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LOVE AUCTION (Rules of Love Book 2)

Page 4

by Lindsey Hart



  Walking into his brother’s tattoo shop with the impressive stained-glass windows, the floor to ceiling walls filled up with paintings, the hand scraped reclaimed hardwood, antique couches, and the massive water fountain in the corner complete with Koi fish, never failed to make Shane feel a little like he was at home. Chet’s shop was well put together. It was professional and welcoming at the same time. It was everything that Shane wasn’t.

  “Shane!” Nina stepped out from behind the receptionist counter. The front desk was made out of old barn wood and finished with river rock. He remembered how hard his brother worked on putting it together when the shop opened up a few years before.

  His best friend flashed him a huge smile. Her emerald eyes danced. She loved working with Chet. They were one of those strange couples that didn’t mind being together all the time. Or rather, three days a week. That would still have been way too much for him.

  “Nina.” He greeted her affectionately.

  “Come for a tattoo?” She raised one blonde brow in inquisition.

  “You know me better than that. I know that no one does walk-ins here.”

  “That’s not true. Sam, from the next-door shop, does walk in on Saturdays for a chat.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s not Saturday.”

  “Actually… it is.” She stared at him with one of those looks on her face, the classic Nina look that said she couldn’t believe he was truly that dense.

  “Oh. Right. Yeah… that’s why I had the day off. Uh- anyway.” He clenched his hands at his side. He was about to feel like a total moron. He braced for impact. “Do you happen to know where that girl works? The one who won the date with me?”

  Nina’s flawless brow creased into a frown. “Uhhh… why?”

  “Well- uh-”

  “No. Don’t tell me. I already know.” She put up a hand to stop him. “You had your date last night and you fucked it up royally.”

  “How’d you guess?”

  “Because we’ve been friends for like our whole lives and I know you.”

  “Thanks.” He rolled his eyes. “That was a rhetorical question. I know you know all about me.”

  “Yeah. I know you can be a real dick. At least to the female population. Females who aren’t me.”

  “I don’t treat anyone badly,” Shane tried to protest. He didn’t like the way his chest was caving in, like someone dropped an anvil right on top of him.

  “I didn’t say you did. I just know you can be a dick and people don’t want to be around you after that. I know you’re not really like that.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Yes, you are.” Nina grinned. She indicated the couch on the far side of the studio. In the background, all sorts of buzzing were going on, the sounds of the trade. He knew on the other side of that reception desk, in the closed in booths, were five artists, among them, his older brother. That amounted to a whole lot of buzzing.

  “Maybe I am.” Shane finally looked Nina up and down. “How come you’re dressed so fancy? Do you and Chet have a hot date later?”

  She shrugged. She had on an emerald color dress. It was tighter on top, nipped in at the waist and flared out. She’d paired it with black flats. Nina wasn’t the kind of person who normally dressed fancy, so his suspicions were immediately aroused.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but we do.”

  “It will go a hell of a lot better than mine did, even if it’s a disaster,” he admitted as he sat down on the floral couch. The thing looked straight out of the Victorian era. He didn’t really like it, but it was Nina that picked out the furniture for the shop before they’d renovated and opened and for once he’d managed to control himself and not voice his opinion about it.

  Nina sighed. “That good, huh? Poor girl.”

  “I don’t even know where it went wrong. I actually made an effort. I packed us a nice picnic and even brought out mom’s quilt to the park.”

  “The one she normally keeps on the spare bed?”

  “Yeah. That one. The one mom made from scratch.”

  Nina let out a low whistle. “You really did go the extra mile. I’m impressed.”

  “She didn’t notice.”

  “She wasn’t nice then?”

  “No, she was. She was really nice. At least, I think she was.”

  “So- uh- what happened?”

  “I don’t even know. We were talking. I hadn’t even taken anything to eat or drink out of the basket. These kids came around. They were throwing a Frisbee and it just about took Rayvn out.”

  “I like her name, by the way. It’s very pretty.”

  “Yeah- it’s different. Anyway, I- uh- I stopped the Frisbee from hitting her and I gave it back to the kids. They kicked off from wherever they came from and then all of a sudden she was asking me why I even went up at the auction if I didn’t believe in dating or being with anyone or having kids.”

  Nina winced. “I know you, Shane. You’re not always subtle. You probably made some comment about not wanting any children because they all turn out to be brats.”

  Fuck me, she knows me well. Am I really that bad? “I don’t know. Maybe I did.”

  “And it was a real turn off, probably because Rayvn likes kids and wants kids. You know, like most normal people.”

  “There isn’t anything wrong with me. Just because I don’t really want kids and don’t believe in the whole marriage bullshit and the happily ever after shit that the industry tries to sell just to get people to fork over cash…”

  “Still, Shane- it was a first date. She doesn’t know you. I know that you’re more practical. I know you don’t believe in sappy shit and that you’re more realistic. Half the time what you say makes sense and half the time it’s pretty fucking offensive. I’m just used to that. Other people aren’t. She can’t see through that yet. No wonder she got up and left. Is that what happened?”


  Nina tsked and shook her head. “Shane… good lord. I hope she doesn’t want her money back. We raised over twenty thousand dollars. It’s going to go a long way in getting the school some new equipment.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. No, she doesn’t want her money back. She made that pretty clear.”

  Nina groaned. “Let me guess, you offered. That’s even worse.”

  “What was I supposed to do? I felt bad. I thought I was just being nice.”

  “Shane…” Nina groaned again. “Jesus. I know that you’re a good person, even if you don’t always come across like it. I know it and I like you. We’ve been friends forever, but I feel for that girl. Really. She was probably expecting one thing and got quite another.”

  “I made every effort to be romantic!”

  “The whole kids and marriage thing though… that’s a deal breaker for most people. And even if it isn’t- women don’t like to hear about that right away. If she reacted strongly to you not wanting kids or not liking kids, my guess is that she either wants them badly or she really likes them. Maybe she can’t have any herself. I don’t know, it just seems like a sore spot that set her off.”

  “Wow. You’re pretty good at this. I never really thought that something might have happened that wasn’t really me at all.”

  Nina pursed her lips together. “Did she seem really upset?”

  “Yeah. There was just this look in her eyes. It was- I don’t know. I didn’t really notice it then, but now that I think back about it, there was definitely something not right.”

  “So, you want to find her and apologize to her?”

  “Yeah. Worse, I want to ask her for a second chance, but even if she doesn’t give me one, she deserves to know that I’m sorry.”

  “Okay, who is my best friend and what have you done with him?”

  “Shut up.”

  “No, seriously. The Shane I know doesn’t ever apologize.”

  “I apologized to you once, after I fucked things up between you and my brother.”
  “And that was a first. This is a hard second.”

  Shane sighed. “That aside, you don’t know where she works? Or anything about her? I know you were handing out flyers for the thing. I was hoping maybe you saw her at one of the stores or maybe you knew who she was or know someone who would know.”

  “Look at you playing detective.”

  “I’m serious here, Nina.”

  Nina smiled, and it softened her face. All traces of mockery were gone. “Are you sure you can’t just text her? Or try calling?”

  “No. I know she’s not going to answer. She’ll probably delete my messages without even reading them.”

  “I don’t know… maybe I shouldn’t tell you. Maybe it’s best that you don’t have anything else to do with her. I’ve bought lots of stuff from her. I like her, and I like her business. I don’t want to be banned for life. I don’t know where I’d go when the shop or the house needs some new pieces.”

  “Come on!” Shane protested. He wanted to jump up and put his fist through the wall, but he remained seated like a normal, sane person. “I really do just want to tell her I’m sorry. Just that. I swear it.”

  “What if you make things worse?”

  “I don’t think it’s possible for it to get any worse than it is already.”

  Nina whistled low under her breath. “That good huh? Even I vastly underestimate you sometimes.”

  “Stop. Just tell me where she is.”

  “She’ll know you got the information from me.”


  “Alright, alright. I can’t believe you’re actually making an effort to find a woman. Usually, your effort is only to avoid them.”

  “That’s because I’ve never met anyone who-”

  Shane stopped himself.

  “What?” Nina frowned again. Something in her eyes betrayed her shock, though she hid it well enough. “Who what?”

  “Nothing,” Shane muttered.

  Nina’s mouth dropped open. “Oh my god. It’s finally happened. Shane Rempel met his match and she doesn’t like him!” She slapped her leg. The giggles that poured out of her seemed completely at odds with how torn up he felt inside.

  “That is not funny,” he hissed.

  “Oh, it is.” Nina swiped at her eyes. “It fucking is, Shane. It really is.”

  He barely swallowed back a harsh retort. He knew why Nina found it funny. All his life he’d played it pretty damn cool. He’d never been overly interested in anyone. For him, dating was a foreign word and sex was just a bodily function…

  “I still don’t want any of that,” he bit out. He knew that Nina would know exactly what he was talking about. “It’s just that- she’s different. There’s something about her.”

  “I once said the same thing about your brother and you gave me all these rules and then tried to break us up.”

  “I did not.” Nina stared pointedly at him until he cleared his throat and relented. “Okay, so maybe I was an asshole. I guess I just didn’t get it. I still don’t really get it. I just- want to apologize. That’s all. Don’t make something out of this. She isn’t the kind of person who gives second chances.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I just know. Not to me, at any rate. But she still deserves an apology.”

  Nina’s eyes glittered. “I’m proud of you for doing the right thing. Alright. Here it is.” She broke down and gave him the exact address. It was only a few blocks away. He couldn’t believe he was sitting there, so damn close, and he didn’t know the difference. “I hope you go sooner, rather than later.”

  “Oh, it will be sooner. I don’t like this sitting with me. It just feels wrong and I want to make it right.”

  Which was a first. Nina was right. He wasn’t good at apologies or admitting he was wrong. He was pretty much just about the worst. Aside from mending the damage he’d caused to Nina and his brother when they started going out, he’d rarely apologized for anything. Not only was Rayvn different, but she made him feel different. She made him feel something. For someone like him, who walked through life numbing out most of the feelings and emotions bullshit, it was a hell of a lot more than a start.



  “Rayvn! Rayvn!”

  Rayvn turned sharply at the sound of her name. She’d been about to tackle unboxing the first part of their order. She had her box cutter at the ready and just about laid into her hand at Laney’s frantic tone behind her.

  “What is it?” She carefully slid the knife blade back into its plastic guard. Her heart skipped painfully in her chest. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Laney panted. It was clear she’d just run from the front of the store all the way to the back.

  “Why did you come back here calling my name like the place was burning down then?” Rayvn laughed. “God, you scared the shit out of me.”

  “No, it’s not nothing. It’s just that the store’s not on fire.” Laney gasped a few times while Rayvn waited patiently for her friend to just spit it out. “But- uh- oh my god. You’ll never believe it-”

  “Okay, you’re really starting to scare me…” Rayvn’s already rapid heartbeat kicked into overdrive.

  “The guy- he’s… he’s here,” Laney panted.

  “What guy? The guy with the order that didn’t come or the guy who was supposed to deliver that antique sideboard and never showed up this morning? He texted me saying he was running late, but three hours is a little ridiculous and-”

  “No. Neither of them.”

  “Then who? What guy? Someone I know?” Rayvn didn’t like playing guessing games at the best of times. She was starting to get a sour sort of churning feeling in her stomach.

  “The guy. Him. The guy from the date auction.”

  “Oh. Oh my god. No! Not him.” Rayvn shut her eyes. Behind closed lids, she imagined Shane’s handsome face. Then she imagined him sitting there telling her he’d rather be single. “What the hell does he want?”

  Laney’s face swam into view as Rayvn slowly opened her eyes. “I have no idea. He asked for you though. He said he knows you work here. I tried to tell him you weren’t here, that you were out on a pick, but he looked right through me and he called me on my bluff.”

  “How? You should have just told him to take a hike if he accused you of lying.”

  Laney blushed to the roots of her very red hair. “I’m not a good liar, Rayvn, you know that.”

  Rayvn sighed. “Yeah, I know. It’s alright. I’ll go out and deal with him.”

  “Oooohhhh, is it going to be good? Should I record the whole thing and hope it goes viral later?”

  “You disgust me.” Rayvn actually laughed. “But thanks for trying to cheer me up. God, I don’t want to go out there. I don’t know why he’s back since he didn’t want to go on the date in the first place.”

  “He said to tell you that he wants to apologize for being an ass. He said that when I went to get you. He also said that he knows you probably want to run out the back door, but if you do it, he’ll be back tomorrow and the day after and the day after and-”

  “I get it. Ugh.” Rayvn shivered. She was annoyed that it wasn’t completely out of disgust. Why do the worst ones always have to be so handsome? Right we went over that. Because they’re too used to getting everything they want.

  It disturbed her that she couldn’t quite shake the images of Shane from her mind, or her dreams. Annoyingly enough, he’d been there when she closed her eyes, even though she successfully had been able to banish him the day before by burying herself in work.

  “Are you going to go then?”

  “I guess so. Might as well kick him out now and get it over with.”

  “You don’t even want to hear what he has to say?” Laney actually sounded disappointed.

  “No. Why would I? It’s all going to be the same old bullshit. Just blah blah blah fake apology, blah, let’s go out, blah, I hope that I can still get you in bed, blah, blah, I’ll never call you
back, blah, blah.”

  Laney giggled. “You’re so optimistic. I always thought you were a pretty, cup half full kind of person, and here I found out, all along you’ve been a pessimist.”

  “I’m divorced. What’s more pessimistic than that?”

  “Well, the two of you should fit perfectly together then. If you both don’t believe in love.”

  Rayvn shot Laney a scathing look. “I never said that I don’t believe in love. I’m just old enough and experienced enough to know a rotten apple when I see one.”

  “You’re the one who paid for a date with him. Was he so rotten standing up on stage?”

  “That was before he opened his mouth. I don’t think there’s a single word that can come out of it that isn’t bullshit.”

  “Do you think the apology is all bullshit?”

  “I have no idea.” Rayvn shrugged. “I don’t want to know though.”

  “If guys like him always get what they want, wouldn’t he just find someone else to go on a date with? He’s soooo good looking. I think he really could find someone in a second. He must really mean it. When he says he’s sorry. I can’t see him bothering unless he truly wanted you to know.”

  “I guess so,” Rayvn grumbled. “I’ll go out there. Can you start on the order for me? We are way too far behind as it is. I have a feeling that I’m going to be tied up for half an hour listening to whatever sob story and half-hearted attempt at an apology this guy has planned.”

  “Sure thing. Pass me the box cutter. I don’t want you taking it out there. You might be tempted to use it.”

  Rayvn chuckled at the image as she passed the plastic knife over. Her laughter died a minute later when she exited out to the sales floor and found Shane standing there. He was wearing faded jeans and a black t-shirt. It was way more casual than she’d ever seen him before and lord, he was even more handsome. They were the kind of clothes that were worn in to fit his massive build as if they’d been made just for him. They had that lived in kind of look. She knew that if he shed them in a pile on the floor, they’d still smell like him. The denim would be buttery soft from so much wear- Stop it. Just stop it.


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