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LOVE AUCTION (Rules of Love Book 2)

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by Lindsey Hart



  Lindsey Hart





























  OMG! Did I just bid and win a date with Shane Rempel for over one thousand dollars?!

  What the hell was I thinking? Was I not the one who just said I would never spend that kind of money for a date with a stranger?!

  Apparently, all sane thoughts just flew right out the moment HE walked up on that stage at the auction.

  I was hooked line, sinker and all.

  And let me tell you, if you spend that much money for a date, you definitely go on that date. So, I went.

  And guess what? It kind of ended with me starting a war with the guy on the said date. And I even did a walkout.

  Yeps and after that disastrous first meeting, you definitely do not expect the guy to turn up at your workplace asking for another date!

  But he did. And guess what I did...

  This is the second book in the steamy romance series, Rules of Love and can be read as a standalone. No cheating. No cliff-hanger. And the kind of ending you will just love. Team HEA all the way!!


  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, or transmitted by email without permission in writing from the publisher. While all attempts and efforts have been made to verify the information held within this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or opposing interpretations of the content herein. The book is for entertainment purposes only. The views expressed are those of the author alone and should not be taken as expert instruction or commands.

  Copyright © Passion House Publishing Ltd 2019

  All rights reserved.

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  Lindsey Hart is a married mom and lives in Ohio with her husband and two furry ball Persian cats who consider themselves as owners of the house.

  She specializes in sweet to extra hot and dirty romance and strongly believes in happily ever after. If you are looking for a page turner, then you are in for a wild and naughty ride with feisty heroines and alpha male heroes.

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  “Hey girls, anyone up for a little date auction?”

  Rayvn Whittaker spun around at the counter. Her boring inventory checklist was completely forgotten at the sight of the beautiful woman who had come in bearing posters. Nina Rempel worked at her husband’s tattoo shop just down the block. Rayvn knew Nina because she’d staged their new shop entirely with antiques from her little store. Her business partners and best friends, Charlotte and Laney, had been thrilled at the sales that month. Since then, Nina popped in on lunch breaks or when she could spare a minute, to check things out. She was a good client, always sweet and kind and in search of new pieces. Even when she didn’t find what she was looking for, she usually bought something anyway; a jar of jam, some fair-trade coffee, a shirt or two.

  “A date auction?” Rayvn’s attention was completely captivated. She stared hard at the poster that Nina produced.

  “Yup. A date auction. We have ten hot men going up for auction and some great door prizes and a dinner and dessert to die for. I got this guy who gets tattooed at the shop to agree to provide the entertainment during dinner. He actually is a musician, a pianist. His playing is insane. He agreed to donate his time.”

  “Wow. I’ve never heard of a date auction. One second, let me get Charlotte and Laney.”

  Both her friends were in the back working on antique pieces. Laney had just been out on a pick of her own and was putting the final touches on an ancient hutch she’d revived. Charlotte was working on an old sewing machine she was converting into a sink.

  Rayvn’s best friends never ceased to amaze her. They had been friends since high school, ever since their old souls and common interests united and they were there for her through all her personal crap as well. One marriage and one divorce later, they were still her friends. They’d walked with her through every step of the way. Most people couldn’t work with friends or family, but she found herself beyond blessed. It was because of Laney and Charlotte that she got to live her dream. They’d pooled their funds, bought an old brick building downtown and converted it into a haven for antiques, refinished furniture and fair trade, handmade, hand grown finds.

  “You guys are never going to believe this.” Rayvn tried to stop grinning like a fool, but she couldn’t help herself. “Nina Rempel just came into the store. She brought a poster for us. For a date auction.”

  “Ooohhh!” Laney’s eyes lit up. She had fiery orange hair that was nearly waist length, the palest of skin and a smattering of freckles. She was so tiny and waif-like that she almost looked like a wood nymph with all that flowing, flaming red hair.

  “A date auction?” Charlotte frowned. “I doubt Ben would let me go to that.”

  “You don’t have to bid! There’s a supper and everything too!” Rayvn rolled her eyes. “Ben would be happy to come along. Unlike my ex-husband, he is the best man anyone could ask for. I’m sure it’s for a good cause.”

  Charlotte laughed softly. She was shorter, just past five feet tall and tended to be a little on the curvy side. She hated that about herself, but her fiancé loved and supported her. Ben really was a gem. If only Alex could have been more like him, maybe Rayvn’s marriage would have lasted more than a couple of years. As it was, she was glad she’d got out when she did. At least she still had some life left to salvage.

  “Are you actually considering it?” Laney set down her brush. She reached back and swiped a handful of hair behind her ears, leaving red paint streaks all through it.

  Rayvn smiled softly. “I have no idea. I thought maybe we could go hear what Nina has to say. She’s been a good customer. She and her husband.”

  “That’s right. They have the tattoo place.” Laney frowned, which she tended to do when she was thinking hard. “Sorry. I’ve been inhaling paint fumes for hours. It’s stunted my brain.”

  “Oh my lord,” Charlotte muttered. She was smiling though, her blue eyes twinkling. She too pushed strands of blonde hair off her forehead. “It’s too hot back here to be working anyway. Whoever thought of building something in Houston without central air should be shot.”

  “The guy is coming at the end of the month. I booked him as soon as I could.” They’d
all been saving money for the day their ancient building could finally get the long-awaited air conditioning.

  “Thank goodness. It can’t come soon enough. Having the back door open might prevent the fumes from becoming way too high back here, but it does nothing about the heat.”

  “Right. Okay, are you guys coming or not? Nina is out there waiting.”

  “Yup, I’m in. I don’t even have to hear about it. A date auction! It sounds so romantic.”

  “In a sick, twisted, pay to go out with someone kind of way,” Charlotte quipped. She tittered away to herself even though she seemed to be against the idea.

  “Well some of us are single and hopeless,” Laney shot back. “I haven’t been on a date in over a year. I would damn well pay for one right about now.” Her eyes swiveled to Rayvn’s face. “Neither has Rayvn! She hasn’t been out with anyone since she got rid of that trash- err- got a divorce I mean.”

  Rayvn rolled her eyes. “Now, now. It’s bad to speak ill of the… oh wait. That’s the wrong saying. Unless the marriage is dead. I guess that counts.”

  She smiled to cover up the pain she felt whenever she thought about Alex. No, not about Alex. About the events that brought their marriage to an end. It was simple, really. They’d met when she was twenty. Got married at twenty-one. They found out they were expecting a baby a year later. It had been a surprise. Alex wasn’t on board. She thought he’d come around, but when she lost the baby at eight months, she’d been alone in her grief. Alex’s stone-cold heart and the way he’d refused to stand by her, the things he’d said… how he’d refused to hold his daughter before she was taken from them forever… after that Rayvn knew she couldn’t be with him. She’d gone right from the hospital to the house, packed her things and left. She’d hired a lawyer the next day.

  “Are we going?” Laney arched one red brow. Her emerald eyes scanned Rayvn carefully, as though looking for all the pain Rayvn hid away. She probably sensed it, but both her friends knew that she was so endlessly tired of talking about grief and loss. They steered around it because she wanted them to, not because they didn’t care for her.

  “Yeah. Let’s go. Let’s go hear all about it. I think the idea is kind of silly, but it got my attention. It could be good. She says there’s a good piano player at any rate.”

  “Ooooh,” Laney exclaimed again. “Do you think he’s single?”

  “I doubt he’s on the auction block.”

  “Maybe if you hurry and finish that hutch there, you’ll have enough money to buy a date.” Charlotte grinned and rolled her eyes at the same time.

  “I think there are worse things in the world than a night out for a good cause,” Rayvn insisted. “Like, way worse things. Nina says there’s dinner including dessert and piano music and for that, I’m in. Laney’s right. I haven’t been on a date in a long time. I would be honored to take you two as my dates. And maybe Ben. If he wants to come.”

  “He’ll come,” Charlotte assured them. She flushed prettily. It was something she always did when she thought real hard about Ben. It was utterly charming and entirely sickening at the same time.

  “Maybe you’ll find someone there,” Laney said dreamily.

  “Doubtful,” Rayvn said sarcastically. “But I’ll have you girls and you are all I need.”

  “No offense, sweetheart, but you don’t fill up the lonely nights.”

  “I could.” Rayvn feigned hurt. “How many times over the years have the three of us watched a movie all in the same bed and cuddled together… come on. That has to count for something.”

  “You know what I mean. I’m tired of being single. I’ll go, even if I have to pay for a date.”

  “That’s settled then,” Charlotte laughed. “Better go tell Nina we’ll take three tickets and we’ll hang the poster up. Laney wants to go and that’s that.”

  “That’s that,” Rayvn echoed.

  She followed her friends back up to the front slowly, trailing behind. She wasn’t sure why, but she already had an unsettled feeling about the whole idea, even though she was the one who had pretty much insisted on it. It’s for a good cause. She’d just keep telling herself that.



  If he was a male witch- what were they called? Warlocks? He’d put a damn curse on his brother and his sister in law. The fact that Nina just happened to also be his best friend and her whole date auction was to raise money to buy equipment for special needs kids at the school where she worked part-time, pretty much left him straight up out of options.

  “You look great,” Nina assured him. She stepped in from the curtain at the front of the stage. It only took her a second to spot him, walk across the back-stage area, and start fumbling around trying to adjust the knot in his tie.

  “I look like a fool.” Shane shut his eyes tight. He couldn’t believe he was standing backstage with nine other guys, all of them in the same black rented suits.

  “Just because you don’t usually wear a suit-”


  Nina took a deep breath. “Just because you don’t ever wear a suit doesn’t mean you don’t look good in one.”

  Shane rolled his eyes. “I should never have let you talk me into this.”

  “Hey, you got free dinner and dessert.”

  “No, I didn’t. I didn’t eat anything because I’ve been so damn nervous this entire time.”

  “To go on stage or about who you get a date with?”

  “Both,” he sighed.

  “Well, there’s lots of food left over. Feel free to take whatever you want.”

  “You mean after I’ve been bid on like an object and after I spent hours helping you and my brother clean up this hall?”

  “Yup, that’s what I mean.” She flashed him a dazzling smile.

  Nina was just like that. She always got her way, at least with him, because she was his best friend and had been since they were little kids. She’d stayed that way because she was easily the best human Shane had the privilege of knowing.

  She was smart and kind, witty and loving, fun and best of all, not afraid to swear and be crass when it came right down to it. She wasn’t afraid to put him in line. She was the one woman on earth, aside from his mom, who he knew he would always love and respect. She’d always been like a sister and that became official when she married his older brother.

  He’d had his protests about their relationship at the start, but Nina had quickly affirmed, as she always did, that she was going to get her way.

  “All you have to do is stand up there for five minutes. You don’t have to come out until your number is called. Ten, got that?”

  “Of course. You keep telling me this like I’m too dense to understand. But I know… I know you saved the best for last.”

  Nina snorted. “More like I’m worried you’re going to skip out the back door and leave me hanging.”

  “I might do that… to anyone else but you.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  She smiled at him, one of those dazzling, genuine, Nina smiles. She really was beautiful. He’d never been attracted to her. She was always just his best friend, a sister from another mister, but he readily admitted she was gorgeous and saw what other people saw when they looked at her.

  “Okay, go on. They’re getting ready to start.”

  He cast a glance at the other guys milling around backstage. They looked as uneasy as he did. He didn’t know any of them, but the common denominator was his brother, Chet, and of course, Nina. Together they knew more people than Shane could hope to meet in a thousand lifetimes, likely because he’d rather not meet anyone at all.

  That was the difference between him and Nina. Even him and Chet. He didn’t work at a job where he had to interact with people all day. He did landscaping. He didn’t have to, but he did it because he almost enjoyed it, though he’d never tell anyone. He’d joked about going back to school after he inherited the money from his father’s will, but so far that hadn’t happened. He wasn’
t exactly in limbo. He’d at least spent time, effort and money fixing up his house. He had a tenant in the basement who actually paid him. Nina lived there rent-free for a while before she decided she couldn’t stand hearing him move about at all hours of the day and night and shacked up with his brother. It only made sense, since they were married a few months after that.

  “Promise me, Shane, that you’re not going to make me regret asking you.”

  “I’m sure you regretted it before you even asked.”

  Nina laughed so hard she snorted a little. It was something he himself was known to do and he had to laugh along with her.

  “Okay. Just remember to breathe. Don’t pass out. Don’t make me come up there and revive you. You have to go out with the person who wins. Remember that.”

  “I’m not such an asshole that I would ditch out. Unless she has a beard.”

  “There are no women here with beards,” Nina protested good naturedly. “Even if there was and she won the date, you’d have to go. Who knows, it might be fun. You might actually learn something about being nice for a change.”

  “I’m nice,” Shane said, pretending to be wounded.

  “To me, maybe. Not to other women. I know you, Shane Rempel. I’ve known you my entire life. Promise me you won’t screw this up. I don’t want to have to refund any money.”

  “Okay, okay, I swear to you that I’ll behave. Tonight and on whatever cursed date I’m forced into.”

  “That’s the attitude,” Nina said dryly. She glanced quickly behind her. “You’re right. They’re getting ready to start. Chet is probably wondering where I am. I’m supposed to record everything. The amounts and the winner’s names and whatever contact information they want to exchange.”

  “Safety first,” he said, overdramatically.

  “Fuck you, Shane. Have a great time.” Nina turned and cast a wave over her shoulder. She was the only person on earth he knew who could tell him to fuck himself and still walk away smiling.


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