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Vow of Worth (Vow Series Book 6)

Page 18

by Emma Renshaw

  I knew, whether he had the warrant yet or not, he’d be here. Playing as close to the line as he had to while doing everything he could to help me save Caroline.



  My head was pounding and my eyelids were heavy. I blinked slowly, barely coming to. It took several moments to become fully aware of the space surrounding me. It was a dim room with large overhead lights that cast an eerie glow. The walls were cement cinderblock, and there wasn’t a single window. It almost looked like a basement, but I didn’t think any homes in Texas had basements.

  I tried to lift my arms. They ached and had fallen asleep. My mind was still fuzzy. I was bound to a chair, my hands duct taped behind my back and my feet tied to the legs of the chair.

  I slowly took in the room again, becoming more aware with every second that passed. My mind raced as I thought back to Toby sticking something into my neck.

  It was cold and damp in the room. I shivered. My heart was hammering inside my chest, and I could barely breathe as the panic started to set in. The anxiety only rose when I spotted Toby in the corner of the room, sitting in front of several monitors. Almost the entire wall was covered in computer screens. He sat there watching.

  There was footage of me playing. Videos he’d taken from my laptop, from the clinic, and even from that day at MarxMen. I wasn’t the only woman on the screens. I recognized Dr. Velasquez. And so many others. All with dark hair, most wearing scrubs. He was completely captivated by the screens.

  Were all those women past victims, or were they future victims?

  I gulped. I didn’t want to think about future victims, because that meant I was dead. Tears filled my eyes and I bit back a sob, refusing to make any noise. Toby didn’t know yet that I had woken up, and I wanted to keep it that way for as long as I could. I pulled against my restraints to check how tight they were and stopped before I could make a peep.

  I wouldn’t be able to break through the duct tape on strength alone. I’d need to find something sharp to help me cut it or something to rub against, to at least weaken the tape until I could forcefully rip through it.

  On the far side of the room, opposite from the wall of screens, was a metal surgery table with an operating room light hanging above it. I bit the inside of my cheek until it bled to stop myself from making any kind of noise. Images of what he could do if he got me on that table were drifting through my mind, and the possibilities seemed endless. I hated knowing that the other women had lived their last moments in absolute terror.

  Kiernan will come, I promised myself. He’ll be back at the office soon and realize I’m gone. He’ll figure it out and he will find me.

  I wanted to laugh. The past couple of weeks, I’d been too scared to tell Kiernan that I was in love with him, and now I might never get the chance. And those three simple words didn’t seem scary compared to this. The tears were rushing down my face, and it was becoming more difficult to stop every noise I wanted to make.

  I gritted my teeth as hard as I could. My molars ground together and I squeezed my eyes shut. I had to stay strong. Kiernan will come. I have to stay alive long enough for that. Long enough to tell him I love him.

  He will come, I repeated to myself. Unless…

  Toby had gotten to him before he left with Pepper Jack. Oh god, what if he’d hurt them? What if Kiernan was hurt somewhere? This time I couldn’t hold back the sob as it erupted from my chest. I shook my head. I knew he heard me, but I couldn’t look at him. Kiernan had to be okay. There was so much life we had left to live. Together.

  “You’re awake,” Toby said. I looked up to meet his eyes and flinched at the malice I saw in their depths. This wasn’t the guy I’d thought he was. He’d fooled me.

  Toby walked in a circle around me, shaking his head. “You were quite difficult, but once I had my sights set on you, I wasn’t going to let go. Hunters never quit until they have their prey.”

  Bile threatened to rise in my throat. I didn’t say a word, only watched him continue his circle around me, as he scanned me from head to toe as if I were a prized buck whose head he was hoping to mount on his wall.

  “Why are you doing this, Toby?” I finally asked.

  He stopped in front of me and grinned. He shrugged once. He grabbed the chair in front of his screens and a knife that was next to the keyboard. He sat down across from me, flipping the knife blade over handle and catching the handle perfectly each time. “Why not?” he asked.

  “Because it’s wrong,” I hissed.

  He threw his head back and laughed. He slapped his knee once as he continued to chuckle. When it subsided he watched me again. “Like I care about what you think is right and wrong. You’re the one that chose wrong. I give all of you an option.”

  “I didn’t choose this,” I hissed, trying to launch myself forward. Anger was coursing through my veins along with the fear. “I’d never choose this.”

  “But you did. I asked you out and you thought you were too good for me. Just like all the others. Every single one of you says no. If you’d have only said yes, you wouldn’t be in this position, and I could watch you without punishing you.”

  “Punish me,” I whispered in complete disbelief. “This is because I wouldn’t go on a date with you? You never truly even asked me on a date. You suggested we get lunch. That’s not asking me on a date.”

  “Would you have said yes?”

  I hesitated before answering. “No, I don’t date inside my workplace.”

  He laughed again and waved the knife in front of my face. I reared back, trying to get farther away from the tip of the blade. “Liar,” he seethed. “You’re dating that meathead and you hired him to find me. He’s good. He was so close a few times, but he couldn’t do it. And he won’t this time either. Well, at least not in time.”

  I gulped. “In time?”

  “I usually like to keep you for a few days, or until I tire of you, but again you like to ruin my plans. But I’m not going to quit or give up. I’d never do that. We won’t have much time together,” he said, frowning at me as if he were truly saddened by the prospect and expected me to be as well.

  “You’ll be gone and I’ll be gone by the time your little boyfriend figures it out. The best hunters always avoid being the prey,” he muttered almost to himself.

  I was shaking. I pulled on the duct tape binds again, hoping to loosen them even a fraction. I knew it wouldn’t work, but I had to try. I had to try anything.

  A loud crack like splintered wood sounded from upstairs and then thundering footfalls. I closed my eyes. It had to be Kiernan, or at least someone he’d sent. A small smile crossed my lips, and I opened my eyes to find Toby inches away from my face with the knife against my neck.

  “Don’t you fucking make a single sound,” he hissed at me before muttering to himself. “It wasn’t supposed to be this fast.”

  The sound of feet running through the house was echoing in the basement. They’d never think to check for a basement, because most houses in Texas don’t have them. I had to alert them somehow. I glanced at Toby and then the knife, weighing my odds. He was turned toward the door at the top of the basement stairwell. The knife was a few inches away from my neck now.

  I listened to the sounds upstairs, hoping I could time this just so. It was risky and it might end up costing my life, but if they caught him, he wouldn’t be able to hurt any other women. Ever.

  As the sounds grew closer to being directly overhead, I took a deep breath and released the loudest scream I could manage. Toby reared back a fist and hit me on my cheekbone. Black dots surfaced in my vision. Toby raised the knife overhead and brought it down into my stomach. I gasped and lurched forward as he pulled it out, bringing it overhead again just as the door at the top of the stairs burst open, letting light flow into the room.

  “Kiernan,” I whispered.



  Caroline’s loud scream pierced the air. All three of us froze and looked around. “It
’s coming from below,” I said. I scanned the walls, ran to a bookcase, and pulled on each of the books until I heard a click. I kicked in the hidden door behind the bookcase and ran down the stairs.

  Toby was hovering over Caroline with a knife raised in the air, ready to stab her. I held up my gun and fired. He jerked to the side, his blood splattering all over Caroline before he collapsed to the ground. Hopefully dead.

  Roman and Maddox were right behind me. “Make sure he’s dead,” I yelled and ran toward Caroline. Her stomach was bleeding. Her eyes filled with tears as they tracked me coming toward her.

  I stepped over Toby’s body and crouched in front of her, pressing my hands to her wound. Blood gushed over my fingers. “It’s going to be okay, sweetness,” I said quietly. “I promise.”

  Maddox kneeled next to Toby, checking his pulse. “Dead,” he muttered. I held out the gun I’d fired. He’d need it for evidence. He took it from me and I brushed Caroline’s cheek, wiping away a tear.

  “Ambulance is on the way,” Roman said, kneeling behind Caroline and slashing the binds with his knife. I held her wound, keeping pressure on the area, and stared into Caroline’s eyes.

  I kissed her. “I love you, Caroline,” I said.

  She nodded. “I love you too.” She tried to laugh, but it came out sounding choked and strained. “This wasn’t exactly how I imagined telling you.”

  “Me either. I was going to take you to the beach, strip you down to your bikini, and tell you while we made love in the ocean.”

  She smiled. “That would’ve been nice.”

  “Yeah,” I said and swung my gaze to Roman. “How far out?” I asked him.

  “Five minutes.”

  Footsteps pounded above us before cops started spilling down the stairs, their guns raised, and clearing the area. Roman and Maddox approached the officers. I didn’t move from Caroline’s side and continued to keep pressure. My hands were covered in blood, and she was growing paler.

  “You’re going to be okay,” I promised her again.

  “I kept thinking about how much I wanted to tell you that I love you,” she said. “It’s all I wanted. It doesn’t matter that it’s not the beach. I love you, Kiernan.”

  “I love you too, sweetness. Stay awake,” I said as her eyes started to drift closed. She opened her eyes slowly and started to slump to the side. Roman ran over and kept her upright in the chair.

  “Hi, Roman,” Caroline said quietly.

  “Hey, Caro. We’re getting you out of here any minute now, and they’ll fix you up. Good job screaming. You did good.”

  Her lips tipped up, and her nose scrunched as she frowned. I could barely breathe watching the woman I love in front of me suffering. I’d have done anything to take it away from her and switch positions. When she grimaced, my heart cracked in half.

  “You’re going to have to call my parents, aren’t you?”

  I chuckled lightly. “Definitely think it’s one of those times where they have to be called.”

  “Ick,” she said.

  The EMTs came running down the stairs with a backboard. One of them switched places with me, taking off the pressure as they bandaged her and prepared to transport. Once she was lying on the backboard, Caroline lifted her hand. “Kiernan?”

  I grasped her outstretched hand. “Right here, sweetness. I’m riding with you. I swear you won’t be alone. I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you before he hurt you. I’m sorry he took you. Please forgive me.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not your fault,” she said, her deep brown eyes connecting with mine. “You came for me. You found me.”

  “I’ll always come for you, Caroline,” I promised. The EMTs carried her up the stairs as I followed. She may not blame me, but the sight of her like this and the terrified scream that had ripped through the air would haunt me for the rest of my life. I blamed me. I’d promised her that she wouldn’t get hurt and that he’d never touch her, but he had. He’d found a way. I swallowed, my throat clogging with emotion, and my eyes burned.

  I hopped into the back of the ambulance after they loaded in Caroline. I kept her hand in mine and rubbed circles on the back of her hand the entire way to the hospital. I held her hand until it was ripped from me as they rushed her through the double doors and kept me back. My hands were still bloody, and I had blood on my clothes. Everybody in the emergency waiting room was staring at me, but I didn’t care. I stood there until Roman arrived and tugged me away, pushing me into a bathroom to wash the blood from my hands.

  I sat next to him in the waiting room, fidgeting as we waited for answers. I called her parents, letting them know that Caroline had been hurt. I gave them the facts and hung up before they could respond. From what I knew of them, I didn’t like them and didn’t care to hear any of the potential bullshit.

  Daphne ran into the emergency room, finding me. I stood and hugged her. “No information yet. We’re still fucking waiting,” I growled.

  My group of friends trailed in a few minutes later, except for Maddox. He was stuck at the station dealing with the bullshit and what had happened. I knew he was keeping it away from Caroline and me as long as he could.

  I wasn’t the one injured, but I still felt as if my entire life was hanging in the balance as I waited on news about Caroline. I wanted to knock down those damn doors and find her, stay by her side, and promise her that it would be okay.

  For now, I had to stay here and wait.




  “Austin wasn’t the first town he’d done this in,” Kiernan said, stroking my hand. I was lying in bed in an itchy hospital gown, just waking up. I’d been in and out, but too drowsy to ask what I’d been wondering—how long had Tony been hurting women? “He was in Little Rock before this and Mobile before Little Rock.”

  I shook my head, my heart twinging at the women who had been lost. But the others who were on the screens, the ones I’d guessed correctly were future victims, were now safe. My heart broke for the families of those who’d died, but they now had at least a little bit of closure, and the monster who had taken their loved ones was gone forever.

  I couldn’t even find a little bit of sympathy for him. I didn’t want to.

  Kiernan sighed. “You will have to give a statement to the police, but Maddox is holding them off and letting you recover. He told them that you’re still sleeping, but it’ll have to happen soon.”

  I nodded. “Will you come with me?”

  “Always, sweetness. I have to give mine too. I wasn’t leaving your side.”

  My mom scoffed. “Were you going to tell us that you are dating someone?”

  I shrugged and winced when the movement lifted my abdomen. “Eventually, I guess.”

  “It’s important news. You’d think you’d want to share it with your family.”

  My gaze swept over the room. My father was sitting in a chair with his head tilted toward the TV hanging in the corner of the room. Katrina was tapping away on her phone, not bothering to look up. My mother was sitting next to my father in a pristine outfit, with her arms crossed over her chest and legs crossed at the ankle. Kiernan was by my bedside, holding my hand, and Daphne was on the other side glaring at my mother.

  “She’s had more important matters happening in her life. How about instead of scolding her for not telling you about her man, you ask how she’s feeling after she was just stabbed by a man trying to murder her?” Kiernan seethed. He shook his head and turned back to me. I grimaced.

  “Everyone has been here to see you. They’ve been in the waiting room, but they’ll only allow so many back here. When we go home and you’re up for it, they’d like to come visit.”

  “I’d like that,” I said.

  “Pretty sure they’re all planning for us to never cook again. Harper organized a food schedule for them to bring us dinners and stuff. I told them they didn’t have to, that I’d take care of you, but I’m sure you’re getting to know them and know they di
dn’t listen to a word I said.”

  I chuckled and held my side. A doctor hadn’t come by yet since I’d been awake, so I didn’t know what had happened or what damage had been done. The doctor had been waiting for me to wake up before giving the full details, since Kiernan had claimed he was more family to me than my parents.

  “They’re sweet,” I said, talking about the girls in the group. I wanted Daphne to meet them. I knew she’d like them and would fit in just as well as I did. “Harper should be at home preparing to have her baby. She’s due any day now.”

  Kiernan snorted. “I know. Roman is dragging her home, but she argued that if she goes into labor while checking on you, she’s in good hands because she’s already at the hospital.”

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I didn’t want to flinch. Every time I did, Kiernan winced. A man in black scrubs strolled into the room. “It’s good to see you awake, Ms. Conroy. I’m Dr. Murphy. How are you feeling?”

  “Sore and tired,” I said. “What happened?”

  “You were quite lucky for the most part. The stab wound caused a lot of blood loss and nicked your appendix. So you had surgery to remove that, but it missed all other organs. It could’ve been much worse. It’s the blood loss that is making you tired. Your body is working hard to replenish it. You’ll need to take it easy and rest. Allow others to help you. The more you rest and take care of yourself right now, the better you’ll start to feel. I’m discharging you with the promise that you’ll rest.”

  “I’ll make sure she does,” Kiernan said, lifting my hand and kissing the back of it.

  “Thank you, Dr. Murphy.”

  He nodded and exited just as fast as he’d come. I sighed, a weight lifting off of my shoulders. I wasn’t going to miss my appendix, and I was grateful I hadn’t been hurt in any other way.


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