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Night With Mommy

Page 47

by Sofia Connor

  Lisa felt intense satisfaction. She had taken half of him into her mouth and he was growling like a jungle cat. She stopped pumping him and instead rolled his cum-soaked balls in her hand. She slid one finger back toward ...

  "Now!" he screamed. Lisa barely had a second to start swallowing. She had to remember to breathe through the nose because when he came, Oscar came hard and long. She must have gulped down eight loads.

  Lisa looked up and Oscar had his eyes closed, he was bathed in sweat, and was twitching in his abdomen and thighs. She felt exultant, triumphant, and complete.

  "What now?" she teased him. He took a deep breath and looked over to her.

  "How about we take a shower?" he suggested. Lisa suddenly felt self-conscious of her own sweat and bodily fluids.

  "Oh yes, I guess so," she muttered.

  "I've always wished I could have sex standing up in the shower," he told her with a hint of mischievousness. That brought Lisa up short. He wanted more ... of her?"

  "Well, we'll see if you get lucky," she countered playfully. "I'm all about wish fulfillment." Lisa couldn't believe she'd had such sexual banter with a near stranger. "See if you can keep up," she taunted him. He was on her before she go through the bathroom door and her giggles rang in their ears.

  (Saturday noon)

  "Will I ever see you again?" Lisa asked hopefully. Oscar looked at her. There was real sympathy in his eyes.

  "I don't know," he responded. He stretched over to her and kissed her eyes. "I am not alone in this and other people may not think it is right for me to see you for a while."

  "Oh," she sighed. "I wasn't ... bad was I?"

  "You were more than I hoped for," he assured her. She gave him a warm almost tragic smile. There were tears welling up in her eyes. "You have done more than most women are able to do; you have saved yourself."

  "I feel bad ... about the woman ... Alice Delacroix. She ... Mike; I'll never be able to make that up to her will I?"

  "I think you have," Oscar confessed.

  "How?" she said sadly bewildered.

  "You stepped away from him and to Mike you were little more than property. You will never be that to me. You area a very special woman and you deserve better," he answered.

  "Do I deserve you?" she hoped.

  "Today you have," he smiled. "I would say you've earned me several times over." Lisa couldn't help but blush.

  He had certainly very vocal in his appreciation of her and she had been very vocal with him. Considering she knew only grunts and commands before Oscar had opened a whole new world for her. She'd wanted and been wanted. She realized she'd never really been hungry for sex before this morning. She wondered how she could ever even consider going back to Mike.

  She knew the answer as soon as the thought rebounded in her head. She couldn't go back. She had to find a way out.

  "Oscar, I don't want to go back to him."

  "I can certainly tell someone who might be able to help you," Oscar smiled. He actually hoped he was right.

  (Saturday afternoon)

  Oscar handed Taylor the recording of himself and Lisa together.

  "You'll find it quite entertaining," Oscar joked. Taylor handed him an envelope.

  "Here's your money." Oscar didn't bother counting it. He and Taylor got along. If he handed you a paycheck, it was the amount promised.

  "Were there any difficulties?" Taylor asked.

  "She's bit inexperienced, a bit shy, but nothing I couldn't work around. Do I need to know who this is for?"

  "Nah, even if the husband sees you in any of your videos, he'll be looking for 'Oscar'. The concerned party isn't a Brainiac, and won't have the resources to find you."

  "If this goes on-line, I'll want my cut."

  "It shouldn't," Taylor told him, "but if it does, you will be compensated."

  "Until you need me again," Oscar said as he got out of the booth. He thought it was a hell of a way to make a living, seducing women and getting paid handsomely for it.

  "Taylor, she wants to leave her husband," Oscar brought himself to say. His back was to Taylor. He didn't want to seem soft -- unprofessional.

  "I'll see what I can do," Taylor responded after a moment. Oscar took a step away.

  "I'll let her know you told me," Taylor added.

  For now Taylor had to work on his primary problem. His first concern was that Alice had gone through three more hours of torment at Mike's hands.

  That he could do something about, as long as Mike didn't know Alice's family history. He didn't come across as the small talk kind of guy. He dialed Alice's number. It rang a few times.

  "Yes," she answered. She sounded harried.

  "Ms. Delacroix, this is Memorial Hospital. Your grandmother has been in a terrible car accident and she has requested that you come down. She will be going into surgery soon, so you need to hurry." Even if she didn't recognize Taylor's voice, she knew something was wrong. After all, she didn't have a grandmother. Taylor heard some noise on the other end.

  "Who is this?" Mike asked. He sounded a bit out of breath.

  "Memorial Hospital -- Emergency Room Desk -- Nurse Riley; who am I speaking to?"

  "Never mind," Mike grunted. Alice got back on the phone.

  "I'm on my way."

  "Please hurry. I'll meet you at the Emergency Room entrance," Taylor replied. The hospital was two blocks away from him. He paid his tab and took a casual stroll. It helped work of the tension, and the guilt. He had a bad habit of putting women he liked through hell.

  When she pulled up, Taylor went with her as she parked and then walked her in.

  "What are we doing here?" she whispered.

  "I want you to do a Rape Kit," Taylor told her. Alice balked. "It's leverage. You don't say who raped you. You tell them you have to think about it before filing charges. You get the detectives' cards, and I'll take you home."

  "I can't charge him with rape," Alice cringed.

  "He doesn't have to know that. Alice, rapists get twenty years in prison; employees who embezzle, but end up taking no money have to find a new job. When faced with those facts, what do you think he's going to do?" Alice looked stunned. "I have him on tape raping you. I am about to have physical evidence he's raped you as well. I also have one other gift to put the nail in the coffin."

  "What is that?"

  "I'm going to stomp on his pride," Taylor nodded grimly.

  (Monday morning)

  It was early in the morning and Alice was at her desk. She was trying to keep the fear off her face.

  "What do we do now?" Alice grinned wildly with relief.

  "You call those detectives investigating your rape right now. Breaking some laws, Mike can be home in twenty-two minutes."

  "I've arranged for the cops to respond well before then. You tell them you have confronted your rapist and he's on his way home to attack his wife. They will be inside when he arrives and I think we can rely on him to go ballistic," Taylor speculated. "They will put him in jail for assaulting a police officer."

  "You seem very confident," Alice commented.

  "I do this for a living," Taylor responded dryly.

  "Will Mrs. Durbin be okay?" Alice questioned.

  "Yes," Taylor sighed, "since the police are already in Lisa Durbin's house expecting your call. As I told you, I do this for a living. I never hurt people more than I need to. As for Mike Durbin, the man is going to go to jail because he is a sadistic, arrogant bastard and his wife has dared to stand up to him and sleep with another man."

  "Mrs. Durbin has already decided to contact an excellent divorce lawyer, who will soon be armed with your tape. This will force Mike into a very unfavorable settlement then the tape will be destroyed. When he gets out of prison for the assault, I will be there with a plane ticket to somewhere far away and plus a few thousand dollars. If he doesn't accept, he goes to the hospital. He will of course lose his job here with no trace that could lead back to you."

  "All we have to do now is burn all the
evidence that you embezzled. You'll be free."

  "Is the jail time and divorce going to cost me extra?" She grinned.

  "No, but you could help Mrs. Durbin with some of her bills from time to time. Her husband dug quite a big hole," Taylor told her.

  "I'm not made of money," she groaned.

  "Do what you can. It is all any of us can do. She's helping you bury Mike, and that's should count for something."

  "Is this really finally over?" she said with a shake of her head. She couldn't quite believe it.

  "It should be," Taylor responded. He went to her desk and pulled off a sticky note. He scrawled down something. "This is my number. My name is Taylor Eden. If Mike somehow ever bothers you again, give me a call. I'll take care of it."

  "What will that cost?" Alice asked.

  "Nothing; return service is free of charge," he grinned.

  "What happens if he does come back?"

  "You don't need to know, but I've never had to deal with someone a third time. Let's leave it at that," he assured her.

  "Am I ever going to see you again?" she inquired.

  "No. Seriously, do you find me at all attractive?" Taylor chuckled. Alice was kind enough to hesitate.


  "Am I in anyway a man you would be interested in?" he continued.

  "Sorry, but no."

  "Good for you and thank you for your honesty. If you will take this piece of advice, go out socially a bit more. Find someone nice. You don't want to be on the board of directors of this firm at forty-five and realize you are alone. You are a nice person; tough and smart. Any guy would be lucky to be with you. Try to trust enough to let someone in."

  "You are not what I expected," she confessed.

  "I get that a lot," he laughed. "Bye now."

  "Wait. Tell me who hired you, please," Alice pleaded. She couldn't stand not knowing.

  "Someone higher up in this firm has been watching your progress. They decided you had made a desperate mistake and deserved a second chance. You are an asset to the firm, so my boss was hired to help you out. I don't have permission to tell you the name of the person who hired him, but I can tell you they've gone through great expense."

  "Thank you," Alice told him. Taylor nodded, turned and left quietly.


  Alice Delacroix sat at the table at the restaurant playing with her lunch. She didn't have much of an appetite and she didn't want to be out of the office with the new account proposals due in two days. Unfortunately when the largest stockholder in the company asked a few of the mid-level managers out to eat, you went out to eat. Finally the ordeal was over; the Gray Lady took the check and paid for the overly expensive unsatisfying meal.

  "A moment, Ms. Delacroix," the woman requested in a way that clearly wasn't a request.

  "Ma'am," Alice gulped. Had something gone wrong? Was she about to watch her career go down the toilet?

  "Please sit for a moment. I would like to show you a token of gratitude for being our number One manager four quarters running. I don't run the company, but I do like to stay on top of things." She slid a ring box over to Alice. Alice opened it and examined the contents.

  "I ... don't understand," Alice said quietly looking down at the zip drive.

  "It is the final copy of your indiscretion, but I think you already knew that," the Gray Lady smiled predatorily.

  "It was you ... I was being rhetorical; I apologize. What I should be asking is why? Why did you do it? How did you it?"

  "You are a corporate asset Ms. Delacroix. As you will discover I defend my corporation very zealously. As to the 'how'; let us just say that a good dog is hard to find."

  "You must have gone through some expense and I'm only a mid-level manager," Alice responded.

  "Seriously Ms. Delacroix, I know you smarter than that," the older woman smirked. Alice stopped being scared and started thinking corporate.

  "How long have you been watching me?"

  "Since your second internship," was the reply.

  "Oh, so you are responsible for my rapid promotions," Alice concluded.

  "Which you deserved," the other woman pointed out.

  "To what end?"

  "One day I want you to run my company, Ms. Delacroix. I don't want the company my late husband I built to become mediocre. I want it to remain in the top of its field."

  "I can do that," Alice agreed. The Gray Lady nodded with pleasure now that Alice had caught up. "One thing I would like to know; who did this? It is something I would like to know." The Gray Lady studied her.

  "Why? You aren't infatuated with that trollish little man, are you?"

  "Oh no," Alice chuckled, "I already have his number -- for business purposes he insists. I want to know who has his leash. As you said, a good dog is hard to find."

  The End.

  Prof Davis Gets There Early

  I pulled my truck around behind the Junior College where I teach and parked next to the cheer/dance room.

  I teach Sophomore History at High County Junior College in Texas. I enjoy being a part of the life of the school. During football season, I meet up with a couple of the young men and we transport our Cougar mascot statue to the football games. The guys met me earlier and we put the mascot into the box trailer. The guys would meet me at the stadium later.

  At last week's game, the cheer coach had asked me to help her by hauling equipment for the squad. We would both be going to the same location, so I agreed. I had no idea of all of the fringe benefits that would arise from this cooperation.

  I took a last sip of my Dr Pepper and stepped out into the humidity that we face in coastal Texas during the early part of football season. I knocked on the cheer room door and waited for someone to open it.

  "Who is it?" I heard a female voice ask from behind the door.

  "It's Mr. Davis," I responded.

  "Man coming in!" I heard the voice scream out.

  I shook my head as the door opened and I walked in. The adjustment from the bright sunlight to the dark and air-conditioned room took a few seconds. As my eyes adjusted, I couldn't believe the sight I saw.

  Spankies, sports bras, and ponytails. Cleavage, from both breasts and butts were on display for all to see. Well, for all of the girls it was no big deal. I was a man in the room though. However, I'm learning that cheerleaders have no shame. Wait, let me correct that. Cheerleaders, gymnasts, dancers, volleyball players, etc, have no shame. The uniforms just don't allow for it.

  Grab a young woman in a short tight skirt from the crowd in a football stadium and have her pull her foot above her head and it would be both sexy and obscene. Put the same girl in a cheer uniform and she'll hold that pose for minutes without a problem.

  Had I walked into a dressing room at a clothing store, I would have been met by screams from women wearing the exact same items, but in this case I was met by smiles and warm greetings.

  Coach Kacey walked up to me and said, "Oh great! You made it. Thanks for coming early." She was wearing her usual outfit, which just barely separated her from her squad. Soffee shorts with "Coach" across the rear and her cheer coach t-shirt.

  "Sure. No prob," I replied. "What's up?"

  "You've got the trailer, right?" she asked.

  "Yep," I replied. "Bob's all loaded and ready to go." Bob is the Cougar mascot's name. I don't know why.

  "Kyla should have told you," she said with a smile. "I need something big slid in. Follow me."

  In that outfit, I'd follow her anywhere. She headed toward the hall door but turned to the girls and said, "You've got fifteen minutes. Be ready to load up and go."

  I followed her out the door into the hall. She turned left and walked about fifteen feet to a storage room door. She took her keys and opened the door and walked in. I followed her into the dark room.

  "Get the lights," she said as she walked inside. The door was already closing as I fumbled for the light switch on the wall. I turned it on and appraised the situation. It was a typical storage r
oom for a school. A few broken desks and old filing cabinets stacked against and on top of each other. There were some folding tables, and office furniture which included a desk chair and a small sofa that had seen better days.

  Kacey pointed to one of the 8 foot folding tables. "We need one of these loaded on the trailer, please." She said.

  "No problem, " I replied. I walked over to it. It had some weight, but I slid it on the floor toward the door.

  "Wait," Kacey said quickly before I could open the door. "We have about ten minutes."

  There was more to that statement than just a warning about how much time we had.

  She walked up to me and put her hands on my chest and looked up at me. "I've been thinking about last week all week long," she whispered. "I don't think I can wait until after the game."

  "Can't wait, huh?" I teased her.

  Her hands slid down my chest until they reached my shorts and my thickening cock. "I need this," she whispered huskily. "Can I have it?"

  "I don't know," I teased her again. "Have you been a good girl?"

  She fumbled with my belt and zipper until she could pull my cock from my shorts. She wrapped her soft warm hand around it and looked up to me. "I'm never a good girl." She then took my cock deep into her mouth. No teasing tongue. No kisses. She took it deep.

  "Damnnnn," I mumbled as I stumbled a bit. I caught my balance and enjoyed the sensations of Kacey sucking my cock. She knew exactly what she was doing. As I watched my cock going in and out of her soft pink lips, she would occasionally look up to me. I can think of few things more erotic than that.

  I could have stood there forever. I could have cared less about the football game. I was in bliss.

  Kacey, needed more however. She slid my cock from her mouth, and milked it a few times with her hands, then she stood up.

  "Fuck me." She said in a demanding voice. "I need that big thing inside of me." She looked around quickly and her eyes settled on the small sofa. "There." She pointed.


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