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No Where to Run

Page 8

by Raven K. Asher

  After my shower, I curl up under my covers in bed I think of Lucca, Duncan, Mel, and Katie, Kane, Kale, and hell even my mom.

  I missed them all so much, and it’s only been a two days. I really miss my brother. I just wished that I had someone to hold on to. I wished I knew that they were all ok, and that they were somewhere safe.

  Suddenly, Cookie jumps onto the bed stirring me from my thoughts.

  “How’s, my sweet girl? I bet you are missing Lucca.” I pat her head as she lets out a little whine and snuggles in close to me.

  “I miss him too, sweet girl.” I wrap my arms around her and drift off to sleep quickly.

  It had been a long horrible day.

  I only hoped that tomorrow and the days that followed would be better.

  Chapter 6

  Day 7

  It’s been a week since the day I went into town.

  I haven’t gone back or even left the property.

  No one has come by, and I don’t know whether to be thankful for that, or not.

  No more planes have flown overhead, and I haven’t even remotely heard a car, truck or otherwise.

  I’ve gotten myself into a daily routine of taking care of the horses and Cookie.

  I also have been patrolling the fence around the property. It has given me something to do, and it makes me feel safer.

  Even though I’m trying my hardest to keep busy, the time has gone by slowly.

  I found the trap door that my father had talked about in his letter. I went down and to my amazement he had built an entire living unit down there. It was like a mini apartment. There were a total of five rooms. The kitchen and living/sleeping area were all one room, there was a small bathroom and three other rooms with beds on one side and the other side had been stacked to the roof with boxes of supplies. I realized that my dad must have stocked enough supplies to take care of us for years.

  Everything imaginable was there.

  Everything you would really ever need to survive.

  Dad had even included the horses in his prepping. He had all sorts of vet supplies just in case something should ever happen to one of them. He had even stocked up on their grain. I was extremely lucky too that Duncan had had a large supply of hay delivered a few weeks back. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about the coming winter.

  If I survived that long, that is.

  I saddle Cutter up this time to make my morning round. I had been giving each horse a break so I didn’t wear them out too much.

  Mounting up I head off with Cookie following close behind, as she has done every day.

  Halfway through my round, I come across three dead trying to walk through the fence.

  I watch them for a few minutes. They are completely mindless, running into the fence over and over.

  They aren’t the first ones that I have had to deal with.

  I dismount and grab my pistol out of its holster, lock on the silencer and aim at the firsts head.

  My hand shakes, I lower the gun. I can’t do this. Just because they were the living dead didn’t make it any easier.

  Most of them I still recognized.

  Raising the gun again I steady my hand.

  I had to do this.

  I had to survive.

  Pulling the trigger the dead goes down as the bullet enters its forehead, and I make quick work of killing the last two. I re-holster the pistol and contemplate what to do with the corpses.

  They reek of death and I didn’t want them anywhere near the property.

  I decide to finish my round first, and then deal with the corpses. There wasn’t much I could do other than bury them or drag them away.

  After finishing my round and not finding anymore dead, I head inside for a quick meal. I leave Cutter saddled so that as soon as I’m finished I can ride out to where the corpses are and drag them all far away.

  I didn’t have the energy to bury every single body that came my way and I didn’t want to leave them near the fence in case someone was to stumble across them.

  I certainly didn’t need anyone knowing there was someone alive living here.

  After cleaning my dishes I head back out to the barn grabbing some rope on my way through the barn.

  I mount back up and head down to the gate at the end of the driveway.

  I make my way through the gate, but when I close it I decide to leave it unlocked. I hadn’t seen anyone alive in a week, so I doubted that anyone would break in while I was away for just a few minutes.

  Leaving Cookie on the inside of the gate, she whines to come with me, but I didn’t want her around the corpses.

  “You have to stay, girl. I need you to watch the house.”I order her sternly.

  I mount back up and make my way along the fence.

  Cookie follows along on the other side. I laugh I knew she would find a way to stay close rather than go back to the house. I swiftly reach the area where the corpses lie and dismount a few feet away, and pull on some old gloves before pulling my shirt up over my mouth and nose.

  The smell of decay was horrible.

  I grab the rope and tie each of the corpse’s legs together before wrapping the rope to the horn of Cutters saddle. I mount back up and instruct Cutter to pull the bodies. It’s a slow process of getting the bodies through the wooded area, but soon we make it far enough that I cut the ropes and head back home.

  On the way back I notice that Cookie is nowhere to be seen.

  I had figured she would wait by the fence.

  She must have gone back to the house.

  I reach the gate which looks untouched and pass through it. I lock it as soon as I’m on the other side, and breathe out a sigh of relief.

  I was glad that was over with.

  Cookie still hadn’t come to greet me and it worried me a little.

  Walking Cutter into his stall I brush him down before feeding him.

  I pat Tornado on the nose before making my way back to the house.

  Cookie finally joins me outside of the barn as I lock it up.

  “Where have you been, silly girl?” She barks a response then runs off to the back door scratching at the bottom.

  I walk in looking around for anything out of place.

  My pistol is heavy in my hand as I look around, but I don’t see anything. Cookie just runs into the living room and quietly lies down on the couch.

  I sigh roughly as I run my hand over my face. I should have known it was nothing. I had gotten worried for no reason.

  “You’re a spoiled brat, you know.” I laugh at her as I pass through the room heading up stairs. She huffs at me and closes her eyes.

  Rolling my eyes I head up the steps.

  I need a shower badly. I could still smell the dead on myself.

  In the bathroom I quickly strip and jump into the shower turning the water on as hot as I could stand it.

  I scrub my skin and wash my hair. Hoping it helps to get rid of the rancid smell.

  The water soon runs cold, so I reluctantly get out, wrapping the towel tightly around myself.

  Feeling refreshed I brush through my hair, before heading down the hallway to my room.

  On the way there my gut twists, something feels off.

  But I ignore it and continue on to my room.

  I walk in and start rummaging through my drawers. The afternoons had been getting a little cooler with fall well on its way, so I pick out a long sleeve shirt and a simple pair of jeans.

  As I begin to turn an arm comes out of nowhere and wraps around my throat in a headlock.

  “Who do we have here?” A man’s voice asks as I swing my arms but don’t make contact.

  “Let me go.” I ground out, fighting against whoever’s behind me.

  “Damn it, stop fighting and I’ll let you go.”The rough male voice growls, I feel his warm breath panting out near my ear, and I fight more not wanting to give up.

  I was in the worst possible situation and I didn’t know how to get out of it.

  I was

  Suddenly my towel falls and I’m completely exposed.

  “Oh, come on, really?” I growl out.

  Just when I thought it was bad, it got worse.

  I stop fighting as I feel his rough fingers graze my exposed hip.

  “Hmmm, I think I’ve changed my mind. I don’t think I want to let you go, now.” He chuckles as he nuzzles his face into my neck, taking a deep breath. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

  “It’s Alexis. Please, don’t hurt me.” I beg. “I’ll give you anything you want, if you just leave me alone.”

  “I want you, Alexis.” Is all he states as his hand travels along my stomach sliding to just below my breasts.

  I take in a deep breath and my skin tingles from his touch.

  “Please, don’t do this.” I plead again.

  Suddenly I hear growling come from the doorway.

  It’s Cookie.

  Thank heavens above, I did have some luck.

  The man lets go of me and turns toward Cookie. I take my chance and grab him in the same choke hold he had me in, but I also grab his arms and hold them behind his back just like my dad had taught me.

  “Shit.” He mutters. “Come on little girl, you can’t beat me. You might as well let me go.” He laughs out.

  He’s just as tall as I am, and he has a head of shaggy blonde hair.

  He smells good, a woodsy, manly smell.

  I shake my head slightly.

  I must be out of my mind to think that.

  I swiftly kick his knees out and he falls to the floor. Cookie comes closer standing just above his face, still growling. “Do you give up?” I ask.

  He dips his head “Yes, I’ll give up if you call off the damn dog.”

  I let him go and step back, but I don’t call off Cookie. I rush to grab my clothes and slip them on, and when I look up I see that he’s watching me closely.

  His eyes are a startling shade of green.

  “Who are you?” I ask as I take in his dirty clothes. “Where did you come from?”

  “Call off the dog, and I’ll answer anything you ask.” He gestures to Cookie.

  “Cookie, go lay down.” I yell at her. She whimpers, but obeys opting to lie down on my bed.

  “Thank you.” He stands. “I’m Hunter, and I use to live about ten miles west of here.” He sighs before continuing. “I wasn’t really going to hurt you. I’m sorry if I scared you. I kind of let myself get out of control there for a minute.” He laughs and rubs the back of his neck, looking back to the spot where he held me. “I haven’t seen anyone alive for the past week.”

  “Oh, really, you weren’t going to hurt me? You weren’t thinking anything else while holding me naked?” Hand on my hip I point in his direction.

  He ducks his head and actually blushes. He smiles “I really wasn’t going to hurt you but” He laughs “with you naked in front of me, I almost couldn’t help myself. I’m a guy what do you expect?”

  “So, what were you going to do, rape me?” I accuse.

  “What!” He yells out, his face quickly scrunching in anger. “Hell no, I wasn’t going to rape you.” He pauses. “I don’t know what I would have done, but I would never rape anyone.”

  This conversation was going nowhere fast, so I decide to change the topic. “What do you want from me?”

  He looks into my eyes. “I need help, a place to stay, anything.” He ducks his head. “I know I shouldn’t be asking for anything from you, but I have nothing left. When the military guys came through my town they burnt everything to the ground. I was lucky enough to get away with what little I had and hide.”

  I sigh. Damn it I had to help him.

  But what if it’s a trap? But then again maybe he can tell me what happened to everyone.

  I war with my inner self, before finally coming to a decision.

  “I’ll help you, but if for one second I think you’re lying and that this is some sort of trap, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

  He nods. “I promise I’m not trying to trick you.” He looks back to me with a sad smile.

  “Ok then, now that that’s over, let’s go find you some clean clothes. Then you can get a shower to get cleaned up.” I motion for him to follow me as I walk down the hall to my brother’s room.

  I glance back to see him following me, but he has a perplexed look on his face. “You have running water?”

  “Yes, we have well water and I have a generator, so you’ll have hot water, too.” He stops in the middle of the hall with a look upon his face as if I had just told him that he won the lottery.

  “That’s awesome. It feels like it’s been forever since I could find good clean running water. Let alone get a hot shower.” He smiles before falling back into step to follow me.

  As we enter into Duncan’s room I breathe out a sigh.

  I missed him.

  Making my way to the largest dresser I open up a stuffed draw. Grabbing out some jeans, a shirt and a pair of socks I hand them to Hunter. “Here these are my brothers. He was about your size so these should all fit you. They may be a bit long but not by much.” I smile at him sadly as he takes the clothes from my hands.

  “What happened to your brother? I’m guessing something happened since he’s not here with you.” He asks quietly.

  I turn away, and gulp. “I don’t know what happened to him, or what happened to my boyfriend, or even my mom. As far as I know they are all dead.”

  I walk out the door not wanting to talk anymore on the subject.

  “The bathroom is the next door down, towels are under the sink, and when you’re done come down to the kitchen. I’ll have something whipped up for us to eat.” I yell back to him as I amble off on my way to the kitchen.

  Grabbing two cans of beef soup, I open them and heat them in a pot before heating up some frozen dinner rolls.

  I stare out the window as the food heats, wishing Duncan and Lucca were there with me.


  “That was the best shower ever.” Hunter states while walking into the kitchen with Cookie hot on his heels. Her nails click on the floor as she goes to her favorite spot under the table.

  When I turn around my breath catches as he runs his hands through his damp hair.

  My brother’s shirt is snug on his fit body, and I can clearly see the curves of his chest and abs. A sliver of skin is showing just below the shirt and the jeans are hung low on his hips.

  “Like what you see?” He asks with a smug grin.

  I blush and turn back towards the food.

  “I hope you like beef soup and rolls.” I place the two bowls on the table and turn back to grab the rolls. I feel his arms come around me and I freeze.

  “What are you doing?” I ask with a shaky voice as I turn in his arms to face him. I find myself trapped between him and the counter.

  He pushes his body against mine.

  I flinch away as his knuckles graze the side of my cheek. “I won’t hurt you.”

  I close my eyes as a tear slips out. “I can’t do this. I don’t know you or if I can even trust you.” I whisper.

  Instead of letting me go he grabs me into a hug and I begin sobbing into his chest.

  All of my emotions that I had kept hidden for the past week come rushing out.

  “It’s ok, sweetheart. Just let it all out. I’m sorry. I can be stupid sometimes.” He croons.

  I let out a sad laugh. “You have nothing to be sorry about. I’ve just been alone this whole time. I lost my brother, my boyfriend and everyone I cared about. I’ve been pretty numb to it all, till now. I don’t want to be alone anymore, but I don’t know if I can trust you. I really want to trust you.” I step back out of his embrace, wiping at my eyes before wrapping my arms around myself.

  “I’m so sorry.” He looks away. “I know exactly how you feel, but I only lost one person who mattered.” He sits and starts eating his soup.

  “As for trusting me, I’ll earn your trust from you, in time.”

  I nod my agreement and hand him a few rolls, grabbing a few for myself before sitting down to eat my soup.

  We both finish quickly and he helps clean the dirty dishes.

  I wash, and he wipes them dry.

  I smile. “I need to get my horses fed soon. You can come out to help if you want.” I state looking out the window as I rinse the last bowl and hand it to him.

  “Whatever you need me to do, just ask. I’ll earn my keep.” He says with a grin taking the bowl from my hands.

  I dry off my hands. “Well then slave, let’s get moving.” I joke.

  He laughs and I playfully smack him with my towel before running out the door towards the barn.

  He runs up behind me grabbing my waist, and spins me around till I’m laughing so hard that my stomach aches.

  He sets me back on my feet.

  Still laughing I grab his hand and pull him into the barn.

  “Meet Tornado, and Cutter.” I gesture to the two horses.

  He walks up and pats their noses.

  “I’m guessing this one is yours?” He gestures to Tornado and I nod as I walk up to scratch between Tornado’s ears. He nuzzles his head into my chest.

  “Cutter is my brother’s horse. Our dad bought them for us before he died.” I watch as Hunter softly pats the side of Cutters face.

  I show Hunter where the grain and hay is located and how much to feed the horses.

  Then I show him how to pump out the water into their drinking trough.

  We make quick work of cleaning out stalls and checking the pasture fences, which are all wooden.

  We head back inside the house a little while later.

  It’s around mid afternoon now, but the sky is beginning to darken with clouds that promise rain.

  I rub my arms feeling a slight chill in the air.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask as we reach the kitchen.

  “Yeah, I’m a bit hungry. I haven’t eaten that well in the last few days.” He confesses.

  “Well, you’re lucky you found me, because my dad stocked us up on food, so we will be good for a while.” I smile.

  He smiles back and sits down at the table while I pull out canned chicken from the cupboard, along with some stovetop stuffing, a can of cream of mushroom soup, and a can of corn.


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