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Get Your Sexy On

Page 21

by Kimberky Kaye Terry

  He brought them to the railing, keeping his

  arms tight around her body.

  She ran her gaze over him. He was wearing a large Stetson, black slacks, and a Western dress shirt,

  complete with a thin leather string tie and pearl buttons. On his feet, he wore a pair of black shiny ostrichskin

  leather boots, giving him an overall appearance of exactly what he was: a wealthy cowboy.


  remembered seeing his face in one of the photographs that Jake had shown her of men to look out for at

  the party.

  This one was a Texan cattle rancher, who was looking to get in on rustling more than animals in his

  next business venture. He was one of four other men she·d seen in the photographs Jake had shown them

  of men looking to get into Carlos·s high-end prostitution ring.

  Sienna knew she had to play her part, she had to go along with the game, until they could get enough information to

  incriminate the men involved.

  She also knew that most men like this one discounted a woman·s worth³particularly women who

  performed as strippers, dancers, or prostitutes. In this man·s eyes, women were like the custom suit he was

  wearing, or the gold diamond-studded Rolex on his wrist.

  Beautiful, something to flaunt around, to show he

  was a man of means, and the women were nothing more than eye candy and outlets for mindless sex.

  Expendable and inferior.

  She forced a smile on her face and released from her lips what she hoped was a girlish giggle.

  Ókay, wait a minute, can·t I get to know a little about you first?µ

  she said, licking her lips and slanting a smile his way.

  Śure thing, sugar, what ya wanna know?µ

  ´How about giving me your name first, big daddy? I like to know a first name of the men I play with

  before the games begin,µ she said, grinning. The music changed from an upbeat rhythm to a slower beat.

  Sienna began to slowly dance in front of him, trailing her fingertips down his leather thong tie, over

  the bulge of his belly, skimming her fingers over the thick, hard ridge behind his zipper.

  She didn·t linger, just feathered enough to get him even more excited.

  She rolled her hips, smiling, lightly touching his body as she did so.

  ´What·s your name, big boy?µ

  she asked again, her voice husky with promise of what he·d get if he


  Úh, yeah, sure. My name. Roy.

  Roy Fender,µ he said, and grabbed her taunting finger, capturing and

  holding her small hand within his large, meaty one.

  He was one of the men.

  ´What do I get for telling you my name?µ

  Sienna laughed. She swallowed the bile in her throat and took his hand, and placed it on her breast.

  Í·m here to please you,

  whatever you want«within

  reason.µ She laughed. ´You give me what I want, I·ll

  give you what you want«. That·s a nice exchange, don·t you think?µ She stood on tiptoe and whispered in

  his ear, hoping he·d give her more information.

  This was more difficult than Sienna thought it·d be. She swallowed down the rising bile in her throat

  and kept her smile fixed on her face, pouting her lips, playing the game«. It all came back so easily, she

  thought in shame.

  ´Why don·t we take this

  somewhere more«private?µ

  Sienna panicked when Roy

  grasped her hand

  and turned with her in tow.

  As they turned to leave, a uniformed waiter stepped into their path. ´Ms. Feathers, your party is

  waiting for you. I·m to escort you to see Mr. Medeiros. Please follow me.µ Sienna gratefully sidestepped

  from underneath Roy·s thick, meaty fingers grasping her upper arms, pinning her to his side.

  Ńow wait a minute here! You tell that damn Medeiros this one is taken! He can damn well find his


  The waiter turned to stare down at the Texan. Although the rancher was easily six feet tall, the waiter

  topped him by several inches.

  Sienna carefully looked at the waiter, and knew this was not the average

  wait staff. The muscles in his chest and abdomen bulged

  beneath the crisp white uniform dress shirt. She

  trailed her eyes down the length of his fitted tuxedoed pants, and saw the rope of corded muscles bunch

  beneath the fabric.

  She looked into his eyes and caught the flash of warning in their dark blue depths.

  This was one of Runninghorse·s men.

  Sienna breathed a sigh of relief.

  Íf you go back into the party room, sir, I·m sure we can find another lady to accommodate you.µ

  The big Texan bristled, but allowed the waiter to steer him away. ´You stay right here, ma·am«I·ll

  be back,µ he said to her before he walked the man back into the room.

  Sienna swallowed nervously, sure she·d jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

  She wanted so bad to see Mac, to speak to him, but she knew she had to be careful. Any wrong

  move at this point could not only mess up the plans, but could land her in a situation worse than the one

  she was in.

  Moments later, she was rejoined by the waiter and he grasped her elbow, leading her away.

  ´Mr. Medeiros is waiting for you in his suite, Ms. Feathers. His room is located on the top deck.


  take you there.µ

  ´Thank you for³µ Sienna winced in pain, and stopped talking.

  She·d been about to thank the man for

  his intervention, and then he·d tightened his hand on her arm in warning.

  She felt foolish and nodded her head in understanding. The yacht was crowded, and there was no

  telling who was around, and could overhear what she said.

  She quietly followed the agent along the passageway leading to Carlos·s suite.


  S ienna rapped her knuckles softly on a glass-paned door and stepped back.

  The door opened and she was surprised to look up to see Damian.

  Ćome in, Sin, we·ve been

  waiting for you.µ

  Sienna walked inside and closed the door, rubbing her hands over her arms. When she entered the room, her stilettos sank into the plush forest-green carpet.

  Í thought I was supposed to be meeting with Carlos. Alone,µ she added, cutting her eyes in Damian·s


  A sneer stretched Damian·s thin lips wide. ´What? I·m not good enough? Used to be a time when you

  couldn·t wait to«dance«for me.µ

  Sienna caught Carlos in her peripheral vision, near the bar.

  She turned her eyes toward Damian. Í

  don·t think so. You·ve got it twisted. I think you·ve got me confused with someone else.

  You never had it

  like that with me, Damian.µ

  When Damian blushed, his lips tightened angrily. She knew she·d scored a

  direct hit.

  She knew she came off hard³

  harder than Damian was used to³but she wanted to present an image

  of a woman who was unafraid, one who knew the score. She had to show confidence in order to get Carlos

  to open up to her.

  Maybe he·d open up enough that he·d spill some small

  information the men could use to get his ass

  behind bars for any of the many charges Runninghorse said Medeiros was guilty of


  ´Damian, you can go now. I believe Ms. Feathers and I can handle it from here out.µ

  With an insincere smile

  plastered across his lips, Damian inclined his head toward Carlo
s. He shot

  Sienna a malevolent glare before turning on his heels and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

  ´Hmmm«I·m gathering there is no love lost between you two, no?µ

  Sienna turned to face Carlos fully. Ńo, I suppose not,µ she replied.

  Although she hadn·t seen him in a long time, nothing had

  changed about him: The suit he wore would

  probably cost her a year·s salary. The cut of his expensive clothes, the Rolex, the diamond cuffs, and

  handmade Italian leather loafers on his long, thin feet smacked of wealth.

  Glancing back at his face, she noticed that nothing had

  changed there, either. He stared back at her

  with the same cold, calculating stare she remembered from when he·d watch her dance, his lust-filled yet

  cold stare unwavering on her.

  His gaze fell to the necklace she wore. One corner of his mouth lifted, the look on his face, satisfied.

  Áre you cold, mi belleza?µ

  Ńo«no, I·m fine.µ

  Ćome farther in, I won·t hurt you. In fact, you might like what I have planned for us.µ

  Í·m sure I will,µ she murmured, moving farther into the room.

  Ćan I get you something to drink? A martini? Scotch?


  Í don·t drink. A Coke is fine, if you·ve got it,µ she murmured.

  ´Why don·t you have a seat while I fix us something to drink.µ

  When he gestured with one manicured hand toward the living area of the large suite, Sienna·s gaze


  In the center of the room, a king-sized bed dominated, set up on a high platform. The bed was

  canopied, the head swathed in sheer fabrics, and the bed itself covered in a spotlight of recessed lighting.

  Behind the headboard,

  extending the length of the wall, was a dark, smoky-tinted mirror, which

  instantly reminded Sienna of the mirrored walls in the Sweet Kitty.

  Just like back then, the feeling of being watched sent goose bumps down her arms.

  She turned her gaze away from the mirror and toward the cream-colored suede settee and matching


  Ĺet me turn on music for us.

  Would you like that?µ he asked, and didn·t wait for a response.


  picked up a small remote and pressed a button and the suite was filled with soft music.

  Á bit different than the type of music you are used to, but it is nice, sí?µ He walked toward her as

  she sat on the edge of her seat and handed her a drink.

  She carefully took a sip and raised accusing eyes to Carlos.

  Í told you I wanted a Coke³µ

  ´You need to relax, loosen up.

  It·s not much alcohol, just enough to relax you, hermosa.µ

  Í·m fine, Carlos. What makes you think I need to relax?µ she said, carefully placing the beverage on

  the glass table in front of her.

  She pushed back into her chair, crossing her legs in front of her.

  He followed the motion of her legs as she swung one back and forth, rubbing it against the other.

  Śo what do you want me for, Carlos? What made you have Damian seek me out? Like you said«it·s

  been a while.µ

  ´You·ve grown up since I last saw you.µ

  She lifted a brow in question.

  Í·ve been grown for a long time, Carlos.µ

  Carlos sat down next to her, close, without touching. Sienna kept the sultry look on her face, despite

  her need to jump up and move away.

  ´Hmm. Maybe mature is a better word,µ he replied.

  ´We all have to grow up one day,µ she quietly uttered.

  ´Yes, and you·ve matured into such a beautiful woman.µ

  He trailed his fingertips around her neck, skimming over the necklace, before dipping his fingers

  between her cleavage. He boldly spun his finger around the thin material covering her nipples.

  When her nipples beaded

  against his fingers, he smiled.

  Í always knew beneath that cool veneer, you were hot. I knew you were just waiting for the right

  man, a man who knew how to take care of a woman, to tap that ice shield you put up.µ

  He leaned close and began nuzzling her flesh, rubbing his nose down her neck. The goose bumps that

  slithered along her skin weren·t due to arousal, but disgust.

  Sienna felt the light dinner she and Mac had eaten rise,

  clogging her throat.

  Wanting his hands off her body, Sienna moved slightly away and lifted her glass from the table and

  took a sip.

  Carlos gave her a knowing smile and lifted his own drink, staring at her intently over the rim of the

  glass. After taking a healthy swallow of the dark whisky, he set the glass back on the table.

  ´What do I want from you?µ He turned back to her and took her glass from her hands, and placed it

  on the table next to his.

  Sienna remained silent,

  projecting an air of confidence she was far from feeling. ´Yes.

  What do you

  want from me, Carlos? What made you send Damian after me? It can·t be for a piece of ass. A man like

  you could get that anywhere, from any number of beautiful women. Why me?µ

  His expression showed his surprise at her words, but also at the confidence she showed.

  She waited,

  carefully keeping her expression bland, neutral.

  He ran a long finger down the side of her face and she forced herself not to flinch.

  ´Yes, you·re right. A piece of ass, I can get anytime,

  anyplace, mi querida. But you·re not just any

  piece of ass.µ

  He lifted the diamond necklace from around her neck with one long finger, caressing the cold diamonds, feathering his fingers along the column of her neck.

  Í·m glad you wore the necklace I sent,µ he murmured.

  Sienna widened her eyes,

  feigning surprise at his


  Carlos smiled, laughing low.

  ´Yes, I was the one who gave this to you. When you worked at the

  Sweet Kitty, I had Damian give it to you after the first time I saw you dance. Do you remember that, Sin?µ

  One hand wrapped around her neck gently, while the fingers on his other hand trailed down her throat, between her cleavage.

  ´Yes, I do,µ she whispered, unable to look away from his mesmerizing stare. Her chest swelled, her

  breath coming out in small pants of air, her gaze locked with his.

  ´You looked so small, so

  delicate, so beautiful, dancing with your eyes closed. Dancing for no one but

  you, mi peacock hermosa,µ he murmured.

  As he spoke, he moved behind her, close, and stroked her breasts through her clothes. He moved the

  small strip of fabric to the side and cupped one of her breasts, nestling it within the palm of his hand, his

  thumb toying with her nipple.

  Í never realized you watched me so intently.µ

  Í was the one who brought you to that simpleton Marks·s attention.µ He laughed again when she

  inhaled sharply. His thumb continued to pluck at her nipple as he spoke.

  ´Damian found me at the diner I worked. He used to come in³µ

  Át two P.M., every Monday,µ he finished.

  ´How did you know that?µ

  Sienna swallowed nervously when he lifted the necklace again, his hand

  cupping her throat, while the other played with her breast.

  Í was the one to discover you. I knew you would be perfect.µ

  ´To dance at the club?µ

  Ńo,µ he laughed. ´That was for me to ¶audition· you. To keep you within easy access. When I needed

  you, I wo
uld have you. Tú sabes?µ he whispered, before he placed kisses down her neck.

  The chills that ran down her body weren·t from sexual

  excitement, but fear. Cold fear.

  Ńo, I don·t understand.µ Sienna struggled to keep her voice from trembling, from letting him know of

  her fear.

  Í wasn·t in need of a woman at the time, but I knew it wouldn·t be long before I would be. When I

  saw you dance, saw this

  beautiful body move for me on the stage, I was so excited. I could barely wait to

  get my hands on you.µ He

  laughed again, and the cruel-sounding laugh sent fear racing through Sienna.

  Ánd then you left.µ The smooth, easygoing flow of his voice changed, the hand he had on her neck

  moved to the necklace, pulling at the jewelry wrapped around her neck.

  Í wanted to rip someone apart when I found out you left after I·d treated you so well.µ

  Sienna·s throat began to close, tears stinging her eyes when he pulled the necklace tight against her

  throat, cutting off her breath.

  Í didn·t know it was you!µ

  Sienna choked the words out, desperate. Í didn·t know you were the one

  taking such good care of me or I wouldn·t have left.µ

  His hands hesitated, until he finally released the choking hold.

  Íf I had known it was you, I wouldn·t have left, Carlos.µ She took deep, gasping breaths, her chest

  heaving, tears running down her face.

  He turned her around to face him, staring down at her; his hands on her upper arms,

  punishing in

  their tight grip. He assessed her with his dead eyes.

  Sienna fought to keep her revulsion and fear at bay.

  Showing fear was something she knew better

  than to do around him. Like any addict, he fed off fear. The results could turn disastrous, Sienna knew this.

  ´What about your new man?µ

  Sienna felt a renewed dread.

  She shouldn·t be surprised that he knew about Mac. If he was the one


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