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The Artist's Provocateur

Page 12

by Fine, L. J.

  "Exactly." He nodded then smiled at what must have been her confused expression. "It really isn't complicated. Life moves on and people move on with it. I want you. More than I've wanted anyone in so long I can't remember. I've come to realize that I'd rather focus all my energy on you than waste time with a bunch of women who don't matter."

  Wow. Maybe it seemed uncomplicated to him, but that was a lot of information for her to process right there.

  Never in her life had she imagined having this conversation with Adam Serano. Back in high school he'd been a shameless flirt, never sticking with the same girl for more than a few weeks at a time. That trait had obviously followed him into adulthood, hence their tumultuous beginning. She hadn't exactly been in his social circle back then, but she couldn't recall ever hearing of a woman that he considered his girlfriend, and she had to wonder if he'd ever had one. But the implication of his words, here, seemed to be that she mattered to him. Apparently, she mattered a great deal. The concept was somewhat overwhelming and suddenly, a strong desire not to disappoint him rose up inside her, making her hyper aware of every one of her words and actions.

  "You must enjoy things to be at least a little bit complicated or you wouldn't be sitting here with me, of all people. The one you love to torment." Despite the seriousness behind her statement, she kept her tone light, hoping he wouldn't sense her underlying insecurity.

  Reaching below the table, he adjusted himself in a blatant manner that she couldn't mistake for anything else. "Right now, you're the one tormenting me. You're eating so damn slow."

  "Reverting back to our customary scrappy banter to get out of a serious conversation." She winked and clicked her tongue. "I see what you did there."

  Once again stretching his arm out along the back of the booth, he gave her a lazy smile. "I wasn't trying to get out of anything. I already told you this. I've had more fun arguing with you than I've had flirting with any other woman in a long time. You don't take my shit and you give as good as you get." Dipping his head, he nuzzled her neck, breathing in her scent and making her shiver. "Maybe I like being tormented by you."

  Marie turned her head to look at him. The heat and sincerity in his normally mischievous brown eyes took her breath away. That he wanted her, honestly and truly wanted her, she could no longer doubt. Her gaze traveled down his face, his defined cheekbones and straight nose, to focus on his lips. Lips that she wanted to taste, her hunger for him overshadowing her hunger for the food on her plate. Giving in, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, nibbling on his lower lip before sucking it into her mouth.

  A deep growl rumbled from his chest as he cupped the back of her head and pulled her closer, fighting for dominance of the kiss which she gladly gave over. Before they could get too carried away, though, he broke off with a groan. He rested his forehead against hers, eyes screwed tightly shut as his breath came out in soft pants. "I do like it when you torment me, honey, but I can only take so much. You need to finish your food before I take you right here in this booth, the no PDA rule be damned."

  "As delicious as it was, I don't think I could eat another bite," she said, eyes focused on his mouth. She was having trouble looking anywhere else, but she forced herself to drag her gaze up to meet his.

  At first his eyes narrowed, but when she ran her tongue over her bottom lip, his gaze dropped to her mouth and he signaled the waiter over without looking up.

  "We'll take the check," he said when the waiter appeared. "And a box for her food."

  When she shot him an incredulous look, he said simply, "You're eating that later."

  "Bossy," she mumbled under her breath. Unfortunately – or maybe fortunately, she hadn't yet decided – he heard her.

  Placing his hand high up on her inner thigh, he squeezed and bent down to nip her earlobe with his teeth. The sharp sting and the pressure of his fingers at once made her jump, but he held her in place. "Keep that smart mouth running and you're gonna see how bossy I can get."

  She sat back to look at him, taking in his dark, lust-drunk expression. "I can't decide if I want to salute you and follow you with blind obedience, or if I wanna flip you off."

  A cheeky grin lit up his face as he laid a wad of cash on the table. More than enough to cover the bill and give their waiter an outrageous tip. She wondered if Adam even noticed or cared. "How about both? After I punish you for your attitude, you can learn your lesson and blindly obey me for the rest of the night."

  "You only want my obedience for tonight?" she asked as they left the booth and made their way out of the restaurant.

  When they got to his car, he gently pushed her up against the passenger door and crowded her space, grazing his lips against hers. "Yeah, I want you to purr like a kitten when I finally break you down. Make you come over and over until you forget who you are. But tomorrow, I want you to be your usual smartass, spitfire self, so we can do it all over again."

  Feeling a little lightheaded, her eyes lost focus as they drifted to his mouth. She really couldn't stop staring at his lips, those lips she knew were capable of so much. Her voice came out raspy and uneven, a foreign sound to her ears. "Get in the car."

  He smirked. "As you wish, darlin'."

  The whole way back to their apartment building, the images that his words produced played out in her mind. Those words weren't empty threats, either. She knew that he was more than able to carry them out and the only thing left to do was wonder how he would go about it. Would he be rough with her at first, bossy like he promised? If so, should she fight him? Would he like that? It surprised her to realize that maybe she would like it. The thought of him holding her down, dominating her as he took what he wanted made her feel flush all over and had her squirming in her seat.

  Shit, who even was she anymore?

  They behaved themselves when they got out of the car and went into the building. Kept a respectable distance between them as they made their way to the elevator and called it down. But as soon as those big metal doors closed behind them, he advanced on her, backing her into the corner like a lithe predator set on his prey. Then his mouth was on hers and his hands started roaming beneath her dress. She moaned when he lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Somewhere in the back of her mind it occurred to her that a security camera might be rolling on them, but somehow that only added a spice to the moment that she couldn't seem to get enough of. Let whoever was watching this eat their heart out. Yeah, she was the one that got to be with him. Adam was hers.

  Double shit. What was he doing to her?

  Distantly, the elevator bell chimed, and the doors swung open. Tightening his grip on her upper thighs, he carried her out into the hallway. Soon, the hard surface of a door pressed against her back and she broke away from Adam's mouth to let out a groan as he pulsed his hips into her. She could feel the length of him grinding against her core and it made her want to growl. They had on too many clothes. Too many layers separated them.

  A low, masculine growl drifted up between them as if in echo to her thoughts. "I need you naked, darlin'."

  Maybe he can read my mind, she thought with a slow smile.

  "Keys. We need keys," she said with a gasp as he placed a sucking kiss at the hollow of her throat. "Whose apartment is this? Yours or mine?"

  He lifted his head and squinted to check then, laughing, pulled her away from the door. "Fuck, I don't know. I guess I couldn't wait that long."

  "What?" Her laughter echoed his as she took the time to notice where they were. Against some random neighbor's door. "Put me down. I'll dig my keys out of my purse."

  "I have a better idea," he rumbled. "My keys are in my right pocket. Dig them out for me."

  Biting her lip, she met his gaze and slowly slid her hand down between their bodies. She cupped his hard cock, giving it a little squeeze and making him grunt, before she slipped her fingers into his pocket to fish out his keys. Once again, her back touched the hard surface of a door. His door this time. As he fumbled with his k
eys, she decided to tease him a bit, see if she could get him as out of control as she felt.

  "Hurry up, Adam," she whispered hotly against his ear. "I need to feel you inside me. So bad."

  Instead of flustering him as she intended, her sexy words narrowed his focus. His hands slid up to cup her ass, pulling her harder against him. "What do you want, baby?" His lips met hers, the kiss slow and thorough. "You want my cock? Does your sweet little pussy ache for me?"

  Damn. He was too good at this game. Resting her head back against the door, she groaned out a yes.

  "If I give it to you, you gonna come on that cock? Get it nice and wet with all your honey?" As he spoke his hips rocked into hers, giving her a preview of events to come.

  "Get the damn door open."

  He chuckled at her impatient growl but moved to do her bidding.

  Just as she heard the key blessedly slide home in the lock, the musical chime of his phone followed and filled the hallway.

  "No. You gotta be fucking kidding me." He let out a few more curses and set her on her feet. He wasn't going to answer that damn thing, was he? She watched, flabbergasted as he pulled his phone out. "I'm sorry. I told those assholes to leave me alone tonight, so it's gotta be important if they're calling me. I have to take this."

  Licking her lips, she tasted his flavor and wrapped her arms around herself to calm her libidinousness and be patient. Watching him, though, seeing the angry fire in his dark eyes as he paced to the other side of the hall didn't make her task easier. The lithe lines of his body as he moved had her aching to finish what they started. But she had to put a leash on it for now.

  "What," he barked into the phone. Although it seemed urgent to take the call, he sure as shit wasn't happy about it which made her feel better. "Really? Are you shitting me? Can't you call Justin?" His eyes met hers longingly before he turned away with another curse. "I guess I don't have a fucking choice, now, do I? I'll be there in twenty minutes."

  Wait, what?

  "You're leaving?" she asked when he hung up. "Now?"

  "Yeah, I'm sorry." He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "That was Tyler. Matt, the other bartender on tonight got sick and started throwing up all over the place. Our back up, Justin, is currently at the bar getting shitfaced and is too fucked up to work so I have to go in. Tonight is one of our busiest nights of the week so Tyler needs help."

  "What about Brandon?" The words came out a little shrill, almost but not quite, a whine. She hated the sound, but it couldn't be helped. He'd got her all hot and bothered with nowhere to go.

  He sighed. "Brandon took Kim out of town for a romantic weekend so he's out. Lucky bastard."

  Lucky indeed. Nothing could change this situation, though, no matter how dazed or needy she felt. It was what it was, his business and livelihood, and he had to leave. Maybe it was for the best anyway. Tonight wasn't supposed to be about the physical, but rather, a chance for them to get to know each other better and they had done that.

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped back from him toward her apartment door and forced a serene and accepting smile. "This sucks, but I understand. You gotta do what you gotta do. I really did have a good time with you tonight. Thank you for dinner. Maybe we can do this again sometime."

  The wicked light that haunted her fantasies lit up his eyes and he moved until he pulled her back into his arms. "I agree with you that we had a good time, but the night and the date are far from over. I'll be back once the bar closes and while I'm gone, I want you to think about where we left off. Keep it fresh in your thoughts because I intend to do to you everything I said I would." He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, languid and dirty, sending new moisture to dampen her panties. "Don't touch yourself, either. Wait for me."

  She almost did whine then, but managed to hold it in. This whole date had been nothing but foreplay, and she needed relief. If she couldn't get it from him, then she intended to help herself out. God knew how long he'd be stuck at the bar before he could come back to her. Her panties were soaked through, a dull throb pulsed in her core and her nipples were stiff and sensitive. She didn't think she could wait that long.

  "Marie," he said, expression turning stern and his grip tightening on her body. "If I have to wait until I get back, then so do you. I want all your pleasure, darlin' and if you take that from me, I'll know." He grazed his teeth along her bottom lip. "And I really will punish you."

  Her inner muscles danced at his words and she swallowed. Again, she wondered how he would punish her and whether or not she should deliberately provoke him. The challenge in his eyes said that he would enjoy her disobedience, but she didn't know if she was quite ready to handle this intense, possessive side of him. A side of him that she had to admit very much intrigued her.

  For now, she decided to pacify him. "Okay. I'll wait for you. But you better hurry."

  "I will," he said with a satisfied smile. Giving her one last hot kiss, he turned and walked back down the hallway toward the elevator. For a few minutes she couldn't tear her gaze away from his ass, but when he turned as if he knew and winked at her, she rolled her eyes and went inside.

  The silence that greeted her behind the closed door of her apartment grated on her. She felt too raw and jittery for all this stillness, and the ache deep inside her where she needed Adam's body made it impossible to relax.

  Flexing her fingers at her sides, she heaved a sigh and pushed away from the door. She began turning on the lights in her kitchen and hallway just to have something to do. A glance at the clock told her that it was only 10:19. The bar didn't close until 2am and Adam probably wouldn't get out of there right at two anyway. What the hell was she supposed to do for four plus hours while she waited for him? Feeling like this? Gah, this would be torture.

  Maybe she needed a long, hot bath and a glass of wine. At least going through the motions would give her something else to preoccupy herself with for a little while, anyway. She just had to force Adam out of her thoughts and keep her hands in innocent places while she bathed.

  "Damn that infuriating man. Why's he gotta be so sexy?" she grumbled to herself as she went to fill up the tub.


  A soft knocking on the wall above her head roused her from a fitful slumber. This knocking wasn't like any of the normal sounds of her apartment building settling. The thought sent tendrils of apprehension through her, forcing her into full wakefulness. But maybe she'd dreamt it?

  The knocking sounded again right above her headboard, followed closely by the ping of her phone alerting her of a text message. From Adam. And above the line of his text she saw she had a missed call from him as well. What time was it?

  2:21am. Shit.

  Sitting up in bed she rubbed her eyes. How could she have fallen asleep? She'd been so wired before. Oh, he's gonna be pissed.

  Suddenly she remembered the text and looked down at her phone.

  Come let me in, baby.

  Well, that sounded sweeter and more cajoling than pissed, so maybe he'd be okay. She sent him a quick response that she was coming to the door and wrapped her robe around herself over the light blue silk nightie she'd at least had the presence of mind to put on before she passed out.

  So stupid.

  When she flung open the door, he stood there, arms crossed and narrowed eyes taking in her rumpled appearance. The severe look on his face had a lump forming in her throat. Guess he wasn't okay, then. Pissed it was.

  "Did you really fall asleep?" He asked dropping his arms and moving forward to push her back into the apartment. The door closed, and the finality of the lock clicking ricocheted through the room. At least, to her it did. It meant that he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, and she was in for a hell of a night, if his dark countenance was anything to go by.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," she sputtered. He kept advancing on her, forcing her backward down the hall. Toward her bedroom. They got as far as her bedroom door, when she planted her feet and straightened her spine. "After you ba
iled on me, I had to do something to relieve my tension."

  Dark storm clouds passed through his eyes. "I thought I told you to wait for me."

  Heat suffused her cheeks as she realized how her words had sounded. "I did wait for you. I meant that I had a glass of wine and took a hot bubble bath. I guess it relaxed me a little too much, though."

  "You think?" he growled. "I was stuck at work, busting my ass, waiting on a bunch of drunk customers. But the whole time, in the back of my mind, I was thinking that my sexy girl was at home waiting for me. I kept thinking about what I was gonna do to you, how I was gonna make you moan for me." He paused. "And you fell asleep."

  When he put it like that, she supposed it had been a little unfair of her to fall asleep. But no more unfair than him turning her on to the point of pain, and then taking off to leave her hanging. She hadn't done it on purpose. He had.

  It teetered on the tip of her tongue to tell him so, but the intensity in his eyes didn't bode well for another round of verbal sparring. More than likely, with the vibes coming off him right now, she'd end up turned over his knee with a sore ass if she opened her mouth. As much as that thought might appeal to her, she craved the hot, sensual lover he'd been earlier tonight rather than the hard disciplinarian. So, she stepped into him, pressing her body against his to try to sooth the beast.

  "I'm sorry, Adam," she said sliding her arms around his waist and getting to her tiptoes to place a sweet kiss on his lips. "Let me make it up to you."

  He remained stoic and ridged so she trailed kisses along his jaw and ran her hands up and down his strong back, massaging the tense muscles as she went. Eventually, he relaxed into her touch, taking her mouth with dominant hunger.

  "You can make it up to me," he said pulling on the tie of her robe, parting the fabric as he walked her further back into her bedroom. Satin slid against satin as the sash came free of the robe, altogether. She watched, almost in a trance as he wrapped the sash around his fist. His next words were a low command that sent goosebumps along her skin. "Take the robe off."


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