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Queen Of Twilight: Dauur Mates Book One

Page 7

by Octavia Kore

  “Soon Kareen,” I whisper back.

  They assume that I tell them the truth when I say I cannot speak to the tree, and under normal circumstances, with a normal tree, I can’t. These trees are different from the ones on Earth though and I’m learning from the way they get inside my head how they communicate with it. Whatever their reasoning, they don’t guard us to make sure we stay inside. This gives me time to learn and the more I learn, the easier it becomes. I don’t have any weapons to use against animals we may come into contact with, but I’ve been collecting the quills that Aquilian seems to have a bad habit of pulling out of his head. They’re sharp enough that I am confident I can defend myself and Kareen if I need to.

  Even if it is just for a few hours, I need to get out of this damned tree. I never thought I would hate nature, but right now I am feeling pretty resentful. Hours pass and still, Ettrian does not come back. I know it has been too long when even Aquilian starts to become antsy. I can’t help but feel affection for him as he crouches down to where Kareen and I sit and cups my face, pressing his lips to mine the same way I did to him before bed a couple of nights ago. “Stay,” his voice is like silk in my mind, and I find myself almost wishing to hear him out loud, but I would never ask him to be anything but himself.

  “Now?” Kareen asks as the tree closes behind him.

  “Just a little bit longer. Let him get far enough away that he can’t stop us.”

  After a moment, I get up cautiously. I’m not sure where we will go, but I know that we need to be in the sun and feel the cool breeze against our skin. I worry a little. What if they return and find us outside and Aquilian feels betrayed. What if he is so angry he casts me out like he did Ettrian? I quickly shake the thought out of my mind knowing that he wouldn’t do that over something like this. Once a little time has passed I grab Kareen’s hand and nod my head. “Let’s go.”

  Time to get out of here for a little bit. Fear nearly consumes me, but I push past it. What if some alien animal attacks us and I can’t get the tree open in time? What if whatever abducted Kareen and I comes back? Everything is going to be okay, I tell myself as I try to calm myself down. If I stay inside, I am going to go crazy. I’ll never know if I can do this if I don’t at least try.

  I move to the front of the tree where the guys always open it and lay a palm against the smooth bark. There’s a slight hum that moves through me and I think as hard as I can, picturing it opening in my mind. The clearer I picture it, the more the tree responds before it opens fully and exposes the world outside. It’s almost dusk I notice as I step into the fresh air, Kareen following excitedly behind me. Leaves crunch beneath my feet and sounds of the local wildlife fill the air around us.

  “I thought I would never see day again!” Kareen shouts dramatically as she begins to run around the trees.

  “Try not to go too far!” I shout after her, laughing when she bends down and grabs a bunch of the fallen purple leaves before throwing them in the air.

  Clutching one of Aquilian’s quills I scan the forest around her to make sure there is nothing dangerous as I follow close behind. Giggles fill the air as she dances around another tree, and then another as if she hadn’t a care in the world. I watch as she bends over to grab a flower and quickly scold her.

  “Don’t touch that! You don’t know if it’s safe. Some of the most harmless-looking plants could be deadly Kareen!”

  “Sorry Xia,” her lower lip juts out and I feel awful for overreacting, but Bunnyfly, her rabbit looking pet, soon has her attention and she is chasing it through the bushes as if nothing has happened at all.

  I tilt my face up toward the sky and let the warmth of the last rays of sun caress my skin as it filters down through the leaves of the strange, twisted trees, sighing in pleasure. This was definitely exactly what we needed. The world that surrounds me is even more amazing in the sunlight. The plants here are unlike anything I have ever seen before, and honestly, the gardener inside of me is screaming her joy. The only thing that is missing is my mother’s soft hand on mine as she shows me how to care for each new plant. I’m still holding out hope that my alien roommates might have some sort of technology to get us off this planet. I wish I could ask them why they took us, but we’re not exactly there yet. Only a few words have been translated between us so far, but I hope that soon we will learn how to communicate better. Until then, I have Kareen to talk to.

  The silence is suddenly overwhelming and I realize I no longer hear her or Bunnyfly. Where did she go? My heart pounds in my chest, my stomach dropping as my panic rises. I shouldn’t have let her go off on her own! I know better than to let a child do that. What is wrong with me? The week of screaming, tantrums, and throwing objects at the tree must have gotten to me. Sure, I wished for silence, but now I’m terrified at what the silence means.

  “Kareen?” I call, hoping she is close by and just playing with me. “Come out baby! It isn’t the time to play hide and seek.”

  A loud rattle fills my ears and I take off running around the tree so fast that I nearly trip over a root. What if she’s been caught by the alien version of a cougar? Or a wolf? Or a rattlesnake? Terrifying scenarios I never even knew existed before I was put in charge of a six-year-old on some other planet play through my mind. I clear a small bush and stop dead in my tracks at the sight before me. There’s a tall male who looks similar to Aquilian, the only difference being that he has bright neon green rather than the darker pastel lines of my guy. His partner is much brighter and covered in neons, much like Ettrian. The darker male is holding Bunnyfly out to Kareen as she cautiously steps toward him, arms outstretched.

  “No!” Both males look up at the sound of my voice. “Kareen! Stop!”

  The way they respond makes me think they, like Ettrian, are able to hear and I wonder absently if Aquilian being deaf is uncommon. Right now, I’m more focused on the fact that these two strangers are way too close to my little girl. This must be what people mean when they say ‘Going mama bear’. I insert myself between Kareen and the males, hoping my snarl looks ferocious enough to keep them back. Bunnyfly is putting up a decent struggle and I reach out quickly, snatching the little beast away from the dark one just as it sinks its sharp teeth into the males hand. Good job, Bunnyfly!

  “Female- '' The lighter one begins, but I take hold of Kareen’s hand and make a break toward our home, Bunnyfly clutched tightly against my chest.

  I don’t trust anyone other than my males.

  “Xia I’m s-”

  “Not right now Kareen.” I tell her, ushering her back to the tree.

  We should have stayed put like we were told. My mind is reaching out for the tree to open as soon as it’s within my sight and I’m practically shoving her through the opening the moment we get to it. Close! It snaps shut quicker than I thought it could and I crouch down in front of Kareen.

  “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” I rub my hands over her hair and cup her cheeks.

  “No, they were really nice to me. I found this flower that reminds me of the one you showed me at the greenhouse… they said it was safe to pick.”

  I look down at the flower she holds out to me. She’s right, it does look like the hibiscus plants I told her about the last time she came to visit me at work. We talked about how much I loved the tea that’s made with them. Hibiscus normally don’t have a rainbow of colors on their petals though.

  “You’re right, it does look like a hibiscus,” I tell her.

  Even though I want to scold her, I also don’t want to make her scared. Her moods have already been up and down with everything she’s dealt with since coming here.

  “So we can make your tea and you can be calm?” She looks so pleased that my heart melts. It’s so sweet that she was thinking of me.

  Sighing, I take the bloom from her little fingers and place it on the counter. “I know they said this is safe, but it’s better if we wait for Aquilian or Ettrian to come back so we can ask them. Or maybe I’ll try first and see for m

  “Okay, miss Xia.”

  “Let’s get you and Bunnyfly the Brave some water.”

  Chapter 11


  It isn’t until after I get Kareen down for bed that I realize we have nothing left in the tree for her to eat. I need to go back out and see what I can find nearby. With a little bit of luck she will hopefully stay asleep while I get us something. Bunnyfly is curled up on her chest and I tiptoe past them. I don’t want to risk taking her out again, not when I know that there are two strange males waiting somewhere in the forest. I was able to get her to snack on some of the roots that our guys showed us were edible to fill her tummy for now.

  Opening my mind to the tree, I ask it to allow me out. I’m thankful Kareen doesn’t know how to do this yet and that there isn’t anything she can get into trouble with inside if she wakes before I come back. Focusing on staying aware of my surroundings, I close the tree and move into the darkness slowly. Everything looks different at night, but no less beautiful. I don’t know if the males followed us back here, but to be safe I don’t want to go too far out.

  “I’ll get some roots and some of the insects and be right back,” I mumble to myself, trying to chase away my fear.

  A shudder works its way through me at the thought of eating those giant bugs, but at least Kareen likes them and it’s got to be a good source of protein. I’m so thankful that Aquilian wove some shoes for my feet. Without them, moving over the forest floor wouldn’t be too comfortable. The sound of something snapping to my left has my head whipping around so fast that I feel a pain zing through my neck. It feels like I’m being watched, but I see nothing in the vegetation around me. Where are you guys? I turn away from the direction of the sound and nearly trip over the large leaf on the ground, the blue fruit Aquilian and Ettrian collect for us is sitting on top of it. Maybe one of them made it back and left this for me to find. I bite my lip and wonder if I should take the offering, but my stomach growls and I know I can’t let Kareen go hungry. If it stays out here any longer it may get snatched up by the other animals prowling around out here.

  I hurry back through the forest toward the tree, with this much fruit we should be fine until lunch tomorrow. The moment I’m inside I deposit my bounty and run to the room Kareen and I share to make sure she is still tucked in and safe. The tightness in my chest begins to subside and I release the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding in until I saw her still curled up with Bunnyfly. I tuck a tiny blonde ringlet behind her ear as I watch her sleep. Admittedly, I’d initially been terrified of being responsible for the welfare of a child. When I’d started the process to adopt her, it had been with the knowledge I wouldn’t be in it alone, and I definitely wouldn’t be trying to protect her from an alien world. She’s exactly what I’ve needed. Kareen has taken one of the worst situations of my life and made it seem not so bad. I could be married to Trent, so there are worse things.

  Jerking up in the sling, I rub the sleep from my eyes and I realize the tree is literally shaking. It reminds me so much of the unpredictable weather back home, of the severe storms that started after the war ended, that I shoot up from my sling in alarm. The weather on Earth is dangerous and some people are even talking about how they believe it will force humanity to move to a different planet or under Earth’s oceans pretty soon. Not too long ago there were scientists on the news talking about how the government had shelved research that would have aided plans for an underwater city. I’m sure they regret that right about now. I move into the main part of the tree, wringing my hands. Worry for Aquilian and Ettrian who, for some reason, are still out in the forest creates a pit in my stomach.

  Another rumble vibrates through the massive tree as I open a small portion of the smooth wall so I can peek outside. I’m hoping to catch a glimpse of my males, but instead, I see the ones I ran from earlier today. They are curled in on each other not too far from our tree. Their quills are rattling so bad in the blasting winds that I actually start to feel bad for leaving them out there. Nope. Not falling for it. I shut the tree and turn my back to the wall. Definitely not going to feel bad. I stop halfway across the room and sigh heavily. Oh for gods’ sake! Swirling around I open the tree wide and run out into the storm, probably not the best ideas, but I doubt they can hear me from across the space. I reach down toward the darker of the two, touching his shoulder to get his attention.

  The rain feels like needles as it pelts my skin, but I grit my teeth and motion for them to follow me back to the safety of the tree. After a moment they seem to understand, their eyes flash pink as they jump up and run after me. Once inside, I close the tree so that the howling wind and rain are blocked out.

  “You two stay on that side of the tree. Got it? Don’t come over here.” I know I sound like a bitch, but I don’t really care. “Stay away from this side.” I walk backward into the kitchen, still eyeing the males. Maybe it’s time to brew that tea. The bloom Kareen found for me earlier is sitting on the counter so I pick it up and wave it in their direction. “Hey. You said this is safe, right? That’s what you told my kid?”

  “Yes. It’s used to aid in relaxation.” The dark male, or Mr. Green Bean as my brain has deemed him, tells me.

  After an embarrassing minute of jerking on the nozzle in an unintentionally suggestive way, I fill one of the clay cups with water, trying not to notice as their eyes follow me. I place the bloom into the water and watch as it spins on the surface before it dawns on me that this kitchen has no stove. Well, shit. Where had Aquilian touched to open the oven thing? After a few minutes of rubbing my hands along the wall with no luck, I turn and glance sideways at the males, who are still watching me intently.

  “So, which one of you can show me how to heat this up?”

  The lighter male rises slowly and walks toward me, I feel every hair on my body stand on end as he gets closer. These guys, like my aliens, are at least eight or nine feet tall and tower over my five foot six frame. Intimidating doesn’t quite describe the feeling I get. He extends a long arm and rubs his hand along a spot on the tree I swear I just touched and watch as a pocket opens. He plucks the cup from my hands and sets it down inside the wall before running his hand along the seam to close it again. “Thanks.” He just nods and takes a step backward, but he doesn’t return to his spot beside the other guy. I place my palm over the pocket and feel the warmth it’s creating. I have no idea how this tree operates, but it’s amazing.

  The pocket pops open with a hiss, making me jump as the steam rises out of it. The lighter guy, aka Mr. Neon, rattles softly in a rhythm I’ve come to understand, thanks to Ettrian, is humor. He reaches into the wall and lifts the cup out, setting it gently on the counter in front of me. “Be careful.” His voice is soft and it occurs to me that these are the only people, aside from Kareen, who have spoken out loud to me since I woke up on this planet. Even Ettrian only speaks to me within my mind.

  I wrap my hands around the clay and realize it’s not hot at all, just pleasantly warm. There is steam rising from the surface of the tea so I blow on it a couple of times before taking a tentative sip, moaning quietly as the liquid plays over my tongue and rushes down my throat. This may be the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted in my entire life and I take another longer swig. “Oh my gods,” I sigh, clutching the cup to my chest. “Thank you so much. This is amazing.”

  Mr. Neon nods at me and turns around, walking back to Mr. Green Bean, and takes a seat on the floor. I fidget nervously with the rim of the clay and wonder what I should do now. Kareen is sleeping and as much as I would love to join her, I can’t just give these two free run of our home. They seem to be able to communicate far better than Aquilian and Ettrian so maybe I can get a few answers while I wait for my males to get back. “Well, I guess we could start with names,” I take another sip. Gods, this is good. Warmth spreads through my chest as I settle my palm over my heart. “I’m Inoxia.”

  “I am Yssig and this is my twin brother, Doxal.” He gestures towar
d the darker male who nods his head toward me.

  “Nice to meet you.” I watch as their eyes change to a soft pink, the same way I’ve seen my guys’ do. “I’m sorry if it’s against some social norm to ask, but what’s with the color-changing eyes?”

  “The colors represent different emotions,” Doxal speaks up first. “Dauur do not express with their faces like your kind seems to do.”

  “Who or what is Dauur?”

  Yssig tilts his head, and contrary to Doxal’s claim about not showing emotion, his brows draw together in a frown. “We are Dauur. They are the people of this planet, Dimosia.”

  “Ah.” I take another sip and I can feel each of my muscles, from my head down to my toes, go loose as my body heats up. My lips curve into a silly grin all on their own and I hear myself laugh softly. What is wrong with me? I straighten my face and try to remember the other things I’ve been curious about. “One of the males who live here, Aquilian, he’s deaf, I think. He only speaks to me in my mind.” I frown into my tea. “Well, Ettrian only speaks in my mind too, but I know he can hear me.”

  “Dauur are not born with hearing. We feel vibrations along our ilo that allow us to identify movement in our surroundings, but we communicate through the bond we share with everything in our world. I assume this is what you are hearing in your mind.” Yssig explains.

  “If you aren’t born with hearing, how are Ettrian and the two of you, able to hear me?”

  Doxal reaches a hand up to the side of his head and caresses the small hole there and I realize it’s nearly identical to the two that Ettrian sports. “We were given a gift.” He practically spits the word. “The aliens who took us created these wounds which enabled us to hear the way they do.”

  Yssig rattles next to him, his eyes turning red. “It was extremely painful in the beginning. The noises around us were loud and confusing and it took us many days before we could start forming words with our mouths.”


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