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LOVE AUCTION (Rules of Love Book 2)

Page 8

by Lindsey Hart

  “That’s what I tell customers when they come in. Some people complain about the cost of antiques, but then I tell them to shop around. New places aren’t any cheaper and the furniture is particle board half the time. It’s not built to survive more than a few years. A lot of the stuff I find is over a hundred years old and half the time it still looks like the day it was made.”

  “I never really liked antiques,” Shane admitted. “Until I met you.”

  “You don’t have to like them,” Rayvn assured him. She watched the slow drip as the coffee began trickling into the glass pot below. “I know that everyone has their own style. You don’t have to worry about offending me.”

  “I think I’ve done enough of that. Offending you. I’d really like not to do it again. And I really do like the table. I guess I didn’t really ever think about this kind of stuff. I always just imagined antiques to be moldy old clothes and gross chairs that came from dank basements.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, some of the stuff can be pretty gross where it comes from. I’ve done a couple picks at old barns and god… until I get the stuff cleaned up. It’s nasty. We’re a throw-away society so a lot of times things just get forgotten. They get left there for decades and no one thinks about them until someone passes away and a shed or a barn or an attic gets cleaned out.”

  “It would be pretty cool- finding that stuff, or at least seeing it. I think finding old car parts or old tractor stuff would be neat. I’ve seen a few cool things that guys have done with car grills and seats.”

  “I found an old wagon once. The kind that horses used to pull. We have a shop truck and a trailer that I bought a few years ago just for doing picks. It was impossible and really not cost efficient trying to get stuff home without it. I had to go out and rent a flat deck trailer to get that thing home, but it was worth every single second of the hardship.”

  Shane shot her a look. The disbelief on his face was entirely too evident. “Somehow I can’t imagine you driving a truck and trailer.”

  “Why not?” She scoffed. “Oh… because I’m a woman?”

  “No- not that- I just- you’re just- so pretty…”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” She moved her hands to her hips, but her smile never faltered. She wanted him to know that she wasn’t really offended. “You’re lucky I’m used to people not believing me. Sometimes when I’m driving, I look over and people in other vehicles are just staring at me. The truck is twenty-four feet long and the trailer is another twenty or so. It’s big. I guess people don’t expect to see a woman driving it. I don’t know why not. Women drive big trucks all the time now.”

  “It’s because of what I said… you’re- uh- you’re so pretty.”

  “If I was a hag, would it be better?”

  Shane choked. “I don’t know,” he rasped.

  Rayvn poured their two mugs of coffee. She added cream to hers and sugar to Shane’s. She didn’t know how much, so she put in a heaping spoonful. She figured he’d ask for more if it was too bitter. She put the container of muffins on the table as well.

  Shane popped the lid as soon as she set it down. He inhaled deeply. “That smells like carrot cake.”

  “Close. They’re actually carrot pumpkin, but it uses a lot of the same spices as carrot cake.”

  She’d barely sat down before Shane set the muffin paper aside. He sighed in satisfaction. “These are really good. I mean, really good. Maybe you should become a chef or something.”

  “Not a chance. I’m not a very good cook. Baking is one thing. Cooking is another.”

  “Are you one of those people that cook meat to the point of it turning into leather just to be sure it’s done?”

  “Yup. That’s me.”

  “Bakery then?”

  “I like what I do, but if I ever consider a career change, maybe a bakery would be nice. I would love to bake for someone else though. Running things, yourself isn’t always the best. It’s a lot of work. Sometimes it’s absolutely exhausting.”

  The minutes ticked by in silence. Shane had two more muffins. She had one. They sipped their coffee.

  I actually don’t want this to end. I don’t want him to leave. It was strange, finding that she wished the moment could last forever when she’d been so sure that first time they’d met that she never wanted to see Shane again. I might have missed out. She tried very hard not to concentrate on what she might have missed out on.

  “Do you want another cup of coffee?” She spoke too quickly, jumbling the words together, betraying how flustered she suddenly was.

  “That would be nice. Although I might not sleep tonight.”

  “It never does that to me. I could drink eight cups and still sleep like a baby.”

  Rayvn got up and took their cups to the counter. Her hand closed over the coffee pot. A shadow loomed over her and she nearly jumped as Shane’s hand closed over hers. She hadn’t even heard him get up. She trembled at the contact and a surge of heat ripped up her arm and spread violently, warming the rest of her body unbearably.

  “I’ve changed my mind,” he said thickly right next to her ear. His breath tickled the tender skin at the back of her neck and the shivers were back big time.

  “About- about what?” She said breathlessly.

  “About the coffee. I don’t want a second cup.”

  She turned slowly and faltered backward. “Water then? Milk? Juice?”

  “No.” He shook his head and his eyes burned straight into her, betraying him, letting her see just how deep his desire ran. The shivers turned into full on shakes. She gripped the counter to keep from falling over. “I want you.”



  “Me?” Rayvn squeaked. She glanced around furiously, like there was someone else in the room, someone he would choose instead.

  “Yes,” he said thickly. He didn’t release her hand. He couldn’t. The petal softness of her skin drove him to distraction. “Yes, I want you, Rayvn. Is that alright?” Of course, it’s not alright. He threaded their fingers together, his heart racing. He expected her to tell him no. He expected her to throw him out, maybe throw the pot of hot coffee on him for good measure.

  She didn’t move. And then… her eyes filled up with tears. That finally broke the spell. He let go of her hand, ashamed at himself.

  “I’m sorry…” he backed away. Now, look at her. She was upset earlier and here I was, trying to force her into something when she’s clearly not ready.

  Rayvn actually laughed, though it was shaky. It startled him. She reached up and brushed tears away.

  “Oh my god. I’m sorry. I’m a mess. It’s just that- I- you’ll laugh at me, but I haven’t been with anyone in almost two years. It’s kind of a surprise that you would want to- well- that you’d want to do anything with me at all.”

  “Why?” He asked thickly. “You’re beautiful.”

  Something dark and shadowed entered Rayvn’s eyes and he wanted to take back the question since it obviously caused her pain.

  “I just wasn’t interested. If other people were, I ignored it. I didn’t want to see it, so I didn’t let myself. I- there is so much you don’t know about me. I was with someone. I was actually married. It didn’t last. I didn’t want to be with anyone else after. Not because I loved him anymore or that I wasn’t over it. No- I just- I didn’t feel like I wanted to. I’d had enough the first time around, you know.”

  He couldn’t be more stunned. Rayvn. Married? He just couldn’t picture it.

  “I’ve really surprised you I can see. Probably disgusted you too?”

  “No!” Shane stepped in closer, nearly trapping Rayvn between himself and the counter. He realized what he’d done, but when she looked at him, she wasn’t afraid. He could have taken a step back, but he stayed where he was. “Surprised me, yes. Not disgusted. The thing I really want to know is how someone who was lucky enough to have you could have been stupid enough to let you go.”

  She shook her head and the s
adness crept back into her entire expression. Her eyes were the worst. They were pools of liquid sorrow. It hurt him to see it. He wanted nothing more than to banish that look, to wipe away her tears and promise her that he’d keep her safe and happy and well for the rest of her life. He knew he couldn’t and that made it so much worse. He’d never wanted to do that for anyone. God, I am so fucking selfish.

  “It’s a long story. One I don’t really want to tell. It’s not happy and it’s certainly not something I want to bring between us.”

  “I have time… if you want to talk.”

  “No. Not really.” Rayvn shook her head and offered a watery smile. “You probably want to leave now. Now that you know I’m secretly a basket case. I don’t blame you. I’ll call you a cab. You can still have another cup of coffee while you wait. Maybe by some miracle you can forget this night ever happened.”

  “Why would I want to do that?’

  “I- well- because I- I’ve been a disaster. I’ve cried and now I’m pretty close to crying again. You probably thought I had it all together. I don’t. I’m a mess.”

  “And what if that’s okay with me?”

  She stared at him hard, as if she was unable to comprehend what he’d just said. “What if it is?”

  “It is. Okay. Really. I just… I don’t want to force you into anything you don’t want to do.”

  He didn’t expect her to laugh, but she did. The sound was genuine and rang through the kitchen. She inhaled sharply. “Oh my god, Shane. If only you knew. I’ve wanted you to do this since the first time I saw you at that auction. I don’t know what it was, but I had to bid. I had to get that night with you.”

  “You wanted me to do what?” he asked thickly. He couldn’t believe he was standing there in her kitchen, calmly discussing what he truly wanted to do.

  “Everything,” she confessed. Her eyes darkened, and his entire body went wild in response. “But you could kiss me, for a start. Unless you want another cup of coffee. Or another muffin. I could get you-”

  “No. I don’t need anything.” He stepped in and gently caressed her cheek. He was rewarded when her eyes closed, and she let out a soft sigh. “Like I said, I just want you.”

  He tilted her face up to meet his. His mouth crashed down on hers. He tried to be gentle, to keep the moment tender and sweet and poignant, but when she responded hungrily, the beast inside of him went wild. Shane kissed her hard, firmly, parting her lips below his. He didn’t force his tongue inside. Instead, he traced the outline of her bottom lip with his tongue and nipped it gently. Her passionate moan and the way she melted against him drove him wild.

  Rayvn’s hands came up, roved across his chest and twined around his neck. She pressed every single glorious curve of her body against his. He could feel the peaks of her damn nipples right through her clothes. He imagined that wasn’t all she felt. As he thrust a knee between her legs, her dress rode up and the heat of her burned through her thin black panties, right through his jeans and straight into his skin below.

  She pulled away with a sharp little gasp.

  “Sorry…” he muttered. “That was too fast. I know. I’m sorry. You said a kiss and the first thing I did was yank up your dress and-”

  “No,” Rayvn corrected breathlessly. “I said I wanted everything. But you could start with a kiss.”

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  She rolled her eyes and stared at him, exasperated that he could be so dense. “No. I don’t want you to leave. I want you to kiss me again.”

  There was no way he was leaving. There was also no way he was going to make her repeat her command. She’d already asked twice. He might not get a third time. He wrapped his hands around the tiny curve of her waist and picked her up effortlessly. She let out a squeal of surprise, but those long, shapely legs curled around his waist automatically. Her hands came to his shoulders, to brace herself.

  “What are you doing?” she gasped.

  “Kissing you.”

  He claimed her mouth furiously, crushing her lips, nipping at her, drinking her in. This time, when her mouth parted for him, he did thrust his tongue inside. Lord, the taste of her, coffee and muffins and just… just her… was absolutely intoxicating.

  Her dress rode up high and he did a neat little turn, steering them towards the counter. His hands roved down, over that glorious ass of hers. He’d never felt anything so perfectly shaped. She was all woman, a siren calling him to his death.

  And he was damn well happy to drown for her.

  Her ass hit the edge of the counter hard and he thrust her up on it. She gasped again, but it was drowned out by the passion of his kiss. Fuck, yes. He’d never experienced anything more sensual in his life as her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him in tight, her hands digging in at the nape of his neck, tangling in his hair, her sweet mouth on his. He’d never been so fucking turned on, so rock fucking hard, in his life either… and she was still fully clothed.

  His hands pushed her dress up the rest of the way, baring her beautiful, sweet heat to him. She had lace panties on. He’d seen the edges of them a few seconds before, but now his hands found them. It was his turn to groan and her turn to devour the sound. Her tongue slid down the length of his as she sucked him back into her mouth. His fingers gently traced the outline of her sex below that sheer, so soft lace. She was so hot there, so fucking soaked for him already.

  She mewled when he pushed the lace aside with his index finger and caressed her gently. She broke away from his mouth, panting, gasping roughly for air.

  His breathing was just as ragged, his lungs on fire, but he didn’t stop exploring her perfection. His finger swirled over her. She was so slick his touch became silky. He slowly blazed a trail up to her clit, gave it the gentlest circle, then shied quickly away.

  Rayvn moaned. Her hips thrust forward, into his hand. He could tell it was an automatic response. He wondered how long it had been for her. She seemed so very close already and he’d barely done anything at all.

  Maybe she just enjoys it. Either way, she was so fucking sexy, she had him rock hard, nearly drilling through his jeans. His balls felt like someone had jammed them into a vice and was tightening them painfully. He barely kept himself from grinding his pelvis into hers. Lord, he wanted to rip off every single barrier between them and take her, right there on the kitchen counter.

  The blinds weren’t even closed. The windows were high, but people may still be able to see in. He snuck a glance out to the backyard. The fence was pretty high…

  Even still, he decided to play it safe. For Rayvn’s sake.

  He dropped to his knees, or, more aptly, he let his legs give out. His hands shook as he braced them on her thighs, pushing them apart. She gasped and tried to slam them back together, but his hand remained there, locked between them. He grinned up at her wickedly.

  “Oh, no. You’re not shutting me out.”

  “The lights are on,” she squeaked. “We’re in the kitchen!”

  “So? Don’t worry. I already staked out the angles. No one will be able to see me down here. The windows are shut. Hopefully, the walls are thick.”


  “Because I’m going to make you scream. The neighbors might get more than they bargained for.”

  “Shane!” She half laughed, half gasped again.

  He was done with her protests. Her fucking gorgeous legs were right in his face. He turned his head and trailed hot kisses up her thigh, spreading her legs further. She didn’t try and slam them shut again.

  He pulled her forward, gently, to the edge of the counter. Her feet found his shoulder all on their own, then his back.

  He brought his face right to her and slowly, gently, licked her right through her lace panties.

  “Oh, fuck,” Rayvn cursed above him. Her hand reached down and fisted in his hair.

  He liked that response. He liked it a lot. He brought his face up to her for another pass, and another. She tasted sweeter than… than anything. Th
ere was nothing comparable to the taste of her on his tongue. She was womanly and sweet and he could tell that she’d showered just before their date, or bathed, or whatever, because she tasted faintly like sweet, floral soap.

  He didn’t think it was possible to get any harder, but one taste of Rayvn set his whole body on edge. He’d never even been close to coming in his jeans, but god… he felt fucking close at the moment.

  Shane didn’t remove her panties. He was afraid of what would happen if he did. He’d have zero control. Nothing. He probably wouldn’t even last long enough to get his damn pants off.

  So, he continued to lick her, to devour her, to trace the sweet silky outline of her lips through that thin layer of lace. He swirled over her clit and back down, traced every single contour and back up. He suckled her clit, lace and all. She mewled and bucked against him, pulled his hair painfully so that his scalp tingled and his eyes watered. She was marvelous.

  Under his hands, her thighs trembled. She shook violently, and he could tell she was so close. Her breathing hitched and there was just the sound of him tasting her sweetness, with her hated breathy whimpers in response.

  He couldn’t believe he was actually the one who couldn’t take it. He couldn’t take another minute of the sweet taste of Rayvn sliding down his throat. He couldn’t take any more of those hoarse moans, her hips slamming into his face, that pull on his scalp. He couldn’t take a second more and hold it together.

  He needed her to come. He needed to give her release and then maybe he could take a few minutes and cool himself down.

  Not even an ice bath would cool me off.

  Shane brushed the edge of Rayvn’s panties aside and slid his finger through her slickness. He found her entrance and just before he thrust it inside, he slanted his lips over her clit and suckled her hard.

  She screamed. It was a short sharp burst, followed by little raw whimpers, but still a scream. Her hand in his hair tightened to the point where he thought it might actually rip out. He kept right on going as she came hard around him. Her inner muscles clenched tight on his finger and pulsed as her hips bucked back and forth into his face. Her feet ground into his back and she mewled out her pleasure.


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