Book Read Free


Page 18

by Nicole N. King


  Zeus stared across the forest at me. I was surprised to see the God in front of me and even more surprised that he’d brought Astraea along. For a second I thought that this was going to be some kind of final farewell, but I instantly dismissed that thought. Zeus didn’t seem like the type to go through all of that trouble over first love. My eyes moved to Astraea as she smiled happily at me from behind her father’s back. I could hear different phrases such as I miss you. I love you, float through her head. Zeus grimaced at the last one. He might have been the King of Gods, but he was still a father.

  “Why are you here?” I asked once I couldn’t take the suspense any more.

  “I’ve thought long and hard about our last discussion Sacrilege.”

  “Can you please not call me that? I do have a name.”

  Zeus smiled as his teeth shined in the night. “Yes, of course you do. Forgive me Aristaeus. I’ve come to give my acceptance of your relationship with my daughter.”

  I stared at him confused. I was happy that he’d finally accepted us, but I was suspicious as well. “What changed?”

  “I do not wish to see my daughter suffer anymore. She has made it quite clear that she would continue to see you even if it means losing my trust. The love she has for you is of something I have never seen, just as your creation. I find it strange, your creation. But I know there has to be a good reason for it. I’ve also had the chance to watch you and noticed that you’re not a terrible creature. You’re a bit disobedient, but I know the reason for it.”

  “I want you to know that I would do nothing to hurt your daughter.”

  Zeus nodded. “I’m sure you won’t. I trust you.”

  Zeus stepped to the side and glanced at his daughter. Astraea stared up at him as the two silently communicated. I couldn’t detect what they were saying since they were blocking their thoughts. I couldn’t wait to learn how to block mine. I’m sure Zeus would feel the same. I doubt he wanted to hear the thoughts that came to mind when I saw his daughter. The contact between them broke as Astraea reached over to give him a hug. She then ran forward as I opened my arms to catch her.

  I held her tightly in my arms as she wrapped her arms around me sighing.

  “How have you been?”

  “I’ve been fine.” I assured her. “What about you?”

  “I’m okay.”

  We shared another hug before separating. Zeus stood there with a small smile on his face. Nodding to me he turned to leave when I remembered I needed to talk to him. “Wait!” I unattached myself from Astraea and took a few steps forward. “I thought I should tell you, that my father plans to start a war with you.”

  “What?” Astraea said confused. “What do you mean—”

  “I already know.” Zeus said cutting her off. “Your father has been planning this for a while so it is no surprise. We will not fight with the King unless he breaks the rule by leaving the Gates. He knows this and he knows what will happen to his kingdom if he does.”

  “That’s the point. I don’t think he cares anymore. He hasn’t been his self lately. Eris has him off track.”

  “He’s not the only one.” Zeus mumbled quietly. Remembering we were there, he turned to face. “Do not worry about this. Enjoy your time together.” He turned to Astraea. “I’ll see you home soon.”

  “Yes, father.”

  There was a bright flash of light and then he was gone. I turned towards Astraea who was glancing towards the sky. I clasped her hand in mine as she turned her attention back to me. “I’m glad you are okay. I was worried.”

  “So was I. My father was furious at me. I had to go to court. They stripped me of my rank.”

  “What rank are you now?”

  “About the same rank as an angel.”

  I stared at the sullen look on her face. I knew that her rank was important to her, but because of me, she jeopardized it. I wish there was some way I could get her rank back for her, but I knew it was a lost cause. Zeus had been lenient on her. This was the only way he could teach her a lesson, without completely destroying her.

  “I heard about your mother, I’m sorry.” She said.

  “It’s okay. I’m going into the marketplace tomorrow to see if I can find a cure for her. The demon I’m staying with told me there might be a chance one of the barters have heard of it.”

  “I wish there was some way I could use my powers, but I don’t have much anymore.” She then glanced at the cabin I was staying in. “Where did you meet the demon?”

  “He’s the one who brought me to my parents that night.”

  “Grethen?” She said asked. I nodded. “How did you find him?”

  I recapped everything that led up to me coming here and finding Grethen. I wanted to tell her more about Samr, but I made a promise that I would keep her a secret. Once again I felt as if I was doing something wrong, and was ridden with guilt. When the time is right, I would tell her everything.

  “I knew there had to be some reason you were created.” She gushed happily. “I told the others this. Athena thinks I might be right, while Poseidon believes you’re working for Eris.”

  “I don’t think he will ever forgive me for burning him.”

  “Probably not.” She laughed.

  I smiled. I missed her laugh. Astraea seemed to hear my thoughts as her smile grew bigger. Leaning over to me, she planted a soft kiss on my lips. I felt my eyes close as warmth spread through me. It was moments like this and dinner earlier that I found myself wishing for peace. Someday, once I have accomplished the duties set out for me, I would love to live in Samr’s world with Astraea. It seemed like a stress free place which was something I needed right about now.

  Astraea pulled back from the kiss as her eyes changed from red to yellow. “I should let you get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow.”

  “No, I’m okay. Stay. I haven’t seen you in a while.” I moved a piece of stray hair back behind her ear. “Besides, I need you to teach me how to block my thoughts”

  “Why do you want to block your thoughts?”

  “So your dad won’t hear the impure thoughts I have about you.” I said with all honesty.

  Astraea smiled dropped as she ducked her eyes from me. I bet if she’d been mortal, a blush would be forming up her cheeks right now.

  “Have I embarrassed you?”

  She shook her head. “No, you haven’t. It’s just I’ve never heard anyone speak to me that way. I like it.”

  “Don’t tell me the Gods live by a virginity code.” I teased. It would really fit the myths of mortals if the Gods were all work and no play. Sounds like a pretty boring life to me.

  Astraea tapped my hand playfully. “Do not turn your nose up at us. I have you to know that Gods throw the best parties and sometimes they can get pretty wild.”

  “How wild?”

  The two of us turned towards the cabin. Dyos stood leaning against the stone, his ankles crossed and a smirk on his face. At the sight of him, Astraea grew embarrassed and her eyes darted around for a place to hide. I shot Dyos a look of annoyance and I knew he was trying to make her uncomfortable on purpose.

  “When did you come out here? I thought you were sleep.”

  “I was. But Grethen’s loud snoring woke me up. I noticed you were gone and came to check on you.” Dyos walked over to us and tucked his hands in his pockets. “You should have told me you were going out God hunting. Hello.”

  “Hello.” Astraea mumbled.

  “So please continue with your story. How wild does a God party get?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t mind him. He’s like annoying gnat, he’ll eventually go away.”

  Dyos faked a gasp as Astraea laughed. “I do not mind. I’ve wanted to meet your friend. I’ve seen him a few times with you, he’s quite the character.”

  Dyos bowed at her compliment. Standing back upright he asked, “So what are y
ou two doing out here in the night. You do know it’s against the rules of the King to be wandering around while everyone is asleep.”

  “You’re one to talk. You’ve broken that rule more than anyone I know. Besides, Astraea was about to teach me how to block my thoughts.”

  “Ooh magic tricks!” Dyos gushed. He planted himself on a boulder near us. “Let’s see then.”

  Astraea looked at me and I sighed. Dyos would not be leaving anytime soon and I knew I was partly to blame for it because of my disappearing act I’d done earlier with Samr.

  “Let him stay.”

  Astraea began to help me practice to block my thoughts as Dyos watched us. We tried several times, the first couple of times proving to be quite difficult. I never thought it would be this hard to simply block a thought from someone. I’d done it before when it came to hiding information from my father, but for some reason I could not do it now. We must have tried twenty more times before I finally got the hang of it.

  After that, Astraea and I said our goodbyes. I kissed her and she promised she would be back soon to see me. We knew she had to be careful entering our world now that my father had plans to go to war with them. Astraea disappeared in the sky, as Dyos and I headed back into the cabin to finally get some sleep.



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