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Disarming My Destiny: Sulfur Springs Book 5

Page 4

by Taylor Rylan

  A quick trip to the bathroom had me splashing my face with cool water, and when I looked up at myself in the mirror, something Dad had said came crashing back.

  “That’s right. I have a son. How did you know? My son looks just like his mom. My Ellie is so beautiful. My son’s in the Marines. He’s a good boy, but he’s off at war now. I hope his momma keeps him safe…”

  Was that really just a year ago? Had he really gone downhill that fast? Then I remembered what the doctor told me. He’d been diagnosed in 2014. I wasn’t around then; I was still in the Marines and he hadn’t said a peep. Why? Why would he keep something like that from me?

  Knowing I wasn’t going to be able to go back to sorting through Dad’s things, I left the bathroom and went in search of Oreo. I found her downstairs, chewing on a rawhide bone.

  “Hey, girl. You want to watch something on TV? Hmm?” I asked as I flung myself down on the couch. After I located the remote I’d left on the back of the couch, I turned the TV on and went to Netflix and started searching. Nothing caught my eye, so I gave up and turned on the Hallmark channel. It was December fifteenth and I knew they’d be playing Christmas movies nonstop, so why the hell not?

  Sure enough, there was a Christmas movie playing, and I did my best to watch it. Why couldn’t they have a gay couple one year? That’d be epic. The hometown hunk falling for another hunk. Yeah, that’d be great.

  Thinking about hunks, I chuckled, remembering what I’d overheard Ezra call me. That made me think about something else that would be great. If Oreo’s hot doctor didn’t think I was a piece-of-shit pet owner. He didn’t come out and say it, but damn, I could tell. I ran my fingers through my hair and gave it a tug. I really needed to get laid if I was thinking that Dr. Asshole was hot. But, I’d thought he was hot since the first time I’d seen him a year ago.

  He was certainly my type though. Older, tall, athletic, big brown eyes. Yep. I had issues. I was restless, and instead of lying there, listening to another Christmas movie, I turned off the TV and got up.

  “Oreo. I need a life. I’m going to go shower. Not that you understand what I’m saying. Be good, girl,” I told her as I walked off toward the stairs. I really did need a life if I was talking to my dog. I groaned as I climbed the stairs. When did my life get so…dull?

  Xander —4

  I was cranky. There was no other word for it. Salty? Yeah, salty worked. It was five days before Christmas, and we had Lucy still and Oreo. She was currently in my lap, sleeping, as I sat at the front reception desk, waiting for her owner to show up. It was almost five, and she was supposed to be picked up from doggy daycare by five.

  I didn’t mind spending time with her. Actually, I adored her, but I hated the fact that she was here all the damn time. But at least he did put her in daycare instead of leaving her at home alone all day.

  When the bell chimed, alerting me that someone opened the door, I looked up and my eyes met the icy blue ones of Oreo’s owner. Damn. I really hope I didn’t have to say much because fuck, he was…hot. Bishop Jones was definitely what a lot of gay men would call ideal. He had these blue eyes that drew you in, platinum-blond hair that looked to be natural, a tan complexion, wide shoulders, impressive biceps, and fuck. He carried a gun. And a badge. And his package looked amazing in those pants.

  “My eyes are up here, Doc.”

  And that accent sent shivers down my spine. I somehow managed to draw my eyes up to those blue ones that called to me. What did he say? Dammit. I was too old to be thinking about the things I was. But his lips. They’d look fantastic wrapped around…nope. Fuckballs.

  “I was reading your badge,” I said, hoping that made sense on some level.

  “Oh? And what did it say?” Deputy Hunk asked. Yeah, I definitely agreed with Ezra on that nickname.

  “I’m not sure. You told me to stop looking.”

  “Hmm, well, it happens to say US Marshal. Tell me something, Doc. Do you always hold the dogs that are in daycare?” he asked as he glanced at Oreo in my lap. She was awake and was staring up at her owner.

  “Only when their owners don’t seem to have time for them,” I sniped back. The smile that had been on Bishop’s face immediately left. Shit. That wasn’t what I intended.

  “Well, you’re in luck then because this piece-of-shit pet owner will no longer be needing your daycare services,” he said while pulling out a card from his wallet.

  “What? Why? Look, I apologize. I just happen to be quite fond of Oreo,” I said, trying to smooth things over. The waving card in front of my face indicated his justified irritation, and I took the card from him. After I got the total bill, I ran the card for the correct amount. I handed him back his card and the receipt for him to sign. Bishop pulled a pen out of his shirt pocket and signed the receipt quickly before pushing it back in my direction.

  “Can I have my dog now? I’ve had a shitty couple of weeks, and I just want to go home,” Bishop said as he put the pen back in his shirt pocket. I sighed but stood up and handed Oreo over to her owner. She licked his chin, causing him to smile, which was a good thing because Bishop’s smile was beautiful. His straight white teeth peeked out just a bit before he tucked Oreo inside his suit jacket and turned to leave.

  “Wait. Were you serious? I truly am sorry. I was out of line, and I apologize.”

  “Yes. My partner and I have figured something else out for her. Not that it matters, but she’ll be happy and spoiled by his niece and nephew,” he said as he turned and walked out the door.

  Fuck. His partner? I banged my forehead down on the desk in front of me. I was an asshole. A complete and total bastard.

  The bell chimed again and I looked up and sighed.

  “Sleeping on the job, Xander?”

  “Hey, Mom. What can I do for you?” I asked as I saved the updated account for Oreo and then shut down the computer. We were closed until January, unless there was an emergency. I would have to come in and take care of Lucy, but otherwise, I’d decided to give what staff that was still here time off. Most were using vacation time anyway, and I couldn’t man the place by myself.

  “Xander. You still haven’t told me whether or not we should expect you for Christmas dinner. And since you’re determined to avoid me at all costs at the animal shelter, and to not return any of my calls, I’ve been forced to come here and ask.” Mom huffed and put both of her hands on her hips. I tried not to laugh, but it was difficult. It really was.

  “Well, how about you and John just go do your own thing for Christmas dinner and I’ll do mine? Sound good?”

  “Not really, no. Xander, you’re going to be forty-two in a couple of weeks. You need to find yourself a nice man and settle down.”

  I did laugh that time. What was it with mothers and wanting their kids to settle down?

  “Mom. Please don’t,” I said as I got up from the chair and went to lock the front door.

  “Don’t what? Don’t want you to be happy?”

  “Mom, just because I don’t have someone in my life doesn’t mean I’m not happy. We’ve already been over this. I’m not giving you grandkids. I don’t want children,” I said as I walked past her, hitting the switch on the wall and turning off the lights in the reception area. I’d be here for a little while longer, but there was nothing in the appointment book and I was more than ready to go home for the evening.

  “Xander Charles Garrison. Do not walk away from me,” Mom said in her stern voice.

  “Mother, I’m tired. You can follow, or you can stand there in the dark. I have some charts I need to finish up in my office before I get to go home.” I stopped and waited. I knew she was going to follow. I was happy for Mom as well as thrilled she and John had found each other. But damn, she needed to realize that not everyone found their happily ever after.

  “Xander, I only want what any mother wants. For you to be happy,” Mom said from behind me. I stopped just inside my office and turned to look at her.

  “I am. I love my work and that’s enou
gh. Okay?”

  “No, it’s not okay. You need someone to cook with, someone to mope around that big ole house of yours with.” Her hands were on her hips again, letting me know she was irritated.

  She had a point there. My house was large. But I didn’t purchase it for the house. No. I wanted the property. It was a small fiftyish acres, and I was happy with it. The house was almost centered, and that meant I had tons of privacy.

  “Mom. We’ve been over this. I’m just not that into anyone right now.”

  “Of course you’re not. All you do is work,” she said, and I raised an eyebrow at her. She added a lot of extra work to my schedule, so she really needed to lay off. “I found another vet, so don’t give me that look. She’s from Heart Animal Clinic. She starts the beginning of the year. And Dr. May agreed to come back if I brought on another full-time veterinarian, so all’s well in that area.”

  I was shocked. Completely floored. What brought all of that on, I wondered. My shock quickly became suspicion though, and I frowned at Mom. “You’re up to something. I know it,” I accused before I turned and walked over to my desk. I sat down, exhausted.

  “I’m not up to anything. Christmas dinner. You’ll be there?”

  I sighed, wondering if I’d regret this. “Sure. What time?”

  “It’s dinner, darling. So, five,” Mom said.

  “Sure. See you then, okay?” I really hoped she’d leave so I could finish my charts and go home. I wanted to relax, but until I finished work by updating the charts, I couldn’t. I’d placed my orders earlier in the day, and now I was going to play catch-up on the other paperwork.

  “Good. See you then. And, Xander?” I looked up at Mom, who was half- in and half out of my office.


  “Please try to relax. You’re working yourself too hard. There’s more to life than work you know.”

  I didn’t get a chance to respond because Mom took off down the hallway. I rubbed my temples and sighed before I got up and followed. She had already gone, though, by the time I made it to the front reception area. I quickly locked the door and watched as her headlights moved across the parking lot and then turned.

  I went back to my office and completed the patient charts before I put them in a pile for Ezra when he got back. He’d love me for it, but he’d be more upset if I messed up his filing system, so I piled them on his desk. After forwarding the phones to my work cell, I checked on Lucy one more time.

  “See you tomorrow, girl,” I told her before I pulled on my coat, grabbed my bag, and then walked toward the back of the clinic. After I set the alarm, I was through the door, making sure it was locked behind me before I jogged over to my truck. I was over this crazy cold snap, and I had just the remedy for that once I got home. I simply needed to get there first.

  I started the truck, quickly put it in gear, and turned toward Sulfur Springs. As long as emergency calls didn’t come in, I had my evening already planned. I’d throw an individual-sized lasagna that I’d prepped in the oven, and while that baked, I’d relax in my natural hot spring.

  It was the biggest selling point of my property. When I spent days on ranches, dealing with livestock, it wasn’t uncommon for me to come home aching. But even just fifteen minutes in my little slice of heaven and I’d feel so much better.

  I hadn’t had an overly physical day lately, but I’d been under a lot of stress and the tension in my body was high. I could always schedule a massage, but honestly, finding a hookup for the night would probably provide just as much relief, if not more.

  Sadly, that didn’t sound nearly as appealing as it once had. Not since I’d started seeing Deputy Jones more frequently at the clinic when he picked up his dog. I growled into my quiet cab as I sat at a red light, waiting for a green so I could go. It was too quiet in the truck, so I turned on some music and leaned my head back a bit when the lyrics filled the truck.

  “Dammit. I’ll grab his info from the chart tomorrow,” I said to myself. The light changed and I pushed on the gas again, sending my truck forward through the intersection and out of Jackson, toward home. I needed to call Oreo’s owner and apologize. I owed it to him, and no matter what my feelings were, that wasn’t how one treated a client.

  I drove home on autopilot, my mind on thoughts of a blue-eyed blond that was most likely taken. Thinking back to last weekend, he’d told Ezra that he went for older men. So did that mean he was actually gay, or was he simply saying it to get a rise out of my office manager? I couldn’t get a read on him at all, but when he thought I was staring at his dick—which I so was—he didn’t seem to have any issues with that. I turned onto my drive, careful to avoid the large pothole I knew needed to be filled once the snow and ice was gone in the spring.

  So, Oreo’s dad was either gay, or he had no issues with gays. Either way, I should probably find out before…wait. He mentioned a partner. But didn’t US Marshals have a work partner? Oh, maybe that was who he was referring to. But why would they talk about his dog? That was such a couple thing to do. Definitely need to get his info and give him a call.

  I sighed, knowing there was a whole other reason why I wanted to call Bishop Jones, but I knew I couldn’t. I’d keep it professional, and then that would be the end of it. Especially if he followed through and actually pulled Oreo out of our daycare and kept her home.

  I drove over the rutted driveway, and when my house came into sight, I sighed in relief. It was beautiful, but Mom certainly had me thinking. Unfortunately, Mom also had me thinking about a relationship with someone I certainly shouldn’t be thinking of.

  After parking in the garage, I got out and plugged in the engine’s block heater before heading inside. I dropped my bag on the counter and tossed my coat over the back of one of the barstools. A quick trip to the freezer and I had a small pan of lasagna that I’d made and frozen last week. Tossing it into the oven and turning it on to three-fifty, I set the timer, not that I’d be able to hear the damn thing, and then walked to my back door. I dashed across the expanse of around twelve feet before I dove through the door that led to my hot spring room. I quickly stripped naked and then all but jumped into the soothing water.

  Ahh, this was certainly a little slice of heaven. I groaned as my body sunk deeper into the water. Yep, this was exactly what I needed. Too bad I was alone. Would someone like Bishop enjoy a soak? The things we could do to each other while relaxing in the warm water quickly had my body reacting, and before I realized what I was doing, I was stroking my hard cock underwater. Damn, that wasn’t good.

  Bishop — 5

  Christmas sucked. It sucked last year because I suddenly found myself with a freshly shaved dog that shivered inside the house. It sucked because I had to put sweaters on her, and she kept glaring at me like it was my fault her coat was so matted it had to be shaved. It sucked because when I went back down to Austin to see Dad, he didn’t remember who I was the entire time. It sucked because this year, he was gone.

  No, that wasn’t right. Dad was gone last year really. Yes, I physically saw him and could touch him, but he was gone. He…yeah.

  Adrian and Cody had invited me out to Knotty Springs to have Christmas dinner with his sister and her fiancé and kids, but I couldn’t. I simply wasn’t good company, and I knew it. Being around family, that wasn’t something I could handle right now.

  Emme had been great and had watched Oreo for me this week. Her two kids absolutely adored her, and every evening, Oreo was completely worn-out. It was great. And made me feel exactly like the hot-as-hell animal doc said I was: I was a terrible pet owner.

  I looked down the couch and saw Oreo sound asleep on her back, all four paws in the air. Yeah, she had it rough. I wished I had more time for her, but I couldn’t part with her. No, she’d be with me until the end, but I definitely needed to figure something out because I couldn’t keep putting her in daycare or relying on Emme to watch her.

  I thought again about Dr. Garrison and wished he didn’t think I was a shitty pet o
wner. He was gorgeous with his blond hair and brown eyes. He was right around the same height as me, but his build was a bit slimmer. He had wide shoulders and his biceps weren’t anything to sneeze at, but you could tell his muscles came from working, most likely with larger dogs and animals around the local ranches, and not lifting at the gym. His narrow hips were a contrast to the perfectly rounded ass that looked amazing in jeans. And don’t get me started on the hair because the way it tended to curl just screamed “grab me.”

  I sighed, looked at the clock, and got up to grab a water bottle from the kitchen. I peeked at Oreo on my way back by, and she was on her side but still appeared to be asleep. I quickly climbed the stairs and went into my spare bedroom. I’d gone through the clothing and donated everything. There wasn’t anything in those bins that seemed as if they were anything other than everyday clothing.

  I still had three totes to go. Four if you counted the one I didn’t quite make it through the first time. I had nothing else to do, and I was determined to get through them today and tomorrow. I had the two days off and no plans, so why not?

  I entered the room and gave the blue totes a long look before I set my water bottle down on the nightstand. After I went over to the wall, I picked up a bin, carried it over to the bed, and sat down with it. This one was heavier than the others I’d gone through so far, so who knew what I’d find.

  I was surprised when I opened it though. Inside were all of my trophies, ribbons, medals, and the like from when I was younger. My cross-country awards, football pictures, hell, there were things in there even I didn’t remember having gotten. Talk about a trip down memory lane. I wasn’t quite sure what all I was going to do with the stuff, but I knew I wanted to keep it, so I replaced everything in the box and put the lid back on it. I carried it over to the closet and placed it on the floor and went back for another tote.


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