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Page 13

by Nicole N. King


  I stared at Zeus as shock went through me. My mouth opened and closed several times as I tried to find the words to disagree, but they never came. I wanted to tell him he was wrong, but as I looked in his eyes, I knew he wasn’t.

  “I know it’s hard to come to terms with. Imagine how I felt once I discovered your true identity.” Zeus said catching a grasshopper in his hands. The grasshopper’s leg was broken, but with a touch from the God, its leg outstretched completely healed. He placed the bug down and sent it on its way. “I had my suspicions. I just needed them to be confirmed.”

  “You had your suspicions.” I finally breathed out.

  “Yes. My daughter is not one to react in such a way that she would disobey me. If it was anyone that would disobey me, it would be Athena. Astraea is like my shadow. I can always count on her to be around me. But with the sudden appearance of you, she began to leave my side. It started as just every once in a while that she would sneak off to watch you. I didn’t mind it then. It was once you started to become of adult age, when you started your first job as a Reaper. My daughter sensed your empathy towards the mortals, in that she found you interesting.”

  I moved closer to him, my thirst for knowledge overriding the anger I had been feeling towards the God. I sat on the edge of the log as he continued his story.

  “She used to come to us and tell us all the things you were feeling. I like her, found it quite strange that a Hell Demon would be harboring such intense feelings for mortals. Especially the son of King Priam. I take it your family did not know of your feelings.”

  “Not at first.” I said. “I hid it from them, but they eventually found out.”

  “I figured as much. I guess my daughter is to be blamed for part of that. After watching you so long, I should have known she would have ventured down sooner or later to meet you. The Gates being broken was the perfect excuse for her to see you. Though I was upset with her for cloaking herself from me while she was with you the first time, I understood— which is why I didn’t push so hard to punish her once she returned home. It was after she defied me again that I began to worry. You remember our first meeting, don’t you?”

  “How could I forget?” I said. “It was my first showdown with Lilith.”

  Zeus laughed at my terminology as he stared up at the sky. “You speak like mortals. Yes, we met during the “showdown” with Lilith. I didn’t have much time to watch you, as you can see I was busy defending my children against a enemy. It wasn’t until you call forth a power that I possessed that I began to find you quite interesting. You have no idea the shock I faced watching and feeling you do that.”


  “Lightning, Thunder, all those powers are connected to me. They are a part of me. So when you call forth a power that only I use, I felt it all over my body, it was as if you were pulling it from me.”

  “I’m sorry.” I said thinking of the pain he must have felt.

  “No worries. It wasn’t painful. It was a shock, but it wasn’t painful.”

  “Is that when you started watching me?”

  “Yes. When we returned home, I sent Astraea off so I could think. I could hear the worries in her head about what she thought I would do to you. It felt a bit strange the way my daughter felt for you. It was too much to deal with at that moment. I shut myself off of the world for two days as I sat there and tried to figure you out. I’ve never seen a Creature of the Damned use such power before. It was new but not particularly unheard of. Can you think of a case I might be talking about?”

  “Eris.” I said remembering what I’d read in my father’s diary pages.

  “Yes. Eris was the first Creature of the Damned to possess such skills that only a God could possess. However, unlike you, her powers created with potions, while yours were born as part of you. She no doubt had help from her Baba Yaga friend. After learning of the Baba Yaga being in your world, I needed confirmation. I knew my daughter well enough to know that despite my warnings she would go to you. I just needed to wait. When Lilith attacked your palace, I armed myself and waited for Astraea to leave. She did not disappoint.”

  “And then you saw what I was.”

  “And then I saw what you were.” Zeus agreed.

  I stared down at my hand as I stroked the moonstone. “It was this ring. It changed me.”

  “It wasn’t the ring Aristaeus, though it did help. The power has been in you all along— the ring just sparked it fully. It’s your life source if you will.”

  “Life source?”

  “Yes. Every God has some form of object that gives their power life.”

  “You talk as if it’s alive.” I said chuckling.

  “It is. Like mortals have their organs they need to live, our life source is our organ. It helps us function. Without it we will be weak, but not completely unarmed.”

  “You seem pretty confident telling me this. I am still part Hell Demon. I could use this information against you.”

  Zeus chuckled. “I am not worried about that dear Prince. While you are half God, I am full God. If I wanted to, I could strike you down.”

  The two of us got quiet as the slight threat hung in the air. Though he was being kind to me at the moment, he still did not want me to forget just who and what he was.

  “So tell me more about a Sacrilege. Why am I a myth?”

  “It was once said that before the Creator fashioned Gods and Demons, he created another being. This being was supposed to bring peace between both Gods and Demons. It was supposed to be a balance. However, the universe did not seem to be able to handle the construction of this creature, so instead of presenting the Creator with a peaceful creature, they presented a creature so powerful that he could destroy both species. The Creator thought if he placed this creature in his separate world that things would go smoothly, but before he could seal him in, the creature burst from the world destroying not only his world, but the first creation of the mortal world. It soon became clear to the Creator that his universe was not ready for this type of creature, so he removed the creature from existence taking the creature’s soul, keeping it in a box. On the fourth day of the creation of Earth, the Creator traveled down and headed to one of the great bodies of water that ran through the mortal world. It is there Creator buried the soul of the creature. The soul was to sit there and remain until the Creator took it from its resting place. The Creator returned home, and the next day we received word on what was to happen if we were to see the creature. It was one of the highest threats to the Creator, so we were always on the lookout for it. This creature was an abomination to those of Gods and Demons earning it the name Sacrilege. The creature had remained a myth for several centuries, until now.”

  I took in everything Zeus was saying. I wondered why no one in our world has ever mentioned the myth of the Sacrilege. I thought about the Creator traveling down to the mortal world to hide the soul of the Sacrilege. I wondered for a second which body of water it was that the Creator hid the box in? Was it the same place where Kithara said she was going? I remembered her repeating her orders to the woman in my dreams as they stood on the hill staring out at the sea.

  “You dreamed of this?” Zeus said hearing my thoughts.

  Clearing my throat I stared over at him. I was caught so there was no point in denying anything. “I think I did. I had a vision a couple of days ago when I touched something in my father’s study. It took me to the mortal world but everything was in black in white. Kithara was the only bit of color I could see.”


  “Yes. She was a Kampe. I think she left Pearu two days after you sealed the Gates.”

  Zeus raised a finger to his lip as he looked off into the trees. “Yes, I do seem to remember that. The Gates were damaged with so much strength that it seemed as if a God had done it. We instantly thought it was Eris and continued to search for her, but she kept herself hidden w

  “How is that possible? How can she hide yourself from you?”

  “Eris is a creature of many talents and seems to only be getting stronger. While I can’t see her right now, our Creator is watching her.”

  “Well why isn’t this Creator stopping her?” I asked confused. “Why is she allowed to create havoc in our worlds?”

  “The Creator created us so we could handle our own situations. Like mortals we choose our own paths. It is up to us how we end up.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  Zeus smiled. “You were telling me about this Kampe.”

  “Right. I followed her in the vision through the mortal world as she headed towards a mortal hospital. I found it strange that this was the place she’d chosen. She headed towards the newborn floor were the sick baby mortals were and barricaded herself in. I watched her wait for a male baby she’d chosen heartbeat to slow. I remembered thinking about the Reaper, and why he wasn’t waiting for the infant’s soul. But I forgot all of that when I saw her place a golden globe inside of the baby’s body.”

  “A golden globe?”

  “Yes. She took it from a silver box. She waited for the baby’s soul to leave its body before replacing it with that of the golden light.”

  Zeus got quiet again. He was thinking the same thing I was. That baby in that nursery, the one Kithara traded souls were, was me.

  “What happened to this Kampe?”

  “She met up with Lilith.”

  I didn’t need to say more. We both know what seemed to happen when someone met up with the Baba Yaga.

  “You said you saw her with another woman.”

  I nodded. “It was a dream I had last night before the attack happened. Kithara was alive and well. She was in this place that seemed like Earth, but it wasn’t. Kithara described it as peaceful. Even though I wasn’t actually there, I too felt it. I felt comfortable. I felt safe.”

  I stared over at Zeus who’d tensed when I mentioned this place. His hands balled into fists as his eyes darted back and forth.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “I’m fine. Continue with your story.”

  I gave him another glance. He was not fine. Something was up. “In the dream Kithara went to join this woman who was standing near the end of a hill enjoying the breeze of the sea. I couldn’t see her face. It seemed every time I tried, something pushed me away. It felt strange.”

  “What did they talk about?” Zeus asked hoarsely.

  “I don’t know. It was a bit confusing. They kept talking about change and stopping Eris. This woman, though I couldn’t see her, she seemed to be the one in charge of whatever was going on and she had allies. Kithara said it in the dream. They also mentioned a box somewhere in Atlantis. I thought that place was a myth but I guess not.”

  “This woman, are you sure you did not see her face.”

  “I’m sure. I could only see her black hair and the outline of her body against the sunlight. Her face was blurred to me.”

  Zeus suddenly stood. “Tell no one else of what you’ve seen.”

  “I don’t understand. What’s going on?”

  “I am not sure, but I am to find out. Are you sure Lilith killed this creature Kithara?”

  “I’m sure.” I said. “She beheaded her and teleported away.”

  “Yes, that does seem like a Baba Yaga.” Zeus turned to stare at me. “Do not worry yourself too much over this Aristaeus. I will get to the bottom of this and take care of it. In the meantime, I want you to return home.”

  “No, I can’t return home. Not now.”

  “I can’t allow you to stay in the mortal world unsupervised.”

  “Why not? I’ve never done anything to hurt any mortals. I’m not a danger to them.”

  “Have you not listened to a word I’ve said?” Zeus said staring at me. “You’re a Sacrilege. You’re not just a danger to mortals now, but to Gods and Demons both. It’s best you return home before someone gets hurt.”

  I stared at the hidden message in his words. “By hurting someone, do you mean Astraea?”

  Zeus turned his head to the side as if he did not want to answer me.

  I scoffed. “I would never hurt Astraea. I’ve been alone with her several times and could have hurt her then, but I didn’t. I care for her. I would never hurt her.”

  “I’m sure you think this Aristaeus, however I cannot risk it. Not until I know the full extent of your powers and what purpose you were created for?”

  “So what, am I supposed to just return back to Pearu and await trial?”


  I shook my head as I tried to think of another way to get the God to understand I would not danger his daughter. I felt like a mortal male who was trying to get a father to let me date his daughter.

  Zeus read my thoughts and chuckled. “If only it was that easy.”

  “What can I do for you to trust me? To trust that I want hurt your daughter.”

  “Accept your God side fully. It is only then that I will trust you with my daughter.”

  I stared at Zeus to see if he was joking but there was no smile on his lips. He meant what he said. I couldn’t even picture myself living as only a God, and I think he seemed to know this which was why he suggested it.

  “See you can’t do it. So please just accept what I say.”

  I nodded. “You’ll have to erase my memory, I can’t…I can’t return home with the information we’ve talked about floating around in my head. My father would see it.”

  “You could block it, but that would take too much time to teach you. Another time then.” Zeus walked over to me and raised a hand to my head.


  He paused and stared at me his eyes going from brown to black. I wondered if my eyes changed colors now. I’d been through all of this and have yet to see the new change in me.

  “This woman, the woman I seen in my dreams. Is she Samr?”

  “How do you know of Samr?”

  “I’ve read her name in my father’s diary. He overheard Eris say it one day when she was still queen. She was talking about killing you and her.”


  “Who is she?” I asked.

  “She is no one you need to worry about.”

  I shook my head and took a step back. “You’re withholding information God. This woman is more than just a nobody if Eris was after her. She’s gotten onto her radar and somehow I heard her speaking to me.”

  That seemed to grab Zeus attention. “You heard her speaking to you?”

  “Yes, but I’m not telling you what she said until you tell me who she is.”

  “There is no need for you to keep secrets since I’ve already read what she said in your head.”

  I sighed in frustration. I had to learn how to block my thoughts. I peered at Zeus trying to break into his thoughts. I’d done it once back at the palace, but now it seemed impossible.

  “You caught me off guard.” He said. “It will not happen again.”

  “Never say never God.”

  Zeus laughed and raised his hand to place it on my head.

  “Before you send me home, I thought you should know that Kithara cared for this woman. Kithara, a Creature of the Damned, felt love for this woman. She was a mother to her. So despite you trying to keep who this woman is from me, I know one thing. I know whoever she is— she doesn’t wish to bring harm to anyone. She also was the one who help me changed. I’m saying all of this to say, even though you won’t tell me who she is, doesn’t mean I’m going to stop trying to figure out who she is.”

  Zeus smiled down at me. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with Sacrilege. Until then.”

  There was a slight pressure on my head as something flashed in front of my eyes, and then I was home. I was back in Pearu.




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  Part Two










  Beyond this place of wrath and tears

  Looms but the Horror of the shade,

  And yet the menace of the years

  Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

  Invictus-by William Earnest Henley


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