble fingers found her nipples then her back arched like a bow strung too tight. Blood raced through her veins like a high-speed train before settling in her most sensitive spot. She was tingling in areas that rarely called out for attention. Now they demanded it.

  Their connection was abruptly broken as Kevin released her. “Why did you stop?” She grasped the hem of his shirt, trying to reel him back in. She wanted him closer—plastered to her skin. She searched his face, trying to find some indication of what he was thinking. His caramel-colored eyes met hers. The desire reflected in them put her fears aside.

  “I think we need to lose some of this clothing,” he explained, pulling his shirt over his head.

  Shimmying out of her jeans, she paused—the demin mid-way over her hips. He’d been shirtless on the beach, but she’d been distracted then. Now she took the time to admire the chiseled physique. Lordy, he was a sight to behold.

  “Do you need some help?” he asked with a sly grin.

  She’d been caught ogling him. She discovered she didn’t care. She waited, her eyes not leaving the specimen in front of her.

  Kevin grinned as he obliged her silent request. He stepped out of his chinos, tossing them over the foot of the bed. Oh, Lord, his chest was nothing compared to the full-frontal view. You’d have thought she’d never seen a naked man in her life. In truth, she’d never seen one as stunning as Kevin.

  Bending over, he kissed the skin just below her navel. Electrical currents rippled through her body. As he caressed the exposed flesh her head fell back. She struggled with the need to writhe as his tongue lapped the area between the zipper’s thread
s. Damn. She should be naked. She needed to be naked.

  As if answering her silent plea, her lower half was suddenly stripped bare. The tongue that had so deftly traced her tender flesh, now sampled the dampness between her legs. Cupping her buttocks, he lifted her slightly, adjusting her position. Instinct had her widening her thighs as his tongue began to do magical things. He spread the soft flesh surrounding her core, then slid his tongue inside. She almost flew off the bed, but he held her close. As he tasted and laved, her muscles corded. The sensation was so intense she wanted it to stop yet wanted whatever was coming next. When his attention moved to her clit and he began to suckle, her breath came in fits. Fireworks slowly began to build until they culminated in a full Fourth of July finale. She screamed, crying out his name. Kevin rode the waves with her, holding her in place, savoring her even as the sensation diminished. Finally, as she caught her breath, she collapsed onto the mattress. Kevin had yet to move. He was still poised between her legs, wearing a salacious grin.

  What did you say when someone took you to a place you had never been—a place you didn’t even believe existed outside of romance stories?

  “Wow.” Well, that was certainly profound, but it must have been satisfactory because his smile grew wider as he slid up the length of her. He coaxed her shirt over her head tossing it, along with her bra, to the corner of the room.

  She lay motionless, selfishly waiting for what would come next. She didn’t have to wait long. He took one breast into his mouth, suckled, nipped and feasted upon it. The heels of her feet pressed hard against the mattress as he turned his attention to the other breast. Enough with the tormenting.

  She urged him up where once again their lips met in a frenzy. This time the kiss was fast, furious and carnal. River hung on for dear life. She was spiraling into a realm unfamiliar to her. Her heart pounded against her breastbone so hard it hurt. She didn’t care.

  His hands found their way to her hips. When he lifted them off the bed, her eyes flew open to find him staring into hers. Sparks. Later she would swear there had been actual sparks in his dark brown eyes.

  He paused, silently seeking permission. She answered by shifting her position to meet his jutting erection. He needed no further invitation.

  It was his turn to arch back as he filled her, then stilled. Whether for his pleasure or to give her time to adjust to the invasion, she didn’t care. She needed him to move—now. Tightening her sensitive muscles around him, she pulled away slightly. When his eyes met hers, the corners of his mouth ticked up. He retreated further before slowly filling her again. He repeated the move again and again. It was torture. Sweet, unbearable torture.

  “Damn it,” she swore, squirming to bring him deeper inside. “Stop teasing!”

  His eyes darkened as his tempo increased. This time his movements weren’t gentle, but fast, hard and breathtaking. Her body rocked to match his movements. Her back stiffened and her thighs tightened as she reached for the precipice. Then she broke. Spasms racked her body. She screamed at the sheer ecstasy of it. Kevin shouted somewhere in the distant fog.

  When the indescribable sensation ebbed, Kevin dropped to her side. His skin was damp with perspiration. The fragrance of musk filled the room. He pulled her close and kissed her temple before rising up on his elbow.

  “You okay?” he asked, brushing the hair from her face.

  “I had no idea,” she whispered, as her breathing slowed. She rested her head against his chest and let the night claim her.


  Loading up on caffeine to make up for his sleepless night, Kevin sat at the breakfast bar, sipping a cup of coffee. He could have dozed last evening. He was a light sleeper. But sleeping would have robbed him of the serenity he found holding River close. Kevin had lain in the dark, stroking River’s hair as she breathed softly against his chest. If he’d been used, it was the best use of his body he could remember.

  He already missed the feel of her skin against his. He wanted to see her smile more often. She’d teased him that first day on the beach, but these last few days had robbed her of any reason to smile. Last night, though, her ice-blue eyes had beamed. He wanted to hear her laugh… Damn, he was getting in deep—too deep under their current circumstances. River would be going home to North Carolina. He’d be returning to base and then deploying. There was no time to develop a relationship, assuming she wanted one with him. She didn’t know him. Yet she’d spent the night sleeping peacefully in his arms.

  Kevin couldn’t imagine how Steve managed to leave Josie so soon after they’d met and married. The deployment that followed had been hell on Steve and almost cost him his wife. There would have never been a Cece if fate—and hate—hadn’t intervened and brought the two of them back together. The distance had distracted Steve. Worse, it had made Josie question their whirlwind romance.

  Shouldn’t that be enough incentive to stop his wistful thinking? It was nonsensical to be wishing for something deeper with River. The distance would eventually tear them apart.

  For God’s sake, he wasn’t a teenager. They’d slept together. They’d had sex. Damn good sex, but it didn’t have to mean anything more. It may have been all she wanted.

  The focus of his thoughts entered the room, wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top the showed off her curves. Curves he’d become very familiar with last night. Her eyes sparkled like shattered glass and a small grin brightened her face. The knot he’d been tying himself into loosened.

  “Good morning,” she said, her smile widening.

  If he hadn’t been sitting, her grin would have knocked him on his ass.

  She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a mug from the cupboard. Coffee pot in hand, she eyed him as she poured herself a cup. Her brow crinkled and her eyes narrowed. “What’s with the silent treatment? Are you upset about last night?”

  “Uh, no.” He stumbled over his words. “I thought your eyes were your most stunning feature, but your smile...” His voice trailed off. “You’re beautiful,” he simply stated.

  He rose from his seat just as she dipped her head, averting those eyes. He lifted her chin then dusted her lips with a kiss. “Good morning,” he said, returning her greeting.

  She smiled softly. “Thank you for last night.”

  He should step away, instead he leaned in for another tender kiss. “It was all my pleasure.”

  Picking up her cup, she put a little distance between them before taking a sip. “I’m going to head to the beach today—see if I can find some shells for my next project. Are you sticking around or am I no longer considered a target and can go on my own?”

  He was hit with a taste of bitterness, laced with a twinge of sadness. Had his first assessment of their evening been right?

  “Second question, first.” His tone was sharper than he’d intended based on her wide-eyed expression. Last night she hadn’t asked for more than his body. He’d given it to her freely and enjoyed hers in return. Why was he pissed off now?

  “Chances are low you’re in any danger on Sanibel. Odds are that issue left with the diamond. However, the North Carolina problem may take a while to resolve.”

  “If at all,” she added. “Why do you think you’ll get lucky when the police haven’t found a thing?”

  ‘Get lucky.’ Her phrasing hit another nerve. He ignored it. “We already have a possible lead they didn’t have. Give them a chance.”

  “I didn’t mean any insult.”

  “To me or to them?” Kevin asked. Apparently, the nerve didn’t plan on being ignored.

  “Excuse me?” Her head came up. “Did I say something wrong?”

  Gears churning behind those crystal blue eyes. When had he become so sensitive and insensitive? This wasn’t about him.

  “No. I didn’t get much sleep last night. It left me a bit short-tempered this morning, I guess.”

  "Why don’t you catch some rest. I’ll be gone a couple of hours, at most.”

  She wasn’t pushing him out. She’d asked a simple
question and he’d twisted it into something personal. He needed to get his head screwed on straight.

  “I’ve managed on less sleep,” he told her. “Let me change into something other than these jeans. Did you want to grab some breakfast?”

  “I’ll pop a bagel in the toaster,” she said, reaching into the freezer. “Would you like one?”

  “Sounds good,” he said, turning his back to dig through his duffel. He pushed his personal feelings aside. He was here for a reason. The chances of another attack while she was on the island were slim, but the feeling he’d missed something nagged at him.

  River sorted through the trash line on the causeway, one of the best places to find miniature shells. Kevin had attempted to help, but they quickly discovered his fingers were too big to pick up the tiny crustaceans. Still, he continued to sift through the debris, pointing out ones he guessed might suit her needs.

  They’d been at it a couple of hours, mostly in silence, when her back and legs began to object. The Sanibel Stoop, as the shell hunting position was called, could not be sustained all day. She groaned a little as she stretched to her full height.

  “Are you done?” he asked, rising from his squatting position.

  The question was asked in a perfunctory tone. The tenderness of last night was gone. Why had she expected something different? He’d been accommodating, which was a cruel way to think of their night together. She’d needed affection. He’d given her that and more. Now there was a coldness she hadn’t seen or noticed. It was pretty obvious she was responsible for it, but she didn’t know why.

  It was for the best. He’d be leaving. Getting close to people was a mistake. Kevin—and especially Dan—were proof enough.

  “For today,” she answered. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to stop by some of those shell shops and see if they’ve had any success. If that’s a problem, I can do it later.”

  Kevin simply nodded. As soon as she clicked her seatbelt, he was pulling onto the causeway, heading into Sanibel. His silence was beginning to unnerve her. “Did I do or say something to earn the silent treatment?”


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