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Night With Mommy

Page 5

by Sofia Connor

  Six months ago Richard left Edinburgh and was now renting a flat in North London, and had invited Millie over the forthcoming Saturday.


  It was 1pm on Saturday when Millie rang the doorbell to Richard's flat. The door swung open and Richard greeted her with a grin. As she stepped forward he enveloped her in a big hug.

  'Missed ya, wee sis.' Richard still had the Scottish accent that Millie had lost from moving away so young. She loved it, somehow it was comforting and made her feel secure. She hugged him back, breathing him in deeply. She didn't need to say she'd missed him, it was clear.

  After giving Millie a tour of his place Richard suggested they do a bit of shopping and then stop off for dinner somewhere. Millie concurred that that was an excellent idea.


  At about 3pm they were wandering around the shopping centre. As they passed La Senza, Millie noticed Richard look in and then glance at her, or at least she thought. Neither of them said anything and carried on walking.

  'Are ya ready to go sis?' Richard asked.

  'Erm', Millie stopped walking and did a mental run through her list, she didn't think there was anything she'd missed. 'Yeah, I guess so. Why are you looking at me like that?'

  Richard was giving her an insinuating smile. She noticed the way only the right side of his mouth tilted up and for the first time she really understood why so many girls fancied him. Suddenly realising she was staring, Millie broke the silence. 'Shall we go?'

  'How about we make one more stop?' That sly smile again.

  'Sure, where?' By way of response Richard flicked his head as if to say, behind you. Millie turned around, they were standing in front of Ann Summers. She looked back at him.

  'In there?' She didn't even try to hide the shock in her voice.

  'Yup', Richard replied confidently and strolled off. A few seconds passed before Millie moved to follow, Richard had already disappeared inside the shop.

  Hesitantly Millie made her way passed matching lingerie sets, frilly nighties and feather bowers. She wasn't sheepish because she was an innocent lamb, but shopping for this kind of thing with her brother was a first. She found him at the back of the store amongst various vibrating, swirling, knobbly objects. There was a couple back there with a toddler in a pram. Hmm, Millie thought, not really the place to come with your kid, but then it wasn't the typical place to go with you big brother either. Then they were gone and Millie and Richard were alone.

  Millie stood beside Richard without saying anything, she didn't know what to say. He systematically picked up, tested out and rejected each of the items on display until he got to the last one. Millie watched him pick up the anal beads. He put down the display and turned to Millie. Just at that moment a shop assistant rounded the corner.

  'You alright there guys?' she chirped and gave a practiced smile. Millie suddenly felt like a child who'd been caught drawing on the wallpaper. She was convinced the girl would realise they were brother and sister.

  'Aye, we're fine thanks darlin'.'

  'Ok,' the shop assistant blushed, 'just let me know if you need anything.' Millie was used to that reaction, apparently she wasn't the only one who appreciated her brother's accent.

  'I think I'll wait outside,' Millie said.

  'Aye, ok wee sis,' Richard replied distractedly.

  Five minutes later Richard appeared with a bag, Millie was more than a little curious but didn't dare ask what was in it.


  After dinner Richard suggested they spend the night in and watch a film. Millie followed him with her eyes as he took down a DVD from his collection. What was that about earlier? she wondered. What did he buy?

  Richard put the film into the player and turned off the light. What he did next surprised Millie. Without hesitation he undid his jeans and pulled them off. Her reaction surprised her even more. She was excited and couldn't deny it. She hadn't seen her brother in his boxers since he was a kid and his scrawny pale legs had certainly filled out. Sculpted thighs had replaced his skinny legs. But she didn't dare look at what she wanted to the most.

  'Budge over sis, I wanna be comfy.' Millie scooted to the end of the sofa making room for him. Richard laid down and sprawled out, barely leaving room for her, resting his legs over hers. Tentatively she let her hand rest on his bare leg, just under his knee. She daren't go any higher.

  'Don't you wanna relax a wee bit more? Come on sis, get comfy like me, I want ya t'feel at home here.'

  'I'm fine,' Millie smiled and tried to seem relaxed. In actual fact she was wound as tight as a spring, what was happening?

  'No yer're not. Look, come here,' Richard sat up and went to take off her t-shirt.

  'Woah, what're you doing?' she feigned some protest.

  'You'll enjoy the film more like this,' Richard continued unperturbed. He placed his hands on either side of Millie's waist and slid them up, her t-shirt rolled up as he did so. The first thing that struck Richard was how soft her skin was and any minor pangs of guilt he had disappeared instantly, and for good. Her warm body felt so good under his hands. He slid her top up over her head, revealing her. She certainly wasn't little any more.

  Millie felt a bit embarrassed but more than anything, exhilarated. Her big brother was drinking her in with his eyes and she loved it. The surge of warmth she felt between her legs told her she was becoming moist.

  'You got gorgeous tits, sis,' Richard said in a soft voice, 'you're not a wee girl any more, are ya.' Millie smiled her reply. 'Come and lay next to me', he said.

  Millie laid down next to Richard, she let her arm fall across his chest and her breasts pushed up against his side. Richard slid his leg between Millie's so that his thigh rested between hers.

  Realising there was no going back from this, that they would never again have a normal brother/sister relationship, Millie sunk her head into Richard's side and breathed deeply, closing her eyes. 'Hmm,' she sighed. Richard smiled. Millie thought back to when he'd opened the door for her earlier that day, she'd done the same thing then, let him envelop her completely, had she wanted this all along?

  'Yer know, wee sis...' Millie looked up at him shyly, 'you could take off that skirt too.'

  'OK.' Quickly, with ease and grace Millie slipped out of her skirt and let it drop to the floor.

  'What's that say on ya panties, sis?'

  'Je t'aime...'

  'Let's have a closer look,' Richard leant down and slid one hand inside her small thong, lifting the fabric close to his face. Millie let out a gasp. The back of his hand brushed against her warm, silky mound.

  When Richard felt how smooth and hot his little sister's pussy was his cock stiffened. It was rock hard now, he laid back so that Millie would see. Then he slid his arms around her, she leant into him and let him unhook her bra. The straps slid down and the bra began to fall. Millie felt vulnerable and sexy at the same time.

  Richard dropped the bra onto the floor and looked at his little sis, her full breasts were tipped with gorgeously erect nipples. He lowered himself and took her left one into his mouth.

  'Uhh,' Millie quietly moaned as she slid her hand behind his head and pushed him closer.

  She nuzzled her face into his hair and gently pulled him away, lifting his face to hers, his mouth to hers. Gently pushing him back down she slid her hand down his chest and belly, feeling his tight abs. She ran her hand over his rock-hard cock, all the while exploring his mouth with her tongue. 'Take it out, wee sis'. Millie pulled down his boxers. She took his throbbing dick in her hand and slid his engorged, wet helmet into her mouth. Richard had never been with anyone who knew how to suck a cock like his little sister did. He wanted to cum immediately, but knew that if he did the pleasure would end. Instead he shuffled round a little and pushed two fingers inside Millie.

  'Uhhh' came a muffled moan.

  'Oh fuck, you're tight wee sis. And soaking'.

  'Mmm' was all she could manage around his cock. She didn't want to stop.

  As Richa
rd finger fucked his sister he thought about how good it was going to feel to slide his cock into her. Millie took his whole cock into her mouth. As he came he could feel the head of his dick slapping against the back of her throat and knew his steaming cum was shooting down it. Next time he'd give her the chance to swallow.

  Millie looked up at Richard, licked her lips and smiled.

  The End.

  Rescue Me

  Where in the hell am I?

  That thought crossed my mind while I looked for any sign of life in what appeared to be in the middle of nowhere. I cursed silently about forgetting to reset the odometer in my car the last time I'd filled my gas tank. The gage was broken, and resetting the odometer was the only way I knew when the car was running low.

  It was bad enough I'd taken a wrong turn in heading back to town, but now my car was out of gas. The only way I'd be able to get back on the road again was to grab the gas can and walk until I found a filling station.

  When I opened the trunk, I realized I'd forgotten to put the gas can in there.

  "Can this day get any worse?" I cried as I looked up at the sky.

  I had no idea how long I'd have to sit on the side of that abandoned road, or if there was a mad rapist lurking in the woods below. I locked my car doors and tried to figure out my next move.

  "God, if I'm meant to get out of here alive, something better happen soon," I said to myself.

  As if my half-ass prayer was answered, I noticed a silver truck coming down the road. Still wary of strangers, I stood in the car, yet cracked my window low enough to wave for help. The truck soon stopped behind me.

  I almost gasped when a good-looking young man who appeared to be in his early twenties stepped out and walked toward the driver's side of my car. "Need some help, ma'am?"

  "I'm out of gas and my phone is dead," I replied. "I also forgot my gas can or I'd walked to find a station."

  "Just as well," he said. "Closest one you'd probably found is about an hour away on foot, and it would've been dark by the time you got there."

  I let out a sigh. "Great."

  "I have an empty can in the back of my truck," he said. "I can give you a lift to get some gas."

  "Oh, really, you don't have to - "

  "It's fine, I don't bite." His green eyes twinkled when he smiled. "Not yet anyway."

  His last statement made me laugh, and my earlier apprehension of the stranger was replaced by feelings of relief. It also wasn't like I had a choice to turn down his generous offer."Sure, why not? Just let me lock the car."

  What woman wouldn't want to be rescued by a man like him, even if he was young enough to be my son if I had one? He was at least six feet tall, a shade under two hundred pounds, with close-cropped dark blond hair. He introduced himself as Marcus.

  "Shannon," I replied as we climbed into his truck. "By the way, any idea where we are?"

  "A secluded little place the sheriff doesn't even know about," Marcus said with a laugh. "A lot of high school and college kids out for the summer come up here to drink, smoke joints, and have sex." He glanced over and saw my reaction. "Yeah, I've been guilty of doing that stuff too. Not a whole lot else to do when one lives in the boonies."

  "Too bad none of those kids were around today."

  "Oh, I doubt anyone will come around until school lets out next week."

  "Just my luck."

  "Yeah, well, most of them would've been too stoned or drunk to lend you a hand anyway." He again smiled at me. "Good thing, too, because I wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of such a pretty lady."

  I shook my head and laughed. "I bet you say that to your girlfriends all of the time."

  "Yeah, if I had some."

  "Oh, come on. A good-looking guy like you? I bet women are breaking down your door."

  "I only had one girl," Marcus said. "We were together since junior high, but she kind of outgrew me and we split up. Destiny changed after going off to secretary college. I guess dating a manual laborer was no longer good enough for her."

  "People change and eventually move on," I said. "I'm sure you'll find someone who appreciates you."

  If I was only twenty years younger, I thought.

  He quickly changed the subject. "What about you, Shannon? You married?"

  "I was. My husband was killed in Iraq," I answered.

  "Oh, man! I am so sorry for being insensitive!"

  "You weren't. It did take me a long time to get over Randy's death, but I've gone out a few times. Nothing serious, though."

  We soon arrived at a gas station. I stood in the truck and watched people filling their vehicles while Marcus grabbed his gas can from the back. He spent several minutes filling the can before setting it back in the truck bed.

  "I hope you remembered to put on the cap tight," I said when he slid back into the driver's seat.

  "Sure I did. Not the first time I had to rescue city folk who got stuck way out in the sticks."

  We chatted and laughed as he drove me back to my car. I offered to pay for the gas, but Marcus brushed me off. "Your company's been payment enough."

  The sun was setting by the time we returned to where I'd run out of gas, but it was still light enough that he could see the gas tank and filled it while I reset the odometer to zero.

  I didn't hear Marcus come up behind me. "What are you doing?" he asked.

  I jumped. "I'm resetting my odometer."


  "My gas gage is broken," I replied. "My late husband showed me how to figure how many miles I needed to drive before filling up the tank by setting the odometer."

  "Kind of a pain in the ass, isn't it?"

  "I'm used to it."

  I started to thank him for his help and close the car door, but he stopped me. "Sure you don't want to hang out a little longer before it's completely dark?"

  Much as I'd wasted enough time being stuck in the middle of nowhere, I also figured it was rude to leave Marcus after all he'd done to help me get on my way. I smiled up at him. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

  I asked if he had any ideas in mind. He nodded. "We're going to have to get off the road and go somewhere else, though."

  While I wasn't sure where things were headed, I followed him to what appeared to be an abandoned farm. I noted that no one could see us from the road, but I wasn't nervous. By then, I'd already saw that Marcus was indeed a decent guy.

  We talked about my day and each other's lives. Marcus didn't seem to mind that he was listening to rants spewing from a woman so much older than he. Not many men his age spent time listening to women in their mid-forties bitch about their day's annoyances, but he didn't seem to mind.

  Our eyes met and Marcus gave me another one of his dazzling smiles. There was no question by then as to exactly what he'd had in mind, and I told him that I was old enough to be his mother.

  "Well, you ain't my mom," he replied and leaned into me.

  We kissed with intense passion! Our tongues entwined in a dance of seduction as Marcus began to undress me. He kissed my neck as one of his hands slowly unbuttoned my blouse. He sized up my breasts with both his eyes and hands after removing my bra."Damn, you've got a great rack. I'm normally an ass guy, but these are awesome!"

  His hands explored my naked breasts and squeezed them..I reached for his crotch and found him straining against the khaki shorts he wore. When I unzipped them and reached inside, I discovered he wore no underwear and his cock was very hard.

  We stopped fondling each other long enough to finish undressing and then got out of his truck. I got my first look at Marcus' penis and saw how long and thick it was. We kissed again before I slowly moved down his torso until I reached his erection.

  I kissed the tip of Marcus' cock and looked up at him with total lust in my eyes. I gripped the base of his dick and slid the full hardness between my lips until it reached my throat. I sucked him until my lips reached the base, and then began to devour his entire shaft until he was almost to the point of ejaculating down my throa

  "Oh, baby, you gotta stop," he said, panting. "I don't want to come yet."

  Marcus pulled me up and placed me on the door which opened the bed of his truck. He spread my legs and looked at my shaved mound for a moment before burying his head between my thighs. His tongue caressed, teased, and licked my slit while three of his fingers pumped in and out of my pussy until I came.

  We climbed into the truck's bed. While he stood, I kneeled and swallowed his cock again all the way to his balls. My head bobbed with a steady rhythm while he moaned with pleasure as my lips moved back and forth, sliding up and down his entire shaft while I stroked his smooth balls.

  Marcus thrust his hips and fucked my mouth for several moments before he pulled me off of his throbbing member. We both stood in the truck bed and he turned me to face away from him, bent me at the waist, and slid his enormous cock deep inside my pussy. I felt him spread my ass cheeks, likely to have a view of how his cock spread my opening while he thrust in and out of me.

  "Shannon...Shannon...your pussy is so fucking hot. It's been forever since I've fucked a woman...oh, baby, you feel so damn good!"

  I felt him push in deep over and over and and my orgasm quickly approached. He pushed deep and pulled out, in...out... as he gained speed with each thrust.

  When he pulled out again, I was able to straighten my upper body before Marcus helped me out of the truck bed. "Let's continue over there," he said, indicating a stack of old hay.

  He laid me on my back and spread my legs wide before he pushed his cock back into my pussy. I wrapped my legs around his ass, digging my bare heels into his ass like a jockey spurring a thoroughbred to the finish.

  "Fuck me," I said. "Drive your cock deeper and fuck me harder. I want to feel you come."

  The idea of shooting his semen inside me must've made Marcus even more aroused. His cock pushed in harder and his thrusts were a little faster.

  "Yes...that's it."


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